stEspNES - Conflict of Interest


Civ Addict
Sep 16, 2002
Manchester, England
OK, can posty posty now. Links at bottom of this first thread.

Ignore the rules :) Read the thread to understand how the NES works :)

Welcome to the first stEspNES, this is based on a fictitious world at the Dawn of Civilization. Enjoy.

Intro: The world is old, and previous civilizations flourished on the planet, unfortunately a Great Ice Age occurred in which all remnants of the civilizations vanished and the people reverted to Barbarianism, now life returns under the suns powerful gaze, tundras persist at the poles and the lack of water in the atmosphere has meant the sun has heated the world fast, now the conditions are ripe for civilization to respawn and tribes are beginning to cease their wandering and settle permanently. As leader of one of these tribes you must lead your people to rediscover civilization but which path will you take, diplomacy, science, or brute force?


The world has no calendars now, you can have your people invent them and base it on your reign, or an event, but each turn will last approximately 100 years at the beginning, since this isn't set on the real world and so we have no timeframe to stick to, it matters not whether the Bronze Age lasts 1000 or 10000 years, so long as it doesnt take too many turns.

Players - can play as the Head of State, a Head of Religion, a Revolutionary or as a team playing one of the aforementioned. There is no limit to players other than how many fit on the world. As Head of State - to begin with the Chief of a Tribe - you will have command over the economy, armed forces, technological advances etc, of your country. As Head of Religion you get to invent a religion and attempt to convert people to its worship, these are set on basic guidelines to highlight the points the people care most about - war, heaven etc. Religion is important to the state, if the majority of the people have a religion different to the state religion, there is greater chance of revolt and the values of the religion may contradict the values of the state. As a Revolutionary you are basically starting half way through the game and attempting to gain control of another player's kingdom or part of it to begin your own empire. Players can play individually or as a team, the benefits of a team would be if your empire grew very large or that greater detail can be applied to each aspect of the game e.g. one player could have control of the Military, one control of Domestic Affairs.

Stories - Please write stories, even if it is simply a paragraph with each update, maybe following a person rising through government ranks, discovering a new advance or witnessing a battle, it will make things more interesting. Ideally, an update would be written rather than in bullet points.

Orders cannot be simply: improve economy 1 point, increase army 100 warriors because those aren't options, read on and you will see that if you wish to improve the economy and armed forces you must say how, e.g. begin manufacture of dyed silks for trade to the tribes to the south and begin recruiting more warriors into the army.

Updates will happen every 2-3 days depending on when orders are received, after 3 days if orders have not been received they will not be in the update, you can post orders, e-mail, or pm. If you go on holiday or away from a computer for a while you can post general orders for the period and I will follow these.

The over-riding rule to bear in mind is that if something is sensible it can be done, you suggest it, I'll give the results. For example, if you want to put cannons on elephants backs ;-) then you can say that you try to do this, unfortunately in the update it appears that the cannons are too heavy and frighten the elephants when they go off so this idea doesnt work - better luck next time.

The People:

The people in your tribe determine much of what you can do, the happier your people the more you can get away with e.g. increasing army massively, and the more confident, the more stable your economy. Your people are concerned with five things:

Happiness regarding rulers: This regards the state of the economy and culture, the size of the military, the current government, and the recent decisions the ruler has made.
Confidence regarding rulers: This regards the state of the tribe in relation to its neighbours, the current government, the recent performance of the military, and the religion of the rulers.
Patriotism: How they feel regarding the country in which they live.
Happiness in religion: This regards attittude towards war, the control over the day-to-day lives, and the beliefs.
Confidence in religion: This regards the proporition of the tribe who have embraced this religion, the size of the religion, and whether it compares favourably to other nearby religions.


Resources such as copper, tin, iron ores, diamond, gold, silver will appear randomly on the map when you settle in or explore a certain area, they can be depleted, traded, but to acquire them you must mine, you dont simply get them as soon as you find them. Horses, elephants and other creatures will be spread over the map but to use then it is necessary to tame and breed them.


'Wonders' can be built although not all will gain 'Wonder' status. Wonders can also be scientific advancement, or a successful peace negotiation with a bitter enemy. If you begin a 'project' say what it does, why you're doing it and what it looks like (maybe with a story) and it will gradually be built. There is no limit to projects or wonders. A project will become a wonder if I deem it suitable and will then gain a benefit on top of what it already does e.g.

I'm building a giant Temple to my God Polio, it will reach to the sky and bring worshippers flocking to my religion. {insert nice little story to improve your chance of getting a wonder :)}

Four turns later, the Polio Temple has been completed achieving Wonder status, the civilization now gains the ability to convert foreign people to the Worship of Polio by sending Missionaries.

Of course, missionaries could have been sent previously as thats a sensible thing to do, but this Wonder would increase their chance of succeeding and also improve happiness and confidence in the Polio Religion.

Armed Forces:

Your armed forces are completely number based to give versatility, i.e 100 warriors etc. They will have weapons (ofc) so you can have 100 Warriors with stone weapons or 100 with Bronze weapons. There are basic units available to all civilizations, and each tribe can have UUs. I will come back to these later. To increase your army simply say this and how large you would like it to become, and what units to train, however if you increase the size too much, too fast or too often your people will become unhappy, in some governments, having a too large army will also cause unhappiness.

As you advance technologically, different units will become available and you can upgrade a proportion of your troops each turn, any troops can be upgraded into anything, this is simply saying that you cease t raining the old troops and train new recruits in modern warfare. Arming a warrior with bronze weapons rather than stone is not an upgrade, simply a change in weapons, changing from warriors to swordsmen is an upgrade however.

Hand weapons can be made from (weakest first): Stone, Copper, Bronze, Iron, Steel, Tempered Steel
Ranged weapons (pre-gunpowder) include (most primitive first): Darts, Slings, Short bows, Longbow, Composite Longbow, Crossbow

You can divide your army up into divisions, battallions - whatever, and station these throughout your empire, when your empire becomes huge this becomes important as your army cannot be everywhere at once, but to begin with your empire is so small it can easily be traversed in a turn. To station troops it is advisable to build barracks or forts otherwise sleeping on the ground night after night might decrease your soldiers' morale.

The navy will consist of ships which can be used in the same way is the army and should be stationed in a coastal city with a harbor. The air force will come a lot later and is basically the same, any differences are basically common sense - you need an airfield to put your planes on :)

Unique Units. I refer to these as Elites since they are the Elite fighting force of whichever nation. As such they cannot exceed 10% of that nation's army except if the rest has died :) You must design the Unique Unit, this can either be an upgrade to a basic unit e.g. Darthian Legionnaires could be Swordsmen with better training, as such they cost more to upkeep and to train, but have a stat bonus, they will also keep morale up in battle because they may hold firm or sway the tide of battle by themselves and your other units will rally when they see this. Elites can also be unique - Warriors trained to fight in the treetops, dropping down upon their foes, or strapping spears to the underside of a horse so that they poke the enemy in a charge. However, I will make up the basic units acceptable, you must make up the Elites. In some circumstances I may say that your idea isnt suitable enough to be Elite but can be incorporated as regular troops, available only to you and those you have fought against - who stole the idea :)

Combat: Combat takes place in a turn, calculate over four rounds, the army is divided into close combat and missile troops, missile troops cannot fight on their own in a pitched battle.

Please post a strategy - PM or email me if you wnat it to be a surprise - and this will add another element to the combat, it is necessary for you to say when or if you want to retreat, if you dont say you may lose more of your troops than you bargained for even if you win, if you dont say, your general's will make an educated decision based upon their leadership skills, if you want to fight to the death you MUST say so. If you do not post how you wish to attack, I will simply have your generals organise a pitched battle where high casualties and a loss is likely.

Units are given stats with three categories: Attack - their attack strength, Defence - their defence strength, Health - like hit points. Five other things also have an impact upon the result of a battle; Numbers - the number of fighters, Combat Modifiers - morale and leadership of the armies, Tactics - the tactics you give me, Terrain - the terrain upon which the battle is being fought, and a Random element - random numbers are generated and impact upon combat.

Combat Modifiers determine who wins the combat but also how fiercely your soldiers fight through loyalty (morale) or respect (leadership) or patriotism.


The basic religion is Animism – worship of spirits and animals, this has no effects. At any time, you can try to convert your people to another form of religion (make it up!) Some of your people may change, some may not depending upon its stats. People bordering a religion different (and preferable) to theirs may convert. To spread religion Temples can be built.

Religion Template:

Head: e.g. Figurehead / Hierocracy / Prophet
Attitude to War: war is encouraged/ good / bad / utterly immoral
Belief about God(s): Animistic / Pantheistic / Monotheistic etc.
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven only / Heaven and Hell / Hell only.
Heretics: Which religions are considered extremely heretical?
Control over people: Intense / Strong / Normal / Weak / Negligible
Religious Center:
Culture: None / Negligible / Weak / Normal / Strong / Very Strong / Intensive

Each of these options is extremely important.

The Head of the Religion: This will determine how attactched the people are to the religion, and more specifically, the formation of the reigion, in case of a schism, the people would prefer having a leader more down-to-earth than having a remote leader.

Attitude to war: This is extremely important because this determines the people's support for war, if the people have beentaught war is good, they will support a war and like to maintain a larger army, but are less attached to the religion. There are only the four options.

Belief about God(s): Having Monotheistic beliefs brings stronger attatchment to the religion, but it is harder to be converted unless you are already monotheistic. There are any number of options here, each will be put on a scale as they come into play.

Belief about Afterlife: Having only a heaven encourages people to join the religion but doesnt give them a need to be good, having only a Hell prevents people (apart from sadists) joining in large numbers, it allows larger support of an army however, having both encourages people to be good, and is in the middle for whether they convert to the religion.

Heretics: Having an heretical religion encourages the people to go to war with them and makes them much less convertable, but it can also bring about incidents of racial hatred which could be embarrassing to explain.

Control over People: The stronger the control, the less likely the people are to go against the beliefs or convert, but it also makes the religion less likely to convert people.

Religious Centre: Where the religion is centred, could be a cathedral, or could be individual chapels, having a remote location means the bond to the people is weaker but it also means that culture increases faster, having each priest in each village being the highest level of clergy would induce deep bonds but have little effect on increasing culture.

Culture: This is dependent upon how long the religion has existed for, the religious centre, and some other things I shan't mention :) This is a factor in considering whether people convert and prevents schisms.

Submitting Orders:

During this phase you can say what you want to be done (obviously). You should:

Write a story (optional).
Say what is to be done, why and what effect it is expected to have.
When fighting, submit orders for tactics, when/if you want to withdraw.
Move your army - I will post maps of each kingdom showing where units are located.
Anything else.

You may post your orders, PM them or e-mail (

Please note that these aren't all the rules but simply the most important/different to other story NES's. The full version can be found here as they take up too much space otherwise.

Full Rules
All Units - Descriptions and Stats
Preview Thread
The Template:

Ruler (Player):
Happiness: Content
Confidence: Average
Patriotism: Normal
Religion: default is Animism
Happiness: Content
Confidence: Average
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: None
Armed Forces: 50 warriors (stone weapons)
Morale: Average (+0)
Leadership: Average (+0)

Fortunately, you don't need to fill all this out to join, just fill this little one out, the other options vary thorughout the game and are there so you can monitor the consequences of your actions. Please copy/paste this, fill it out and post a map showing hwere you start, or just say.

This is the starting Template:

Ruler (Player):
Religion: default is Animism
Economy: Stable
Armed Forces: 50 warriors (stone weapons)
Starting Location:

NB Only fill this out if you want to be a leader of a tribe, if you simply wish to start a religion, the religion template can be found further up in the rules post, or if you wish to start rebellion in another country simply give the name of your player and how you wish to try to incite rebellion.
The World at the end of the Glaciation. 0 A.G.


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Stats at 950 A.G.

The Great (and not so great) Empires of the World:

Tribe: Taludria (dark green)
Ruler (Player): Opri Pelipar Piraip(das)
Population: 360,000 (up from 330,000)
Government: Clan System (no change)
Happiness: Happy (no change)
Confidence: Higher than Average (no change)
Patriotism: Higher than Normal (no change)
Religion: 100% Druidic Polytheism, (no change)
Happiness: Pleased (no change)
Confidence: Moderately Confident (no change)
Economy: Very Good (no change)
Culture: Some (no change)
Learning: Some (no change)
Armed Forces:
425 Ramip warriors (iron weapons). (from 200)
75 Hamsip Fire Throwers (from 75)
950 War dogs (from 700)
1400 Horsemen (bronze spears, sabres) (from 1600)
1200 Horse Archers (from 1400)
350 Spearmen (bronze spears) (from 650)
400 Archers (from 550)
20 Taludrian Scouts (bronze weapons)(from 20)
Morale: Good (+1) (no change)
Leadership: Good (+1) (no change)
Resources: Horses, Copper, Tin, Crude Oil, Some Iron in Ildarian Hills
Starting Location: Taludrian Plains
Background: The first Taludrians came to the wide and open Taludrian Plains from the Draip Tundra in the far north. It seems that they migrated after the Ice Age returned to that area - the legends say however, that the ferocious great wolves of the North chased the Taludrians out of those lands. And so it was that in 4973 AC (After the Creation), the city of Taludip Tark was built, indicating that the Taludrians ceased their nomadism and settled down.

Tribe: Lakaedekos (orange)
Ruler (Player): Queen Daea (formerly King Gaius)(Amenhotep)
Population: 435,000 (up from 530,000)
Government: Lakaedek-Style Monarchy
Happiness: Happy (up from Pleased)
Confidence: Moderately Confident (no change)
Patriotism: High (no change)
Religion: 85% Lakaedek Polytheism, 8% Ekalism, 7% Taludrian Polytheism (from 95% Lakaedeki Polytheism, 5% Taludrian Polytheism)
Happiness: Content (no change)
Confidence: Moderately Confident (no change)
Economy: Good (up from Average)
Culture: Moderately High (no change)
Learning: Average (no change)
Armed Forces:
200 Ildudrian Raiders (iron weapons)(from 200)
1700 Lakaedeki Legionnaires (iron weapons)(from 1925)(200 in Filion Ilana for 1 turn)
700 Lakaedeki Phalangites(iron weapons)(from 750)
800 Horsemen (iron weapons)(from 800)
50 warriors (bronze weapons)(from 50)
400 Longbowmen (longbows)(from 400)
500 archers (bows)(from 600)
10 slingers (no change)
100 Triremes (from 115)
45 Dragon-boats (from 50)
Morale: Excellent (+3) (no change)
Leadership: Average (+0) (no change)
Resources: Horses, Copper, Tin, Iron
Starting Location: The mouth of the River Laekos
Background: At the mouth of the great river Laekos, there was an abundant land. The Chieftains of the region settled down, and created the grand nation of Lakaedekos. The Lakaedekos embraced the ideals of strength, cultural advancement, and empire.

Tribe: Valua (hot-pink)
Ruler (Player): Arthur Valdez (Global Nexus)(from Tia Valdez, long may she rest in peace)
Population: 480,000 (up from 455,000)
Government: Monarchy
Happiness: Very Happy (no change)
Confidence: Moderately Confident (no change)
Patriotism: Supremely High (no change)
Religion: 100% Starisanism,(no change)
Happiness: Pleased (no change)
Confidence: Moderately Confident (no change)
Economy: Very Good (no change)
Culture: Little (no change)
Learning: Average (no change)
Armed Forces: (all very well trained)
Royal Guard (iron weapons): 60 (no change)
Axemen (iron weapons): 300 (no change)
Swordsmen (iron weapons): 300 (no change)
Spearmen (iron weapons): 300 (no change)
175 Tribesmen (iron weapons + shields, 70 Piscan, 105 Velurin) (no change)
150 slingers (no change)
10 Cargo-boats (no change)
Morale: Good (+1) (no change)
Leadership: Good (+1) (no change)
Resources: Copper, Iron, Gold, Spices, Shiny Stones
Starting Location: Lookit the map below. My preferred starting location is the pink dot.
Background: The Valuan tribes have always lived in the mountains, eking out an existance of hunting and gathering for centuries. Now, however, they have settled down and mastered the raising of some crops which thrive in the mountain soil. After a small dispute between several tribal leaders -- among them Galcian of the Armodos -- young Enrique Valdez came to be recognized as the monarch of the new Valuan Empire. Their capital city -- Madlonde -- is founded on the shores of a river which flows between their mountainous homeland.

Tribe: Xia (green/yellow)
Ruler (Player): Dao xi Qin (yet to be ratified)(formerly Xia Daoming) (Insane Panda)
Population: 440,000 (up from 380,000)
Government: Beaurocratic Monarchy (no change)
Happiness: Happy (up from Content)
Confidence: Confident (up from Moderately Confident)
Patriotism: Very High (up from High)
Religion: 62% Dao, 13% Ibrahim, 25% Ebroham (slight change)
Happiness: Content (no change)
Confidence: Average (no change)
Economy: Very Good (no change)
Culture: Little (no change)
Learning: Moderate (up from Some)
Armed Forces:
750 Xia Pikemen (iron weapons)(from 800)
1000 Xia Horsemen (iron weapons)(from 1025)
1050 Crossbowmen (from 1100)
650 Swordsmen (iron weapons)(from 700)
200 Archers (from 200)
60 Giant Crossbows (from 60)
70 Zouke (from 80)
10 Dhows (from 10)
Morale: Very Good (+2) (up from Good)
Leadership: Average (+0) (no change)
Resources: Horses, Silks, Copper and Tin (tainted), Iron
Starting Location: The Northern Continent, around the sea of Ibrahim (great big sea in the middle of the northern continent, like the Mediterranean)
Background: The Mohadeen originated as a trading colony of a great empire before the Ice Age. After the ice age, much of what the mohadeens and their overlords had established was destroyed forever. Most of the Mohadeen lands were frozen solid and all the trade that sustained their empire was gone. They were forced to revert back to barbarism. Then, came the 'Prophet', a man of such great wisdom and power that he united a people under the banner of the Mohadeen religion, Ibrahim. A highly mercantile people, they trade all sorts of luxuries such as luxurious dyes, ivory, jewels, and other magnificent goods from all over the

Tribe: Isilk (light sea-green)
Ruler (Player): King Barchu (also Head Ribba) (Warman)
Population: 250,000 (up from 190,000)
Government: Monarchy
Happiness: Happy (no change)
Confidence: Average (no change)
Patriotism: Higher than Normal (no change)
Religion: Haroism
Happiness: Happy (no change)
Confidence: Moderately Confident (no change)
Economy: Good (no change)
Culture: Negligble (no change)
Learning: None (no change)
Armed Forces:
225 Camal Warriors(no change)
200 Desert Warriors(no change)
250 Slingers(no change)
225 Zealots (no change)
Morale: Average (+0)
Leadership: Average (+0)
Resources: Camels, Grapes, Copper
Starting Location: See map.
Background: The people of Isilk were once nomads, roaming the plains and deserts of Illisia, a prophet had revelations from God, who forsook the old religions and converted the tribe, his son also spoke to God and several more tribes converted and joined the Isilk, they have now settled down and built communities.

Tribe: Kiatians
Ruler (Player):The Prophet (Contempt)
Population: 90,000 (from 65,000)
Government: Religious Shogunate
Happiness: Content (no change)
Confidence: Average (no change)
Patriotism: Normal (no change)
Religion: Ki
Happiness: Satisfied (up from Content)
Confidence: Higher than Average (no change)
Economy: Stable (no change)
Culture: Little (up from Negligible)
Learning: None (no change)
Armed Forces:
900 warriors (bronze weapons)(up from 750)
Morale: Good (+1) (no change)
Leadership: Good (+1) (no change)
Resources: Copper, Tin
Background:The Kiatians, named so for the name of their religion, united the waring tribes of their region and have created a great city on the banks of Nigri, the sacred river. The city was named Koto.

The three tribes that were united by the Kiatians resisited for 750 years before finnally submiting, and converting to Ki. The Kiatians now look to expand their territory, and let the world see the truth of Ki.

Tribe: Toku
Ruler (Player): General Dynastus (erez)
Population: 260,000 (up from 230,000)
Government: Sadi Monarchy (no change)
Happiness: Slightly Discontent (no change)
Confidence: Average (no change)
Patriotism: Normal (no change)
Religion: 65% Animism, 35% Sadism (from 85% Animism, 15% Sadism)
Happiness: Content
Confidence: Content
Economy: Stable (no change)
Culture: Negligible (no change)
Learning: None (no change)
Armed Forces: 1950 Swordsmen (iron weapons) (from bronze)
Morale: Good (+1) (no change)
Leadership: Good (+1) (no change)
Resources: Iron.
Background: After a coup the Toku are now led by a General who has founded his own Dynastical Monarchy and they are on the warpath!

NPC's NPC Histories

Tribe: Dalekoda (dark red)
Ruler: Queen Hannah (previously Queen Emma-Louise)
Population: 225,000
Government: Monarchy
Religion: 50% Lakaedek Polytheism, 30% Ilanan, 20%
Economy: Good
Culture: Negligible
Learning: Little
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: South West of the Lakaedeki.
Background: Distantly related to the Lakaedeki, this tribe grew largely due to fishermen, although now they have a developed agriculture and military, little is known about them as they have only just been met.

Tribe: Ildarians (yellow)
Ruler: Ildar
Population: Unknown
Government: Chiefdom
Religion: Feanity
Economy: Good
Culture: Negligible
Learning: Little
Armed Forces: Estimated at 3,500 (~800 A.G.)
Starting Location: In the hills South-West of Taludria
Background: Related to the Taludrians, the Ildarians and Riyanons were originally of one tribe who migrated south from the Draip Tundra a few hundred years earlier, a split occurred and there is now sporadic fighting along the borders.

Tribe: Riyanons (dark blue)
Ruler: Riyanor
Population: Unknown
Government: Military Junta
Religion: Feanity
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: None
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: Southof the Taludrian Plains.
Background: Related to the Taludrians, the Ildarians and Riyanons were originally of one tribe who migrated south from the Draip Tundra a few hundred years earlier, a split occurred and there is now sporadic fighting along the borders.

Tribe: Dyzorial (light purple)
Ruler: General el'Pheri
Population: Unknown
Government: Military Junta
Religion: Unknown
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: None
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: West of the Hraaklon.
Background: Little is currently known about this tribe except their existance.

Tribe: Filion Ilana (bright green)
Ruler: Fili al'Berus d'Obra
Population: Unknown
Government: Republic
Religion: 85% Ilanan, 10% Nature Worshippers, 5% Feanity
Economy: Good
Culture: Average
Learning: Little
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: The North-Western plains of the Northern-most Continent.
Background: This tribe has mastery of horses, advanced metal working and culture and spans from the glacial north to the warm southern seas.

Tribe: Rahamadoen (light brown)
Ruler: Kali Abhad
Population: Unknown
Government: Theological Monarchy
Religion: Ebroham
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: None
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: West of the Mohadeen.
Background: Related to the Mohadeen, the Rahamadoen are very aggressive and untrusting of outsiders.

Tribe: Irior Nosmen (blue)
Ruler: Inrad Sunba
Population: Unknown
Government: City States
Religion: Denian Polytheism
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: None
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: North of the Valuans.
Background: These Nosmen inhabit thewarm lands north of the Valuans and have tamed elephants and ride them into battle.

Tribe: Poreiumoi Nosmen (lighter blue)
Ruler: Hoimoi Periu
Population: Unknown
Government: City States
Religion: Denian Polytheism
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: None
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: North of the Valuans.
Background: The Poreiumoi and Irior city states were two of the most powerful and after a conflict developed this has brought the nation to civil war with two forces fighting it out.

Tribe: Qar (pale yellow)
Ruler: Ki'ul elth'Eril
Population: Unknown
Government: Diarchy
Religion: Qarian Monotheism
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: None
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: The East of the Northernmost Continent
Background: The Qar are very religious and also sya little about themselves or their religion.

Tribe: Kyrenica (cyan)
Ruler (Player): Preator Numantius
Population: Unknown
Government: Republic
Religion: Kyrenican Polytheism
Economy: Good
Culture: Negligible
Learning: Little
Armed Forces: Unknown
Starting Location: look on map below; the blue would be my preffered colour as well...
Background: The Kyrenican nation is one of the oldest nations on the planet, a last refuge for the great civlizations before the great upheavals of nature, seekign out order, they wish to det out, to rebuild civlization, and a return to the times of glory.

Tribe: Hrarklon (aubergine purple)
Ruler (Player): Tzee
Population: Unknown
Government: Hraklon Monarchy-Church
Religion: Jergism
Economy: Stable (no change)
Culture: Negligible (no change)
Learning: Little (no change)
Armed Forces: Severely Depleted
Resources: Copper, Silver, Tin, Diamonds
Background: The Hrarklon Church-Monarchy now only controls the capital, the rest of the nation being under the control of the rebels

Tribe: Hrarklon Rebels (teal)
Ruler (Player): Entza
Population: Unknown
Government: Anarchic
Religion: Jergism
Economy: Stable
Culture: Negligible
Learning: Little
Armed Forces: Unknown
Background: The southern Hrarklon city, and much of the less densely populated lands rebelled under the leadership of Entza around 840 A.G. and have disnited themselves from the rest of Hrarklon, they have also settled on the isle to the south.

Tribe: Unified Pirate Colonies (lilac)
Ruler (Player): Kaptin Korav
Population: Unknown
Government: Monarchy
Religion: Very Mixed
Economy: Good
Culture: Negligible
Learning: Negligible
Armed Forces: Unknown
Background: The previously fragmented pirate colonies around the Sea of Ibrahim have been partially unified under the leadership of Kaptin Korav.
Religions of the World

Name: Ekalism (established ~935 A.G.)
Head: Ekali (like a pope)
Attitude to War: Good, as long as it is “clean”.
Belief about God(s): One entity, who manifests himself in many ways.
Belief about Afterlife: This world is inherently evil, those who lead a good life pass into the better world, those who lead a bad one are forced back into a reincarnation.
Heretics: Religions that “corrupt” death
Control over people: Strong
Religious Center: Elkadios (on Lakaedeki/Dalekodan border)
Culture: Little (up from Negligible ~950 A.G.)
Started by the prophet Ekalides in approximately 935 A.G. in the town of Elkadios on the Lakaedek and Dalekoda border, this religion preaches purity in death and opposing forces as it’s main central themes. Popular among the warriors and people in bad times.

Name: Taludrian Polytheism
Head: The Druid Council of Taludria
Attitude to War: war is good, if for a "just" cause
Belief about God(s): Polytheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Perpetual Reincarnation
Heretics: All Monotheisms
Control over people: Normal
Religious Center: The Sacred Groves, Andrungip Tapiria (near Taludip Tark)
Culture: Little (up from Negligible ~500 A.G.)

Name: Starisanism
Head: Starisan Trinity of High Priests
Attitude to War: War is bad except against heretics
Belief about God(s): Polytheistic
Belief about Afterlife: After death, the "good" merge with either the God of Creation [the moon] or the God of Prosperity [brightest star in the sky] and the "bad" are banished to a void of blackness for eternity.
Heretics: Animisms and Spiritualisms.
Control over people: Weak
Religious Center: Summit of Mt. Starisa, smallest mountain to the south of Madlonde.
Culture: Little (up from Negligible ~600 A.G.)
The "gods" of this religion are the moon and the stars (the brighest stars being named as Gods and Goddesses, and the dimmer ones being lumped together as "Children of the Gods"), and the three high priests (who hold their position by birth) "speak with the gods", thus controlling the religion.

Name: Lakaedek Polytheism
Head: the High Priest/Priestess
Attitude to War: War is good
Belief about God(s): Polytheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven and Hell
Heretics: Monotheisms
Control over people: Normal
Religious Center: Lakoni (my capital)
Culture: Little (up from Negligible ~500 A.G.)

Name: Kyrenican Polytheism
Head: Oracle
Attitude to War: Neutral, will support war if it will lead to the greater good for the people.
Belief about God(s): Polytheisitc
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven only
Heretics: none really (at least, not right now...)
Control over people: strong
Religious Center: The Kyrenican Capital City (Kyrenica)
Culture: Negligible

Name: Ibrahim
Head:The Caliph and his Imirs
Attitude to War: war is good if it is desirable to the word of the Ibrahim scriptures
Belief about God(s): Monotheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Reincarnation and Heaven
Heretics: Polytheistics especially, idol worshippers.
Control over people: Strong
Religious Center: Mohammaden, the Holy Capitol
Culture: Some (up from Little ~500 A.G.)

Name: Sadimism
Head: sadi
Attitude to War: War is LIFE
Belief about God(s): Gods does not matter. Sadi is the god of war and war we shall do!
Belief about Afterlife: You are just reborn.
Heretics: Religion does not matter only war does.
Control over people: Intense - Sadi controls all.
Religious Center: Aya, Toku
Culture: Negligible

Name: Jergism
Head: Champion of the Gods.
Attitude to War: War is Heavenly
Belief about God(s): Fanatic
Belief about Afterlife: Paradise/Immortality for the Worthy
Heretics: All which dont worship these gods.
Control over people: Intense
Religious Center: Hill above my Starting Position
Culture: Negligible

Name: Dao
Head: Son of Heaven, The Emperor
Attitude to War: good if it helps further and develop the state
Belief about God(s): Polythiestics, although Mohadeen influences are notable
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven and Hell
Heretics: None really
Control over people: Normal
Religious Center: Basically the Capitol and the Beaurocracy
Culture: Little (up from Negligible 800 A.G.)

Name: Haroism
Head: Hierocracy (Ribbas)
Attitude to War: bad unless being fought for the survival of our nation, religion or people.
Belief about God(s): Monotheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven and Hell.
Heretics: Any oppressing/hateful of Haroism
Control over people: Normal
Religious Center: The Isilk Capital (Gourgan)
Culture: Little (up from Negligible 800 A.G.)

Head: Prophet Emporer
Attitude to War: good
Belief about God: Polytheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven and Hell
Heretics: None
Control over people:Normal
Religious Center:Temples
Culture: Negligible

Name: Feanity
Head: None
Attitude to War: War is Good
Belief about God: 5 Gods, God of War, God of Fire, God of the Hunt, God of Lust and God of Wealth
Belief about Afterlife: Warriors go to Paradise
Heretics: All not of the Tribe
Control over people: Normal
Religious Center: None
Culture: None
Feanity is a basic religion which serves only desires nto needs, as such, most Feanists will be aggressive and have little spiritual development

Name: Qarian Monotheism
Head: Unknown
Attitude to War: War is Good if God Commands
Belief about God: Monotheistic All Powerful
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven and Hell
Heretics: Those not of the Qar
Control over People: Strong
Religious Centre: Capital of Qar - Qar City
Culture: Some
Little is known about Qarian Monotheism as the Qar are very secretive about their beliefs, what is known is that the super-huge Qar-City is home to the cetre of the rleigion, a vast temple

Name: Denian Polytheism
Head: High Priests/Priestesses of various Deities
Attitude to War: Depends upon the Deity
Belief about Gods: Polytheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Re-incarnation
Heretics: None
Control over People: Normal
Religious Centre: Various Temples
Culture: Little
The Nosmen are formed from various tribes which have united nominally. In reality, they are a collection of city-states with little bond and often fight amongst themselves, as such, the various deities ofeach tribe were incorporated into the Denian beliefs either as new deities or merging with an existing one.

Name: Ilanan
Head: High Priestess of Ilana
Attitude to War: War is acceptable if Justified
Belief about Gods: One Mother Godess - Ilana
Belief about Afterlife: Re-incarnation depending upon behaviour in this life, finally you reach Ilana
Heretics: None
Control over People: Normal
Religious Centre: The Temple of Ilana in FIlion Ilana Capitol
Culture: Some
The Filion Ilana believe that the mother Godess, Ilana created all life and as such should be worshipped without bounds, they believe they are Ilana's chosen, their name translating as Sons of Ilana

Name: Ebroham
Head: The Disciple - elected by Caliphs
Attitude to War: War is Good
Belief about God(s): Monotheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Reincarnation and Heaven
Heretics: Polytheistics, especially idol worshippers.
Control over people: Strong
Religious Center: Ebora, the Holy Capitol where Ebroham received his revelation
Culture: Little
Ebroham was a prophet who came after Ibrahim and preached good where he saw corruption, the hierocracy disliked him and he was banished with his followers.

Name: Nature Worshippers
Head: None
Attitude to War: War is Bad
Belief about God: Is one except Earth herself
Belief about Afterlife: Become one with the Earth-Mother
Heretics: All, but no War :)
Control over People: Weak
Religious Centre: None
Culture: None
Worship Nature and the Earth as Mother, usually Vegetarians, often Pacifists.


Government: Lakaedek-Style Monarchy (used by the Lakaedekos)
Benefits include happiness and free economy, unfortunately, there is less patriotism as the people have the ability to depose the figurehead of their empire, and if the army grows too large, unhappiness may follow.
The King is chosen through the family line, as are other monarchies, but the king, by law, may be deposed by the senate if there is a majority of people who want him out. The next dynasty, should the king be deposed, is elected. Kinda a strange Monarchy/Republic-thing...

Government: Tribal Monarchy with Druidic Influence (used by the Taludrians - 200 A.G.)
Benefits include the ability to maintain a large military and strong patriotism, disadvantages include a slight stagnation of trade due to the interfering druids and learning is more restricted.

Government: Clan System (used by Taludrians 200 A.G. - ?)
Benefits include a more easily maintained military as the clans provide warriors, and greater happiness as the head of clans can see to small matters, however there is less patriotism as loyalty is to clan rather than the Opri (leader).

Government: Monarchy (used by Valuans - 900 A.G. Dalekoda. Sadi 200 A.G. - 900 A.G. Isilk 700 A.G. - ?)
Benefits include the ability to maintain a large military and strong patriotism, disadvantages include a weaker economy.

Government: Valuan Imperium (used by Valuans 900 A.G. - ?)
The Imperium is a Monarchy which has been given official structure and a light bureaucracy. Cities are run by Governors who in turn report to the domestic advisors who then report to the Emperor, though it rarely needs to do this. Everything does get to the Emperor, but in the end the lower ranks take care of all small things themselves, saving the major events for the Emperor.
Benefits include greater happiness and less corruption whereas disadvantages include loss of patriotism and less unity.

Government: Republic (used by Kyrenica and Filion Ilana)
Benefits include a free economy and greater happiness, but disadvantages include effects of war-weariness (more so if loosing) and unhappiness if the army grows too large or too fast.

Government: Theocratic Monarchy (used by Mohadeen Khalifah - 575 A.G. and Rahamadoen)
Benefits include greater happiness with state and religion (they agree on issues so no divided loyalties) and increased patriotism, unfortunately learning is repressed and the economy has less vitality.

Government: Sadi Monarchy (used by the Toku - 200 A.G. and 900 A.G. - ?)
Benefits include the ability to maintain a large military and strong patriotism, disadvantages include a weaker economy.

Government: Hraklon Monarchy-Church (used by Hraklon)
Benefits include a greater happiness with church and state and the ability to maintain a larger military, unfortunately learning and the economy is repressed.
Shared Control between Church and Royalty. They shall share authority in some areas and have exclusive Authority in others.

Government: Military Junta (used by Riyanons and Dyzorial)
Benefits include ability to maintain a large army while trade and learning is stagnated.

Government: Chiefdom (used by Ildarians)
Benefits include greater control over population and ability to maintain a large military, unfortunately economy and learning is stagnated. This is an early form of Dictatorship.

Government: Beaurocratic Monarchy (used by Xia 575 A.G. - )
The Beaurocratic Monarchy gives as a benefit increased effeciency and good ministers due to state exams, it also allows an economy to prosper, although the Beaurocracy can sometimes be slow moving and is subject to internal intrigues..

Government: Diarchy (used by the Qar)
Benefits of a Diarchy include a better balance of power and ability to maintain a large military, problems arise when both diarchs disagree over large issues.

Government: City States (used by the Nosmen)
Benefits include greater military strength and patriotism to each city, unfortunately, city states often disagree with each other causing internal problems.

Government: Religious Shogunate (used by Kiatians)
After the combination of the tribes the Kiatians appointed their head Religious leader,the Prophet, as the God Emporer of Kiatians. However, the New God Emporer and Phophet did not know how to run the Goverment or the Military, so he appointed a Shogun to take command of the Military and Goverment. Thus the Religous Shogonate was born.
Benefits include greater military leadership and religious wellbeing, but problems may arise if the Prophet and Shogun disagree.
Timeline - It Begins

Calendars: A.G. After end of Glaciation. A.C. After Creation (Taludrian). A.D. After Death of the Great Kings (Lakaedeki). A.X. After Xia (Xia) B.J (Valua)

0 A.G. : 4940 A.C.

The first cities are built on two of the continents of the world, and seven tribes have exchanged their nomadic wandering for the benefits of city-dwelling. As the temperature increases, food becomes more abundant and so this frees some of the men previously needed as hunters for other work - fighting, pottery, beaurocracy etc. although pottery has not yet been invented yet.

100 A.G. : 5040 A.C.

Bronze is developed simultaneously by the Lakaedeki and the Mohadeen Khalifah, elsewhere, the early tribes have expanded and in some cases met other tribes, killing or absorbing them into the Empire.

200 A.G. : 5140 A.C.

Further expansion occurs and the development of agriculture begins, a sewerage system in the Lakaedeki capitol finally gets significantly underway. Elsewhere as fighting and tactics become more developed, elite warrior units are formed on the northern continent including feared Lakaedeki Hoplites. Attempts to tame horses have so far met with failure except by the Mohadeen.

300 A.G. : 5240 A.C.

The first roads appear in Valua, an irrigation canal is finished by the Mohadeen and the Lakaedeki build a sewer system. Kyrenican expansion explodes as does their economy. To the north, contact with larger nations shows how small the Lakaedki and Taludrians currently are, but these other nations are concerned mostly with their own internal affairs.

400 A.G. : 5340 A.C. 3073 A.D.

The Lakaedekos invent a calendar, expand across the seas, and begin building roads and constructing in marble, the Valuans focus upon gold ornamentation. The Lakaedeki population expands in excess of 100,000. Primitive forms of writing are in their developmental stage but writing materials are not yet perfected. The Taludrians steal horses from the Filion Ilana.

500 A.G. : 5440 A.C. 3173 A.D.

Attempts to invent systems of writing produced two results, a runic script for the Taludrians and one ressembling the Egyptan Hieroglyphs by the Lakaedeki. The Lakaedeki also began a giant project, the Gythene Games. The Mohadeen develop and expand silk-production.

550 A.G. : 5490 A.C. 3223 A.D.

The Gythene Games are successfully held in the Lakedeki capital Lakoni, with four nations attending, the Filion Ilana win. Both Valuans and Lakaedeki develop Iron, and the Valuans have a new leader - a woman. The Taludrians are still fighting, we doubt they'll ever stop, while the Mohadeen are expanding their silk-making industry.

600 A.G. : 5540 A.C. 3273 A.D.

A rebellion by the Xia who occupy the north of the Mohamadeen Empire overthrows their fanatical rulers and puts a Xia tyrant on the throne who increases the army excessively. The Lakaedeki and Taludrians also look like they're building up to war and with all three nations around the Ibrahim Sea having met one another interesting times are ahead. Several other religions spring up or become dominant among the NPC's during this period.

650 A.G. : 5590 A.C. 3323 A.D. 47 A.X.

The Taludrians compel the Riyanons to declare war upon the Ildarians who manage to capture one Riyanon city and besiege a second however they lose a city to the Lakaedeki who are also besieging a second, the Taludrians too besiege and Ildarian city. The Gythene Games are completed and Ildaria wins over Filion Ilana by one bronze. The Xia continue to expand as do the Hrarklon and Valuans.

700 A.G. : 5640 A.C. 3373 A.D. 97 A.X.

National banners begin to emerge bonding the nation and giving the people unity, the war in the north continues while the Xia suffer from riots due to increasing their military force and a c*ck up by the beuarocracy. The Valuan Empress gives birth to twins and the Hrarklon expeience a population boom. Weatehr patterns begin to change throughout the world and the Xia complain that time is moving too slowly ;)

750 A.G. : 5690 A.C. 3423 A.D. 147 A.X.

The war to the north continues although it goes Ildaria's way mostly in these years, a plague broke out which ravaged some of the Lakaedek forces although luckily it wasnt too virulent. The Xia poured molten bronze down throats and the Valua found shiny stones. A new tribe, the Islik, originally nomads, settled on an equatorial island.

800 A.G. : 5740 A.C. 3473 A.D. 197 A.X. 135 B.J

Peace has been signed between the Ildarians and the Riyanon and Lakaedeki, while the Lakaedeki launch an unprovoked attack on the Dalekoda, who are torn by civil war, under the pretense of restoring order. This has earned them the enmity of the Filion Ilana and Xia. The Xia begin a grand project to build a canal the length of their Empire, the Valua too undertake a project, the creation of terraces. North, the Nosmen too are thrown into civil war. A new tribe, the Kiatians arise north of the Valua and East of the Nosmen city states. The Isilk continue expansion along the coast but still feel threatened by the presensce of omadic tribes to the south.

850 A.G. : 5790 A.C. 3523 A.D. 247 A.X. 85 B.J

The Lakaedeki continue their attack into Dalekoda with the Xia and Filion Ilana issuing ultimatums for their withdrawal. The Kiatians and Isilk both expnd and the Toku are once again under strong leadership. Southern Hrarklon erupts in flames and rebels sieze the south of the country establishing an outpost near the Isilk. The Taludrians continue their attack on the Ildarians, successfully breaching the walls of Ild Elanor and bringing reinforcements into Ild Yger. The Valuan Queen, Tia Valdez, is beginning to grow old.

900 A.G. : 5840 A.C. 3573 A.D. 297 A.X. 35 B.J

Tia Valdez, Valuan Empress dies tragically and is suceeded by her son Arthur. The Dalekodans are helped by the Xia and the Filion Ilana to repel the Lakaedeki scourge while the Taludrians refuse an Ildarian offer of peace and continue their offensive, with their entire army in the south, the Ildarians catch the homeland unawares and make much progress.

950 A.G. : 5890 A.C. 3623 A.D. 347 A.X. -20 B.J

King Gaius is deposed by his wife Queen Daea, Queen Emma-Louise dies and is suceeded by her only daughter, Queen Hannah, and Xia Daoming tragically dies. Coincidence? The Riyanon betray their reaty with Ildaria and rejoin the fighting on the Taludrian side. The Lakaedeki pull out of Dalekoda. The Xia complete their grand waterway, and the pirate colonies begin to be unified under one leader, Kaptin Korav. A new religion springs up, Ekalism, in a small town on the Lakaedeki-Dalekodan border.

First Ildarian War: 650 - ? A.G.

Lakaedek Invades Ildaria ~650 A.G.
Riyanon Invades Ildaria ~650 A.G
Taludria Declares War on Ildaria ~650 A.G.
Taludria Invades Ildaria ~700 A.G.
Riyanon Makes Peace with Ildaria ~760 A.G.
Lakaedek Makes Peace with Ildaria ~780 A.G.
Ildaria Invades Taludria ~ 860 A.G.
Riyanon Attacks Ildaria ~ 925 A.G.

The Dalekodan Revolt 755 - 920 A.G.

Revolts in Dalekoda ~755 A.G.
Lakaedek Invasion ~800 A.G.
Xia Aid Dalekoda ~800 A.G.
Filion Ilana Aid Dalekoda ~880 A.G.
Lakaedek Withdraws from Dalekoda ~920 A.G.


....Road - Valua (~300 A.G.)
....Canal - Mohadeen Kalifah (~300 A.G.)
....Sewers - Lakaedekos (~300 A.G.)
....Granaries - Taludria (~300 A.G.)
....Runic Alphabet - Taludria (~500 A.G.)
....Maps - Lakaedekos (~450 A.G.)
....Revolts - Lakaedekos (~500 A.G.)
....Bloody Rebellion - The Xia (Former Mohadeen Kalifah) (~575 A.G.)
....Cuneifrom Writing - The Xia (~650 A.G.)
....Captured City - Lakaedek captures Ildarian City (~650 A.G.)
....Project Completed - Lakaedekos: Gythene Games (~650 A.G.)
....Mathematic System - Valua (~700 A.G.)
....Flag/Banner - Lakaedekos (~700 A.G.)

....Over 100,000 Population - Lakaedekos (~400 A.G.)
....Over 500,000 Population - None
....Over 1,000,000 Population - None

300 A.G. Stats (Only Human Players, not including NPC's)

Largest Population: Lakaedeki
Largest Land Area: Lakaedeki
Largest Military: Lakaedeki
Best Economy: Kyrenica
Happiest People: Mohadeen Kalifah / Valua / Taludria

550 A.G. Stats (getting sick of Lakaedeki superiority ;-) atleast they're blocked in by NPC's now :))

Largest Population: Lakaedeki
Fastest Growing: Valua
Largest Land Area: Lakaedeki
Fastest Expanding: Lakaedeki
Largest Military: Lakaedeki
Fastest Expanding: Lakaedeki
Best Economy: Valua
Happiest People: Lakaedeki

700 A.G. Stats Some serious, some more light-hearted ;) Any suggestions for next time are welcomed :)

Mod's Favourite Nation: In no particular order...Valua, Taludria, Xia, Hrarklon
Most likely to......
Exterminate another Race: Taludria
Assassinate a ruler: Lakaedekos
Suffer from Earthquakes: Lakaedekos
Be hit by Hurricanes: Lakaedekos
Be sucked into another dimension: You guessed it.
(Sorry about that Amen :))

Largest Population: Valua
Fastest Growing: Hrarklon
Largest Land Area: Lakaedeki
Fastest Expanding: Xia
Largest Military: Lakaedeki
Fastest Expanding: Xia
Most Patriotic: Valua
Most Warlike: Taludria
Most Promiscuous Ruler: Tia Valdez (Valua)
Prettiest: Valua
Best Banner: Xia (All are good, but I like the Xia best)

1000 A.G. Stats After one millennia of civilization, who is the most advanced, largest, strongest?

Largest Population: Valua
Fastest Growing: Xia
Largest Land Area: Lakaedeki
Fastest Expanding: Kiatians
Best Economy: Taludria / Valua / Xia
Happiest: Valua / Isilk
Most Patriotic: Valua
Best Armed Forces: Lakaedeki
Most Cultured: Lakaedeki
Most Learned: Xia / Valua / Lakaedeki

Most Creative: Taludria
Most Unique: Isilk
Most Aggressive: Lakaedeki / Taludria
Most Peaceful: Valua
Most Evil Ruler: Gaius of Lakaedekos
Kindest Ruler: Tia Valdez of Valua
Shortest People: Isilk
Tallest People: Taludrians
Fattest People: Valuans

[size=+1]Projects and Wonders[/size]

The Gythene Games - Lakaedeki, constructed in Gythos 650 A.G.

Won by; FIlion Ilana ~550 A.G., Ildaria ~610 A.G., ? ~950 A.G.

Benefits - Improved Economy, Culture, Morale, Happiness and Patriotism. Held every two turns, the winner gets increased Morale and Patriotism.

The University of Laekos - Lakaedeki, constructed in Laekos 850 A.G.

Benefits - Improved Economy, Learning, Culture.

The Grand Barracks of Taludip Tark - Taludrian, constructed in Taludip Tark 850 A.G.

Benefits - +500 Military upon completion. +50 Every turn thereafter.

The Palace of Valerius - Taludrian, constructed in Taludip Tark 900 A.G.

Benefits - Improved Happiness, Patriotism, Culture, Confidence and Economy.

The Terraced Mountainsides of Valua - Valuan, construction begun near Madlonde 800 A.G. Estimated time of completion: 1000 A.G.

Benefits - Improved economy and faster population growth

The Imperial Waterway - Xia, constructed in 950 A.G.

Benefits - Improved economy, learning, faster population growth and travel speed.

Melich Temple - Isilk, construction begun in 900 A.G. Estimated time of completion 1000 A.G.

Benefits - Improved Happiness and Confidence in Religion and greater chance to convert, less chance to defect. Increased Culture
I've read through the rules, and I must say...nice. Very nice, indeed! I love what you've done with religion, and though I will make one later [a religion that I don't control, of course], I'd like to do so after I've established my nation well. Same thing with a government, since somehow I can't see a teeny little tribe referring to itself as an "Imperium" quite yet...

Tribe: Valua
Ruler (Player): Emperor Enrique Valdez (Global Nexus)
Government: Monarchy
Religion: Starisanism
Economy: Stable
Armed Forces: 50 warriors (stone weapons)
Starting Location: Lookit the map below. My preferred starting location is the pink dot.
Background: The Valuan tribes have always lived in the mountains, eking out an existance of hunting and gathering for centuries. Now, however, they have settled down and mastered the raising of some crops which thrive in the mountain soil. After a small dispute between several tribal leaders -- among them Galcian of the Armodos -- young Enrique Valdez came to be recognized as the monarch of the new Valuan Empire. Their capital city -- Madlonde -- is founded on the shores of a river which flows between their mountainous homeland.


  • Valua.PNG
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@Nexus. Thanks :)

You should give thoughts to defining a religion since in animism there is little to hold your people together, even a basic tribal religion will provide some common interest. Das isn't actually being leader of his religion, just having the leaders as the druidic council so you dont actually need to run it yourself if you dont want.

As to your starting place, the other side of the lake is ideal - warm plains being sheltered by mountains and hills so you can explore round there or move now if you want, but where you are now goes well with your background.
Well, part of the reason I wanted to leave religion as default was because I wanted to bring in a prophet after a while to stir up a bunch of religious controversy. Though, can I make two religions -- one right now, and one a few thousand years...uh...ten or twenty turns or so from now?

As for the starting location, it's not the best place to set up early, but if I manage to survive, then I'll certainly have a good, defensible position for my capital. Plus, there's bound to be tons of resources in those mountains waiting to be unearthed. The other side might be a lot better for growth, but there's some long-term resource and military advantages to my mountain start. And yeah, it goes with my background, too. ^^
Yes you can indeed, as long as the second is nicer than the first your people will convert easily as well.

Yeah, OK, just making sure you realised the disadvantages too :)
Right. Then I guess I'll make my religion, then. Just as a note, the "gods" of this religion are the moon and the stars [the brighest stars being named as Gods and Goddesses, and the dimmer ones being lumped together as "Children of the Gods"], and the three high priests [who hold their position by birth] "speak with the gods", thus controlling the religion.

Name: Starisanism
Head: Starisan Trinity of High Priests
Attitude to War: War is bad except against heretics
Belief about God(s): Polytheistic
Belief about Afterlife: After death, the "good" merge with either the God of Creation [the moon] or the God of Prosperity [brightest star in the sky] and the "bad" are banished to a void of blackness for eternity.
Heretics: Animisms and Spiritualisms.
Control over people: Weak
Religious Center: Summit of Mt. Starisa, smallest mountain to the south of Madlonde.
Culture: Negligible

This will work, yes?
Tribe: Kyrenica
Ruler (Player): Preator Numantius
Government: Republic
Religion: Kyrenican Polytheism
Economy: Stable
Armed Forces: 50 warriors (stone weapons)
Starting Location: look on map below; the blue would be my preffered colour as well...
Background: The Kyrenican nation is one of the oldest nations on the planet, a last refuge for the great civlizations before the great upheavals of nature, seekign out order, they wish to det out, to rebuild civlization, and a return to the times of glory.

also, can I found a religion, to go with my nation?
Is it too late to change my govt to regular monarchy?:blush: I want to maintain a big enough army.

Maybe I can counter the effect by making a religion...
My religion:

Name: Lakaedek Polytheism
Head: the High Priest/Priestess in Lakoni
Attitude to War: War is good
Belief about God(s): Polytheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Heaven and Hell
Heretics: None at all
Control over people: Normal
Religious Center: Lakoni (my capital)
Culture: Very Strong
@amen you can switch now, dont worry about the army unless you're intending to try and match das in size ;-) it owuld take like 10% of your population in your government because you are not completely republic, basically 'free' governments which listen to the people have slight restrictions, i will warn you when you are approaching those unless you try to draft a lot of the population very fast. but you can still switch if you want no penalty.

@xen. yes you can, and you should do, the default means your people are apathetic to religion which could be bad for their spiritual health later :)
Tribe: Mohadeen Khalifah
Ruler (Player): Caliph Abdul-Aziz
Government: Theological Monarchy
Capitol: The City of Mohammaden
Religion: Ibrahim
Economy: Stable
Armed Forces: 50 warriors (stone weapons)
Starting Location: The Northern Continent, around the sea of Ibrahim (great big sea in the middle of the northern continent, like the Mediterranean)
Background: The Mohadeen originated as a trading colony of a great empire before the Ice Age. After the ice age, much of what the mohadeens and their overlords had established was destroyed forever. Most of the Mohadeen lands were frozen solid and all the trade that sustained their empire was gone. They were forced to revert back to barbarism. Then, came the 'Prophet', a man of such great wisdom and power that he united a people under the banner of the Mohadeen religion, Ibrahim. A highly mercantile people, they trade all sorts of luxuries such as luxurious dyes, ivory, jewels, and other magnificent goods from all over the world.

The Religion of Ibrahim

Ibrahim demands total servitude to the great lord, the merciful, the compassionate. He has no name, and has no image, he is everywhere, in your mind, in the earth, in the air. He is creator of the world, guider of the Mohadeens, and his glory must be spread to every corner of the world. The Mohadeens are highly religious, almost fanatical really, and strive to spread the glory of the Great Lord to all corners of the world. Their country is unified by this religion, and the head of it is the Caliph, a direct descendent of the Prophet. The Caliph controls religion and state, his rule is mighty, and his word is of the holy scriptures. He rules from his throne in Mohammaden, the holy capitol of the Mohadeen peoples, and the land in which the prophet began his great quest to bring the word of the great one down to the peoples of the world.

Religious worship is centered around the great temples, the Mosques. Believers pray in the Mosques in excess of 2 times a day, and the community is centered around its local Mosque. Priests, or Imams, preach the word of the great one throughout the nation, and Bishops, the Imirs, are custodians of the Holy Mosque, the central church of Ibrahim. The Holy mosque is the center of Mohammaden, and is a maginficent stone temple, although its foundation is crumbling, and plans to reconstruct it are in talks with the Caliph and his Imirs.

The Mohadeen believe in reincarnation after death, and a eternal cycle, in which you are reincarnated according to the deeds of your life, if you are good, you are riencarnated as human, etc. After following a cycle of riencarnation, if you reach true enlightenment in the way of the great one, you are brought to his realm, after your death, to enjoy eternal splendor in heaven.

Name: Ibrahim
Head:The Caliph and his Imirs
Attitude to War: war is good if it is desirable to the word of the Ibrahim scriptures
Belief about God(s): Monotheistic
Belief about Afterlife: Reincarnation and Heaven
Heretics: Polytheistics especially, idol worshippers.
Control over people: Strong
Religious Center: Mohammaden, the Holy Capitol
Culture: Intensive

(im the puke color :rolleyes: )


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