• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Symphony's gloating is funny, given that he's not even in that good of a position, and would be in a pretty bad one if it weren't for Niklas.
You seem to be under the impression that defeatism or even realism ever did anybody any good in a boardgame. :p There's no point to believing you might actually lose when there is nothing actually at stake--all it does is cloud your judgment.

I am the most competent person currently playing, by general admission of others. I will continue to perform as I ever have. If I can find some other tactic toward victory--a psychological one perhaps--then so be it, I will pursue it, no matter how minimal the chances of it succeeding. If you choose to interpret that as merely bravado or boisterousness, that's your perspective, but it's not mine.

And that's probably why I'm getting high marks despite a poor position: I actually know what I'm doing.

Oh, and it makes for good fun too.

P.S. Ask yourself why Niklas and I went from killing each other one minute to working together the next.

P.P.S. It wasn't because it was the most productive solution at the time.
Blah blah blah, honestly I couldn't be bothered to read all of that. I still find it funny, regardless of how much arguing you want to do on your own behalf. :)
Update? (10char)
Turn 19




  • J. Cash - 10 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 8 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 6 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 7 reinforcements

  • Everyone - A few but I won't be bothered.

  • Everyone - None.

Turn 20 Orders Deadline: Before the week ends, please.
Do you realize how frustrating it is when a mod reserves a post for future use? Then you can't see in your control panel if the update is up since updates don't get flagged like new posts. Will you please make an "I hath posteth" post when the update is up? Or even better, use a new post for it... :p
Do you realize how frustrating it is when a mod reserves a post for future use? Then you can't see in your control panel if the update is up since updates don't get flagged like new posts. Will you please make an "I hath posteth" post when the update is up? Or even better, use a new post for it... :p

What? How can you tell in your control panel if there has been an update?
Subscribe to a topic. Look at "My Account". When a post is made, they'll pop up there.
Oh, I thought there was some magical way to know if it was specifically an update post ;)
Aha. Ahahahaha! Reap what you sow, qoou.
Turn 20




  • J. Cash - 11 reinforcements
  • Simoom - 7 reinforcements
  • Warlord - 10 reinforcements
  • Basque Sepa - 16 reinforcements

  • Neverwonagame3 - Old issue: Just how many times must I point out that you guys can't surge into your own territories? But you had a conditional "if possible," so it's slightly forgivable because hey I'm lazy too.
  • qoou - You can't attack from S. Europe to W. Europe, but I think you meant it the other way around so it's all cool.

  • Everyone - The development in the Bering Strait is just HILARIOUS. Well, almost--too bad qoou doesn't have a Basque Black Die Army.

Turn 21 Orders Deadline: Before the week ends, please.

Spoiler a single blurb :
THEY'RE BACK, BABY! In a stunning near-repeat of recent history, Basque high command in W. Europe ordered a massive invasion of Kamchatka-Alaska from outposts in Yakutsk, Irkutsk, and Mongolia, resulting in the what became known as the Liberation of Alaska officially and the Ironic Invasion casually. There are rumors of a "broken treaty (in spirit!)"[1] among the citizens of America and Basqueurasia, which may or may not be related to the rapid mobilization and deployment of Basque lawyers to several foreign embassies in the wake of the attack. The embassies were purportedly burned by overzealous protesters soonafter.

[1] Purely moderator speculation, mind you.
Yes, I foiled your evil plans too! :p
This is madder than a bag of cats covered in catnip
LJ, I'd love to know that too... :rolleyes:
"Will Warlord assemble an RDA in North Africa?
What is Basque Sepa's North Asian target?
Can Simoom retake North America?
Is J. Cash going to once more defend Oceania from Northern aggression?
Why does the word "North" appear in every comment?


"Z isn't a Roman Numeral!"

"Shut up, Strong Sad!"
What is Basque Sepa's North Asian target?

You'll never know!

Wow, am I screwed... well at least I can still carry out my awesome strategy of doom that someone probably misunderstood but oh well who cares at least I can even out the odds for the remaining players before I die.
Hrm, I wonder what that means. :confused:

"Zomg he is teh only one with a continentzor he r si teh most dangerous."

You could make it less bloody obvious. I mean, it was one of only two major possibilities, but really. You could at least try and be sneaky. It's amazing you people ever made it this far.

Howsabout you make it even by just laying down and dying? It worked pretty well for human-slaughter.
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