SaveUtils.lua -- Itemized Data Storage Across Mods

Oct 20, 2007
Spokane, WA
Version 8 (build: 2011.02.13.0000)

Allows concurrent mods to share the ScriptData save slot on all Player, Plot, and Unit objects, makes it possible to save complex tables or any data type except function, userdata, and thread, and provides unlimited save slots per target object. Includes cache functionality for improved performance and shares cache across all lua states and concurrent mods when ShareData.lua is loaded.

Test Example: (InGameUIAddin)
Outputs an increasing integer to the lua console.
include( "SaveUtils" ); MY_MOD_NAME = "myMod";

function test()
  local pPlayer = Players[Game.GetActivePlayer()];
  local data = load( pPlayer, "data" ) or 0;
  data = data +1;
  print( "data: "..tostring( data ) );
  save( pPlayer, "data", data );
Events.ActivePlayerTurnStart.Add( test );

Spoiler :

-- vymdt.08.2011.02.13.0000
-- Created by: Ryan F. Mercer -Open source
-- SaveUtils.lua
--[[ Special Thanks: killmeplease, Thalassicus, Afforess.

*Nothing in this file should be changed.

Allows concurrent mods to share the ScriptData save slot on all Player, Plot,
and Unit objects, makes it possible to save complex tables or any data type
except function, userdata, and thread, and provides unlimited save slots per
target object.  Includes cache functionality for improved performance and
shares cache and cache-state as super-globals accessible to all lua states
(requires ShareData.lua).

To use this file, place the following line of code in your modded file's
global scope and set your mod's unique name.

  include( "SaveUtils" ); MY_MOD_NAME = "MyMod";

Automatically shares cache and cache-state upon Events.LoadScreenClose().
Call share_SaveUtils() explicitly to share cache and cache-state immediately.
Explicit call necessary when shared data operations performed from global
scope or any point prior to Events.LoadScreenClose().  Avoid explicit call
whenever possible for greater interoperability of concurrent mods.

Basic Functionality
  save( pPlayer, key1, "this" ); --ONLY string and integer keys recommended.
  save( pPlayer, key2, "200" );  --loads as string.
  save( pPlayer, key3, 300 );    --loads as number.
  save( pPlayer, key4, true );   --loads as boolean.
  save( pPlayer, nil,  "that" ); --automatic integer index.
  save( pPlayer, key1, table, "otherMod" ); --optional fourth parameter.
  save( pPlot,   ...,  ...,   ... ); --same as above.
  save( pUnit,   ...,  ...,   ... ); --same as above.

  delete( pPlayer, key1 );             --deletes key and value from table.
  delete( pPlayer, key1, "otherMod" ); --optional third parameter.

  data = load( pPlayer, key1 );
  data = load( pPlayer, key1, "otherMod" ); --optional third parameter.
  data = load( pPlot,   ...,  ... ); --same as above.
  data = load( pUnit,   ...,  ... ); --same as above.

  data = load( pPlayer );                  --entire mod table for pPlayer.
  data = load( pPlayer, nil, "otherMod" ); --entire mod table for pPlayer.

  data = load( pPlayer, nil, false ); --entire save table for pPlayer.
  data = load( pPlot,   nil, false ); --entire save table for pPlot.
  data = load( pUnit,   nil, false ); --entire save table for pUnit.

Invalid data types: function, userdata, thread.  Also be aware that while it
is technically possible to use any other data type except nil for a key,
using a table for reference, ie: load(pPlayer,table), will produce
undesirable results.  It will appear to work normally while still in cache,
only to then fail across saved games.  This is not a limitation of SaveUtils,
but rather is an inherent limitation of all serialized data.  That said, the
following will always work as expected.

  save(pPlayer,{"table key"},"value");
  for k,v in pairs(load(pPlayer)) do

Cache Functionality

Data caching can be set to one of three states per mod:
0 = no cache, 1 = serialize on save(), 2 = serialize on sync().  Default: 1.

  setCacheState( 0 ); --no cache.
  setCacheState( 0, "otherMod" ); --optional second parameter.

  clear();          --error.
  clear( true );    --clears entire cache.
  clear( pPlayer ); --clears pPlayer cache.

  sync();           --error.
  sync( true );     --serializes entire cache.
  sync( pPlayer );  --serializes pPlayer cache.

When using serialize on sync(), it is the modders responsibility to call
global function sync() to serialize cache data, otherwise game data will not
persist across saved games.  Also be aware that multiple lua states may read
from or write to the serialized data at any time.  Lua states that act on the
serialized data should first inspect the cache to avoid desynchronization
(requires ShareData.lua).

It is also possible to override the cache-state on any particular call to
save() and load() by giving the desired cache-state as an optional last
argument.  This can be particularly useful when retrieving the entire save
table, ie: load(pPlayer, nil, false, 0), because logically mod false can not
have a cache-state and thus otherwise uses the cache-state for MY_MOD_NAME.

Share Functionality

Requires ShareData.lua

Shared data can be of any type, including an object or function reference.
Data shared as super-global requires key be unique for all lua states. Data
shared as context-global only requires key be unique for that context.  Share
data as super-global when you want all lua states to act on that same data,
and share data as context-global when you want to make it accessible to any
lua state that specifies your context (mostly for read only).  The context
should be the name of the LuaContext entry or UIAddin file name without file

It is recommended that data be shared upon Events.LoadScreenClose() to ensure
synchronized order of operations across concurrent mods.  For example,
SaveUtils automatically shares cache and cache-state in the following manner.
g_cacheState, g_pCache = {}, Cache:new();

function share_SaveUtils()
  g_cacheState  = share( "SaveUtils.g_cacheState",  g_cacheState  );
  g_pCache      = share( "SaveUtils.g_pCache",      g_pCache      );
Events.LoadScreenClose.Add( share_SaveUtils );

Share References:

  data = share( key, data or default );           --super-global.
  data = share( key, data or default, context );  --context-global.

Once a reference is shared, any actions on that reference by any lua state
take immediate affect for all lua states, as expected for a reference.  Thus
only share() is needed upon instatiation and perhaps rmvShared() on clean-up.

Share Primitives:
  old  = setShared( key, data );
  data = getShared( key );
  case = hasShared( key );

  old  = setShared( key, data, context );
  data = getShared( key, context );
  case = hasShared( key, context );
  --share with automatic integer index.
  setShared( nil, data, context ); --ONLY context-globals.

Primitives (number, string, boolean) are copies not references, thus while it
is possible to share a primitive upon Events.LoadScreenClose, getShared() and
setShared() must still be called later to keep copies syncronized.  For this
reason it may be preferable to assign primitives to a shared table for
reference with key.


  --remove primitive or reference.
  data = rmvShared( key );           --super-global.
  data = rmvShared( key, context );  --context-global.

Be aware that removing a reference from shared data can not eliminate any
additional references created while data was shared.


  data = getShared();                --entire table of super-globals.
  data = getShared( nil, context );  --entire table of context-globals.
  data = getShared( nil, true );     --entire table of context tables.

  --supress 'not shared' warnings.
  WARN_NOT_SHARED = false; include( "SaveUtils" ); MY_MOD_NAME = "MyMod";
-- Save Class
Allows SetScriptData() and GetScriptData() to behave as a hash-table of
itemized data, while maintaining separation of individual mod data.
Save = {};
function Save:new( o )
  o = o or {};
  if type( o ) == "string" and o == "" then o = {}; end
  if type( o ) ~= "table" then o = {o}; end
  setmetatable( o, self );
  self.__index = self;
  return o;
Sets the given value to the given key for the given mod.
function Save:set( mod, key, value )
  self[mod] = self[mod] or {};
  if key ~= nil then self[mod][key] = value;
  else table.insert( self[mod], value );
  local i=0; for k,v in pairs( self[mod] ) do i=1; break; end
  if i == 0 then self[mod] = nil; end
Returns value for given mod and key. Returns copy of self when mod not given.
Returns mod table when key not given.
function Save:get( mod, key )
  local function copy( object, meta ) --deep copy.
    local copied = {};
    local function sub( object )
      if type( object ) ~= "table" then return object; end
      if copied[object] then return copied[object]; end
      local new_table = {};
      copied[object] = new_table;
      for k,v in pairs( object ) do new_table[sub( k )] = sub( v ); end
      local new_meta = getmetatable( object );
      if meta == true then new_meta = sub( new_meta ); end
      return setmetatable( new_table, new_meta );
    return sub( object );

  local r = nil;
  if mod ~= nil then self[mod] = self[mod] or {}; r = self[mod];
    if key ~= nil then r = self[mod][key]; end
  else r = copy( self );
  return r;
--END Save Class
-- Cache Class
Manages object keys to unserialized object data.
Cache = {};
function Cache:new( o )
  o = o or {};
  setmetatable( o, self );
  self.__index = self;
  return o;
Returns boolean state for given target.
function Cache:has( target )
  r = false;
  if self[target] then r = true; end
  return r;
Sets given Save for given target.
function Cache:add( target, save )
  if target ~= nil and save ~= nil then self[target] = save; end
Returns Save for given target.  Returns copy of self when target not given.
function Cache:get( target )

  local function copy( object, meta ) --deep copy.
    local copied = {};
    local function sub( object )
      if type( object ) ~= "table" then return object; end
      if copied[object] then return copied[object]; end
      local new_table = {};
      copied[object] = new_table;
      for k,v in pairs( object ) do new_table[sub( k )] = sub( v ); end
      local new_meta = getmetatable( object );
      if meta == true then new_meta = sub( new_meta ); end
      return setmetatable( new_table, new_meta );
    return sub( object );

  local r = self[target];
  if r == nil then r = copy( self ); end
  return r;
Removes and returns Save for given target.
function Cache:rmv( target )
  return table.remove( self, target );
--END Cache Class
Sets cache-state for given mod to given state. Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If mod
not given.
function setCacheState( state, mod )
  local t = type( state );
  if not t == "number" then
    print( "setCacheState(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number." );
    return false; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "setCacheState(): Invalid second argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  g_cacheState[mod] = state;
Returns cache-state for given mod.  Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If mod not given.
function getCacheState( mod )
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  local t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "getCacheState(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  return g_cacheState[mod];
Removes cache data for given target, or all data when target is boolean true.
function clear( target )
  local t = type( target );
  if not (t == "table" or target == true) then
    print( "clear(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table, or boolean true." );
    return false; --error.
  if WARN_NOT_SHARED ~= false and
      not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_pCache" ) then
    print( "Warning: cache not shared." ); --warning.
  if target == true then
    for k,pSave in pairs( g_pCache ) do g_pCache:rmv( k ); end
  else g_pCache:rmv( target );
Serializes cache data for given target, or all cache data when target is
boolean true.
function sync( target )
  local t = type( target );
  if not (t == "table" or target == true) then
    print( "sync(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table, or boolean true." );
    return false; --error.
  if WARN_NOT_SHARED ~= false and
      not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_pCache" ) then
    print( "Warning: cache not shared." ); --warning.
  if target == true then
    for k,pSave in pairs( g_pCache ) do
      k:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave ));
    local pSave = g_pCache:get( target );
    if pSave == nil then
      print( "sync(): Target not found." ); return false; --error.
    else target:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave ));
Saves the given value to the given key for the given target of the given mod.
Invalid data types: function, userdata, thread.  Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If
mod not given.  Can optionally override the cache-state for any particular
call.  This can be particularly useful when mod is boolean false.
function save( target, key, value, mod, cacheState )
  local t = type( target );
  if not t == "table" then
    print( "save(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table." );
    return false; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "save(): Invalid fourth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  t = type( cacheState );
  if not (cacheState == nil or t == "number") then
    print( "save(): Invalid fifth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or number." );
    return false; --error.
  local pSave = nil;
  local iCache = DEFAULT_CACHE_STATE;
  if cacheState ~= nil then iCache = cacheState;
    if getCacheState( mod ) == nil then setCacheState( iCache, mod );
    else iCache = getCacheState( mod );
  pSave = load( target, nil, false, iCache );
  pSave:set( mod, key, value );
  if iCache <= 1 then target:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave )); end
  if iCache >= 1 then g_pCache:add( target, pSave ); end
Loads the value for the given key for the given target of the given mod.
Returns entire mod table for the given target when key is nil.  Returns
entire save table for the given target when mod is boolean false.  Uses
global MY_MOD_NAME If mod not given.  Can optionally override the cache-state
for any particular call.  This can be particularly useful when mod is boolean
false, because logically mod false can not have a cache-state and thus
otherwise uses default cache-state or cache-state for MY_MOD_NAME when set.
function load( target, key, mod, cacheState )
  local t = type( target );
  if not t == "table" then
    print( "load(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table." );
    return nil; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string" or mod == false) then
    print( "load(): Invalid third argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, string, or boolean false." );
    return nil; --error.
  if mod == false then mod = nil; end
  t = type( cacheState );
  if not (cacheState == nil or t == "number") then
    print( "load(): Invalid fourth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or number." );
    return nil; --error.
  local pSave = nil;
  local iCache = DEFAULT_CACHE_STATE;
  if cacheState ~= nil then iCache = cacheState;
    if mod == nil then
      if getCacheState( MY_MOD_NAME ) ~= nil then
        iCache = getCacheState( MY_MOD_NAME );
      if getCacheState( mod ) == nil then setCacheState( iCache, mod );
      else iCache = getCacheState( mod );
  if iCache < 1 then pSave = Save:new(deserialize( target:GetScriptData() ));
  elseif iCache > 0 then
    if WARN_NOT_SHARED ~= false then
      local warned = false;
      if not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_pCache" ) then
        print( "Warning: cache not shared." ); --warning.
        warned = true;
      if not warned and not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_cacheState" ) then
        print( "Warning: cache-state not shared." ); --warning.
    if g_pCache:has( target ) then pSave = g_pCache:get( target );
      pSave = Save:new(deserialize( target:GetScriptData() ));
      g_pCache:add( target, pSave );
  return pSave:get( mod, key );
Removes both the key and value for the given target of the given mod
with the given key. Alias for function save( target, key, nil, mod ).
function delete( target, key, mod )
  save( target, key, nil, mod );
Serializes given data and returns result string.  Invalid data types:
function, userdata, thread.
function serialize( p )
  local r = ""; local t = type( p );
  if t == "function" or t == "userdata" or t == "thread" then
    print( "serialize(): Invalid type: "..t ); --error.
  elseif p ~= nil then
    if t ~= "table" then
      if p == nil or p == true or p == false
        or t == "number" then r = tostring( p );
      elseif t == "string" then
        if p:lower() == "true" or p:lower() == "false"
            or tonumber( p ) ~= nil then r = '"'..p..'"';
        else r = p;
      r = r:gsub( "{", "\[LCB\]" );
      r = r:gsub( "}", "\[RCB\]" );
      r = r:gsub( "=", "\[EQL\]" );
      r = r:gsub( ",", "\[COM\]" );
      r = "{"; local b = false;
      for k,v in pairs( p ) do
        if b then r = r..","; end
        r = r..serialize( k ).."="..serialize( v );
        b = true;
      r = r.."}"
  return r;
Deserializes given string and returns result data.
function deserialize( str )

  local findToken = function( str, int )
    if int == nil then int = 1; end
    local s, e, c = str:find( "({)" ,int);
    if s == int then --table.
      local len = str:len();
      local i = 1; --open brace.
      while i > 0 and s ~= nil and e <= len do --find close.
        s, e, c = str:find( "([{}])" ,e+1);
        if     c == "{" then i = i+1;
        elseif c == "}" then i = i-1;
      if i == 0 then c = str:sub(int,e);
      else print( "deserialize(): Malformed table." ); --error.
    else s, e, c = str:find( "([^=,]*)" ,int); --primitive.
    return s, e, c, str:sub( e+1, e+1 );

  local r = nil; local s, c, d;
  if str ~= nil then
    local sT, eT, cT = str:find( "{(.*)}" );
    if sT == 1 then
      r = {}; local len = cT:len(); local e = 1;
      if cT ~= "" then
          local t1, t2; local more = false;
          s, e, c, d = findToken( cT, e );
          if s ~= nil then t1 = deserialize( c ); end
          if d == "=" then --key.
            s, e, c, d = findToken( cT, e+2 );
            if s ~= nil then t2 = deserialize( c ); end
          if d == "," then e = e+2; more = true; end --one more.
          if t2 ~= nil then r[t1] = t2;
          else table.insert( r, t1 );
        until e >= len and not more;
    elseif tonumber(str) ~= nil then r = tonumber(str);
    elseif str == "true"  then r = true;
    elseif str == "false" then r = false;
      s, e, c = str:find( '"(.*)"' );
      if s == 1 and e == str:len() then
        if c == "true" or c == "false" or tonumber( c ) ~= nil then
          str = c;
      r = str;
      r = r:gsub( "%[LCB%]", "{" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[RCB%]", "}" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[EQL%]", "=" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[COM%]", "," );
  return r;
Makes given data accessible to all lua states.  Intended for use upon data
instatiation, ie: local data = share( key, data or default, context );
Does not "set" shared data unless not already set, otherwise just returns
already set data.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function share( key, data, context )
  local t = type( key );
  if not (t == "number" or (t == "string" and key ~= "")) then
    print( "share(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or unempty-string." );
    return data; --error.
  local t = type( context );
  if not (t == "nil" or (t == "string" and context ~= "")) then
    print( "share(): Invalid third argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or unempty-string." );
    return data; --error.
  local r, t = data, {}; LuaEvents.HasShared( key, t, context );
  if not t[1] then LuaEvents.SetShared( key, data, context );
  else t = {}; LuaEvents.GetShared( key, t, context ); r = t[key];
  end return r;
Returns boolean case of shared context-global for key or boolean case of
shared super-global for key when context not given.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function hasShared( key, context )
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.HasShared( key, r, context ); return r[1] or false;
Sets given data to given key as shared context-global or shared super-global
when context not given.  Sets given data to automatic integer-key when key
not given.  Must give key when context not given.  Returns previous data for
given key.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function setShared( key, data, context )
  if key == nil and context == nil then
    print( "setShared(): Invalid first and third argument combination of "
        .."types "..type( key ).." and "..type( context )
        ..", expected any type except nil for key when context nil." );
    return nil; --error.
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.SetShared( key, data, context, r );
  if key ~= nil then r = r[key]; else r = nil; end return r;
Returns shared context-global for key or shared super-global for key when
context not given.  Returns entire table of context-globals for given context
when key not given.  Returns entire table of super-globals when both key and
context not given.  Returns entire table of context tables when key not given
and given context boolean true.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function getShared( key, context )
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.GetShared( key, r, context );
  if key ~= nil then r = r[key]; end return r;
Removes and returns shared context-global for key or shared super-global for
key when context not given.  Alias for function setShared(key, nil, context).
Requires ShareData.lua.
function rmvShared( key, context )
  return setShared( key, nil, context );
Global Variables.

Cache and cache-state automatically shared as super-globals upon
g_cacheState, g_pCache = {}, Cache:new();
Shares cache and cache-state as super-globals.
function share_SaveUtils()
  g_cacheState  = share( "SaveUtils.g_cacheState",  g_cacheState  );
  g_pCache      = share( "SaveUtils.g_pCache",      g_pCache      );
Events.LoadScreenClose.Add( share_SaveUtils );
--END SaveUtils.lua
-- Created by: Ryan F. Mercer -Open source
Version 7: (deprecated)
Spoiler :

Version 7 (build: 2010.11.30.0000)

Allows concurrent mods to share the ScriptData save slot on all Player, Plot, and Unit objects, makes it possible to save complex tables or any data type except function, userdata, and thread, and provides unlimited save slots per target object. Includes cache functionality for improved performance and shares cache across all lua states and concurrent mods when ShareData.lua is loaded.

Spoiler :
-- vymdt.07.2010.11.30.0000
-- Created by: Ryan F. Mercer -Open source
-- SaveUtils.lua
--[[ Special Thanks: killmeplease, Thalassicus, Afforess.

*Nothing in this file should be changed.

Allows concurrent mods to share the ScriptData save slot on all Player, Plot,
and Unit objects, makes it possible to save complex tables or any data type
except function, userdata, and thread, and provides unlimited save slots per
target object.  Includes cache functionality for improved performance and
shares cache and cache-state as super-globals accessible to all lua states
(requires ShareData.lua).

To use this file, place the following line of code in your modded file's
global scope and set your mod's unique name.

  include( "SaveUtils" ); MY_MOD_NAME = "MyMod";

Automatically shares cache and cache-state upon Events.LoadScreenClose().
Call share_SaveUtils() explicitly to share cache and cache-state immediately.
Explicit call necessary when shared data operations performed from global
scope or any point prior to Events.LoadScreenClose().  Avoid explicit call
whenever possible for greater interoperability of concurrent mods.

Basic Functionality
  save( pPlayer, key1, "this" ); --ONLY string and integer keys recommended.
  save( pPlayer, key2, "200" );  --loads as string.
  save( pPlayer, key3, 300 );    --loads as number.
  save( pPlayer, key4, true );   --loads as boolean.
  save( pPlayer, nil,  "that" ); --automatic integer index.
  save( pPlayer, key1, table, "otherMod" ); --optional fourth parameter.
  save( pPlot,   ...,  ...,   ... ); --same as above.
  save( pUnit,   ...,  ...,   ... ); --same as above.

  delete( pPlayer, key1 );             --deletes key and value from table.
  delete( pPlayer, key1, "otherMod" ); --optional third parameter.

  data = load( pPlayer, key1 );
  data = load( pPlayer, key1, "otherMod" ); --optional third parameter.
  data = load( pPlot,   ...,  ... ); --same as above.
  data = load( pUnit,   ...,  ... ); --same as above.

  data = load( pPlayer );                  --entire mod table for pPlayer.
  data = load( pPlayer, nil, "otherMod" ); --entire mod table for pPlayer.

  data = load( pPlayer, nil, false ); --entire save table for pPlayer.
  data = load( pPlot,   nil, false ); --entire save table for pPlot.
  data = load( pUnit,   nil, false ); --entire save table for pUnit.

Invalid data types: function, userdata, thread.  Also be aware that while it
is technically possible to use any other data type except nil for a key,
using a table for reference, ie: load(pPlayer,table), will produce
undesirable results.  It will appear to work normally while still in cache,
only to then fail across saved games.  This is not a limitation of SaveUtils,
but rather is an inherent limitation of all serialized data.  That said, the
following will always work as expected.

  save(pPlayer,{"table key"},"value");
  for k,v in pairs(load(pPlayer)) do

Cache Functionality

Data caching can be set to one of three states per mod:
0 = no cache, 1 = serialize on save(), 2 = serialize on sync().  Default: 1.

  setCacheState( 0 ); --no cache.
  setCacheState( 0, "otherMod" ); --optional second parameter.

  clear();          --error.
  clear( true );    --clears entire cache.
  clear( pPlayer ); --clears pPlayer cache.

  sync();           --error.
  sync( true );     --serializes entire cache.
  sync( pPlayer );  --serializes pPlayer cache.

When using serialize on sync(), it is the modders responsibility to call
global function sync() to serialize cache data, otherwise game data will not
persist across saved games.  Also be aware that multiple lua states may read
from or write to the serialized data at any time.  Lua states that act on the
serialized data should first inspect the cache to avoid desynchronization
(requires ShareData.lua).

It is also possible to override the cache-state on any particular call to
save() and load() by giving the desired cache-state as an optional last
argument.  This can be particularly useful when retrieving the entire save
table, ie: load(pPlayer, nil, false, 0), because logically mod false can not
have a cache-state and thus otherwise uses the cache-state for MY_MOD_NAME.

Share Functionality

Requires ShareData.lua

Shared data can be of any type, including an object or function reference.
Data shared as super-global requires key be unique for all lua states. Data
shared as context-global only requires key be unique for that context.  Share
data as super-global when you want all lua states to act on that same data,
and share data as context-global when you want to make it accessible to any
lua state that specifies your context (mostly for read only).  The context
should be the name of the LuaContext entry or UIAddin file name without file

It is recommended that data be shared upon Events.LoadScreenClose() to ensure
synchronized order of operations across concurrent mods.  For example,
SaveUtils automatically shares cache and cache-state in the following manner.
g_cacheState, g_pCache = {}, Cache:new();

function share_SaveUtils()
  g_cacheState  = share( "SaveUtils.g_cacheState",  g_cacheState  );
  g_pCache      = share( "SaveUtils.g_pCache",      g_pCache      );
Events.LoadScreenClose.Add( share_SaveUtils );

Share References:

  data = share( key, data or default );           --super-global.
  data = share( key, data or default, context );  --context-global.

Once a reference is shared, any actions on that reference by any lua state
take immediate affect for all lua states, as expected for a reference.  Thus
only share() is needed upon instatiation and perhaps rmvShared() on clean-up.

Share Primitives:
  old  = setShared( key, data );
  data = getShared( key );
  case = hasShared( key );

  old  = setShared( key, data, context );
  data = getShared( key, context );
  case = hasShared( key, context );
  --share with automatic integer index.
  setShared( nil, data, context ); --ONLY context-globals.

Primitives (number, string, boolean) are copies not references, thus while it
is possible to share a primitive upon Events.LoadScreenClose, getShared() and
setShared() must still be called later to keep copies syncronized.  For this
reason it may be preferable to assign primitives to a shared table for
reference with key.


  --remove primitive or reference.
  data = rmvShared( key );           --super-global.
  data = rmvShared( key, context );  --context-global.

Be aware that removing a reference from shared data can not eliminate any
additional references created while data was shared.


  data = getShared();                --entire table of super-globals.
  data = getShared( nil, context );  --entire table of context-globals.
  data = getShared( nil, true );     --entire table of context tables.

  --supress 'not shared' warnings.
  WARN_NOT_SHARED = false; include( "SaveUtils" ); MY_MOD_NAME = "MyMod";
-- Save Class
Allows SetScriptData() and GetScriptData() to behave as a hash-table of
itemized data, while maintaining separation of individual mod data.
Save = {};
function Save:new( o )
  o = o or {};
  if type( o ) == "string" and o == "" then o = {}; end
  if type( o ) ~= "table" then o = {o}; end
  setmetatable( o, self );
  self.__index = self;

  --deep assignment of keyed values.
  --required for duplication of table data assigned by key.
  local sub; --allows recursive call to sub-routine.
  sub = function( o )
    for k,v in pairs( o ) do self[k] = v;
      if type( v ) == "table" then sub( v ); end

  sub( o );
  return o;
Sets the given value to the given key for the given mod.
function Save:set( mod, key, value )
  self[mod] = self[mod] or {};
  if key ~= nil then
    self[mod][key] = value;
    table.insert( self[mod], value );
  local i = 0;
  for k,v in pairs( self[mod] ) do
    i = 1; break;
  if i == 0 then self[mod] = nil; end
Returns value for given mod and key. Returns copy of self when mod not given.
Returns mod table when key not given.
function Save:get( mod, key )
  local copy = function( object ) --deep copy.
    local lookup_table = {};
    local function _copy( object )
      if type( object ) ~= "table" then
        return object;
      elseif lookup_table[object] then
        return lookup_table[object];
      local new_table = {};
      lookup_table[object] = new_table;
      for index,value in pairs( object ) do
        new_table[_copy( index )] = _copy( value );
      return setmetatable( new_table, getmetatable( object ) );
    return _copy( object );
  local r = nil;
  if mod ~= nil then self[mod] = self[mod] or {}; r = self[mod];
    if key ~= nil then r = self[mod][key]; end
  else r = copy( self );
  return r;
--END Save Class
-- Cache Class
Manages object keys to unserialized object data.
Cache = {};
function Cache:new( o )
  o = o or {};
  setmetatable( o, self );
  self.__index = self;

  --deep assignment of keyed values.
  --required for duplication of table data assigned by key.
  local sub; --allows recursive call to sub-routine.
  sub = function( o )
    for k,v in pairs( o ) do self[k] = v;
      if type( v ) == "table" then sub( v ); end

  sub( o );
  return o;
Returns boolean state for given target.
function Cache:has( target )
  r = false;
  if self[target] then r = true; end
  return r;
Sets given Save for given target.
function Cache:add( target, save )
  if target ~= nil and save ~= nil then self[target] = save; end
Returns Save for given target.  Returns self when target not given.
function Cache:get( target )
  local r = self;
  if self:has( target ) then r = self[target]; end
  return r;
Removes and returns Save for given target.
function Cache:rmv( target )
  return table.remove( self, target );
--END Cache Class
Sets cache-state for given mod to given state. Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If mod
not given.
function setCacheState( state, mod )
  local t = type( state );
  if not t == "number" then
    print( "setCacheState(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number." );
    return false; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "setCacheState(): Invalid second argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  g_cacheState[mod] = state;
Returns cache-state for given mod.  Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If mod not given.
function getCacheState( mod )
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  local t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "getCacheState(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  return g_cacheState[mod];
Removes cache data for given target, or all data when target is boolean true.
function clear( target )
  local t = type( target );
  if not (t == "table" or target == true) then
    print( "clear(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table, or boolean true." );
    return false; --error.
  if WARN_NOT_SHARED ~= false and
      not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_pCache" ) then
    print( "Warning: cache not shared." ); --warning.
  if target == true then
    for k,pSave in pairs( g_pCache ) do g_pCache:rmv( k ); end
  else g_pCache:rmv( target );
Serializes cache data for given target, or all cache data when target is
boolean true.
function sync( target )
  local t = type( target );
  if not (t == "table" or target == true) then
    print( "sync(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table, or boolean true." );
    return false; --error.
  if WARN_NOT_SHARED ~= false and
      not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_pCache" ) then
    print( "Warning: cache not shared." ); --warning.
  if target == true then
    for k,pSave in pairs( g_pCache ) do
      k:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave ));
    local pSave = g_pCache:get( target );
    if pSave == nil then
      print( "sync(): Target not found." ); return false; --error.
    else target:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave ));
Saves the given value to the given key for the given target of the given mod.
Invalid data types: function, userdata, thread.  Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If
mod not given.  Can optionally override the cache-state for any particular
call.  This can be particularly useful when mod is boolean false.
function save( target, key, value, mod, cacheState )
  local t = type( target );
  if not t == "table" then
    print( "save(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table." );
    return false; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "save(): Invalid fourth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  t = type( cacheState );
  if not (cacheState == nil or t == "number") then
    print( "save(): Invalid fifth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or number." );
    return false; --error.
  local pSave = nil;
  local iCache = DEFAULT_CACHE_STATE;
  if cacheState ~= nil then iCache = cacheState;
    if getCacheState( mod ) == nil then setCacheState( iCache, mod );
    else iCache = getCacheState( mod );
  pSave = load( target, nil, false, iCache );
  pSave:set( mod, key, value );
  if iCache <= 1 then target:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave )); end
  if iCache >= 1 then g_pCache:add( target, pSave ); end
Loads the value for the given key for the given target of the given mod.
Returns entire mod table for the given target when key is nil.  Returns
entire save table for the given target when mod is boolean false.  Uses
global MY_MOD_NAME If mod not given.  Can optionally override the cache-state
for any particular call.  This can be particularly useful when mod is boolean
false, because logically mod false can not have a cache-state and thus
otherwise uses default cache-state or cache-state for MY_MOD_NAME when set.
function load( target, key, mod, cacheState )
  local t = type( target );
  if not t == "table" then
    print( "load(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table." );
    return nil; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string" or mod == false) then
    print( "load(): Invalid third argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, string, or boolean false." );
    return nil; --error.
  if mod == false then mod = nil; end
  t = type( cacheState );
  if not (cacheState == nil or t == "number") then
    print( "load(): Invalid fourth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or number." );
    return nil; --error.
  local pSave = nil;
  local iCache = DEFAULT_CACHE_STATE;
  if cacheState ~= nil then iCache = cacheState;
    if mod == nil then
      if getCacheState( MY_MOD_NAME ) ~= nil then
        iCache = getCacheState( MY_MOD_NAME );
      if getCacheState( mod ) == nil then setCacheState( iCache, mod );
      else iCache = getCacheState( mod );
  if iCache < 1 then pSave = Save:new(deserialize( target:GetScriptData() ));
  elseif iCache > 0 then
    if WARN_NOT_SHARED ~= false then
      local warned = false;
      if not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_pCache" ) then
        print( "Warning: cache not shared." ); --warning.
        warned = true;
      if not warned and not hasShared( "SaveUtils.g_cacheState" ) then
        print( "Warning: cache-state not shared." ); --warning.
    if g_pCache:has( target ) then pSave = g_pCache:get( target );
      pSave = Save:new(deserialize( target:GetScriptData() ));
      g_pCache:add( target, pSave );
  return pSave:get( mod, key );
Removes both the key and value for the given target of the given mod
with the given key. Alias for function save( target, key, nil, mod ).
function delete( target, key, mod )
  save( target, key, nil, mod );
Serializes given data and returns result string.  Invalid data types:
function, userdata, thread.
function serialize( p )
  local r = ""; local t = type( p );
  if t == "function" or t == "userdata" or t == "thread" then
    print( "serialize(): Invalid type: "..t ); --error.
  elseif p ~= nil then
    if t ~= "table" then
      if p == nil or p == true or p == false
        or t == "number" then r = tostring( p );
      elseif t == "string" then
        if p:lower() == "true" or p:lower() == "false"
            or tonumber( p ) ~= nil then r = '"'..p..'"';
        else r = p;
      r = r:gsub( "{", "\[LCB\]" );
      r = r:gsub( "}", "\[RCB\]" );
      r = r:gsub( "=", "\[EQL\]" );
      r = r:gsub( ",", "\[COM\]" );
      r = "{"; local b = false;
      for k,v in pairs( p ) do
        if b then r = r..","; end
        r = r..serialize( k ).."="..serialize( v );
        b = true;
      r = r.."}"
  return r;
Deserializes given string and returns result data.
function deserialize( str )

  local findToken = function( str, int )
    if int == nil then int = 1; end
    local s, e, c = str:find( "({)" ,int);
    if s == int then --table.
      local len = str:len();
      local i = 1; --open brace.
      while i > 0 and s ~= nil and e <= len do --find close.
        s, e, c = str:find( "([{}])" ,e+1);
        if     c == "{" then i = i+1;
        elseif c == "}" then i = i-1;
      if i == 0 then c = str:sub(int,e);
      else print( "deserialize(): Malformed table." ); --error.
    else s, e, c = str:find( "([^=,]*)" ,int); --primitive.
    return s, e, c, str:sub( e+1, e+1 );

  local r = nil; local s, c, d;
  if str ~= nil then
    local sT, eT, cT = str:find( "{(.*)}" );
    if sT == 1 then
      r = {}; local len = cT:len(); local e = 1;
      if cT ~= "" then
          local t1, t2; local more = false;
          s, e, c, d = findToken( cT, e );
          if s ~= nil then t1 = deserialize( c ); end
          if d == "=" then --key.
            s, e, c, d = findToken( cT, e+2 );
            if s ~= nil then t2 = deserialize( c ); end
          if d == "," then e = e+2; more = true; end --one more.
          if t2 ~= nil then r[t1] = t2;
          else table.insert( r, t1 );
        until e >= len and not more;
    elseif tonumber(str) ~= nil then r = tonumber(str);
    elseif str == "true"  then r = true;
    elseif str == "false" then r = false;
      s, e, c = str:find( '"(.*)"' );
      if s == 1 and e == str:len() then
        if c == "true" or c == "false" or tonumber( c ) ~= nil then
          str = c;
      r = str;
      r = r:gsub( "%[LCB%]", "{" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[RCB%]", "}" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[EQL%]", "=" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[COM%]", "," );
  return r;
Makes given data accessible to all lua states.  Intended for use upon data
instatiation, ie: local data = share( key, data or default, context );
Does not "set" shared data unless not already set, otherwise just returns
already set data.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function share( key, data, context )
  local t = type( key );
  if not (t == "number" or (t == "string" and key ~= "")) then
    print( "share(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or unempty-string." );
    return data; --error.
  local t = type( context );
  if not (t == "nil" or (t == "string" and context ~= "")) then
    print( "share(): Invalid third argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or unempty-string." );
    return data; --error.
  local r, t = data, {}; LuaEvents.HasShared( key, t, context );
  if not t[1] then LuaEvents.SetShared( key, data, context );
  else t = {}; LuaEvents.GetShared( key, t, context ); r = t[key];
  end return r;
Returns boolean case of shared context-global for key or boolean case of
shared super-global for key when context not given.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function hasShared( key, context )
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.HasShared( key, r, context ); return r[1] or false;
Sets given data to given key as shared context-global or shared super-global
when context not given.  Sets given data to automatic integer-key when key
not given.  Must give key when context not given.  Returns previous data for
given key.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function setShared( key, data, context )
  if key == nil and context == nil then
    print( "setShared(): Invalid first and third argument combination of "
        .."types "..type( key ).." and "..type( context )
        ..", expected any type except nil for key when context nil." );
    return nil; --error.
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.SetShared( key, data, context, r );
  if key ~= nil then r = r[key]; else r = nil; end return r;
Returns shared context-global for key or shared super-global for key when
context not given.  Returns entire table of context-globals for given context
when key not given.  Returns entire table of super-globals when both key and
context not given.  Returns entire table of context tables when key not given
and given context boolean true.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function getShared( key, context )
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.GetShared( key, r, context );
  if key ~= nil then r = r[key]; end return r;
Removes and returns shared context-global for key or shared super-global for
key when context not given.  Alias for function setShared(key, nil, context).
Requires ShareData.lua.
function rmvShared( key, context )
  return setShared( key, nil, context );
Global Variables.

Cache and cache-state automatically shared as super-globals upon
g_cacheState, g_pCache = {}, Cache:new();
Shares cache and cache-state as super-globals.
function share_SaveUtils()
  g_cacheState  = share( "SaveUtils.g_cacheState",  g_cacheState  );
  g_pCache      = share( "SaveUtils.g_pCache",      g_pCache      );
Events.LoadScreenClose.Add( share_SaveUtils );
--END SaveUtils.lua
-- Created by: Ryan F. Mercer -Open source
Version 6: (deprecated)
Spoiler :
Version 6 (build: 2010.11.26.0000)

Allows concurrent mods to share the ScriptData save slot on all Player, Plot, and Unit objects, makes it possible to save complex tables or any data type except function, userdata, and thread, and provides unlimited save slots per target object. Includes cache functionality for improved performance and shares cache across all lua states and concurrent mods when ShareData.lua is loaded.

Spoiler :
-- vymdt.06.2010.11.26.0000
-- Created by: Ryan F. Mercer -Open source
-- SaveUtils.lua
--[[ Special Thanks: killmeplease, Thalassicus, Afforess.

*Nothing in this file should be changed.

Allows concurrent mods to share the ScriptData save slot on all Player, Plot,
and Unit objects, makes it possible to save complex tables or any data type
except function, userdata, and thread, and provides unlimited save slots per
target object.  Includes cache functionality for improved performance and
shares cache and cache state as super-globals accessible to all lua states
(requires ShareData.lua).

To use this file, place the following line of code in your modded file's
global scope and set your mod's unique name.

  include( "SaveUtils" ); MY_MOD_NAME = "myMod";

Basic Functionality
  save( pPlayer, key1, "this" ); --ONLY string and integer keys recommended.
  save( pPlayer, key2, "200" );  --loads as string.
  save( pPlayer, key3, 300 );    --loads as number.
  save( pPlayer, key4, true );   --loads as boolean.
  save( pPlayer, nil,  "that" ); --automatic integer index.
  save( pPlayer, key1, table, "otherMod" ); --optional fourth parameter.
  save( pPlot,   ...,  ...,   ... ); --same as above.
  save( pUnit,   ...,  ...,   ... ); --same as above.

  delete( pPlayer, key1 );             --deletes key and value from table.
  delete( pPlayer, key1, "otherMod" ); --optional third parameter.

  data = load( pPlayer, key1 );
  data = load( pPlayer, key1, "otherMod" ); --optional third parameter.
  data = load( pPlot,   ...,  ... ); --same as above.
  data = load( pUnit,   ...,  ... ); --same as above.

  data = load( pPlayer );                  --entire mod table for pPlayer.
  data = load( pPlayer, nil, "otherMod" ); --entire mod table for pPlayer.

  data = load( pPlayer, nil, false ); --entire save table for pPlayer.
  data = load( pPlot,   nil, false ); --entire save table for pPlot.
  data = load( pUnit,   nil, false ); --entire save table for pUnit.

Invalid data types: function, userdata, thread.  Also be aware that while it
is technically possible to use any other data type except nil for a key,
using a table for reference, ie: load(pPlayer,table), will produce
undesirable results.  It will appear to work normally while still in cache,
only to then fail across saved games.  This is not a limitation of SaveUtils,
but rather is an inherent limitation of all serialized data.  That said, the
following will always work as expected.

  save(pPlayer,{"table key"},"value");
  for k,v in pairs(load(pPlayer)) do

Cache Functionality

Data caching can be set to one of three states per mod:
0 = no cache, 1 = serialize on save(), 2 = serialize on sync().  Default: 1.

  setCacheState( 0 ); --no cache.
  setCacheState( 0, "otherMod" ); --optional second parameter.

  clear();          --error.
  clear( true );    --clears entire cache.
  clear( pPlayer ); --clears pPlayer cache.

  sync();           --error.
  sync( true );     --serializes entire cache.
  sync( pPlayer );  --serializes pPlayer cache.

When using serialize on sync(), it is the modders responsibility to call
global function sync() to serialize cache data, otherwise game data will not
persist across saved games.  Also be aware that multiple lua states may read
from or write to the serialized data at any time.  Lua states that act on the
serialized data should first inspect the cache to avoid desynchronization
(requires ShareData.lua).

It is also possible to override the cache state on any particular call to
save() and load() by giving the desired cache state as an optional last
argument.  This can be particularly useful when retrieving the entire save
table, ie: load(pPlayer, nil, false, 0), because logically mod false can not
have a cache state and thus otherwise uses the cache state for MY_MOD_NAME.

Share Functionality

Requires ShareData.lua

Shared data can be of any type, including an object or function reference.
Data shared as super-global requires key be unique for all lua states. Data
shared as context-global only requires key be unique for that context.  Share
data as super-global when you want all lua states to act on that same data,
and share data as context-global when you want to make it accessible to any
lua state that specifies your context (mostly for read only).  The context
should be the name of the LuaContext entry or UIAddin file name without file

It is recommended that data be shared upon Events.LoadScreenClose.  This will
ensure proper execution order of operations across concurrent mods.  For
example, SaveUtils shares its cacheState and pCache globals in the following

cacheState  = nil; 
pCache      = nil;

function shareData()
  cacheState  = share( "SaveUtils.cacheState",  cacheState or {} );
  pCache      = share( "SaveUtils.pCache",      pCache or Cache:new() );
Events.LoadScreenClose.Add( shareData );

Share References:

  --share upon Events.LoadScreenClose.
  data = share( key, data or default );           --super-global.
  data = share( key, data or default, context );  --context-global.

Once a reference is shared, any actions on that reference by any lua state
take immediate affect for all lua states, as expected for a reference.  Thus
only share() is needed upon instatiation and perhaps rmvShared() on clean-up.

Share Primitives:
  old  = setShared( key, data );
  data = getShared( key );
  case = hasShared( key );

  old  = setShared( key, data, context );
  data = getShared( key, context );
  case = hasShared( key, context );
  --share with automatic integer index.
  setShared( nil, data, context ); --ONLY context-globals.

Primitives (number, string, boolean) are copies not references, thus while it
is possible to share a primitive upon Events.LoadScreenClose, getShared() and
setShared() must still be called later to keep copies syncronized.  For this
reason it may be preferable to assign primitives to a shared table for
reference with key.


  --remove primitive or reference.
  data = rmvShared( key );           --super-global.
  data = rmvShared( key, context );  --context-global.

Be aware that removing a reference from shared data can not eliminate any
additional references created while data was shared.


  data = getShared();                --entire table of super-globals.
  data = getShared( nil, context );  --entire table of context-globals.
  data = getShared( nil, true );     --entire table of context tables.
Global Variables.
--shared as super-globals on Events.LoadScreenClose().
cacheState  = nil; 
pCache      = nil;
Shares cache and cache state as super-globals.
function shareData()
  cacheState  = share( "SaveUtils.cacheState",  cacheState or {} );
  pCache      = share( "SaveUtils.pCache",      pCache or Cache:new() );
Events.LoadScreenClose.Add( shareData );
Makes given data accessible to all lua states.  Intended for use upon data
instatiation, ie: local data = share( key, data or default, context );
Does not "set" shared data unless not already set, otherwise just returns
already set data.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function share( key, data, context )
  local t = type( key );
  if not (t == "number" or (t == "string" and key ~= "")) then
    print( "share(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or unempty-string." );
    return data; --error.
  local t = type( context );
  if not (t == "nil" or (t == "string" and context ~= "")) then
    print( "share(): Invalid third argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or unempty-string." );
    return data; --error.
  local r, t = data, {}; LuaEvents.HasShared( key, t, context );
  if not t[1] then LuaEvents.SetShared( key, data, context );
  else t = {}; LuaEvents.GetShared( key, t, context ); r = t[key];
  end return r;
Returns boolean case of shared context-global for key or boolean case of
shared super-global for key when context not given.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function hasShared( key, context )
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.HasShared( key, r, context ); return r[1];
Sets given data to given key as shared context-global or shared super-global
when context not given.  Sets given data to automatic integer-key when key
not given.  Must give key when context not given.  Returns previous data for
given key.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function setShared( key, data, context )
  if key == nil and context == nil then
    print( "setShared(): Invalid first and third argument combination of "
        .."types "..type( key ).." and "..type( context )
        ..", expected any type except nil for key when context nil." );
    return nil; --error.
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.SetShared( key, data, context, r );
  if key ~= nil then r = r[key]; else r = nil; end return r;
Returns shared context-global for key or shared super-global for key when
context not given.  Returns entire table of context-globals for given context
when key not given.  Returns entire table of super-globals when both key and
context not given.  Returns entire table of context tables when key not given
and given context boolean true.  Requires ShareData.lua.
function getShared( key, context )
  local r = {}; LuaEvents.GetShared( key, r, context );
  if key ~= nil then r = r[key]; end return r;
Removes and returns shared context-global for key or shared super-global for
key when context not given.  Alias for function setShared(key, nil, context).
Requires ShareData.lua.
function rmvShared( key, context )
  return setShared( key, nil, context );
-- Save Class
Allows SetScriptData() and GetScriptData() to behave as a hash-table of
itemized data, while maintaining separation of individual mod data.
Save = {};
function Save:new( o )
  o = o or {};
  if type( o ) == "string" and o == "" then o = {}; end
  if type( o ) ~= "table" then o = {o}; end
  setmetatable( o, self );
  self.__index = self;

  --deep assignment of keyed values.
  --required for duplication of table data assigned by key.
  local sub; --allows recursive call to sub-routine.
  sub = function( o )
    for k,v in pairs( o ) do self[k] = v;
      if type( v ) == "table" then sub( v ); end

  sub( o );
  return o;
Sets the given value to the given key for the given mod.
function Save:set( mod, key, value )
  self[mod] = self[mod] or {};
  if key ~= nil then
    self[mod][key] = value;
    table.insert( self[mod], value );
  local i = 0;
  for k,v in pairs( self[mod] ) do
    i = 1; break;
  if i == 0 then self[mod] = nil; end
Returns value for given mod and key. Returns copy of self when mod not given.
Returns mod table when key not given.
function Save:get( mod, key )
  local copy = function( object ) --deep copy.
    local lookup_table = {};
    local function _copy( object )
      if type( object ) ~= "table" then
        return object;
      elseif lookup_table[object] then
        return lookup_table[object];
      local new_table = {};
      lookup_table[object] = new_table;
      for index,value in pairs( object ) do
        new_table[_copy( index )] = _copy( value );
      return setmetatable( new_table, getmetatable( object ) );
    return _copy( object );
  local r = nil;
  if mod ~= nil then self[mod] = self[mod] or {}; r = self[mod];
    if key ~= nil then r = self[mod][key]; end
  else r = copy( self );
  return r;
--END Save Class
-- Cache Class
Manages object keys to unserialized object data.
Cache = {};
function Cache:new( o )
  o = o or {};
  setmetatable( o, self );
  self.__index = self;

  --deep assignment of keyed values.
  --required for duplication of table data assigned by key.
  local sub; --allows recursive call to sub-routine.
  sub = function( o )
    for k,v in pairs( o ) do self[k] = v;
      if type( v ) == "table" then sub( v ); end

  sub( o );
  return o;
Returns boolean state for given target.
function Cache:has( target )
  r = false;
  if self[target] then r = true; end
  return r;
Sets given Save for given target.
function Cache:add( target, save )
  if target ~= nil and save ~= nil then self[target] = save; end
Returns Save for given target.  Returns self when target not given.
function Cache:get( target )
  local r = self;
  if self:has( target ) then r = self[target]; end
  return r;
Removes and returns Save for given target.
function Cache:rmv( target )
  return table.remove( self, target );
--END Cache Class
Sets cache state for given mod to given state. Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If mod
not given.
function setCacheState( state, mod )
  local t = type( state );
  if not t == "number" then
    print( "setCacheState(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number." );
    return false; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "setCacheState(): Invalid second argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  cacheState[mod] = state;
Returns cache state for given mod.  Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If mod not given.
function getCacheState( mod )
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  local t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "getCacheState(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  return cacheState[mod];
Removes cache data for given target, or all data when target is boolean true.
function clear( target )
  local t = type( target );
  if not (t == "table" or target == true) then
    print( "clear(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table, or boolean true." );
    return false; --error.
  if target == true then
    for k,pSave in pairs( pCache ) do pCache:rmv( k ); end
  else pCache:rmv( target );
Serializes cache data for given target, or all cache data when target is
boolean true.
function sync( target )
  local t = type( target );
  if not (t == "table" or target == true) then
    print( "sync(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table, or boolean true." );
    return false; --error.
  if target == true then
    for k,pSave in pairs( pCache ) do
      k:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave ));
    local pSave = pCache:get( target );
    if pSave == nil then
      print( "sync(): Target not found." ); return false; --error.
    else target:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave ));
Saves the given value to the given key for the given target of the given mod.
Invalid data types: function, userdata, thread.  Uses global MY_MOD_NAME If
mod not given.  Can optionally override the cache state for any particular
call.  This can be particularly useful when mod is boolean false.
function save( target, key, value, mod, cacheState )
  local t = type( target );
  if not t == "table" then
    print( "save(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table." );
    return false; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string") then
    print( "save(): Invalid fourth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, or string." );
    return false; --error.
  t = type( cacheState );
  if not (cacheState == nil or t == "number") then
    print( "save(): Invalid fifth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or number." );
    return false; --error.
  local pSave = nil;
  local iCache = DEFAULT_CACHE_STATE;
  if cacheState ~= nil then iCache = cacheState;
    if getCacheState( mod ) == nil then setCacheState( iCache, mod );
    else iCache = getCacheState( mod );
  pSave = load( target, nil, false, iCache );
  pSave:set( mod, key, value );
  if iCache <= 1 then target:SetScriptData(serialize( pSave )); end
  if iCache >= 1 then pCache:add( target, pSave ); end
Loads the value for the given key for the given target of the given mod.
Returns entire mod table for the given target when key is nil.  Returns
entire save table for the given target when mod is boolean false.  Uses
global MY_MOD_NAME If mod not given.  Can optionally override the cache state
for any particular call.  This can be particularly useful when mod is boolean
false, because logically mod false can not have a cache state and thus
otherwise uses default cache state or cache state for MY_MOD_NAME when set.
function load( target, key, mod, cacheState )
  local t = type( target );
  if not t == "table" then
    print( "load(): Invalid first argument of type "..t
        ..", expected table." );
    return nil; --error.
  if mod == nil then mod = MY_MOD_NAME; end
  t = type( mod );
  if not (t == "number" or t == "string" or mod == false) then
    print( "load(): Invalid third argument of type "..t
        ..", expected number, string, or boolean false." );
    return nil; --error.
  if mod == false then mod = nil; end
  t = type( cacheState );
  if not (cacheState == nil or t == "number") then
    print( "load(): Invalid fourth argument of type "..t
        ..", expected nil, or number." );
    return nil; --error.
  local pSave = nil;
  local iCache = DEFAULT_CACHE_STATE;
  if cacheState ~= nil then iCache = cacheState;
    if mod == nil then
      if getCacheState( MY_MOD_NAME ) ~= nil then
        iCache = getCacheState( MY_MOD_NAME );
      if getCacheState( mod ) == nil then setCacheState( iCache, mod );
      else iCache = getCacheState( mod );
  if iCache < 1 then pSave = Save:new(deserialize( target:GetScriptData() ));
  elseif iCache > 0 then
    if pCache:has( target ) then pSave = pCache:get( target );
      pSave = Save:new(deserialize( target:GetScriptData() ));
      pCache:add( target, pSave );
  return pSave:get( mod, key );
Removes both the key and value for the given target of the given mod
with the given key. Alias for function save( target, key, nil, mod ).
function delete( target, key, mod )
  save( target, key, nil, mod );
Serializes given data and returns result string.  Invalid data types:
function, userdata, thread.
function serialize( p )
  local r = ""; local t = type( p );
  if t == "function" or t == "userdata" or t == "thread" then
    print( "serialize(): Invalid type: "..t ); --error.
  elseif p ~= nil then
    if t ~= "table" then
      if p == nil or p == true or p == false
        or t == "number" then r = tostring( p );
      elseif t == "string" then
        if p:lower() == "true" or p:lower() == "false"
            or tonumber( p ) ~= nil then r = '"'..p..'"';
        else r = p;
      r = r:gsub( "{", "\[LCB\]" );
      r = r:gsub( "}", "\[RCB\]" );
      r = r:gsub( "=", "\[EQL\]" );
      r = r:gsub( ",", "\[COM\]" );
      r = "{"; local b = false;
      for k,v in pairs( p ) do
        if b then r = r..","; end
        r = r..serialize( k ).."="..serialize( v );
        b = true;
      r = r.."}"
  return r;
Deserializes given string and returns result data.
function deserialize( str )

  local findToken = function( str, int )
    if int == nil then int = 1; end
    local s, e, c = str:find( "({)" ,int);
    if s == int then --table.
      local len = str:len();
      local i = 1; --open brace.
      while i > 0 and s ~= nil and e <= len do --find close.
        s, e, c = str:find( "([{}])" ,e+1);
        if     c == "{" then i = i+1;
        elseif c == "}" then i = i-1;
      if i == 0 then c = str:sub(int,e);
      else print( "deserialize(): Malformed table." ); --error.
    else s, e, c = str:find( "([^=,]*)" ,int); --primitive.
    return s, e, c, str:sub( e+1, e+1 );

  local r = nil; local s, c, d;
  if str ~= nil then
    local sT, eT, cT = str:find( "{(.*)}" );
    if sT == 1 then
      r = {}; local len = cT:len(); local e = 1;
      if cT ~= "" then
          local t1, t2; local more = false;
          s, e, c, d = findToken( cT, e );
          if s ~= nil then t1 = deserialize( c ); end
          if d == "=" then --key.
            s, e, c, d = findToken( cT, e+2 );
            if s ~= nil then t2 = deserialize( c ); end
          if d == "," then e = e+2; more = true; end --one more.
          if t2 ~= nil then r[t1] = t2;
          else table.insert( r, t1 );
        until e >= len and not more;
    elseif tonumber(str) ~= nil then r = tonumber(str);
    elseif str == "true"  then r = true;
    elseif str == "false" then r = false;
      s, e, c = str:find( '"(.*)"' );
      if s == 1 and e == str:len() then
        if c == "true" or c == "false" or tonumber( c ) ~= nil then
          str = c;
      r = str;
      r = r:gsub( "%[LCB%]", "{" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[RCB%]", "}" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[EQL%]", "=" );
      r = r:gsub( "%[COM%]", "," );
  return r;
--END SaveUtils.lua
-- Created by: Ryan F. Mercer -Open source
The version appears at the very top of the file in this format:

formatkey = vymdt
v = version.
y = year.
m = month.
d = day.
t = military time.

The full version identifier includes the format key at the beginning of the string, so this...

vymdt.01.2010.10.21.1800 means this...

version 1, build: October 21, 2010 at 6:00pm.

Conceptual constructs such as "alpha", "beta", or "gold" are not technically part of the identifier, but can be appended to the end as such...


If you wish to make your own version, please append the identifier with the following suffix followed by what ever format you like:


This ensures ideal sorting of identifiers.

Hi, you should add negative test.
any type can be stored as table key or value.
test_table = {
        [tostring] = "function", -- function as key
        a= tostring,  -- function as value
        ["b"] = "b",   --same as b="b"
        ["b b"]  = "b b", -- using key with spaces
        d = "", --empty string
        e = {1,2,3}, -- table as value
        [{1,2}] = 1, -- table as key
        [true] = "t", --boolean as key
        true = "true", -- using true as string 
        [false] = "f", --boolean as key
        false = "false", -- using false as string 

IMHO invalid keys should be ignored

Hi, you should add negative test.
any type can be stored as table key or value.
IMHO invalid keys should be ignored

I agree, but I would prefere to keep it as open to types as possible. This might require some changes to the serialize and deserialize functions, which I myself did not write, so I'll have to give it some thought.

Thanks for the input.
By the way, as a personal bias I just want to say this right now. While it is technically possible for a mod to intentionally overwrite the save data of another concurrent mod, this IMNSHO, violates all programming etiquette.

Spoiler :

As courtesy, I recommend placing the following data after the include in your own code, set the MY_MOD variable to your mod's name, then use these methods to save, load, and delete.


MY_MOD = "myMod";
-- saveMy()
Saves the given value to the given key for the
given target.
function saveMy( target, key, value )
	save( MY_MOD, target, key, value );
-- loadMy()
Loads the value for the given key for the given
function loadMy( target, key, value )
	return load( MY_MOD, target, key, value );
-- deleteMy()
Removes both the key and value for the given
target with the given key.
function deleteMy( target, key, value )
	save( MY_MOD, target, key, nil );
By the way, as a personal bias I just want to say this right now. While it is technically possible for a mod to intentionally overwrite the save data of another concurrent mod, this IMNSHO, violates all programming etiquette.

MY_MOD..mod_ver - unique mod key, generated by modbuddy
+ mod version

I think this data are accessible via API.

Can you add to wiki info about save mechanism?

When game saves user data?
Is any pre/post save events?
or game just dumps all data that inside my_mod.db and moder should contain it always actual?
Can you add to wiki info about save mechanism?

When game saves user data?
Is any pre/post save events?
or game just dumps all data that inside my_mod.db and moder should contain it always actual?

I'm not entirely sure what you are asking. I don't know exactly when the game saves user data. I assume it does it when you save your game from the in game menu. I also don't know event order or what the events are. SaveUtils simply makes use of the game's built in SetScriptData() and GetScriptData() functions made available to modders for saving and retrieving custom data attached to players, plots, and units. The backend is as much a mystery to me as it is to you.
Version 3. :)

I've rewritten the serialize() and deserialize() functions from scratch. For this reason version 3 is not backwards compatible. But true to Lua, you can now use any data type except nil for a key. Attempting "save( target, nil, value );" results in an automatic integer index.

Oh, and you can't use functions, userdata, or thread as data types either. I don't even know if any of those are possible. I might add negative checks for them at some point. Or maybe not.

If you can think of any additional get functions that might be useful for gathering different collections of data across targets, let me know. If you write one of your own, please share it here.
Okay, fixed it. Now a target with empty data will return an empty table, or more specifically, an empty Save object...


The issue was that SaveUtils is prepared to deal with improper data written to a target by a non-compliant concurrent mod, so that the script can then inspect the improper data. But an empty target will always return an empty string, which appeared to SaveUtils as improper data in need of inspection. Anyway, all better now.

I also went ahead and added the negative checks for data types function, userdata, and thread. They will now be treated as an empty string and generate an error message in the Lua console upon call to serialize(). A similar change was made to the non-essential functions out() and len().
Something I've noticed that I'm currently looking into is some unexpected behavior when reusing a loaded pointer after a save. For example...

local target = GetPlayer();
local t = tostring(target);
local pointer = load( target, "key" );
print("1: "..out( pointer ));
save( target, "key", {["new table"]=t} );
print("2: "..out( pointer ));

The first print statement shows an empty table. The second print statement shows the entire Save table, mod names and all. This is the result of returning the Save object reference on call to load(). I have a fix and am implementing it now. Instead, load() will return a *copy* of the Save object, not the reference.

Okay, better now. :)
Version 4. Nothing significant, tho I did split off the out() and len() functions into a separate file. They are handy, but not specifically used by SaveUtils. Here it is if you still want them.

-- vymdt.01.2010.11.12.0000
-- Created by: Whys Alives -Open source
-- WhysUtils.lua
Global Functions: len(), out().
Returns length of both tables and strings.  Returns false when given boolean,
function, userdata, or thread.
function len( p )
	local r = 0; local t = type( p );
	if t == "boolean" or t == "function" or t == "userdata" or t == "thread"
			then r = false; print( "len(): Invalid type: "..t ); --error.
	elseif t == "table"  then for k,v in pairs( p ) do r = r +1; end
	elseif t == "string" then r = p:len();
	return r;
Returns a string representation of any given data type.
function out( p )
	local r = ""; local t = type( p );
	if p ~= nil then
		if t ~= "table" then
			if t == "boolean" or t == "number" or t == "function"
					or t == "userdata"	or t == "thread" then
				r = tostring( p );
			else r = '"'..p..'"';
			r = "{"; local b = false;
			for k,v in pairs( p ) do
				if b then r = r..","; end
				r = r..out( k ).."="..out( v );
				b = true;
			r = r.."}"
	return r;
--END WhysUtils.lua
-- Created by: Whys Alives -Open source
Version 4. Nothing significant, tho I did split off the out() and len() functions into a separate file. They are handy, but not specifically used by SaveUtils. Here it is if you still want them.

I just started playing around with this and it appears that len() is used at line 121 of the main library (in Save:set()). I got an error trying to save since I didn't include the supplemental functions at first.
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