Decided to give the infiltration strategy a try. This is a blueprint for an asskicking:
Emperor - Standard size - Big and Small map with low sea levels and massive continents (my computer can't handle large maps so I go for land-heavy smaller maps to compensate) - Normal speed - Napolean (Organized, Charismatic). AI options all default except I checked Aggressive AI because, well, I haven't played Agg AI in a long time and am playing a few games of it just for fun and early-warring challenges.
Start building worker. Teched to Fishing as I had 2 clams nearby and one rice. Popped Hunting. Popped Gold. No more huts popped as my warrior is too darn slow.. actually my border pop hit a hut for that Hunting... my warrior got just 1 hut in his spiral outwards, sigh. Built boat, teched to BW, another boat, warrior, chop/build settler. Chop/build Great Wall.
Found other civs. Closest neighbors are Shaka (northwest, near my 2nd city), China (north/northeast), Inca (east). I'm in a crappy southwest corner, except my rockin' capital. The capital has 2 clams rice, hills, copper, stone, and a lake tile, but there's nothing else nearby other than some tundra silver and corn, which I did eventually settle with my own settler just to block off China's superaggressive REXing into my face. My 2nd city I founded north of my city, way north, full of jungle, had one copper and a banana that I couldn't do anything with until I finally got Calendar. It'd be great for early-mid game but in hindsight I should have simply not founded a 2nd city AT ALL and just gone even harder axes.
Now the fun begins, as copper was both near my capital and near my 2nd city, and I hooked it up and started spamming axemen. About 8 in my first wave with 4 reinforcements.
By the way this was almost a SINGLE CITY rush as my 2nd city wasn't doing anything for a long time, and I didn't want to found many cities of my own early on, as I was about to take a colossal maintenance penalty for capturing all of Inca-land. 100% of my axemen army came from one production powerhouse capital which could crank out one per 2 turns. (Most of my swords, cats, and spears also came from my capital, too.)
8 axemen could either go after protective China (yeah right) or wonder-rival Inca who also had a Holy Buddhist city. Inca falls quickly under the onslaught, and I keep going east and poach 2 workers and 1 more city, this time from Carthage. Peace. I researched Myst in the meantime so my crappy 2nd city could at least build a monument for culture and Charismatic's +1 happy bonus.
Now, the war wasn't that long and in the middle someone traded me Iron Working for my Alphabet. Crappy trade but I wanted IW badly because I knew from the swordsmen that Inca had in their last-stand city that they had access to iron in one of their mines somewhere.
After my reinforcement axes, I built granary and library and then spammed several swords and then started building Pyramids in my capital (I was near stone ... Pyramids turned out to be mostly useless as I didn't have many specialists, though the Representation +happy was nice... anyway I think maybe I should have used all those hammers on more swordsman rather than the Pyramids, but oh well).
Super spy pops thanks to Great Wall. Infiltrate China which I am sure as hell not going to fight for a long time, not with the Protective crap and not when Shaka to the west is looking weak.
Went pottery to cottagespam my new conquests, then writing and alphabet. Extorted Poly from Hannibal, then made some tech trades.
Declare on Shaka once enough swords gather in my 2nd city which is still awful (max pop is 2 since I still had not cleared much jungle). But, it's at least useful as an observation outpost. He's mostly dead as I made just enough spearmen to counter his chariots (one of whom was parked in a city near my 2nd city so I knew he had horses) and my swords cut up his archers.
I will sue for peace once I get most of the cities I want. It's a game of chase-the-moving-capital as I try to fight only 20% culture and not 40% or higher.. there is one city with walls that my cats will have to take.
I beelined to Aesth/Literature. Start on Great Library. I also trade for Priesthood with someone. Next I tech towards CoL for courthouses.
All during this time I am stealing various tech (after stationary spy bonus) from China, and putting all 4 espionage points per turn from my palace against China. Nicked math, calendar, metal casting, and construction so far, traded for some other stuff to fill out my tech tree.
Also my big army got one civ to cede a tech to my demand, and 2 other civs declared on China as I was farther away, had no religious differences, and about equal to China's power rating.
I think I know how the rest of this game will pan out. I'll rest and recover, laughing as my 3 remaining rivals kill each other as I whip half-price courthouses (too bad I wasn't playing as Charlie or Shaka or something) and forge up, eventually going after someone with stacks of siege and heavily promoted melee courtesy of Charismatic. I'm also building Gr Lib and Maus while teching to Music's free golden age.. without marble though, there seems to be no marble anywhere that I can see.
The key is to rush like crazy before longbowmen show up, and eating upkeep until courthouses save you, while not losing the tech lead because your spy is scoring big thefts after big thefts.
Great synergy as you gain great general points, lots of land, maybe a holy city or two, and a decent enough power rating that others don't go after you, but someone else, all while the usual outcome (lagging in the tech race) is averted by spying and extortion. And you lose few hammers and food points to settlers and workers since you'll be capturing most of them via cities and rivals' workers.
In short, infiltrate is borderline broken. Math, calendar, metal casting, construction... that's how many beakers??? And it's not like a Gr Scientist which can only pop one tech at a time, you can infiltrate, build one spy, and nick several techs for the price of one super spy--all while teching to other stuff that you know the AI doesn't prioritize so much.
Now, a word of caution: Infiltrate will not let you actually gain a big tech lead like GS's can, but it gets you close, and if you have enough land and beakers you can outrush someone to Edu and Liberalism by early-mid game.
Emperor - Standard size - Big and Small map with low sea levels and massive continents (my computer can't handle large maps so I go for land-heavy smaller maps to compensate) - Normal speed - Napolean (Organized, Charismatic). AI options all default except I checked Aggressive AI because, well, I haven't played Agg AI in a long time and am playing a few games of it just for fun and early-warring challenges.
Start building worker. Teched to Fishing as I had 2 clams nearby and one rice. Popped Hunting. Popped Gold. No more huts popped as my warrior is too darn slow.. actually my border pop hit a hut for that Hunting... my warrior got just 1 hut in his spiral outwards, sigh. Built boat, teched to BW, another boat, warrior, chop/build settler. Chop/build Great Wall.
Found other civs. Closest neighbors are Shaka (northwest, near my 2nd city), China (north/northeast), Inca (east). I'm in a crappy southwest corner, except my rockin' capital. The capital has 2 clams rice, hills, copper, stone, and a lake tile, but there's nothing else nearby other than some tundra silver and corn, which I did eventually settle with my own settler just to block off China's superaggressive REXing into my face. My 2nd city I founded north of my city, way north, full of jungle, had one copper and a banana that I couldn't do anything with until I finally got Calendar. It'd be great for early-mid game but in hindsight I should have simply not founded a 2nd city AT ALL and just gone even harder axes.
Now the fun begins, as copper was both near my capital and near my 2nd city, and I hooked it up and started spamming axemen. About 8 in my first wave with 4 reinforcements.
By the way this was almost a SINGLE CITY rush as my 2nd city wasn't doing anything for a long time, and I didn't want to found many cities of my own early on, as I was about to take a colossal maintenance penalty for capturing all of Inca-land. 100% of my axemen army came from one production powerhouse capital which could crank out one per 2 turns. (Most of my swords, cats, and spears also came from my capital, too.)
8 axemen could either go after protective China (yeah right) or wonder-rival Inca who also had a Holy Buddhist city. Inca falls quickly under the onslaught, and I keep going east and poach 2 workers and 1 more city, this time from Carthage. Peace. I researched Myst in the meantime so my crappy 2nd city could at least build a monument for culture and Charismatic's +1 happy bonus.
Now, the war wasn't that long and in the middle someone traded me Iron Working for my Alphabet. Crappy trade but I wanted IW badly because I knew from the swordsmen that Inca had in their last-stand city that they had access to iron in one of their mines somewhere.
After my reinforcement axes, I built granary and library and then spammed several swords and then started building Pyramids in my capital (I was near stone ... Pyramids turned out to be mostly useless as I didn't have many specialists, though the Representation +happy was nice... anyway I think maybe I should have used all those hammers on more swordsman rather than the Pyramids, but oh well).
Super spy pops thanks to Great Wall. Infiltrate China which I am sure as hell not going to fight for a long time, not with the Protective crap and not when Shaka to the west is looking weak.
Went pottery to cottagespam my new conquests, then writing and alphabet. Extorted Poly from Hannibal, then made some tech trades.
Declare on Shaka once enough swords gather in my 2nd city which is still awful (max pop is 2 since I still had not cleared much jungle). But, it's at least useful as an observation outpost. He's mostly dead as I made just enough spearmen to counter his chariots (one of whom was parked in a city near my 2nd city so I knew he had horses) and my swords cut up his archers.
I will sue for peace once I get most of the cities I want. It's a game of chase-the-moving-capital as I try to fight only 20% culture and not 40% or higher.. there is one city with walls that my cats will have to take.
I beelined to Aesth/Literature. Start on Great Library. I also trade for Priesthood with someone. Next I tech towards CoL for courthouses.
All during this time I am stealing various tech (after stationary spy bonus) from China, and putting all 4 espionage points per turn from my palace against China. Nicked math, calendar, metal casting, and construction so far, traded for some other stuff to fill out my tech tree.
Also my big army got one civ to cede a tech to my demand, and 2 other civs declared on China as I was farther away, had no religious differences, and about equal to China's power rating.
I think I know how the rest of this game will pan out. I'll rest and recover, laughing as my 3 remaining rivals kill each other as I whip half-price courthouses (too bad I wasn't playing as Charlie or Shaka or something) and forge up, eventually going after someone with stacks of siege and heavily promoted melee courtesy of Charismatic. I'm also building Gr Lib and Maus while teching to Music's free golden age.. without marble though, there seems to be no marble anywhere that I can see.
The key is to rush like crazy before longbowmen show up, and eating upkeep until courthouses save you, while not losing the tech lead because your spy is scoring big thefts after big thefts.
Great synergy as you gain great general points, lots of land, maybe a holy city or two, and a decent enough power rating that others don't go after you, but someone else, all while the usual outcome (lagging in the tech race) is averted by spying and extortion. And you lose few hammers and food points to settlers and workers since you'll be capturing most of them via cities and rivals' workers.
In short, infiltrate is borderline broken. Math, calendar, metal casting, construction... that's how many beakers??? And it's not like a Gr Scientist which can only pop one tech at a time, you can infiltrate, build one spy, and nick several techs for the price of one super spy--all while teching to other stuff that you know the AI doesn't prioritize so much.
Now, a word of caution: Infiltrate will not let you actually gain a big tech lead like GS's can, but it gets you close, and if you have enough land and beakers you can outrush someone to Edu and Liberalism by early-mid game.