Plan to Oracle
Tech path: Mansonry->CoL->Math
Tile management: If not mentioned specially, new citizen will worker on the tile by default.
Unit move: North warrior will keep scouting a little bit and return to SP since our workers will go out of border soon. South warrior will keep scouting along the coast to west. Warrior near Paris will stay alert.
T63 -- Peace with Gandhi (needs 3 or 4 techs), SP (N worker SF, W worker goes 1W, E worker goes 2W), R 0% on Masonry
T64 -- SP (N worker P, SW worker R, 2W SF), Mos (Worker), R 100%
T66 -- SP (SW worker SF)
T67 -- Mosc (new worker goes 2W, resumes chariot)
T68 -- Mos (2W worker R), SP (1N worker goes 2S1W SF)
T70 -- Mos (2W worker goes 1NW, chariot to Paris, resumes Oracle), SP (SW 1 worker goes 1S, another goes 1NW camp, 2W worker camp)
T71 -- SP ( 2 workers on hills SF)
T72 -- SP (2W 1worker goes 1SE camp, another worker goes 1SE camp & cancel, Starts GLH)
T73 -- SP (SW 1worker goes 3N)
T74 -- SP (2N1W worker R), Partial research slider 1 turn before GS
T75 -- Mos (GS builds academy, 2Cows + 2Golds + Horse), SP (1SW worker goes to COW R, Fish + Cow + 2Ivories), R 100%
T76 -- SP (2N1W worker goes 1NW deer)
T77 -- SP (worker on deer SF, 1N worker goes 2N to ruin), R on Math
T78 -- worker on ruin SF
T80 -- SP (Lake tile to mine hill tile)
T81 -- Mos (starts settler), SP (2S worker R, 2S1W worker goes to COW)
T82 -- Mos (resumes Oracle), SP (1N worker goes 1NW SF&C)
T83 -- Oracle->Bureo
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