Proper Installation


Oct 4, 2007
Location! Location!
All the following is for Fall from Heaven 2.032. As of 2.033 Kael has begun to use a smarter install program which should not have any issues. If it does have issues, the proper procedure will likely be rather different than that listed below. In addition, the file is hosted on ModDB now, and not Gameflood.

Should this guide continue to be needed after 2.033, this post will be changed to be a guide for the new setup. Otherwise I leave it as-is incase someone should want to play 2.032 for some insane reason and be having issues with it.

There are 2 sections to this guide. This first post is for those who have not yet installed FfH. Post #2 is for those who attempted to install the mod, but are now unable to play.

Installing Fall from Heaven

Requirements: Minimum & Reccomended Specs are unchanged from Civ IV : BtS
Civilization IV
Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword, Patch 1.17
Note: Warlord's Expansion is not required. However, if you Uninstall Warlords, you must do it BEFORE you install BtS, otherwise you will cause both FfH and BtS to be unplayable due to missing files.
Latest version of FfH (2.032 as of last edit of this post)
Latest Patch for FfH (H as of last edit of this post)

Media pack is not required for gameplay, but provides extended movies for Wonder Creation and Religion Discovery.
The latest version can be found in the main forums in a stickied post Called the "Bug Thread"

Downloading from GameFlood:
First off, some browsers do not work with Gamflood for downloading without thier special download manager. Opera & IE 6 are known not to work, while Mozilla Firefox and IE 7 are known TO work.

If you have issues with the downloads, please PM GF_Nate on the Gameflood site, or GFGuy here on the forums for direct assistance. Or post here.

For the Mod Files:
GFGuy said:
Greetings, all.

Just wanted to pop in here and address some of the things brought up in your posts. First, I have a quick list of steps I send out that fixes any download problems 99% of the time:

1. Go to
2. Click on "Download content without installing the Download Manager"
3. Go Here:
4. Click the"Download" button
5. Wait for the download to complete, then enjoy!

Second, we are reviewing this process. I'll let you know details when I can.

Last, I am always willing to help out. If you PM me either here or via the GameFlood site, I'll do everything I can to make sure your problems are solved.


For the Media Files:
Just click on Download and save the file to disk, Remember to be careful to install to the right location in the next section of this guide!

Installation Procedure:
  1. Locate the directory that Civ IV: BtS is installed in. (Typically C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword. If elsewhere, I advise you re-install CivIV & BtS in this location, but it is not required)
    A quick way to locate the installation location is to right-click on the shortcut for BtS, Select Properties, then click the Find Target button. (or Open File Location button if you use Vista)
    NOTE: All files will be installed to the folder at this location titled MODS. (Typically C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2 032.)
    • If you used Steam to acquire BtS, you will have to install the Mod in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2 032
  2. Install the latest version of FfH's main file (identified by numbers only. i.e: FfH 2.032)
  3. Install the latest patch for FfH (identified by a letter only. i.e: patch f)
  4. Optional: Install the media pack

Setting up the Shortcut:
In the folder that FfH installed to (i.e: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2 032), there is a shortcut with a demon face called Fall from Heaven.

If the location of your BtS folder is that listed in step 1 above, just copy this file to your desktop (or preferred location).

If your install location is different, you must edit the shortcut.
  1. Right-click on the shortcut
  2. Select Properties
  3. In the line for Target, change: "C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod=\Fall from Heaven 2 032 to have the correct location of your BtS instill, which should only require modification of the parts in Red. Be very careful that the quote marks are left in the proper location.
    • If you are using Steam you will have to use this guide to set up your shortcut.

FfH should now be ready to play!
(Launch via shortcut you just set up, or from in BtS, "Advanced --> Load a Mod" menu. Not from "Single Player --> Play a Scenario," where you launched AoI from)

If you are having problems downloading from Gameflood, 032 has also been hosted on Filefront, and uploaded as a Torrent
If you are uncertain of the validity of your source file, the MD5 Sum should be: e9c42ca4652dc4456df9ffdbcaf5b624
Troubleshooting Fall from Heaven

First, read the first post and ensure you did each step when you installed it. Typically it is an install location or proper patches issue.

You should not have to read the entire thread, I will change this post to include all solutions that come up as people encounter problems.

I am getting a GFC Error when I try to load the game, but I am certain I installed FfH!
Check your FfH Folder to ensure that you have within that a folder titled Assets and another titled Resource. If you do not have both then you only installed the patch for FfH, and not the main file.

Game Loads, but crashes when turn 1 should start!
Patch 3.17 for BtS has not been installed, or has been installed improperly. To ensure that you have the proper patch, download and install it here.

Game Loads, Movie Plays, but crashes as soon as it finishes the Movie!
Follow the instructions found in this thread to disable the starting movie

I use Vista, things aren't working!
You might need to disable the UAC, or install Direct-X 9.0 (10.0 doesn't work well with Civilization)

Instead of disabling UAC, you can go through manually and set the Security Privileges for general users to allow all actions. Right click on the files, select Properties, go to the Security Tab, and edit the access rights so that all users can save, modify & Delete the files
one problem worth mentioning is the no interface problem. frequently (though not always) it is caused by other mods being loaded on top of FfH from the CustomAssets directory. to avoid this, rename the CustomAssets directory (to avoid losing any desired files there) and a new blank one will automatically be created the next time the game is started.
When I play the mod, I can't start a new game. After I get it setup (Number of players, map, ect.), the game crashes. I'm using vista, if that has to do with anything.
xienwolf said:
Interesting. It shouldn't load anything from there unless you turn on Modular Loading, which by default is off for FfH.

i hadn't thought of that - at the very least, it was a problem prior to bts. it may not be any longer.
I know that this one has come up often before, so I'll dig around in the threads I think it was in. But I am reasonably certain that it was due to not having 3.13 patch for BtS installed. So can you check really quick to make certain you have BtS fully patched? I'll do a quick search through some threads to see where the direct answer is in case that doesn't solve it.

Edit: From the bug thread:

2. The mod loads okay, but when you go to start a game it crashes. You experience this error if you aren't running BtS patch 3.13.
I ran into the same problem setting up the mod yesterday. Updating to the latest version of the game allowed the mod to run properly.

Hope that helps.
For the Mod Files:
Once you are at the site to download the Mod, you must click on PLAY, then select Download via Browser and save the file to disk, Remember to be careful to install to the right location in the next section of this guide!

I do not notice any "Download via Browser" option. I am using Explorer, BTW, which was stated as a compatible Browser.
Changed the post to have the actual advice from GFGuy now, wasn't able to remember where his last write-up was. Did it help? If not let me know and I'll try to figure things out for you and add that in. Are you on IE 6 or 7?
If you have the "Download via browser" link under the Play menu, but every time you click on it it loops back to the main download page (it looks like it is doing something, but then nothing happens), then "Referer" field may not being transmitted to the web page.

If you suspect that this is the problem, you can visit this web page: and go down to the bottom of the page -- there is a link to check to see what Referer information is being sent. This page also includes a link to download a plugin for Firefox to enable this on a per link basis. As far as I know, IE always sends this information.


Some personal firewalls /also/ block this information. If this is the case in your setup, no amount of browser fiddling will fix the problem. For Norton Internet Security, you need to open the Internet Security configuration screen, click on "Privacy Control", click on "Configure", then click on "Advanced". You need to set the "Information about visited sites" value to "Permit". Alternatively, you could simply disable privacy control, download the file, then turn it back on.

Yes, I spent quite a bit of time figuring out what was going on, so hopefully this will save someone else some time.
Thanks a lot MasonR for your time on finding a way to break and then fix things :) I was thinking I ought to mention that cookies might need to be enabled for things to work, but this seems to go a bit further in depth, so I added it in a spoiler tag for anyone who may need it in the future.
Hello everyone!

I have now installed (successfully according to the setupwizard) FFH2030 on my computer and directed it to the modsfolder in BTS. I can't find it in the game menu, actually I can't find it at all!!

Very strange, hope someone can help me out :crazyeye:
Ok, so you already followed post 1, right? Where does the launch Shortcut for BtS point you? (step 1)

I pretty much have to know that one, and verify that you installed 2030 to that location to start with finding why it doesn't show up.

Also, do you mean it doesn't show up in the "Load a Mod" (Not the "Scenarios" Menu) menu in BtS, or you cannot find the directory you installed to on your computer?
thank you for helping! :)

Bts is installed in C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword
The Ffh 2030 main file in C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods,
but I can't find the FFH-folder there and it doesn't show up in the "Load a mod" menu either...
also installed latest patch.
Ok, I could be reading things a bit wrong about what you just wrote, but since everything looks right unless I translate it this way, I'll guess that it is the answer.

You should have a folder with this path:
C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Fall from Heaven 2 030

And inside that folder should be 2 folders (Assets & Resource), an Excel 2007 file (FfH Editor.xlsx), a shortcut (Fall from Heaven, has a demon face icon), a file for default settings (Fall from Heaven 2 030.ini), a PDF Manual (FfH_Manual.pdf), the icon file for the shortcut (icon.bmp), and a readme file (Readme.rtf).

So, if I am reading correctly, you instead have all of these installed in: C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods... I could be way off though. But if I am right, move those files/folders into a folder with the proper name and you should be set.
I've mentioned in the bug report thread before (when people had problems installing FFH), but it went unnoticed. I suggested setting up the installers to read from registry and choose a correct folder by default. With that, all those steps regarding where to put what will be unnecessary.

Which install shield is FFH using now? All the ones I've used can read registry.
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