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Emperor Cookbook IV: Suryavarman II


Jan 29, 2008
The Emperor Cookbook is a concurrent succession game series to help readers learn how to play and win at Emperor level in Civilization 4: Beyond the Sword, v3.17

This is the 4th game of the series.

For more information or to discuss the format, please visit the Monarchist Cookbook Bullpen.


Our fourth Emperor Cookbook game features Suryavarman II. We will be playing at Emperor difficulty, epic speed, standard size Big & Small map. Huts and events are disabled for this game, as they tend to make things more random.

Here is the info on our leader, his unique unit and building as well as our starting position and settings:

Spoiler :

Our Fearless Leader:

His UU:

His UB:

Our Starting Location:


Round one lasts from 4000 BC - 1500 BC.

Please play this round and submit your report into this thread by next Wednesday (Feb 4th).

IMPORTANT: Please use spoilers if you want to discuss opening strategies prior to starting the round

At the end of your Round, please remember to name your save with your name, game and Round # & game date (i.e. "EC2 Round 1 MyName BC-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave"). (And please don't forget to attach it to your Round report, either! )



YOU! - contributor, voter - our most important fixture, the readers who follow the threads and play along.

Now that we have upped the difficulty level, we will return to the 'best ball' system of selecting and playing saves. What this essentially means is that after we have completed each round, everyone will have a chance to vote on which save is in the best position. The winning save will be used for the next round.

If there is any player who is strong at Emperor+ level, it would be great to have you post your saves to show us how it's done. However, I request that any of you who realize your round was far superior remove your save from the voting. This rule is intended to ensure that the game doesn't get into a overly strong winning position after only a few rounds (because what fun is that?).

Voting Rules:

1. You may NOT vote on your own save (but you are encouraged to state the strengths and weaknesses of your save)
2. Only those who have posted a round may vote (those who are shadowing are always encouraged to express their opinion!). If someone misses a round, but have played all previous rounds, they may vote.
3. Don't vote on a save that has voluntarily been removed from the running by the person who submitted it.
4. At the end of each round you can vote on 3 saves for first, second and third place. I believe that these votes should be made publicly in order to allow for as much discussion as possible. I strongly encourage you to explain why you are voting for a particular save. This is one of the best ways to learn, and that's what this game is all about! If you feel uncomfortable voting publicly, PM me with your vote.
5. How you vote is up to you. Some people may want to vote for the 'best' save, others may vote for saves which they feel provide the best learning experience. Just make sure to explain what criteria you are using for your vote (overall best, best learning experience, etc).

After a couple days for voting and discussion a winner will be declared and we will move on to the next round.


And with that, let the Game begin...


Intrathread links (ToC): (note, the turn sets are subject to change, this is a tentative schedule to get this first round underway, we are still trying to find the best length for each round)

Round 0: The starting save (this post)
Round 1: 4000 BC - 1500 BC- Plattfuss
Round 2: 1500 BC - 400 AD- King Morgan
Round 3: 400 AD - 1100 AD- ChrisShaffer
Round 4: 1100 AD - 1500 AD - RJM
Round 5: 1500 AD - 1700 AD - Now Playing!
Round 6: 1700 AD - 1820 AD - upcoming
Round 7: 1820 AD - 2050 AD - upcoming


  • ECIV - The Beginning (4000BC).CivBeyondSwordSave
    44 KB · Views: 331
I was about to use this leader for another series. *runs back to drawing board*

This should be fun. Hope theres ivory near the start. Lots of flood plains near start. Lovely!!!
Welcome Ai Shizuka

Rule no 1 for the jump up. Make sure you have teched pottery and writing before you expand too fast and find you have 0 science beakers a turn.

Good to see people jumping up from the Monarch series to the Emperor series.

The traits of this leader should suit this start well. Cheaper worker/and faster granaries too. Double speed in libraries too. This should be a race to liberalism with a huge capital early on. ;)
First round is through 1500 BC. I fixed the problem in the main post.

I am also sorry about using your idea Gumbolt--I didn't see your request to not use that leader until after I had posted...
Blew by the save point - should replay it anyway... (400 BC) Screenshot is in spoilers (within the spoiler) since i probably did more exploring than 1500 BC saves. Other than the screenshot nothing would be a spoiler for 1500 BC saves.

Spoiler :
- played to about 400 BC before i saw the first check point was 1500 BC... Autosave only goes back to 800 BC. Wasn't going very well anyway so it wouldn't hurt to try to replay it. I got 3 settlers out and my economy was horrible - i had a bunch of cottages, but i think teching to writing before sailing killed me - after i got my libraries up i managed 25 beakers or so at 0%, but it wasn't until i got the sailing trade routes that i was making any money. Having no happiness resources or religion didn't help either.

That's the biggest thing i've noticed after moving up to emperor - economy is harder to manage. Didn't help that i NEVER play epic (always normal) so that was tough to get used to.

I think the main difference with this game is having huts turned off - i always have that 100 gold or so to work with and playing without it is much harder. All my other (which is two) emperor games i haven't really too much of a problem early.

I took one screenshot before i saved it...
Building barracks' only because there's nothing else to build - currency and code of laws would be a LONG way off in this game - so i'd imagine it would be a lost cause to continue this game.

Spoiler :

Normal or Epic speed? I am working on Normal, but its a difficult transition when I have played on Epic all the way from Prince.
Who's not an emperor-level player?

Pnaxighn's not an emperor-level player!

Spoiler :
Well, I didn't meet anyone scouting, so...Great Wall (for barbs) + REX. Except my suckiness means "REX" is "have your fourth city ALMOST up at 1400BC, and be on the way to pottery, since you forgot to have an economy." I also botched a ton of micro things (playing too fast), which cost me a turn or two, I think. I don't think my save is doomed, but neither is it (anywhere near!) dominant.

NOTE: This save is 1400BC -- I saw the update too late. Blast. Please judge accordingly -- the fact that I'm a couple turns behind is because of this.

The *rest* of the turns I'm behind is because I'm not very good.


  • ECM4-pnaxighn-BC-1400.CivBeyondSwordSave
    120.1 KB · Views: 234
Some of you have finished the round, and I haven't even decided yet whether to move before founding my city!

Will give this a go. Mainly cause i do not find time for a full game unless i go for AP or something else i could do under six hours.
Okay gave it a shot to 1500bc.

Spoiler :

No copper is a slight issue in terms of barbs. Need to check for horse but spearmen will be a huge issue. Teched archery to cover my back.

I grew capital to size 3 building warriors. part chopped a worker.

Capital now has a granary and is close to building a library.

My city south of capital is size 4 with a granary and now building settler. (whip later) Northern city has a granary but may need to whip an archer as barb archer above.

I only managed 4 cities prior to 1500bc although i have writing. I have skipped the oracle route.

Another thing that might be an issue is finding a good production city. I have mainly farmed capital for a GP farm.
Will give this a go. Mainly cause i do not find time for a full game unless i go for AP or something else i could do under six hours.

Good to have you on board again. You always play an interesting game to watch.
My first round (1500 BC):

Spoiler :

Moved settler to 1W, rather take pigs than cows and 1 more hammer from start tile even when one floodplain was lost. Tech order was AH->Bronze->AG->Wheel->Pottery and after that towards Monarchy (no happy resources, seems like we are isolated). Now I've teched most of Poly so The Oracle is also reachable unless it goes very early. 3 cities, 5 (?) workers, 5 cottages. Second city is a production place and third for hybrid production/commerce (floodplains & hills).

A barb archer is just about to attack to my third city, but it's strength is already reduced and there are 2 warriors defending so I guess the city will survive. :mischief: No bronze or horses anywhere, but this kind of map warrior fog busters will do early, and archery is quickly researched if a barb axe or something appears.

View attachment MkLhBC-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave

Who's not an emperor-level player?

Pnaxighn's not an emperor-level player!

Spoiler :
Well, I didn't meet anyone scouting, so...Great Wall (for barbs) + REX. Except my suckiness means "REX" is "have your fourth city ALMOST up at 1400BC, and be on the way to pottery, since you forgot to have an economy." I also botched a ton of micro things (playing too fast), which cost me a turn or two, I think. I don't think my save is doomed, but neither is it (anywhere near!) dominant.

Spoiler :

Interesting save with GW built. I dont think your save is that bad at all. Once you have a granary in capital you can switch to 2 scientists and get a GS. I think at some point you will need to consider your economy. That far city to cover farm and food resource wont be cheap.

Also the city north of the capital is weak. I placed mine near the flood plains and pig resource. Although it will grab the sheep eventually.

I think if you just did worker worker settler build you would of ran out of forest on this map.

I tried to get more granaries set up early on in mine. Whipping has helped me a lot.
going to take a shot as well ... feeling rather comfortable on Monarch :)

EDIT: played it out

Spoiler :
sucky land, loads of plains, little grassland, and no reasouces of note, got 3 cities up and rapidly spamming settlers from my two first cities while i've done some exploring with a workboat ... found the crappiest little fishing island which i just might settle due to a fish and a clam and trading routes for the rest of the empire ... appears that we're isolated (at least pseudo isolated at the end of a long island chain)

i just might make a rerun of it since its so 'meh' and i made a couple of mistakes (haven't researched writing yet) ... at least i have decent ammount of workers and a few cottageable areas but in no way anything spectacular


  • ECIV - Sian - 1500bc.CivBeyondSwordSave
    115.7 KB · Views: 249
few notes on game and situation:

Spoiler :
I do not think skipping AH or Pottery before writing is worth on this map.

We will have hapiness issues so Oracle sound good since it is on path to Monarchy.

We will probably have active search for contacts. It is hard to believe being isolated on Big and small unless we are really unlucky.

pnaxighn - unescorted settler?

My play to 1500Ad. Edit: to 1500BC of course
Spoiler :
Must admit i played quite slopy. It is half of miracle i have not lost my third city to barbs as i delayed archery. Well, i found horses just i am nowhere close to settle them.

I managed to scout quite a bit before loosing scout. Lost first scouting warrior too. Interesting land i would say. no close AI, no hapiness sources, not enough riverside grassland from my test, floodplains scaterred a lot..
And that lake west from capital which is not a lake at all. See, it is diagonally connected to ocean and so is huge source of ... coast.

I think you can guess my strategy.
Yeap, old good GLH for trade routes. Could not build in capital so beelined it and chopped whipped it in second city [2turn or one whip within completion].

MAybe i got used to Normal speed again but i seemed to tech very slowly. I actually whipped warior [being on21hammers] in capital to get some cash from overflow - turning food into gold.

I could not really explained why i started Mids in capitol. Probably should just REX on coast while teching towards Monarchy. Leaving Mids for cash is probably good idea.

I also moved settler for me question was 1W or 1E. I think 1E could have worked best but i went for pigs as food source.

Since last discussion about proper players and GLH being damn good on proper map [and i do believe this one is good - i see at least four/five cities on coast] I would like my save not being voted for. Let's call it a shadow or something.


  • Soirana BC-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave
    113.5 KB · Views: 221
Spoiler :
Move to coastal site to found city. Begin warrior and research BW. Switch to settler at size 2. My scout runs into an angry bear and does not survive. Research fishing, sailing and masonry to go for the GLH. Then archery for defence since I haven't located any copper, followed by iron working. Lose a warrior exploring the area to the north west. Only three cities, no contact with other civs and little exploration - not a great turn set, but no disasters as far as I can see.



  • RJM ECIV BC-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave
    113.3 KB · Views: 238
Hi everybody,

I am pretty new to this, tho I have followed one of the previous games for a while. This time I thought I give it a shot. Btw, how can I put a spoiler around a picture / thumbnail?

Spoiler :
I started worker first and put research to AH. Tried to REX but as well cottage the FP asap. When I realised that I am on an island I put one of my scouts to the most western spot of the islands hoping someone would show up on that other land mass west and after a while I made aquaintance with Gilgamesh. While I just realised that there is no real luxury resource on this island and how I best cope with that (beeline to monarchy or to alphabet?) my workers discovered gold next to my second town. That came in quite handy tho a bit lucky I have to admit. :)

The fourth city to the west will have a border expansion next turn so the workboat can give it the necessary food.

All in all not a bad start IMO but I am a bit worried about the chances to get and maintain a tech lead since only one trading partner is too little to capitalize on the research of alpha. Also Gilgamesh might be connected to a couple of other civs and that would give him the chance to tech broker. I need Monarchy asap but it is a long way to go in research since I didnt research that direction at all up to now.


  • Layla Plattfuss v. Chr.-1500.CivBeyondSwordSave
    114 KB · Views: 399
  • Civ4ScreenShot0229.JPG
    148.9 KB · Views: 426
few notes on game and situation:

Spoiler :
I do not think skipping AH or Pottery before writing is worth on this map.

We will have hapiness issues so Oracle sound good since it is on path to Monarchy.

We will probably have active search for contacts. It is hard to believe being isolated on Big and small unless we are really unlucky.

pnaxighn - unescorted settler?

My play to 1500Ad
Spoiler :
Must admit i played quite slopy. It is half of miracle i have not lost my third city to barbs as i delayed archery. Well, i found horses just i am nowhere close to settle them.

I managed to scout quite a bit before loosing scout. Lost first scouting warrior too. Interesting land i would say. no close AI, no hapiness sources, not enough riverside grassland from my test, floodplains scaterred a lot..
And that lake west from capital which is not a lake at all. See, it is diagonally connected to ocean and so is huge source of ... coast.

I think you can guess my strategy.
Yeap, old good GLH for trade routes. Could not build in capital so beelined it and chopped whipped it in second city [2turn or one whip within completion].

MAybe i got used to Normal speed again but i seemed to tech very slowly. I actually whipped warior [being on21hammers] in capital to get some cash from overflow - turning food into gold.

I could not really explained why i started Mids in capitol. Probably should just REX on coast while teching towards Monarchy. Leaving Mids for cash is probably good idea.

I also moved settler for me question was 1W or 1E. I think 1E could have worked best but i went for pigs as food source.

Since last discussion about proper players and GLH being damn good on proper map [and i do believe this one is good - i see at least four/five cities on coast] I would like my save not being voted for. Let's call it a shadow or something.

Spoiler :

I hadnt considered GLH. As the map is big and small the chances are someone is reachable by boat. These maps dont tend to have huge oceans seperately AI. Hence why I sentry a warrior by coast.

Not sure why you built 2 barracks. Not saying they wont be useful once we meet an AI.

I wish i had gone Ah route. Didnt even get masonry on my save. GLH should help on your save. Barbs will be a real issue without copper or horse.

Still not sure why you ignored the granaries!!! Double speed!! I got 3 up and running! Albeit without the GLH to support the economy. That wonder will be strong.

Not sure on the mids build. 47 turns is a long time.
Hmmm a lot of strong saves. This is going to be tough to vote.
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