How are we going to close this out.
Well, we research Democracy (hopefully get a trade for Banking). Swap civics (more on that later). Dial both sliders to zero and buy us some culture.
Lets see how it goes.
Start out with the same rancid luck on missionaries I had last set.
We research Democracy. Can't trade for Banking and that is two turns so I want to research it as well. Got five turns left on my GA so is all right.
As suspected, I research 1 turn of Banking and all 3 will trade me. Stuff you all I say.
OK civics changes.
Universal Sufferage to buy culture. Emancipation to grow cottages quicker. Mercantilism for a free artist, Pacifism for greater production of GAs.
Research is dialled to 0%, as is culture. Let's buy up big.
400 gold per turn isn't too shabby
GA number 6 pop.
What an event to get
Tiwanaku (2nd city) completes all culture buildings.
Kyoto (3rd city) completes all cultural buildings.
GA number 7 pop.
Cuzco (1st city) completes all cultural buildings.
Culture dialled up to 100%. All non-big 3 cities put on building wealth and emply merchants. Big 3 cities producing culture (exept capital is building Statue of Liberty) and employing artists. I can survive to the end on 100% culture with this.
I take a turn to switch back to Caste System as well.
After MMing on turn 213 I have the following for the big 3.
Cuzco, 14627 culture, 878/turn, GA due in 7 turns [41 turns to legendary]
Tiwanaku, 9442 culture, 929/turn [43 turns to legendary]
Kyoto, 6192 culture, 483/turn, [91 turns to legendary]
So cities 1 and 2 are well matched. 3 needs some bombing. I immediately send 2 GAs that way for the first bombing of the game.
Still doesn't even up too much, so send another 2 over for bombing.
Pop another GA. Send him to Kyoto.
After bombing the turns left reduce to 32, 35, 41.
Hannibal is Annoyed, has enough on his hands and has Astronomy. I'm last in power by a mile. I wonder who he's coming after
I then extend the middle finger Hannibal's way.
Another GA pops in 1600AD.
OK, the culture situation.
Cuzco, 29698 culture, 854/turn, GA due in 13 turns [24 turns to legendary]
Tiwanaku, 25594 culture, 985/turn, GA due in 17 turns [25 turns to legendary]
Kyoto, 34600 culture, 519/turn, [30 turns to legendary]
So another two bombs of Kyoto and a bomb of everywhere else should see us withing sniffing distance of home.
BTW, Hannibal no longer has enough on his hands.
First flip of the game.
I take it, check to see how quickly I could get a GA if I stack the city (23 turns by which time the game will be over) so I give it back to Roosevelt. I actually get 2 free longbows out of it.
Time for one more wonder.
In the wash up of this extra free artist I now have the following.
Cuzco, 32260 culture, 959/turn, GA due in 6 turns [19 turns to legendary]
Tiwanaku, 28549 culture, 1012/turn, GA due in 11 turns [22 turns to legendary]
Kyoto, 36157 culture, 540/turn, [26 turns to legendary]
I start to starve all my cities to get them legendary quicker and pop out 2 more GAs quickly.
I bomb some more artists.
I mistime my bombing by 1 turn
but achieve victory in 1685AD
Here are three legendry cities. I had Tiwanaku earmarked straight away as a 1000/turn possibility so glad to see that pan out. Cuzco was starved a bit to get the last GA out.
By far my earliest cultural win, so I'm happy about that. Still could have managed the end game better and shaved a few turns off. I certainly enjoyed it more than other culture games. The few dys off between turns helps immensely I find.