

Ancient Mariner
Mar 1, 2002
This is the new thread for Star Trek, the mod that has to do with land units as much as starships. We've been discussing it with Marcus Maximus, but I believe it's time for a thread of it's own, were you'll be able to find the final version dload.

Details will be coming shortly, as well as art transfer from other threads.

I'm a big believer of the saying: "If you want the job done, do it all by yourself". So after quitting on finding a model for the Phoenix, I decided to make one myself, started yesterday night, but it's not complete naturally.
Some of the art of the old thread, pics, just click on them.
The andorian first.


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This will be made by two people mostly, so I doubt we'll use external input. This is mainly a preview thread.

Possible Races in:
Breen, Jem Hadar, Vorta(Maybe Dominion these two and Founders for LH's), Cardassian, Bajoran, Gorn, Andorian, Romulan, Vulcan, Human, Klingon, Chalnoth, So'na, Orions, Tellarite, Hunters, Borg, Krenim, Voth, Hirogen, Species 8472, Naussicans.

Always with materials found or created, if not, they'll not be in.

I've been discussing with Marcus the possibility of Barbarians. Borg will not be Barbarians. He's idea was including goody huts and a civ of their own. I'm not too fond of this though. Goody huts have a reason on early stages of the game mainly, plus there's a danger these will give you units or stuff that the designers might not want to.

If they can't be Barbs, maybe there's is a way, of making a civ not playble?
Does anyone visiting this thread know?
This would create an opponent you'd obviously lose from, since there's no way they'll be downplayed like in VOY, so we want to give the player a threat, not an advantage.

In other details, this will start roughly close to 2075 and each era will cover 100 years. Seems reasonable that of the major victories will be the allied one and cities capture. I don't see the spaceship victory fitting on this, don't know if you can come up with something Marcus.

Also, I've dloaded all possible ship models online, so we'll be making a few new ones, based on old styles(I liked the warp effect on previous models for one). Also new land units will be made, some representing the LH's as kings.
A preview of what they'll look like, might be available next weekend if I'll get the time.

Science is not concrete, we'll exchange info with Marcus and see the possibilities on that. The buildings haven't started either, but I have many pics, and I'm sure Marcus has also, so it will not be a problem.
If they can't be Barbs, maybe there's is a way, of making a civ not playble?

In scenario properites uncheck human player.

Do you have a list of meshes you have downloaded or if that is too long ones that we are missing?

Seems reasonable that of the major victories will be the allied one and cities capture. I don't see the spaceship victory fitting on this,

Yes, I agree.

Are you proposing the Phoenix as the first federation ship? It was only a protype of which only one was ever made. What was the first mass produced warp ship?
Marcus Maximus said:
What was the first mass produced warp ship?
According to traditional Trek lore it was the Daedalus class. It is listed in books like Star Trek Encyclopedia and Star Trek Chronology as a ships class that has existed, but ships of this class have never been seen in any Trek episode as far as I know. (The design is based on an early scetch for the TOS Enterprise).
None for the Federation, as it didn't exist back then. :D And little to none is known of Earth starships during that era. If I have understoodthe back story of Enterprise correctly (they don't show the series in Finland and I don't consider it to be a part of the "proper" Trek cannon anyway, because it conflicts so much with the other series), the Vulcans somehow forbade Earthpeople spacetravel until the NX-01 was constructed. The only pre-2156 ship that I could find info of in the Trek Encyclopedia is the SS Valiant. Here are good pictures of the design, although the information offered is conjectural.
Finnstar said:
None for the Federation, as it didn't exist back then. :D And little to none is known of Earth starships during that era. If I have understoodthe back story of Enterprise correctly (they don't show the series in Finland and I don't consider it to be a part of the "proper" Trek cannon anyway, because it conflicts so much with the other series), the Vulcans somehow forbade Earthpeople spacetravel until the NX-01 was constructed. The only pre-2156 ship that I could find info of in the Trek Encyclopedia is the SS Valiant. Here are good pictures of the design, although the information offered is conjectural.

Finnstar, that info provided is right out of ST:OS and ST encylopedia, and is canon. So it is not conjecturial, It is that crappy series Enterprise that tried to change already established backgrounds. :)

:nuke: Cheers Thorgrimm :nuke:
Yes, phoenix will be the scout ship for humans.
I think the Valiant might have seen more designs and then there's the DY series if I'm not mistaken. Valiant designs are unexistant(and it's too ugly), and the DY series, I have one or two models of them alraedy, but I like the Phoenix model(I want to use these too though). If I'll be able to make a good model of it there's nothing that doesn't say more weren't used for scouting missions or to test various stuff.

Even ENT retained the design for the Warp 5 prototype, which if you're based on it(and I'm definitely not), certainly can imply that there were similar designs after phoenix to justify the keeping of the shape for so long.

Besides, USA and other nations have built space shuttle prorotypes and then carried on making more of them, keeping the design, more or less. I understand how you want to include cannon stuff, but this most certainly doesn't break cannon(doesn't verify it either, but it's not like it's an official Viacom mod or game--I know I've asked them for a mod in Fallout Tactics in the past and they denied me the use of everything).

Even in the Federation, you have prototypes and then they produce more of them, nothing there to not say this haven't always happened.

Oh, and the parts shown here are untextured they'll look better after texturing. Also, Marcus, I think I have all major FED classes models(Oberth, Etnerprises, I think Defiant and some others), Rom warbird, Marauder I think , Bop, Vorcha, Negh' var, D-7, two or three Cardassian, shuttles, and others but more after my return, I'll make you a list.(Of course many of these are made, so there's no need to redo them).

The title is FEDERATION, cause one of the goals can be allied victory(as in, creating a Federation more or less, it's the closest the game can get to it as I think of it)

Anyway, mainly droped by to inform that something came up and I'll not be available for a while(circa 10-12 days). Sorry for those that Pm'd I don't have time for replies now, when I'll be back though I will.
Mind you, I'm not saying that everything should be kept strictly canon, just that I know very little of how the canon has changed since the end of DS9, and that a lot of web-sources offer non-cannon information as 'facts' (I'll return to this below). Of course in order to fill the gaps you'll need to use or create designs that aren't canon, sticking precisely to canon would make for very dull playing.

The DY series (which I completely forgot about) would make for a fine choice as a shiptype, as the model was recycled so many times during the series, btw.

Finnstar, that info provided is right out of ST:OS and ST encylopedia, and is canon. So it is not conjecturial, It is that crappy series Enterprise that tried to change already established backgrounds.
The textual info from the encyclopedia is correct, yes, but the design of the ship is conjectural, as it was never seen in any Trek series, as is the class name (Horizon), the registry number, the mission badge, and the claim that it would have been operated by United Earth Space Probe Agency (especially as Earth wasn't united until 2150, nearly a hundred years after the Valiant was launched).
I agree, Flamescreen, the Phoenix should be an early Earth scout...
Wow there are a lot more than I thought. Will take some time to render & convert those. I suggest we tackle them one race at a time. Any update on the Phoenix? I dont know how you find the time to work on so many projects at once this is your 3rd right now isnt it?
It's a matter of priorities.
Wasteworld and FO mod come first, Federation second and MoO third.
If I'll have to work and no time is available I'll work on these as are, e.g the first and neglect others.

Like I've stated I expect this to be ready sometime in 2006, so don't think I'll bust my bones for it. There will be time I will not work on it at all.

However I do have lots of time off. My former personal life was unsatisfactory, so I erased it. Eventually when it'll built up I will have far less time. I spent time on educating myself with books relative to my fields, learning new software for work and thinking of what I want for my future.

Edit: For the phoenix I had no time, but possibly till this weekend I'll progress(though I'm more focused on Fallout land units now). Any luck with the Gorn ship designs?
As I've stated in other threads, I didn't do much productively this week, since I was installing various stuff. I did however made lots of background search and collected various things, like music and pics from ST related games, these will come handy in the long run.

Unfortunatelly I can't display, but it will pay off for lots of things(like LDH's).

I noticed you send a message, but my inbox was full. I deleted some unuseful stuff from it, so you can resend if you want.
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