• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


flyingchicken can you cancel my surge attack?
Turn 10




  • J. Cash - 4 reinforcements
  • E. Presley - 4 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 4 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 9 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 16 reinforcements

  • Symphony D. - You can't attack Japan from Indonesia.
  • qoou - You don't hold Ukraine, nor do you have any territories near Afghanistan.

  • Symphony D. - ... So I assumed you meant the Philippines.
  • human-slaughter - I cancelled your surge attack.

Turn 11 Orders Deadline: June 8, 2008, 1200 GMT
Yay for good dice rolls.

Red - I hope you see how stupid that was.
Hahaha, suckers. Now who's the top target, eh, eh? Suckers!
this is a downright mess.
Best NES Risk EVER. Also, Warlord unequivocally deserves "Unluckiest Player" for constantly losing giant armies to small forces.
At this rate, Symph may win this yet. :rolleyes:
Retroactive deletion.
Clearly I wasn't either.
Anyway, it becomes evident you can't send your army back to Africa in time to save it, so you may as well punch through Kamchatka into Alaska to slow down Yellow's advance, or else we're all screwed anyway. It's the intelligent thing to do. Hell, you can even take it over with as many troops as you have, even if you lose Africa.
Obtw, I typed those orders up pretty late last night, so I flipped a coin to see whetever I should honor my agreements or not.
@flyingchicken: sorry: those were attacks from the example orderset on the front page...
Blah blah blah you are the most powerful so you have to die now blah blah blah. If other people can trot it out as a tired excuse, so can I.

Of course, under this operational procedure, it is very difficult to imagine the game ever ending, but whatever.
Obtw, I typed those orders up pretty late last night, so I flipped a coin to see whetever I should honor my agreements or not.
@flyingchicken: sorry: those were attacks from the example orderset on the front page...

wow well that was dumb. How bout instead of wasting your forces on me you use them in the south where you just opened a third front.
Red seemingly committed suicide...
lol alright ill write them up

Eh, update will come some time around late night Friday (my time, of course) or sometime later than that. Check this post early or late Saturday or late Friday if you're giddy and excited for the results. Update is up, woot-woot.

@SYMPHONY below this: I find it redundant. If others make the same call, sure, why not.

@ALL: I will download the orders now, play them out later, and post the update when I connect again.
P.S. Switch view mode to ownership or something. Seriously.
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