Serbian Rifleman (Feb 08, 2008 )

Very nice. A WWI era "Chetnik". Sweet.
Cool unit, but Serbia was not in the Autrian empire at the Civ3 rifleman era ?
Cool unit, but Serbia was not in the Autrian empire at the Civ3 rifleman era ?

No, sir. Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia were part of Austria-Hungary, not Serbia. Remember Sarajevo, the casus belli for WWI? Serb nationalists assassinated the Austrian heir apparent, as they saw him as a threat to Serbia's efforts to unify all Balkan slavs under Serbian rule.

:clap: I love it :goodjob:

Thanks a bunch dude! ;)

No, sir. Bosnia, Croatia and Slovenia were part of Austria-Hungary, not Serbia. Remember Sarajevo, the casus belli for WWI? Serb nationalists assassinated the Austrian heir apparent, as they saw him as a threat to Serbia's efforts to unify all Balkan slavs under Serbian rule.

Sorry, but thats not true... why would Serbia kill a heir and cause Austrians to hit them hard and lost 50% of its population? thats just a propaganda or as I should say its a German version of WWI
Please see who was involved in that organization, there were Serbs, Muslims and Croats called "Mlada Bosna" (Jung Bosnia). And the reason for his assassination were two!

1st is that the heir was a conqueror and he openly stated for many times that Austria-Hungary should conquer Serbia! that was the reason Serbia helped them in it!

2nd is that Bosnia and Croatia wanted independence even if that means making a united country with Serbs! as they did in Corfu agreement. The reason they didn't want to live in Austria-Hungary was the reason that Germans where germanizing those lands and everything slavic was fading away, they just didn't want to loose their way of living.

The assassination was an excuse for conquering Serbia ;) don't forget that Austria-Hungary was an Empire, and empires always expand ;) like they "annexed" Bosnia from Turkey

If Serbia assassinated the heir why did the Entente helped the mean little Serbia instead of the big and innocent Austria-Hungary

Very nice. A WWI era "Chetnik". Sweet.

Chetniks were paramilitary troops, this is a regular kings army unit :)
Sorry, but thats not true... why would Serbia kill a heir and cause Austrians to hit them hard and lost 50% of its population? thats just a propaganda or as I should say its a German version of WWI
Please see who was involved in that organization, there were Serbs, Muslims and Croats called "Mlada Bosna" (Jung Bosnia). And the reason for his assassination were two!

1st is that the heir was a conqueror and he openly stated for many times that Austria-Hungary should conquer Serbia! that was the reason Serbia helped them in it!

2nd is that Bosnia and Croatia wanted independence even if that means making a united country with Serbs! as they did in Corfu agreement. The reason they didn't want to live in Austria-Hungary was the reason that Germans where germanizing those lands and everything slavic was fading away, they just didn't want to loose their way of living.

The assassination was an excuse for conquering Serbia ;) don't forget that Austria-Hungary was an Empire, and empires always expand ;) like they "annexed" Bosnia from Turkey

Well, there's always two sides to a coin.

Regarding Franz Ferdinand, to call him a conqueror is factually wrong. It is also wrong that Austria-Hungary tried to Germanify Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia.

With the exception of Bosnia, those lands had been a part of the empire since the early 1700s. Their slavic identity remained very much intact. If there was any infringement, it was on part of the Hungarians.
Franz Ferdinand wanted to reform Austria-Hungary from a Dual to a Triple Monarchy, giving all slavic people equal political rights. Had he succeeded, this would have thwarted Serbia's plans to unify the Balkans under their rule, as the Croats and Bosnians would not have had any desire to secede.
Gavrilo Princip's dirty deed made that impossible and instead made the entire continent boil up in a fury of war...
One man created so much tensions and forced everyone to war and he is a student? I don't think so... Franz Ferdinand was a mad man... there are reports from Belgian ambassador and Turkish too... they said "if this man comes to the throne, the was is inevitable!"

He had plans alright! to make Austria-Hungary bigger and more powerful! I repeat, why did the entente helped the mean old Serbs and attacked innocent Germans?
the WWII showed the Germans true faces...
One man created so much tensions and forced everyone to war and he is a student? I don't think so... Franz Ferdinand was a mad man... there are reports from Belgian ambassador and Turkish too... they said "if this man comes to the throne, the was is inevitable!"

He had plans alright! to make Austria-Hungary bigger and more powerful! I repeat, why did the entente helped the mean old Serbs and attacked innocent Germans?
the WWII showed the Germans true faces...

The reason why the entente sided with Serbia was, because Russia had an alliance with Serbia - the Russians viewed the Balkans as their sphere of influence and hence they supported pan-slavistic tendencies to oppose Austria-Hungary. The French and British had an alliance with Russia, the Germans had an alliance with Austria.

Serbia only had the guts to reject Austria's ultimatum to hand over the terrorists, because they knew Russia would back them, no matter what.

And so it began: Serbia rejects the ultimatum, Austria declares war on Serbia, Russia declares war on Austria, Germany declares war on Russia, France and England declare war on Germany and Austria: WWI!

- - - - - - -
Edit: I think this is enough OT stuff.
I ain't emotional I just give the facts and you give the stories... our world isn't a Civilization III game... so when Serbia rejected the ultimatum Russia didn't had to support Serbia... but as you said they they wanted influence in the Balkans thats true... But why would the GB and France fight a Russian war? its nothing to do with alliance.... its not a game, the French and English saw that Germans are expanding rapidly and they knew Russia and Serbia cant hold them back! so they too declared war! if they didn't and Austria conquers Serbia and Germany conquers European part of the Russia, do you think they would give the lands back to them? or keep them? I would go for the second option! I'm trying to explain to you that Germans were Conquerors! they wanted more and more land! you see Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia were not German or Hungarian lands they were just conquered! like Serbia was by the Ottomans. But all Conquests must come to the end!

I just can't stand and watch you writing here that Serbia is responsible for the WWI, I'm trying to explain that if there was no assassination the war would still happen, every country was ready for it and they were just waiting for an excuse... by writing the things you wrote, your offending me... you see, the WW1 was one of the most glorious parts in Serbian history! we had the guts to say NO to the oppressor and won 3 battles alone! and we did it many times before and after it, and we will do it again and again, all kind of conquerors came to take our lands, and we always say NO and we always win it back!
Partizanac, mutual defense alliances do work like that in the real world. Great Britain and France were obligated to go to war once Germany declared war on Russia. Had the Soviet Union attacked a NATO country in 1960s, do you think the other members of NATO would have refused to go to war? Of course not.

Yes, Great Britain and France were both concerned about German growth and that's why their alliance with Russia was formed with the idea of encircling Germany. I don't think TopGun was blaming the Serbs, simply stating that the assassination was the reason war began, that's not really something you can argue with. You can play "what-if" scenarios if you like, but the assassination of Franz Ferdinand did set off a chain of events that started the Great War.

Also, Sandris, yet another fantastic unit. Is it just me, or does this guy look like he could be used for a Civil War era Confederate at CIV scale?
What i mean is : The Civ3 Rifleman is not an WW1 unit. More a XIXe century one. Early century if you looke at the place on the board, late if you look at the uniform.
No, I was not blaming the Serbs for WWI.

But Serbia is by no means a peaceful, little nation. With the ascension of the Karadjordjevic dynasty, Serbia became increasingly belligerent and aggressive - and essentially ended centuries of Austrian-Serbian cooperation (Yes. Cooperation. Did you know that the Habsburgs asked Serbs to settle along the "military border", to form a peasant militia against the Turks? That is the reason why there were any Serbs in Slavonia and other parts of Croatia.)
Serbia, under the Karadjordjevici, itself became a conqueror. Need I mention the war of 1912-13? And later, under Milosevic, need I mention the wars of 1991-2001? Vukovar, Osijek, Srebrenica, Kosovo?

OK, so now I've done enough OT. ;)
What i mean is : The Civ3 Rifleman is not an WW1 unit. More a XIXe century one. Early century if you looke at the place on the board, late if you look at the uniform.

Yes, but Serbia used 19th century Riflemen in WW1 :)

No, I was not blaming the Serbs for WWI.

But Serbia is by no means a peaceful, little nation. With the ascension of the Karadjordjevic dynasty, Serbia became increasingly belligerent and aggressive - and essentially ended centuries of Austrian-Serbian cooperation (Yes. Cooperation. Did you know that the Habsburgs asked Serbs to settle along the "military border", to form a peasant militia against the Turks? That is the reason why there were any Serbs in Slavonia and other parts of Croatia.)
Serbia, under the Karadjodjevici, itself became a conqueror. Need I mention the war of 1912-13? And later, under Milosevic, need I mention the wars of 1991-2001? Vukovar, Osijek, Srebrenica, Kosovo?

Yes, thats what I was saying all a long... the assassination of Ferdinand was an excuse for war, but not the reason!

And please let us not go in to the Fall of Yugoslavia subject, cause that period is all messed up and there were crimes on all sides, neither was innocent, I only blame USA and NATO for that war, they could have stopped it if they really wanted it!
As for Kosovo... Kosovo was a disaster! I as a son of a policeman that was in Kosovo, can only make you imagine the situation like this:
Imagine you live in a country that was in communist regime for more than 50 years and in that time that regime made 2 autonomous provinces of your country... and in one province Muslim population has rapidly growing, and when the regime has fallen your president declares those provinces no more autonomous! and then the Muslim population in that region starts protesting massively but now not for Autonomy but Independence! then the president sends police troops to set peace there like other countries do in those situations! but when policemen arrived they didn't find protesters they found armed civilians with AK-47's and heavy guns! so many policemen died! do you know in USA when policemen dies how the government get ugly, well the same thing happened here so president sent Troops to defeat those armed civilians and bring them to justice! so when our tanks arrived there and defeated the armed civilians then came UN troops and stated that there was mass murdering there, and get this "mostly men" hah! so NATO bombards nor Milosevic or "his army" the NATO bombards Serbia! Serbian people... is that justice? I don't think so...

As for Slavonia, yes I agree and I know that Austria-Hungary let Serb migrators, who were fleeing the oppressing Turks, live in Vojvodina and Slavonia but to defend those lands from turks. Nice deal yeah? well not, they also sent very little food! so Serbs were dying of hunger...
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