FinalFrontier Flat

A bunch of text tags used with the map script options were moved into FinalFrontietTextInfosObjects.xml. Moving them in on the mod should solve the problem.

OK, how do I do that? (FF Flat map now seems not to load with MOO2Civ either.) Are the text tags inside the .py file?
The text tags that are now located in FinalFrontierTextInfosObjects.xml (at the bottom of the XML file) need to be copied into your mod file so BtS/Mods/MOO2/Assets/XML/Text/TextInfosObjects. It took me about 15 minutes to make sure i had all the text tags i needed.
If i wanted to make a bigger map, besides changing the Python bits on the map, where else would i need to change information?
Is it possible to reduce the number of Black holes and Supernovas on map generation rather than using the world builder to remove them? Time after time i find i have a wall of them to go around to get to a decent system. Supernovas are a one off event and once a sun has gone nova (at least in my understanding) there tends not to be much in the way of planets left. Would be more fun to have a settled system have a random event that started a build up to a supernova. The affected Civ would have between 3 and 12 months/turns to find a new home before the sun explodes, supernova makes system uninhabitable for 3 to 6 months/turns after that any planets not destroyed could have small colonies set up on them and destroyed planets become asteroids, there might also be some new areas of space/cosmic radiation. I know this idea would probably be impossible to implement but you don't know until you ask.
Supernovas/Black holes can probably be reduced by lowering the hostile feature density (will reduce space radiation as well). Unfortunately, solar systems are stored in the python and I don't know how to remove them at a point in the game, making it essentially impossible to do a random event like that unless the storage problem is fixed (this also makes it impossible to reload the python assets without reloading the mod).
Hi deanej, i've been looking at the maps for FF (B5 mod) again and was wondering if it is possible to do any of the following.
1. Set a minimum distance that solar systems spawn from the edge of the map. ie so they are always at least 3 spaces from the map edge, this would stop the outer planets of the solar system disappearing off the map edge?
2. Reduce the number of plots that nebulas cover?
3. Reduce the number of Black holes etc that appear?
4. Make the radiation clouds removable by a worker, but also for there to be a chance to have radiation clouds re-appear after a space combat?
1-3: These can probably be done through the map script somehow, but I'm not sure exactly how. I'd look at the spiral galaxy map script for more on this... it messes with the feature placement a lot.

4: This could be done by allowing workers to enter radiation clouds and adding the scrub fallout mission back in via XML (Radiation is really fallout). It could be added back in combat using one of the events in the python - onCombatResult would probably be best for this (note: would need a check for other features, especially solar systems).
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