Great Person Mod for Warlords (updated)

Why on earth did they change this? Wouldn't everyone prefer it in order?
I don't know anything about python or the DLL but you could possibly just copy the segment from the original DLL... but no way that's too easy :( I expect it's much more complex than that.

Anyway, Gaurav, would you consider overriding it in python or changing the DLL? If not I could consider trying to learn C++ or python but I don't know if I'll have the skills :blush:

Sorry I took a while, I wanted to properly research my answer.

May I suggest that you request this to Mexico in the Unique Great Person SDK Component thread? I recommend that you request an XML global define switch between ordered and random.

A python solution will be much more difficult, and the only advantages would be that your mod component could be made savegame compatible and no dll for further merging. And it probably will require that you completely rewrite your XML. Do you think it would be worth it?
Sorry I took a while, I wanted to properly research my answer.

May I suggest that you request this to Mexico in the Unique Great Person SDK Component thread? I recommend that you request an XML global define switch between ordered and random.

Thanks! I would say that this fits in with Total Realism too (unless he's already fixed it for Warlords?), so hopefully he'll consider it.

A python solution will be much more difficult, and the only advantages would be that your mod component could be made savegame compatible and no dll for further merging. And it probably will require that you completely rewrite your XML. Do you think it would be worth it?

The only dll I use atm is the 24 civ one, which isn't *really* necessary, so I would go with the other method if it's easier.
I corrected the typos that LunarMongoose reported in the two .dds files (thanks LM!).
You're welcome. Nice work on the editing. How did you find the right font?

I stopped after reading the first 50 or so before actually. But since my last effort went over well and we have an editor now (woot!), here's a few more ;):

Donald Trump: "your" should be "you're".
Isaac Newton: name misspelled "Issac" in bold at the top.
Ramakrishna: "So serve mas as God" should be "man".

Less significant things:

Charles Darwin: "survives,nor" could use a space after the comma.
Claude Monet: could use a closing quote.
Felix Hoffman: You could probably get away with just tacking a second " on the end, but technically what you're supposed to do with embedded quotes is " for the outer pair and ' for all internal ones, and close with '" (a single and double back-to-back). See Ibn Battuta for an example.
Francis Bacon: closing ' should be a ".
Frank Frazetta: extra space between the last word and the closing quote.
Sargon: could use a closing quote.
Tsongkhapa: fine as-is, but could use quotes at the beginning and end for consistency with everything else.
Werner Heisenberg: ditto Tsongkhapa.
Xi Ling Shi: "orgins" should probably be "origins". This appears in Sir Alexander Mackenzie as well, but there it is part of the quote and thus can probably be assumed to be correct (they did used to slur things like that, and may still in poetry, o'er the horizon and such).

Really pathetically trivial things you can almost certainly ignore b/c they're fine as-is:

Rembrandt and some others use a dash with a space only on one side.
The newer graphics of ppl with initials in their names don't have periods like the older ones ("JP Morgan" vs "J.S. Bach" for example).
The newer graphics of ppl who are saints spell out "Saint" whereas the older ones abbreviate "St.".

Other observations:

Nice quote on Mr. Braille.

Huge kudos for including Dr. Emmett Brown, the only fictional person I noticed in the list -- that was awesome. :)

Neat that Lopez Sevo and RabbitWhite are in there, but slightly slippery slope in terms of not necessarily including everyone that deserves it. Hrm, I may have to make scrolls for Chalid and Blake when I get a chance. ;)

It does seem a little weird having two different images for a single Great Person. According to Wikipedia, "Joan" and "Jeanne" are the same person. But I guess she did make history both as a prophet and as a general...
Bah, guess I was right the first time. Serves me right for not bothering to check Wikipedia on it.
You're welcome. Nice work on the editing. How did you find the right font?

I stopped after reading the first 50 or so before actually. But since my last effort went over well and we have an editor now (woot!), here's a few more ;):

Donald Trump: "your" should be "you're".
Isaac Newton: name misspelled "Issac" in bold at the top.
Ramakrishna: "So serve mas as God" should be "man".

Less significant things:

Charles Darwin: "survives,nor" could use a space after the comma.
Claude Monet: could use a closing quote.
Felix Hoffman: You could probably get away with just tacking a second " on the end, but technically what you're supposed to do with embedded quotes is " for the outer pair and ' for all internal ones, and close with '" (a single and double back-to-back). See Ibn Battuta for an example.
Francis Bacon: closing ' should be a ".
Frank Frazetta: extra space between the last word and the closing quote.
Sargon: could use a closing quote.
Tsongkhapa: fine as-is, but could use quotes at the beginning and end for consistency with everything else.
Werner Heisenberg: ditto Tsongkhapa.
Xi Ling Shi: "orgins" should probably be "origins". This appears in Sir Alexander Mackenzie as well, but there it is part of the quote and thus can probably be assumed to be correct (they did used to slur things like that, and may still in poetry, o'er the horizon and such).

Really pathetically trivial things you can almost certainly ignore b/c they're fine as-is:

Rembrandt and some others use a dash with a space only on one side.
The newer graphics of ppl with initials in their names don't have periods like the older ones ("JP Morgan" vs "J.S. Bach" for example).
The newer graphics of ppl who are saints spell out "Saint" whereas the older ones abbreviate "St.".

Other observations:

Nice quote on Mr. Braille.

Huge kudos for including Dr. Emmett Brown, the only fictional person I noticed in the list -- that was awesome. :)

Neat that Lopez Sevo and RabbitWhite are in there, but slightly slippery slope in terms of not necessarily including everyone that deserves it. Hrm, I may have to make scrolls for Chalid and Blake when I get a chance. ;)

Bah, guess I was right the first time. Serves me right for not bothering to check Wikipedia on it.
Hey Gaurav. Blame me for some of these items such as the no periods in some of the initials (It's a bad habit I've had for a long time :rolleyes:) and for only including Sevo, TheLopez, & White Rabbit. I used a lot of their work in my modpack and wanted to pay tribute. I didn't include a lot of other forum members just because that could go on forever & then where do you draw the line. I certainly did not mean to slight anybody.

As far as some of the spelling mistakes & formatting errors go, a few are mine (via copying & pasting from the internet and not checking carefully) and a few are probably from earlier versions by Patricius. Sorry if a few items slipped through the cracks, but it took a LOT of time to find the names, quotes & artwork then put it all together in PSP and I guess I just wanted to finish it up for my modpack at the time. :D
I don't think anyone will want to blame you for anything Amra, it's a great mod and we all appreciate the work you put into it (I know I certainly do :)). And of course you didn't mean to slight anybody... I even threw "slightly" in there to de-emphasize the slope point. :) I'm just trying to help, since I'm good at catching this stuff. Rest assured my above list is comprehensive and exhaustive (ie there's really not that much to quibble about), and that I'm happily using the mod regardless. :)
I don't think anyone will want to blame you for anything Amra, it's a great mod and we all appreciate the work you put into it (I know I certainly do :)). And of course you didn't mean to slight anybody... I even threw "slightly" in there to de-emphasize the slope point. :) I'm just trying to help, since I'm good at catching this stuff. Rest assured my above list is comprehensive and exhaustive (ie there's really not that much to quibble about), and that I'm happily using the mod regardless. :)
LunarMongoose, No offense taken. :D I'm glad that Gaurav took over this mod, it has always been one of my favorites and he has done a terrific job updating the python (not my strong suit), especially since we don't have to run the .bat file anymore.

PS: I'm happy that someone enjoyed the Dr Emmit Brown GP that I slipped in there.
Donald Trump: "your" should be "you're".
Isaac Newton: name misspelled "Issac" in bold at the top.
Ramakrishna: "So serve mas as God" should be "man".

Less significant things:

Charles Darwin: "survives,nor" could use a space after the comma.
Claude Monet: could use a closing quote.
Felix Hoffman: You could probably get away with just tacking a second " on the end, but technically what you're supposed to do with embedded quotes is " for the outer pair and ' for all internal ones, and close with '" (a single and double back-to-back). See Ibn Battuta for an example.
Francis Bacon: closing ' should be a ".
Frank Frazetta: extra space between the last word and the closing quote.
Sargon: could use a closing quote.
Tsongkhapa: fine as-is, but could use quotes at the beginning and end for consistency with everything else.
Werner Heisenberg: ditto Tsongkhapa.
Xi Ling Shi: "orgins" should probably be "origins". This appears in Sir Alexander Mackenzie as well, but there it is part of the quote and thus can probably be assumed to be correct (they did used to slur things like that, and may still in poetry, o'er the horizon and such).

Really pathetically trivial things you can almost certainly ignore b/c they're fine as-is:

Rembrandt and some others use a dash with a space only on one side.
The newer graphics of ppl with initials in their names don't have periods like the older ones ("JP Morgan" vs "J.S. Bach" for example).
The newer graphics of ppl who are saints spell out "Saint" whereas the older ones abbreviate "St.".

Very impressive, LM. I would never have noticed these things. You should look into a career in QA.

Now I need to find a volunteer to fix them. :lol:

Edit: Updated known issues in post 3.
You're welcome. Nice work on the editing. How did you find the right font?

I didn't... I just copied & pasted pixels Actually it was pretty easy using GIMP, since I've done similar stuff before.

Ransom notes, you say? What ransom notes? :mischief:

here's a few more ;):

Awesome! I'm a grammar buff, so I'll enjoy fixing what you found. The only catch is I'm pretty busy til the end of the month, but I'll sneak it in when I can.

I think I'm always too busy spazzing about what I'm going to do with each Great Person to read it as carefully as you (and I haven't taken the time to go through them outside the game). :)

I recently noticed another glitch too: The Tipu Sultan image says "Great Merchant", but the registered type is "Great Prophet"). Wikipedia seems to say "Prophet" (or perhaps "General").

Nice quote on Mr. Braille.

Yeah, that one had me totally cracking up!

Now I need to find a volunteer to fix them. :lol:

:wavey:. Although as I mentioned, I'm pretty busy until the end of the month... but I'll get to it as soon as I can, if nobody beats me to it.
Just stumbled onto this one in-game: Tipu Sultan is a Great Prophet in the XML, but his picture says Great Merchant under his name. Not sure which is actually more accurate for him.
You know this mod would be a lot smaller Download package if the portrait part of the pop up was pasted on the the 'background' part at run-time. That would also allow for greater and more flexible background styles such as I've seen some people experiment with, a background for each era would be very nice. The text should also be run-time and come from plain XML text files for easier maintenance.
Impaler[WrG];5192451 said:
You know this mod would be a lot smaller Download package if the portrait part of the pop up was pasted on the the 'background' part at run-time. That would also allow for greater and more flexible background styles such as I've seen some people experiment with, a background for each era would be very nice. The text should also be run-time and come from plain XML text files for easier maintenance.

I am aware of this, however I am not prepared to do all of the conversion to make this happen on my own. If you would like to work on it, feel free. :)
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