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6K Man's guide to Reloading

:lol: Where does worldbuilder fit in?

I mean, if I'm going to cheat at solitaire (re: reloading), why be so meek about it with something as ineffective as reloading? Use worldbuilder and create some nukes. That's more like it!

Worldbuilder =/= reloading.

A topic for another guide.
An excellent article.

Playing Civ 1 I reloaded a lot, mostly on 5th-6th degree, and I didn't understand that it ruined my gameplay. After all, it was my first serious computer game ever. I played Civ 3 almost honestly reloading only on 2nd - 3d degree and the gameplay became much more exciting.

I always had a feeling that there is something different in different kinds of reloading, but to summarize it into a scale with perfect descriptions of every stage... well, it's brilliant.
How to be an effective reloader

2. Check “new random seed on reload”. Otherwise, reloading and doing the same thing will lead to the same result. And that is the definition of madness. It’s the definition of annoying to do things in a different order so as to mix up the results when reloading a non “new random seed on reload” save.

I would love to do that, where's that box to check ?
I would love to do that, where's that box to check ?

From main menu select custom game, then its in the lower middle right column of options, you might need to scroll down (I think its like 4 from the bottom). Not that I know where it is or anything...:mischief:
I just started Civ IV (played 1 Chieftain, 1 Warlord, and 1 Noble game), and I've been using reloading as a way to figure out how things work. Especially diplomacy, because I had no idea how the reactions were set up. So just to see what happens, I'll declare war on a civ, and see what type of reaction modifiers I get from them and their allies. Or I'll stop trading, or demand a pointless tribute. Where does this rank on the shame-o-meter?
In a serious game, probably 4th degree or so - you're essentially gambling on reactions and reloading if you don't get the reaction(s) you want. This presupposes that you keep doing it until you get a reaction you like.

If this is purely experimentation I wouldn't see anything wrong with it, considering you are just trying out different things and not trying to win the game.
Say I found Taoism and want it in one of 4 cities out of 5. (the fifth being heroic epic city) for a good wallstreet city. If I found Taoism and its founded in Heroic Epic city what's the shame in that reloading. (none of my cities have any religions.)
Say I found Taoism and want it in one of 4 cities out of 5. (the fifth being heroic epic city) for a good wallstreet city. If I found Taoism and its founded in Heroic Epic city what's the shame in that reloading. (none of my cities have any religions.)

That sounds like a Level 4.
Where's the level for "worker moves with orders from previous turn next to barb unit and executes a worker action automatically, despite the fact that the barb unit was in plain sight since the start of the turn". This one is especially cute if you attempt to click on said worker at the start of the turn, and said action of left-clicking is impossible...it moves the instant you attempt to click on it.

for "what, you only selected ONE city by left clicking and accidentally whipped all of them? Psyche!"

and especially for "by the way, merely contacting the AI allows us to pretend you were pressing ALT, even if your other hand was up your nose rather than anywhere near your keyboard. Happy war vs your ally, sucker!"

What about that one where, as a newish player, "H. Capac has won a diplomatic victory!!!", except every single AI that voted for him had at least +2 net more towards you, his opponent?

I guess those are all 0s, considering in each case except for the last, the game literally did something different from your inputs. The last one is a -1, since unless you were provided a "hidden game mechanics manual", you simply got screwed outright.

I've reloaded probably 20 forum games or more off the "auto-dow on click" gayness. Sometimes, for workers, I'll just delete them and worldbuilder them in right where they were at the start of the turn BEFORE I never issued them an order, and delete the one that moved for being a dumbass. City mass whip I almost have no choice. If I wasn't pressing alt, why did the game press it for me? That one should probably be -1 also.

I don't reload outside of those types of things unless I'm cheating on purpose, to explore differing possible outcomes or something. If I'm cheating on purpose, I'll go as far as lvl 7 :lol:.
lol why is this even a discussion

i can sum up the original post in a sentence

Reloading: the act of reloading a previously saved game to prevent already experienced future events from happen


it speaks for itself... you played 1 route... you didn't like the outcome... you cannot deal with the outcome... so you reloaded

if you do it you are pretty much gauranteed a 100% win ratio by preventing any negative outcome you choose to (unless you are extremely stupid)

almost anyone would agree that if you could attain a 100% win ratio through means other than by simply 'playing' the game the way it was intended... then you've cheated/lost

in a multiplayer situation you would have already lost

justify/rank do what you want... i dont really care... i do it too
lol why is this even a discussion

i can sum up the original post in a sentence

Reloading: the act of reloading a previously saved game to prevent already experienced future events from happen


it speaks for itself... you played 1 route... you didn't like the outcome... you cannot deal with the outcome... so you reloaded

if you do it you are pretty much gauranteed a 100% win ratio by preventing any negative outcome you choose to (unless you are extremely stupid)

almost anyone would agree that if you could attain a 100% win ratio through means other than by simply 'playing' the game the way it was intended... then you've cheated/lost

in a multiplayer situation you would have already lost

justify/rank do what you want... i dont really care... i do it too

^ Glitches and faulty controls are serious problems. If they decide a MP game or an outcome in HoF or XOTM, they RUIN said game. In any of those formats that ban reloads, the fact that these piss-poor faults are still in the game after 10 patches+ really stings.
I'm too emotionally invested in a map to not reload when i lose. Typically i reload the 4000 BC. Sometimes I go back 100-200 turns at the point where I know I made a key mistake. Either way, I just can't walk away.
I'm too emotionally invested in a map to not reload when i lose. Typically i reload the 4000 BC. Sometimes I go back 100-200 turns at the point where I know I made a key mistake. Either way, I just can't walk away.

Be at peace, this thread isn't about judging people.
Sure it is, but more along the lines of judging oneself than others. For most readers, that involves human beings ;). Possibly not all though.

Well, its just to say the shame level. If you're playing for fun, it doesn't matter, but you can't really brag on a high level win if you're reloading in the high degrees.

The main time I reload, and (Other than computer issues on occasion) the only time, is when I lose a Settler to an animal because I forget to escort him. I reload and escort. Where does this rank?

Also, where do you 6K man draw the line.
Well, its just to say the shame level. If you're playing for fun, it doesn't matter, but you can't really brag on a high level win if you're reloading in the high degrees.

The main time I reload, and (Other than computer issues on occasion) the only time, is when I lose a Settler to an animal because I forget to escort him. I reload and escort. Where does this rank?

Also, where do you 6K man draw the line.

I'd call that a Level 4 - you gambled, and lost.
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