• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Turn 1




Several parts of the original Turn 1 post were lost due to mishandling.
At the end of a combat round a tactical movement from one territory may be executed. Only one territory may be the origin of the tactical movement but there may be several destinations.

The number of forces that may tactically reinforce a territory is limited and is the same as the number of units that may normally reinforce that territory.

Eh? There is nothing in there that says I can't shuttle my troops from New Zealand to either West Australia or New Guinea. And did New Zealand -> Eastern Australia even go through?
LightFang said:
Eh? There is nothing in there that says I can't shuttle my troops from New Zealand to either West Australia or New Guinea. And did New Zealand -> Eastern Australia even go through?
Oh, I suppose I have to write down all the possible moves from territory to territory--whoops, wait, that's what the map is for, silly me.

New Zealand -> Eastern Australia visual anomaly (as well as other tactical move visual anomalies) has been rectified. Also, a typo in the update
Oh, I suppose I have to write down all the possible moves from territory to territory--whoops, wait, that's what the map is for, silly me.

New Zealand -> Eastern Australia anomaly (as well as other tactical move anomalies) has been rectified.

It doesn't say that troops can't travel through territories and land on others, which I assumed was the case.

For example, New Zealand -> Eastern Australia -> Western Australia.
Da Rules said:
At the end of a combat round a tactical movement from one territory may be executed. Only one territory may be the origin of the tactical movement but there may be several destinations.
"Going through" would mean creating new "origins," which are the bridging territories. I apologize for the lack of clarity, but I doubt that even if I revised these rules, I would have failed to see your concern.

In the future, simply assume that anything not explicitly allowed is probably not allowed, so you better raise your concerns quick and in public so that you can do everyone and yourself a favor.
When I was just a Major,
My Colonel told me, "Son,
Always be a leader,
Don't ever play with guns."
But I shot a man in Aussie,
Just to watch him die.
When I hear those armies marchin',
I wave my hand good bye.
From: CompanyInc
To: J. Cash
Subject: Australia

Enjoy our lands.

We've already ruined the region's viability by planting tons of dangerous genetically modified crops.

We've also polluted the air and dumped toxic wastes into the streams.

We hope we may engage in more successful business transactions in the future.



We make stuff, you buy stuff.
lol shows you how together I was when writing those orders leaving 4 in Svalbard haha.

( This is the 5 hour, 5 minute warning. To save the people who sent orders the blame and shame for their heinous crimes of having sent orders, I will simply list those who haven't sent any yet:
4. Lt. Dodge : North King
5. CompanyInc : LightFang - Orders in
7. The British : Shadowbound

( The times in this post have been rectified (I was using GMT+8). Anyway, North King and Shadowbound officially have 3 minutes. I'm not hopeful, so I'm extending the deadline for another day (woe upon us for we no longer have backup players). The new deadline is May 23, 2008, 1200 GMT. Please don't miss it.
... and? (great replacements we got :p)
Irony! Apologies; I'm literally in the act of leaving the house at this moment, so I'll get them in as soon as I get back in.
Orders resent, but I have proof they were sen well before the deadline.

Spoiler :
I guess the problem was that you named them Turn 1, so flyingchicken thought they belonged to the previous turn.
It's my Turn 1, and once I conquer the world I can change the calendar.
Or rather, looking at the timestamp, it perfectly coincides with your "Orders sent" notice for last turn. Did you just resend him your orders for turn 1?

x-post: No, it's your turn 2 you're supposed to send orders for.
Dafticus Maximus said:
Lurker's prediction: The British conquer north and south america, Simoom conquers africa but soon faces attacks on all sides. The rest of the world is very divided, but with E. Presley doing best. The end game will be between E. Presley and The British, with J. Cash regrouping and conquering australia in the final stages to claim a worthy third place.

Observer's comment: My prediction still has a chance of coming true!
Turn 2




  • J. Cash - 6 reinforcements
  • Lt. Dodge - 2 reinforcements
  • E. Presley - 6 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 4 reinforcements
  • CompanyInc - 3 reinforcements
  • The British - 2 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 3 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 5 reinforcements

  • Neverwonagame3- You got turn number right, but failed to put your color this time—but meh.
  • Neverwonagame3 - You can't surge attack your own territories.

  • Everyone - (Mainly those who have and will bug me about cards) I'll PM you guys if you have any card combinations of note.
  • Neverwonagame3 - Since you didn't specify any numbers at all, I just went with "max unless specified."
  • Daftpanzer - :p

Turn 3 Orders Deadline: May 25, 2008, 1200 GMT
what happened to my surge?
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