Announcement: (not-yet-WoC) Modular Python Manager


Jul 24, 2008
OK, I've stalled this long enough.

Here's my Fully Modular Python Manager.

Note this is not WoC or a part of it - I had no idea WoC existed when I developed this.

The design goal was to allow keeping game object properties defined through XML and those implemented in Python in the same place. I saw Dr Elmer Jiggle's Custom Event Manager (sorry if I mangled your tag) years ago and always thought there must be a way to 'go all the way' ;). Took me a while to get the inspiration, and a few weeks to work out enough of the kinks to have my 'playground' mod seemingly working flawlessly with very few non-standard things outside the Modules folder (I think just screens).

Please note I'm not releasing this under GPL or a similar open license - This took too much of quality time (meaning blocking my mind while I was trying to do some worthwhile living without cIV or the PC). I ask all of you to respect my wish that for the time being, you may use it as it is, but any modifications must stay absolutely private or go through me.

The download contains not only the key files, but a complete demo Mod. You're supposed to unrar this right into your Mods folder. For the key files, look under RHMPM/Assets/Python. Do read the readme file there first - or browse the Modules folder's text files to get an impression, then come back to the readme.

The sample mod itself is about half of what I'm testing / horsing around with and has been kept on criteria like 'good example' or 'needs few large art files'... Do not expect the Mod to be fun. The download is still a bit on the fat side, sorry about that. I hope the people who just want to read the Python code will get over the additional 3.5M they'll have to squeeze through their modems...

Do note that in order to work fully, the MPM (the file does need support: Three tiny files in EntryPoints to hook it up, plus my modified CvGameCoreDLL - CvEventManager stuff and CvGameUtils stuff could be hooked using Python metaprogramming only, but those Python callbacks from the random event XMLs into could not, so the hookup of those needs help from the DLL. Without the DLL, apart from needing to provide the classic, Random Events Python stuff will simply not be managed.

As to the samples themselves, practically everything is a more or less mangled copy of stuff available here or out of the box, some quite old, some retaining nothing but the inspiration from its original. You'll recognize a lot. Remember I started from vanilla stuff or years-old stuff, not anything from this WoC forum. (Actually, there may be original stuff by myself in there - the terraforming buttons?) Á propos buttons: The most prominent aspect where the samples are not properly modularized is in the 2D buttons. I'm using a single 'Atlas' dds file here, as I didn't get around to separating them out for the demo.

Many thanks go to all the original Authors - if you recognize your work in any of the files and miss proper recognition, drop me a line. That was one of the main reasons I stalled publication so long - not finding the time to go over the comments sections to ensure every contributor is properly appreciated.

As always, constructive feedback welcome. I'll gladly work with the team to make this part of WoC - tough I keep catching myself reaching for a box on my shelves - :nuke:Fallout!

over and out for now.


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