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Immortal University XXXVI: Gandhi

Apr 8, 2009
Hello all and welcome to the Immortal University! This series was started a long time ago to move a group of the forum's players to the next level. It is now hosted by professor TMIT and his underpaid grad student, Ignorant Teacher. Are you ready for the U?

This is the 36th in the storied series.

We will uphold the university's traditions...smacking down the hapless AI!

Our leader this time around, keeping the good cop, bad cop trend:


Can someone spell flexibility?

Here's the start:


Clearly a great bureau capital, which you should cottage up ASAP. As usual, this is the first Fractal map I generated.

Huts and Events are off.

Copy and Paste of the doctrine:

To play, just extract the WB save file into your worldbuilder saves directory, then play it. Use custom scenario if you want some extra settings to tickle your fancy. This series was designed for people learning immortal, so most people here will be at that level or trying to attain it, although deity players are welcome also. Hell, if you want to play this on NOBLE, go ahead, but I'm not peeling off the AI bonuses. The intention of this and any other game thread I post is to get better. Play whatever level you need in order to improve. Just remember, there are immortal bonuses and that's not going to change unless you WB edit it.

If you are aspiring IMM+, try to remember to add archery back to the barbs in WB. Every time you don't, a deity AI will kill a kitten, although there are a lot of kittens so it's not the end of the world if you prefer easymode barbs .

I do request people to list their difficulty and speed. In terms of updates, well nobody follows that anyway. Post in the manner you feel comfortable. Typical comparison dates are 1 AD, liberalism, and victory/defeat, as well as any major events. If in doubt, go with that.


Clearly a great bureau capital, which you should cottage up ASAP. As usual, this is the first Fractal map I generated.

Hater :sad:.

Cap will prolly get moved...unless this turns out to be some GLH map where we just whore out 9+ commerce trade routes and/or build colossus.
I might play more of these if they were set up with huts and events as God intended. Just saying.
Yuck, events are garbage! Plus having the AI start with two scouts can hurt the early game pretty badly with huts, especially if you're unlucky...like me.
I got owned!

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Fist attempt ---> declared on toku but expanded too far away initially. Toku won.

Second attempt ---> was beating toku senseless with sword/cat after he declared on me, then nappy at pleased with me and in a different religion than toku took him as a vassal to declare on me (nappy had a worst enemy elsewhere, and for some reason was still pleased with toku off hidden modifiers...even overcoming heathenism and DoW negatives).

Signing in.

Used to play Emperor and was in the process of moving up Immortal when I quit playing last.

Will put up a round up in a day or two - to either 1AD or when I get stuck and need a hand :)


Was a fun round so I played it through tonight, see tags below. Playing Immortal/Normal, everything else left as default.

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Round 1 went OKish. Teched BW first due to the forests around, figured I would not have enough time to tech Agri + AH and would have an idle worker.

Turned out to be a good choice, Toku is to our direct east about 8 tiles away. Found copper near 2 fish site, settled city #2 directly on it. Teched BW -> Fishing -> Wheel -> AH -> Pottery -> Writing -> Aest -> Poly (in progress) (i think)

Built a third city just behind my capital to claim clam/pigs.

Planned to Axe rush Toku and share the food/mine tiles around a lot. My micro was quite nice, managed to get a workboat out the turn Bombays borders popped and hook up copper to the capital the turn I whipped a barracks to pump out a quick axe :)

I saved at 1000 BC and 350 BC

Fought Toku twice, once in 1000 BC, killed his two expansion cities and razed, then took peace. Have to admit I had some good luck, won two battles in a row at 26% (although I later lost two battles at around 80-85% on the second city but winning these helped me knock over a city and have enough spare axes to try for city #2)

Fought toku again around 450 BC, managed to pop a GG after razing a new city he built, and then some weird stuff happened.

The GG was by himself (Medic III promo). He was alone as I used him to pop a chariot escorting a settler - no other unit was in range. Toku sent a chariot out of his capital (his last city) to pop him.

This left two archers and one chariot in the city against my stack of 8 axes near the city. Managed to kill the last defender with my last wounded axe and wipe toku out.

Toku has built GLH and I think Stonehenge??? and a third building. didnt check what it was just yet.

I built a fourth city near the elephants but Nappy declared and wiped it out. Bastard also managed to grab a couple of my workers in that area with a chariot he had lying around :blush:. This mistake probably turned this from a passable round to a bad one.

I have his offensive stack of about 14 units pinned against a fortified axe on the river. Had to whip some emergency axes as I fear he may get across the river, but he does have quite a few spears/archers in that stack.

Popped a GS during the round in Bombay and settled him there (my BPT was pathetic through this round)

Its 350 BC, I think I need to backfill Toku's land and build up to fight Nappy again. Plan to beeline GL, research IW -> Math -> Construction -> Calendar and get some happy/bigger cities, then stomp Nappy. Depending on the continent then probably try to get Astro and seek out some more blood :)

Will try to get most of my science from science specialists and pump the rest of the food into hammers/units.

So in summary:

- Toku dead
- Have GLH + 4 high food cities
- Fairly close to Lit/GLib
- improvements around settled cities mostly built
- good land to expand to
- decent army size
- great choke point to dissolve nappy's stack

- Lost Warlord unit + GG
- At war with Nappy & main army out of position
- Not able to tech trade (only one live AI)
- Lacking Granaries in cities
- No happy improvements yet
- Only 2 workers
- Economy is stuffed :)

Edit: Played on, Napoleon is too huge to fight, lost my stack and a few cities, resigned after seeing the Hagia Sophia built before I had maths.

I think if I was to retry this start I would expand to the east and settle for blocking Tokugawa, then fight a war with Cats/Swords/Phants.

Played some on Emperor:

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This was tough, mainly because it's hard to fight the temptation to battle against Toku. Scouted and decided to settle SW of Toku to stop him from expanding. Settled 3rd city on top of the bronze, so I had two cities with good production but my blocking city was just costing me money and making me crawl towards pottery.

All I can build at this point is axemens so I'm pretty much forced into a war against protective Toku, who has access to chariots. From here it's pretty much a lost cause, he has his horses stashed away all the way on the east coast, so there no way for me to cut him off except for battling my way through his whole empire.

What I should have done is to just to have left that crappy jungle land to his south alone and focused on expanding westwards, I just can't seem to stop myself when I get an opportunity to block the AI. Nappy seem to have really nice land btw.
Immortal / Normal - 75BC
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Settled three cities, but got boxed in early. Had to choose between expanding to the jungle or rushing Toku. I rushed him. I had a great scientist born in Bombay, which I settled on top of the copper, saw Nappy didn't have Math and bulbed it. Turns out the bastard got it that very same turn. Took a cease fire with Japan to rebuild some troops, then I'll finish the job. Nappy has ten cities and I'll have the same number when I'm done with Tokugawa and have settled a city 1N of the fish south of Tokyo. I forgot to say I also captured the Confucian holy city.


Jet, events can be turned on if you select custom scenario. I'll start posting a map with and one without huts the next times, like Meatbuster does. TMIT could do the same, but that's up to him. I like huts and events too.
Immortal - epic - 725BC

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Hello everyone, first time poster.
I'm giving this one a go, wich I'll try to lose in style ( never played a game above prince)

I settled in place
Tech path was Agri -> AH -> BW -> Wheel -> Fishing -> Hunting -> Writing (current)
Settled my second city on the Bronze for fast connection and to have both the fish in the cities BFC.

Chopped and whipped in axes and spears to take out Tokugawa.
Who was finnaly taken out in 725BC.
The current Indian empire



Immortal / No Speed-Cheats

Up to 1 AD.
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I have 8 cities, well... my last settler has been sitting idle for a while because maintenance is so costly. So I'll plant that city down in a few turns once I've roaded to the spot. I built an army waiting for Toku to attack, but instead he gifted me a city, so that was all for nothing. Greeks are in weehorn for quite some time, I don't know what is up with that.

Anyhow, I already have 2 settled priests, and one scientist standing by. I am doing a wonder-fail economy with SoZ, and am already building it in multiple-cities while the Henge has been pulling me through my rexing. Next turn, I start on TGL, but sadly there is no freiken marble anywhere! ARgggh.

Interesting enough, Toku founded Confu, I guess he'll be one of my first victims, when/if he can get that shrine up.



Your sarcasm detection machine might be in need of repair ;).

I skipped pottery and wasn't going to do any cottages at all. But then someone GIFTED me a cott city, so then I finally went back to the beginning of the tree and self-researched pott. Ughhh.

Anyhow... LOL @ getting raped by Toku. That's where rushing gets yah.

Alright, I got a few more hours today, hopefully I hit liberalism in the next hour or two.

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Well, not much has changed, I still have my 8 cities, and have been mostly trying to build things to get ready.. but my cav are still so far away. I also had to (unfortunately) start to trade techs around because of Nappy.

Anyhow, when the time comes, I will go for a quick war vs Toku, and then turn around around blast into Nappy. It will be a very long war no doubt, but I'm looking forward to it.

It is rather unfortunate that while I was very close to getting TGL, someone else got it before me. Hmm.. I think it was Zara... Anyhow, I converted the Greeks to my side, so that's one less backstabbing (or two).




Immortal/Normal 225 AD
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Settled in place, despite wanting to go 2N after I moved my warrior north and seeing the fish. I was going for hinduism and didn't want a 2 turn delay. Really upset after seeing the corn that would have been in the BFC as well. But that 2nd fish wouldn't go to waste.

Saw Toku on the 4th turn. Stuck with polytheism figuring I can get him to pleased. Put out 2 warriors before the worker so I knew what the land looked like early and decided on building the pyramids despite having no chance at nabbing that stone. I'll do lib - steel and start fighting at cannons. Hopefully the pyramid building doesn't set me back so much I miss it.

275 BC I pop a GE when I wanted a GP for the hindu shrine.. Couple turns later I see we are on a separate landmass from the rest of the religions so normal spread should get me ~25 hindu cities. Still working on CoL here. Probably could have sped that up but I was just hitting enter.


Immediately went to caste and ran scientists to get to literature since someone had it already. Rushed the GL with the engineer. I also bulbed Philosophy awhile back again missing a GP. Unfortunately taoism is spreading quickly messing up my potential hindu shrine. I'll run 2 priests in the GP farm and should get it eventually. Should be able to bulb education liberalism and chemistry.. Though Napoleon is making me break trade with the buddhists which may mess me up.



Spoiler :

The attack by Napoleon was probably to be expected as you were at war with Toku. Your 350 BC position isn't bad though, just sucks that none of Toku's cities were keepers. I founded hinduism, but didn't think to attack like you did. I'm wondering if it would have been a good idea.. I could have gotten Napoleon pleased which would I believe lessened the chance of a backstab.

But anyway I only have 6 cities because you need 6 for Globe Theater. Staying small and going for a tech lead via bulbing should be a good play as well.
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Now lets see you bring that game on home :) You have a lot of options, I'm curious how you settle and tech.
Immortal / Normal 660 AD

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My second try at Immortal, after winning comfortably with Roosevelt on an easy map last time. Let me start off by saying that this map is much harder. Toku declares on me very early, but I had gotten spearmen in time to deal with his chariots. He then gets HAs, which I also fend off with spearmen. I decide to counterattack with spearmen/axes. With some incredible luck (4.90%) I take Osaka and he takes peace.

After that I get libraries and start getting scientists. Convert to Confu to please Nappy. Settle most scientists, going to bulb Philo/Edu asap. Got TGL, Delhi is now producing GS very fast. Techwise I think I am good, but all 4 known opponents just went into WHEOOHRN. If Nappy declares I am pretty much screwed, the others I should be able to handle. My biggest problem on this difficulty is that while I can claw my way back to tech parity, I can't seem to do it while simultaneously building troops. Going to start producing phans/cats now (I know its late) and see what happens.

My empire at 660 AD.


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Well started again by setting some infrastructure up
tech path was aesthetics for trade value
After that started teching towards liberalism, wich I got in 1220AD. Took nationalism with it.
Also got the circumnavigation bonus by map buying.
After liberalism I went for steel.
That was then used to start a musket-cannon war against napoleon.
It's where I am right now, in the middle of that war


I'm bit at a loss what to do now that napoleon has rifles... continue the war while I still have steel on him or sue for peace.

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I'm pretty certain I won't win it, I still make far to many mistakes.


Immortal/Normal 1360 AD

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Played some more. Built phants/cats and killed Toku. Who would have guessed that such a combo would still work in the 1200's =) Got beat to Lib by 1 turn by Zara, but I still managed to get a tech lead. Getting Oxford now and theatres/GT. My plan is to get steel and rifling, draft an army and go after Nappy. He is the #1 AI atm. Will be a slugfest I fear. By the way the rest of the AIs have been warring continuously this game, which makes for quite a slow tech pace.

My empire 1360:


Tech situation:

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