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SysNES 1: A Murky Pool of Light

Message Sent at Optimized Time 43412:16

It's quite imperative, Serendipity, that we schedule an actual face to face meeting this year between all the prelates and direct our general imperatives for the coming budget given the recent... concerns we've had from the abundant interstellar traffic leaking onto our communication nets. Of course we've managed to keep it all very hush hush for now, lest the angry tide of demagoguery overwhelm us in calls for expensive militarization, but there is always the fear, even among the Inner Sanctum, that the predicted mobs will actually be correct. And that's a prospect that's truly frightening, my dear, even if your countless hours spent in meditation will keep you in the eye of the storm.

We've put together a rudimentary intelligence report to brief the prelates and the Inner Sanctum based on leakages from various interstellar communication nets. A recently arisen faction of SPACE PIRATES has particularly been helpful when the glint off their overclocked drive systems gave us an extensive survey of several nearby systems. The dossier will be made available to the prelates at our eventual rendezvous, but I have of course exercised my rights to grant you... privileged early access to some of my notes on the file. Perhaps this time you will be sufficiently intrigued to actually show up at the interplanetary gathering, although I know always to temper my hopes.

The Ik of the Errai System are uncannily close (and perhaps not even to several cultures of the Old Solar Federation's semi-mythical origins, particularly those of the 'Karib,' 'NorAfrik,' and 'Arabiya.' We are lead to wonder whether perhaps the myths perhaps have been purposefully manipulated by the predecessors of the Ik to synchronize better with their own records, or if the Ik cultural accord and subsequent contribution to the Earf mythos is just a catastrophe of uninspired and insipid lack of creativity. In any case, I will not ruminate further, given the lack of regard my office and superiors hold for any discussion of vestiges left from before the tumult (and rightfully so).

Instead, we are much more interested in the currently dynamic goals of the Ik leadership (although other polities' interstellar communiques have a rather scornful view thereof, interestingly, perhaps due to the veritable infestation of demagoguery and inane wastes of time that comprise the Ik political system) which include the very promising and as of yet generally untouched system of Arrakis, which lies in great proximity to us. Our various Verdantphile cults will doubtlessly be up in arms for interstellar colonization if they hear how the careless Ik have stumbled upon such a gem of the world, but as we know my superiors are not so fond of such impulsiveness and our plans for interstellar colonization remain the same, as always. Even the creeping Ik dominance upon the virgin system is not of major concern to us, due to several factors....

The first of which are the Akresians conveniently located alongside the Ik in Errai, which the Ik have the rather abysmal luck of being neighbors to. If the Ik are slightly slow, misguided, corrupt, or otherwise lacking as a civilization, the Akresians are several times over worse: stupid, vicious, tyrannical, more beast than man. The Akresians are the first dagger which the rest of this sector have primed against the Ik, like a chained beast, lying in wait.

An even more volatile entity, which the Ik have also managed to make enemy of (indeed, this sector is overrun by such infantile blather that the Ik are sadly the veritable image of calm and tranquility) are what we will only refer to as the SPACE PIRATES, a group of hedonistic drunkards who somehow managed to luck themselves into a few advanced spaceships. The few economists that we have tasked to solve the seemingly illogical origins of the PIRATES have only returned with blank stares and quite a bit of hair pulling. Given the currently piddling economic capacity of the PIRATES, and their joke of a habitat on the system of Izar, we must wonder how they managed to survive so long on so little, excepting perhaps the existence of charitable sycophants a galaxy over...

And we find some, of course, in the Lantians of the Gemstar system. The Lantians are even more obsessed with the Sol mythos than the Ik, culling an identity from three disparate cultural groups of Chin, Nipon, and Juice with great hubris and chauvinistic intensity. It is quite amusing, then, that we find the Lantians as not a civilization of any martial prowess or chivalric honor (or even unbridled arrogance as befits their cultural chauvinism), but a meek, unassuming tool of their neighbors and superiors. One wonders how the Lantians have managed to keep their gene pool "pure" from marauding invaders throughout the millenia, but we suppose more impossibly unlikely elements of chance have occurred. The last communique we intercepted from the Lantians has them up to their old game of surrender and subservience which we are sure they have honed for centuries, promising a king's ransom in tribute to the PIRATES.

On a more interesting and utile note, the Lantians have recently stumbled upon the riches of the Horn system which includes a lush Panthalassic world, and come upon another culture. While I've made my many reservations about the worth of what we have yet encountered, the 'Al are frankly in an entirely different galaxy. The insanity that emanates from their labyrinthine tunnels has surpassed everything we have witnessed thus far, with such deeds to their record as genocide, a rigid caste system of genetic modification (and an insult to humanity, if I might allow), and mass suicide. The Lantians, of course, have characteristically reacted in their usual manner to the psychotic mass of frankly evil scum with open arms, by promising them a fleet.

Leaving this realm of a system gone mad, I will cover the last two items of the dossier: the native polities of the systems of Kaus and Zavi. These systems have been of relatively less interest to my superiors, possibly because they are nearly fully settled and not the targets of interstellar growth and exploration on which we will eventually embark (and perhaps because there is a relative paucity of snarky remarks they have been able to make compared to the notes on the previous cultures).

In any case, the Kaus system is dominated by two polities: the Gardeners of Kadesh, and the Soulon League. They are both generally unremarkable: the Gardeners are not very unlike the Verdantphile cults of our own, though they are blessed with a lush and urban world, and the Soulon League comprises the backwards spectrum of the most paranoid and fear-mongering of militarist opinions among our own population. The Gardener aptitude for scientific research and the Soulon affinity for economic development have both been somewhat noteworthy, although their unfailing need to war with one another has prevented their prowess from having much effect. Already the Kaus intrasystem war has claimed the biosphere with one of the planets, and we don't see the wars for Kaus subsiding anytime soon as their leaderships have proven equally unreasonable.

Two polities with a better understanding of the dominance strategy of game theory instead exist in Zavi, where we have taken note of two dominant polities: the Kations and the Vazan, both of which are cyborg empires with quite respectable economic and research capabilities. Their relative cooperation over the recent years has made them the economic leaders of the sector for now, which would be a concern for us, if the Kations weren't so obsessed with tedious bickering in their internal politics and the Vazan could unglue themselves from their pornography.

Serendipity, I know that many of us will have doubts about our as of yet unshaken faith in humanity as we learn the full scope of the profligate abuses and stupidites of our neighbors in this sector. But we should not tremble backward in fear and surrender to our base wishes and simply give up. No, we must endure, as we have from the Great Tumults, as we have from sins of solar empires long past, as we will now. The Esani were created with that unshakable faith: that somehow, we are greater than what comes before, that somehow, we can conquer a simple wave of gravity, that somehow, our humanity and compassion will shine through despite the suffering this universe sets before us.

And I still believe. I still believe in the Grand Inquisitor and his dream of humanity's awakening. I still believe in my aspirations and my dreams. And most of all, I still believe in you. When I see the brilliant white light glint off the moon of Heze IIIe, or the tranquil rolling dunes of Rin'Esani, or the sparkle in your eyes... I am reassured, for a moment, and forever.

I'll see you at the meeting. Don't be late.

With you always in vigilance,
Darn it. Now you've condemned me to staying up late until GMT morning. >|

EDIT: And so, as the warm morning of an early British summer slips into afternoon, the hopes and dreams of your viewing population across the world are crushed accordingly. :mischief:
[18:49] <@Kraznaya> GODDAMMIT WHAT THE HELL
[18:54] <%Kentharu> this is lame
[18:55] <+andis-1_> what now?
[18:59] <%Kentharu> waiting for dis to update
[18:59] <%Kentharu> boredom
[18:59] <+andis-1_> kekekekkee
[18:59] <+andis-1_> do something meanwhile
[18:59] <@Kraznaya> he won't update until the british night
[20:58] <%Kentharu> this is why england should be surrounded by a perpetual cloud of night
Update 16: Invaders must die!

The Ik finally managed to build a proper town on the lush surface of Arrakis II this year, who many amongst the Ik noosphere were beginning to refer to as 'Eve'. The colonists were very glad to finally come down from orbit and enjoy the delicious fruits and vegetables of the verdant new fields after the years of eating protein paste from the supply ships synthesizers. Since the construction of new habitation on the garden planet requires no environmental protection, the Ik government can let private citizens do the work of expanding this first city when population pressures make it necessary. As joyful as the new settlers were, the Ik high command were having hysterics trying to juggle their military assets into a configuration capable of protecting their habitation zones from prospective pirate assault. As it turns out they had perhaps less cause for concern than they originally thought though miscalculations in their shipyard produced less warships than the politicians promised [1]. All throughout Errai and Arrakis the troops on both ship and surface girded themselves for battle, whispering prayers to Alla. The flow of cargo ships back and forth from Arrakis and Taik began to stimulate the first stirrings of interstellar commerce amongst the Ik entrepreneurial classes. For once the political classes were silent rather than self-congratulatory, though once the transmissions came through on where the Liberes fleet had actually travelled to, rather than wrecking vengeance, they became somewhat more relaxed – even talking about how the Liberes had been “scared off by the taste of cold Ik steel”.

The Akresians too had been expecting the arrival of the space pirates, though their emotional state could perhaps be better described as 'glee' instead of the Ik worry, and were sadly disappointed when the Liberes chose not to come and call at Errai. Instead of building warships like the Ik, they had decided to construct a larger habitation unit for their already cramped population and properly upgrade their hydroponics. Like rat overcrowding experiments the Akresians had been seeing increased levels of stress and neurological problems amongst their people, and the strongly mutagenic environment of Errai VIII saw an unfortunate number of 'reverts', embryos that cast off their Akresian chromosomal load and were more as something rather more similar to the human baseline. Such unfortunates were either consigned to the recycler or exile in the Furthest Republic depending on their parents connections and mercy, but the new enlarged city shielding should put a stop to that, and many moved down from the orbital habitats. Seeing strong growth in all sectors, the Akresians are perhaps more significant than the Ik care to admit to themselves.

At Gemstar the Lantians also thought about the threat posed by the Liberes. The government and council had many schools of thought on the issue with the executive carefully and coolly weighed and measured...before deciding to bend over and offer tribute to the strutting pirates. A solar sail junk loaded down with the fruits of Lantian labour and technological templates was sent winging over to Izar, a down payment on a bribe to stay away. Naturally president Mitzu was savaged soundly for what many considered craven and (even worse) counter-productive actions, for many thought the pirates would go elsewhere, or that the resources might be better spent on an array of defensive missile satellites. The prospect of selling astrogation data was even more widely condemned as rank idiocy, knowledge being far more precious a resource than any industrial goods. Mitzu's inner circle, the president not dignifying his detractors with his attention, replied that since the resonances and long range sensors indicated a lack of mission flexibility or staying power in the pirate fleet, a bribe now so that they would assault someone else would give at least three years of safety, in which time sufficient defences could be built whilst at the same time developing the oceans of Horn III. To the counter-counterpoint, that the pirates would take the bribe and then still attack us, the government was curiously silent. The government at least authorised a small expansion of the ground based forces, whilst storing resources for some secret project to be developed in the next year. In the scientific fields the Lantians have also made breakthroughs in active structures, allowing architects to construction habitats and industrial systems as large as their imagination (and the economy) can support.

The Esani of Heze have been monitoring events around the other suns of the Trailing Lobe with bemusement (also very large telescope arrays), seeing the rise of war and violence in a host of systems. However despite a number of pithy internal communiques the Esani have assigned no resources, industrial or scientific, to defence, and continue to blithely expand their economy and massage their population movements to some sort of optimal productivity arrangement. Their economic capabilities are now comparable with the giant industrial combines of Zavi, or the Soulon league during the second peace, though their scientific output is hampered by having to send so many able minds into management pursuits. Perhaps the magisterium of the Esani worlds can be an example of the value of cooperation to those stars whose light is marred by conflict? That time may be nearer than they expected, for the Esani were rapidly synced up to the wider Ansibyl network when the Vazan probe announced itself from beyond their furthest moon, and their speculations about the economic giants of Zavi were discovered to be unfortunately accurate.

“Its an old saying; paying mercenaries to fight is easy, but it takes a great deal to make them stop”
-Dissenting Soulon Senator​
“They can have the bones of this dead world, may its lurking tiger of the ivory night consume them”
-Gardener graffiti, Corth​
Interplanetary combat is oft compared to fencing with claymores in the dark whilst naked, if you connect untold damage can be done by the virulently powerful weapons involved, but its just as likely that orbits and thrust schedules will see the combatants thrust slipping past each other. This year in the great Kausian conflict was of the latter type, as the Soulon went on the offensive after their shell-shocked flailing of last year, but very little actually got done. The major point of note is the Senate of the Soulons calling beyond the Rhine Trailing Lobe for a barbarian horde to aide them in their works of revenge and destruction. Picking the channel from the Ik, a kings ransom in materials was offered to the Liberes despot Apollinaire IV for an ongoing mercenary contract by some of the more reckless Senators and Citylords. With the Lantians paying him off and the Ik spaces two years travel away, the mercurial leader of this reckless people leaped at the chance to jump into the fray, and sent his entire fleet roaring through the void towards Kaus. On arrival they coordinated their actions with the Soulon, leaving their Pearl and communications hub on Medias for collateral. Augmented by three newly built Farragut cutters and a host of Soulon divisions the rapacious pirate swarm made for Kadesh and Corth...

...arriving at Corth to discover the Gardeners had pulled out weeks ago, their transport and missile boat high tailing it for Kaus III with their remaining army. The massive Soulon force sent for the task quickly reoccupied the wrecked city under the still clouds, eager to reclaim this potent symbol of Soulon and alien culture, and valuable resources source. They discovered that the Gardeners had scuttled both the mining complex and the shipyards, and had even tried to tear apart the walls of the underground city itself, but in the limited time available had failed to crush the rugged and redundant Soulon architecture. Considerable refurbishment will be needed before civilian population can move back to the city however [3]. It was during this time the that the pirates developed a grudging respect for the League, as the grizzled and tattooed tunnellers are one of the only three cultures in the Trailing Lobe capable of outdrinking and outfighting the Liberes on occasion in a night of shore leave (the others being the Akresians and the Vazan).

On Kaus III both the SOulon and the Gardeners boosted their troop numbers, although by very different amounts. With the Gardener Cutter in orbit the Soulon could only recruit locally, whilst the Gardeners shifted in hordes from all over the system. Despite gaining a decisive numbers advantage the Gardeners merely held fast and dug in with their vast army. The situation on Kaus III looked increasingly grim for the Soulon as the Gardeners newest warship – the heavily armoured Minotaur Gunboat rolled into orbit. This formidable design is essentially invulnerable damage by the Farragut Cutters, though its low manoeuvrability may prove a liability against the missiles of the Liberes fleet, though it will casually disintegrate any pirate vessel that makes the mistake of stumbling into range of its banks of UV lasers.

Meanwhile Kaus II once again proves the crux of the system, as for a second time a Soulon fleet turns up to find no dance partners. Unlike four years ago however, this fleet of Liberes ships and a Soulon Cutter are not at a loss for action upon having no defenders. The Assault ships streaked in to invade the shipyards and spaceport, whilst the Liberes Condors released their buster warheads to the planet below like a rain of death. Crammed full of Soulon troops rather than their usual highly trained Liberes marines, the intrusions suffered many set backs against the civilians and weapons of the spaceport, but eventually wrested control of its orbital structures and forcibly 'deorbited' them. Meanwhile the planetary bombardment succeeded in killing a host of civilians and cracking the beautiful white domes of the cities, but lacked the precision or luck to blow a hole in the Gardener ground forces to enable a hostile landing. The Liberes were rather disappointed by the lack of loot, slaves, or glory, but the Soulon were very pleased with their accomplishments – without the shipyard the Gardeners would have to build another to continue ship construction, and without a flow of supplies and repairs any Gardener ship in the system would eventually see its structure degrade, even a formidable warship like the Minotaur.

Soulon: Lost 2 Divisions
Gardeners: Lost 1 Shipyard​

On the domestic front both faction act to clean house, the Gardeners retaking their rebelling habitat, and the Soulon spending vast sums and police efforts on keeping people controlled, though after the easy victory at Corth some hope returned. Indeed many soon talked of Soulon victory with the aide of the Liberes, and exterminating the Gardeners, though the vast, vast majority of Soulon quailed at the murder of a civilian population (not being monsters you see).

The Kations seemed to be caring not a whit for the full up Zavi system this year, as once their passenger ship was designed and completed they loaded up their vast fleet of Cogs with more resources than most systems produce in a year, plus a small worker population and jumped en-mass to Minkar. The despondent neophilic population left behind rather begrudgingly completed some incremental technological improvements. The vast cities of Aranahara grew ever closer to saturation as the increasingly unpopular ministries of PM Aiur coerced more and more people to move to the world. The Vazan, perhaps more prudent than a Kation society confident in its own indestructibility, diverted development time from their colonization fleet towards warship templates, and they are now prepared to quickly shift to war production next year should circumstances demand it. They also push forward on the theoretical sides of war, developing fighting technologies not seen in the Tuft since the Tumult (a technological level the Ik have also achieved this year), and send their probe winging its way towards Heze to make contact with the industrial civilisation whose emissions have been visible for some time[2]. The Vazan, never ones to over rush in any one direction, also continued their slow program of infrastructural and social improvement with some new universities and developments, but the vast majority of their industrial output was stockpiled into a might resource trove for next year.

The single lonely iceberg town the Lantians had floating on the endless seas of Horn III was far from fulfilling the plans of the Geashial designers, and they used it as a base to construct a true floating city. This vast annulus of buildings, baffles, storm shields and paradiamond flotation shells protected a score of square kilometers of surface from the storms that rage throughout the seas, untempered by landmasses, though actively cooled ice remained a major building component due to its availability (as the Lantians still lack a metals mine in the Horn system). This city, though only partially populated, was soon the base for a vast fishing fleet harvesting the biomass of the ocean for food production, a single facility producing nearly two thirds of the entire food output of Ningbao. The Lantians also completed their negotiations with the 'Al over providing warships, as the 'Al were rather more concerned about the pirates than the Lantians, having received dozens of crude, poorly formatted, and scatological threats via the resonances in the Pearl.

Arriving at Minkar the Kation fleet set to work at once, quickly shifting out its passengers to the tiny habitats and forts the Scouts had constructed, as well as build a few more on various bodies of the system. Utilising the vast bulk of resources they had brought with them would have to wait to next year, and the Kations carefully apportioned them between their four forts as a hedge against the arrival of marauders out of the void. The vast surge in Kation efforts certainly compares favourably with the dribble of Lantian development or the slapdash mess of the Ik designs around Arrakis, that famed cyborg certainty whirring away at the problems.

The newly arrived Liberes look on the system of Izar with disdain (much like they look on all planetary systems!), annoyed at the cavalcade of dusty or toxic moons and boring gas giants. Deciding that some economic development was going to be necessary in case the plunder plan doesn't pan out, they constructed a desultory little outpost on the large rocky second moon of Avarice (Izar II), which at least has an interesting palette of colours from orbit. However they were unable to convince any full blood pirates to move their as of yet, and the prospective metal mines might need some...other source of labour, perhaps the Gardeners the Soulon fanatics don't genocide might be suitable? Most of the pirates don't give a whit for these matters however, instead hanging on the transmissions from Kaus over whose clan and mates and distinguishing themselves in combat or bringing loot home. They also enjoyed dismantling the delicate inner furnishings of the Laoniu junk the Lantians had sent, making a number of interesting footstools out of the synth-bamboo inner partitions, and having a good laugh about their creators and how his majesty should all “conquer Gemstar and have us all live like kings”. The newly returned Aphrodite cruiser on the other hand called for violent action against the Ik, spreading many visuals about the prospective vineyards and distilleries Arrakis II might have supported.

Random Events

-Something wicked this way comes

Karmically Blessed Nations:

Longest Orders: +1 Lucky roll for the Liberes
Shortest Orders: +1 Lucky roll for the Akresians
Best Orders: +1 Lucky roll for the Lantians

[1] Kentharu, you mixed up the Qi's s cost with its e cost, so you only had resources to construction a single ship.
[2] Sorry about this Milaqui, but you sent it to Zavi when it was already at Zavi, and if Kraznaya is going to talk :):):):) like he already has contact (how would he know peoples names?) I thought I'd force someone to connect the Esani in.
[3] 15e's worth.

New Discoveries
Pebble Defence (weapons requirement unlocked)
Developments in high energy and compact infantry weapons and artillery improves the fighting skill of those with Weapons 5.
Space Marines (Requires an unknown amount of Social): 3D close combat in weightless vacuum, as two ships scream high energy radiation at each other is the most challenging environment known to mankind. Many factions engage on expensive training programs to produce soldiers capable of handling and triumphing in such conditions, as more than just improved weapons and suit technology is needed, but extensive conditioning and psychological programming. This ship component indicates that room for these specialists and their equipment is on-board this particular vessel and give it +2 to all ship to ship and ship to station ground combat rolls. Only one allowed per ship.
Cybernetic Option – Soldier Augments (Requires unknown amounts of Computation and Biotech): The new miniaturised weapons and armour of the recent development in weapons tech can easily socket into cybernetic frames and greatly improve the effectiveness of the soldier in any environment. Taking this option costs 100e+1e for every division, and afterwards divisions cost 3e rather than 2e, and increases social unrest, and vulnerability to data viruses. Divisions receive +1 to all combat rolls and an additional +1 to all rolls in non-carbon biosphere environments. Cyborganised factions only need to spend 33e instead of the 100e initial sum, and get social unrest for not taking this option rather than for taking it.
Developments in active stress beams and city planning allow those with Construction 5 and above to construct habitats of size Zeta.
Bubble Shield Generator (requires an unknown amount of Energy, Materials tech): A two layer defence of an ionizing laser array in front of an extremely dense magnetic field, which first deposits a charge on, then deflects an incoming matter stream or small slug. This high energy response defends against particle weapons in a way armour never could, and has some weak bonuses against coherent energy weapons as well, and is the first shield available. The device is very energy intensive, costing -3 power for the 3 points of shields it generates.
Mag Catapult (requires an unknown amount of Energy, Weapons tech): Advances in frameworks and energy densities allows factions to weaponize mass drivers and produce truly devastating slug launching weapons along the ring design, rather than the strips of the Railgun or the coil of a needlegun. These huge brutes can fire at long range (though at -2 to hit), be coupled, and do enormous damage, but have the disadvantage of being very demanding of volume and energy, greatly slowing the ships dodge and IP speed. They also have the ability to bomb targets not protected by an atmosphere. Note: I generally call all particle weapons that can shoot long range 'catapults'.
Did I wait till the afternoon merely to annoy Thlayli? Thats for the viewers to decide!

you know, SOME people have to work, if you want him full time just pay him his wage.

And if your up for that I've got some scrap metal in Paris to sell you...

Indeed, luckily I work at home a good number of days of the month, so I can write updates during the breakfest and lunch periods.

So anyway, now that everyone has communication with each other I was thinking to introducing a system of if your below the average in a tech field you get a reduced 'catchup' research bonus to that field. You also will not recieve this benefit if you shut yourself off from trade networks. Thoughts?
Well, I thought the IC excuse you gave for the universal update maps was enough with the 'data leakages' and whatnot. /shrug

Nice update. Things are about to get... entertaining.
Nice update :)

The Archive will have to wait till I'm home, and/or travelled (in which case midnight GMT), but its put together and requires some minor formatting.

EDIT: would the catchup reduction require that you be linked into a trade network? Might make the s cost more palatable to swallow...
Super-chouette! :D

Uh, I seem to have forgotten that troops can't go on gas giants. So I guess they can go on the orbital beta hab instead?

Also, I was wondering if I would/could/already do get a propulsion research center bonus from the gas giant.
Yeah I wondered why you wanted them in that habitat. No, to get the bonus you need the centre to be actually on one of the atmosphere stations.

@Kal, no there is an error with the Zavi pop summary, not the total faction one, you have 40 only there, whilst 42 active in total (i.e not on the transports).
[1] Kentharu, you mixed up the Qi's s cost with its e cost, so you only had resources to construction a single ship.
I didn't get the costs mixed up.

They also began developing an incremental improvement to the Al-Qiyamah sloop that would hopefully not be so outclassed by the long range and fast pirate corsairs. Developments in their construction technology made this ship surprising cheap in resources compared with the old builds.

This is what you said on update 15

Here is the ship design pic for update 15. It shows that the Qi was going to cost 36e, the s cost is 20.
Spoiler :

I'm not sure why you made the cost like that, all I know is I was happy. I assumed it was some kind of random bonus.
@Thlayli: Nope.

@Kentharu, guess it was my error then. The 20s remaining is becuase you had already spent 16s on the development for update 16. The ship now has its correct cost.

“You must have just taken a snap of the wrong trunk by mistake”
“Like heck I have! Look at the coordinates – the same right down to three places!”
“Now you're just being silly, the positioning satellites always have some noise”
“Arrrrgh! See what's in front of your eyes rather than what you actually want to see for once!
Here and here, the fourth character and the seventh in this string have changed their orientation.”
“So you think the text means something different now?”
“NO! I mean the characters moved, altered their position in space, shifted, transposed, relocated migrated iÿipòpadàirin whatever”
“That's crazy talk, this whole place has been dead right down to the molecular level for the last hundred million years”
“Is it? Chung talked-”
“Chung was a madman and died a madman's death. You want to end up like him? Or even worse – transferred?”
“You're obviously stressed, I'm ordering you to take three weeks relaxation back at the spaceport hotels”
“You don't have the authority to do that”
“Please, I show this recording to the Chief Psych and you'll be lucky to avoid stress medication”

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