• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Congratulations to Symph for joining me in the first to grab a continent bonus.

Looks like a battle is brewing for mexico. And can red actually defeat the Falklanders and take his continent bonus. We shall see in the next installment.
@Symphony D.: You might be quick, but I'm quicker. :p



(05.26.2008.0446) Card information PMs sent.

(05.29.2008.0307) The following player/s need/s to send orders:
7. The British : Shadowbound - Orders in
Edit: ( Hurrah!

Yeah. Yeah, I was definitely busy doing my own NES, which is why it was set up several days before the last update. That sure makes sense. The update was up on May 23rd, which if you must know, was a day where I was busy hosting an event at my house. May 24th would have been entirely taken up by traveling to random events, with perhaps a snippet of time here and there, most of which was not on the computer. Yesterday was the day of my graduation. So quite frankly, no, I didn't have the goddamn time, and I sent orders when I could. It was a miracle I had time on this computer during the weekend at all. Thus, it would be nice if you could nose out of business that isn't yours; if flyingchicken has a problem with it, then he can talk to me, or kick me out, depending on what he chooses.

I've no doubt there's another sermon on the way (since you never do let things drop), which will be summarily ignored.
@Symphony D.: You might be quick, but I'm quicker. :p
No, it's just that it doesn't add the "Edited" tag until several minutes after the post is made. I know what I saw, and your ninja-editing doesn't impress me. :p

For the record, my orders are sent. Hard to get them submitted in a timely fashion, isn't it guys?
So glad I'm not in this right now... I just left 100 close friends at Pearson College who I will never see again, and have barely had any computer time at all.
Turn 4




  • J. Cash - 13 reinforcements
  • Lt. Dodge - 3 reinforcements
  • E. Presley - 16 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 3 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 7 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 5 reinforcements

  • human-slaughter - You have to leave at least 1 battalion in the territory you're attacking/moving from when attacking/moving to another territory.
  • qoou - There is no territory called "Mexico," though I have to admit that typing "Mexico" is easier than typing "Central America."
  • qoou - You have to leave at least 1 battalion in the territory you're attacking/moving from when attacking/moving to another territory.

  • Everyone - My re-installation and subsequent games of Civilization III Complete kept me up all night, so this update is done with a lack of sleep. Complain ASAP if you see anything wrong.
  • Everyone - I lost everything but the pictures in the turn 1 post (not a big loss).
  • human-slaughter - It's "Oikiqtaluk."
  • qoou - Just in case that wasn't a terribly funny joke, I don't redo turns unless I myself made a mistake in executing orders.
  • LightFang - CompanyInc has been forced into liquidation by the rampaging forces of Warlord and Simoom.
  • Shadowbound - The British have been wiped off the globe by the Basque Sepa. Requiescat in pulpamenti, oh Perfidious Albion.

Turn 5 Orders Deadline: May 31, 2008, 1200 GMT
Dogpile on the traitorous heretic E. Presley! Hoo-ah-hoo!
Poor Simoom. :(

What am I saying? Poor purple. :p

EDIT: For the record, the Royal Cross was bestowed posthumously on the brave soldiers of Afghanistan, who killed 4 enemies in China for only one of their own.
We'll be sure to hang the survivors when we liberate them from POW camps.

Not one but two order sets sent! See the results in three bloody days, probably...
Incorrect, those are already dead. Remaining members are in the hands of E. Presley, who took Afghanistan. :p
Didn't fight against you in China, but whatever. I don't expect that they'll be liberated by you anytime soon. :p
on the brave soldiers of Afghanistan, [...]
There's a comma there, meaning it refers to all soldiers in Afghanistan, some of whom attacked China. Don't blame me for your lack of specification, thanks.
There's a comma there, meaning it refers to all soldiers in Afghanistan, some of whom attacked China. Don't blame me for your lack of specification, thanks.

Stop being pedantic. The implication was obvious, otherwise I would have mentioned something about the other soldiers in Afghanistan. :p
Learn proper syntax. :p
No, but I can blame you for not learning it yourself later. Hence "you," the implied agent in the remark "Learn proper syntax," have continued to fail at enriching yourself and removing inherent defects regardless of the failings of others, thus fulfilling the statement.

And you're right, I can keep going all day: please, continue to enable me. :p
I think I'll go on being understood; I'm okay with being called wrong by those who are irrelevant. :p
Oh, ice burn. I didn't know Disney was doing specials on insults these days. :p

More to the point of the game: qoou, I told you.
qoou - You have to leave at least 1 battalion in the territory you're attacking/moving from when attacking/moving to another territory.
I must've miscounted.

qoou - Just in case that wasn't a terribly funny joke, I don't redo turns unless I myself made a mistake in executing orders.


More to the point of the game: qoou, I told you.

I should've done what I'm doing this turn last turn ;)
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