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Loyal PC gamers finally kicked in teeth

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P.S this is coming from a main PC gamer who also has a PS2 and xbox360. And if you have never played Warcraft, Starcraft, Half Life series, Call of duty, Unreal, Command and Conquer. Not all of them are needed but at least if you have not played most of those. Then you really should stop discussing gaming. Because.... Swedishguy, you are not a gamer. Keep your discussion to what you know, Civilization.

No, those games listed are mainstream garbage! I'm a member of PC Gamer, of course I'm a gamer!

um...being a subscriber to PC Gamer does not a gamer make.

And if you claim to be a 'PC Gamer' then how come you've never played any of those games? hm? All are PC games, I would have thought that all of those would have been converted by you into reasons why 'PC is better'

Warcraft=one of the best RTS games ever, and home of some of the largest professional gaming tournaments in the world
Starcraft=same as Warcraft...only in space :D and with nukes!
Half-Life series=won more awards with just 2 full games(and 4 smaller games) than any other series in gaming history
Call of Duty=best WWII FPS series hands-down. It originated the historical FPS, and it revolutionized FPS multiplayer with CoD4
Unreal=one of the most popular multiplayer FPS series ever, considered to have some of the most balanced multiplayer of any FPS
Command and Conquer=Highest Rated RTS series, great multiplayer, great, over-the-top stories, and Kane...you can't beat a series with Kane in it.

If you haven't played ANY of the above series, you really can't call yourself a 'serious' gamer...especially not a 'serious' PC gamer.
Uhm guys, let me fill you in on a little fact about Swedishguy.

His favorite RTS is Impossible Creatures, and from what I heard at Gamespot it's much stronger on the side of actually creating your troops (in that game you can mix creatures and get, for example, a tiger with lobster claws) than on the side of taking them into battle.

And also, there can be strategy in console games.

For example, in Metroid games, sometimes you can't just keep shooting enemies; you have to lure them somewhere to move on.

In Zelda games, you will always need to figure out what to do next, and it's a HUGE world. In Twilight Princess, for example,
Spoiler :
Midna tells you that there's a way to get to Hyrule Castle from Telma's Bar when you think you may not need to know that, but it will come very handy soon after you tackle the Lakebed Temple.

In Mario games, you sometimes need to figure out how to get from point A to point B and back. Basically true for all platformers.

In Rayman games... Uhhhh, Deep Thought, could you come here and tell me what "strategic" parts there are in Rayman games.

Although maybe what Swedishguy said about Battlefield 1942 is the reason why IGN continues to put so high on their Top 100 Games Lists...
I don't even know how to respond to this thread.

If spending 3 or 4 times the dough for your rig for a marginal performance increase makes you feel better about yourself, by all means, proceed.

I personally don't know what more you need that Call of Duty 4 on XBox Live, but that is just me.

Yet still, I hope strategy games thrive on the PC far into the future.
well, they've been thriving since computer got enough power to handle them so......I think they'll be alright......
Uhm guys, let me fill you in on a little fact about Swedishguy.


In Rayman games... Uhhhh, Deep Thought, could you come here and tell me what "strategic" parts there are in Rayman games.

Although maybe what Swedishguy said about Battlefield 1942 is the reason why IGN continues to put so high on their Top 100 Games Lists...

Strategy in rayman, well before you sit down to play rayman, you first have to plan a strategy on how to regain your self respect and then you can play rayman.
@Swedishguy: You cited Battlefield 1942 as an example of how PC games are more strategy oriented than console games (which is not always true). Now cite an example of how console games are just about action.

Computer Games=crazy because sometimes your computer can slow down or do some weird stuff, and then there's all the worrying about graphics cards and RAM etc.
Console Games=fun because you don't have to worry about anything mentioned with Computer Games, and you can enjoy most of the best franchises right there.

Yawn; I'm going to sleep.
Although you don't have to worry about ram or graphics cards, consoles can crash jsut as much as pc's. in fact probably more, especially in the case of my old ps2, heap of junk.
um...being a subscriber to PC Gamer does not a gamer make.

And if you claim to be a 'PC Gamer' then how come you've never played any of those games? hm? All are PC games, I would have thought that all of those would have been converted by you into reasons why 'PC is better'

Warcraft=one of the best RTS games ever, and home of some of the largest professional gaming tournaments in the world
Starcraft=same as Warcraft...only in space :D and with nukes!
Half-Life series=won more awards with just 2 full games(and 4 smaller games) than any other series in gaming history
Call of Duty=best WWII FPS series hands-down. It originated the historical FPS, and it revolutionized FPS multiplayer with CoD4
Unreal=one of the most popular multiplayer FPS series ever, considered to have some of the most balanced multiplayer of any FPS
Command and Conquer=Highest Rated RTS series, great multiplayer, great, over-the-top stories, and Kane...you can't beat a series with Kane in it.

If you haven't played ANY of the above series, you really can't call yourself a 'serious' gamer...especially not a 'serious' PC gamer.

So... if one doesn't care for Real-Time Strategy games and First Person Shooters, then one cannot be a "serious" PC gamer?
Yeah, you pretty much can't be a serious PC gamer if you don't care for Strategy Games or Shooters.

I have to say that Swedishguy is right on that FPSs and RTSs are not necessarily about action. RTSs don't even need explaining (Real-Time STRATEGY, people?). And as far as shooters go, you need strategy to win ANY shooter (actually, pretty much any game) or else you'll die easily or get stuck easily (which used to happen to me alot until I found IGN's game guides). And Half-Life is basically the Zelda of FPSs (meaning that it is more about puzzles than about combat).

D'oh. We should have all known that.
I disagree, most RTS Games require more reflexes and knowledge of hot keys then any other game. While most FPS games are mindless killing sprees without much strategy beyond "Shoot enemies, reload, kill enemies, pick up ammo and heathkit's, find more enemies".

Hand-eye coordination != strategy

Games like Half-life are the exception and not the norm.

Edit: Oh and why even bring up a console vs pc war here when everyone knows only children play the Wii so they can't argue their point and the 360 players are too busy getting high to bother. (lolmoreliekxbox420amirite?)
I have to agree with Oatse on the RTS. When I was working on CNC3:KW, the guys with the "micro" skills always beat those of us "strategists".
Yeah but you can't just mindlessly send an army; it'll get shredded easily.
Yeah but you can't just mindlessly send an army; it'll get shredded easily.

"Teh Micro" is all about sending out an army and very rapidly controlling every unit as fast as possible hoping to out-shoot your opponent.

Masters of "Teh Micro" wipe the floors with those who do not have the blazing fingers of doom in CNC3.
So... if one doesn't care for Real-Time Strategy games and First Person Shooters, then one cannot be a "serious" PC gamer?

The person I was talking to can't be...he does play FPS games and RTS games(supposedly), and claimed that he'd never played those games(and that none of them had any 'action'

Edit: Oh and why even bring up a console vs pc war here when everyone knows only children play the Wii so they can't argue their point and the 360 players are too busy getting high to bother. (lolmoreliekxbox420amirite?)

um...hello crazy troller. I am the proud owner of a 360, a Wii, and a personally built PC. I am not a child nor am I a druggie. I actually am a game programmer...so...yeah. Trolls should stay under the bridge.
Like Thrallia, I own a few DS's, a 360, a Wii, a few PCs, an old XBox, a GameCube, a PS2, and a lot of older systems that nobody cares about anymore. I might even get a PS3 as it could be a decent Blu-Ray player for the price. Just because this is a Civ forum, doesn't mean that we don't own consoles also.
um...hello crazy troller. I am the proud owner of a 360, a Wii, and a personally built PC. I am not a child nor am I a druggie. I actually am a game programmer...so...yeah. Trolls should stay under the bridge.

You're realy good at detecting sarcasm.
You're realy good at detecting sarcasm.

ah yes...because sarcasm is soooo easy to detect on forums as opposed to out loud...especially in a thread that was originally dedicated to trolling on console owners...[/sarcasm]
ah yes...because sarcasm is soooo easy to detect on forums as opposed to out loud...especially in a thread that was originally dedicated to trolling on console owners...[/sarcasm]

How could anyone see it as anything but serious?

Must be all that pot. :rolleyes:
lol unfortunately, I could see that as serious because, sadly, there are a lot of PC vs console fanboys who post that type of stuff on other forums and mean it.
lol unfortunately, I could see that as serious because, sadly, there are a lot of PC vs console fanboys who post that type of stuff on other forums and mean it.
I think his point was that very few of them end their posts with "lolmoreliekxbox420amirite?", at least not when the rest of their post is in proper English... :rolleyes:
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