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Another WW2 scenario

A nice idea, but that is once again something that LUA would be needed for. I can't even do the most basic operations with it at the moment, so something complex like that is a definite no for now. My guess on how it would have to be done is by giving a player a unit on a turn at a location. All of which would need to be specifically defined.

I'm planning to run a 2 units/plot test, so I will decide soon if that is a good direction for the next version.
This sounds good.
Here some other suggestions/questions:

1. I have noticed that you´ve placed Ankara in the east of turkey. Normally it´s located more in the central of the country. Maybe it should be renamed to Erzurum.

2. I don´t know where but i´ve read that you´ve explained for what the different map-versions are. I can´t find it anymore.

3. I´ve used the search function but i didn´t found anything. I have a "minor-problem" inside the game. All the new added units are namend "TXT_KEY_UNIT_and then the name of the unit". I´ve cleared the cache of the game, but it didn´t worked for me. Can you help me?

4. is it possible to give each citystate different unitgraphics or is there LUA also needed? This would give the game more flavore.

5. Thank you;)
This sounds good.
Here some other suggestions/questions:

1. I have noticed that you´ve placed Ankara in the east of turkey. Normally it´s located more in the central of the country. Maybe it should be renamed to Erzurum.

2. I don´t know where but i´ve read that you´ve explained for what the different map-versions are. I can´t find it anymore.

3. I´ve used the search function but i didn´t found anything. I have a "minor-problem" inside the game. All the new added units are namend "TXT_KEY_UNIT_and then the name of the unit". I´ve cleared the cache of the game, but it didn´t worked for me. Can you help me?

4. is it possible to give each citystate different unitgraphics or is there LUA also needed? This would give the game more flavore.

5. Thank you;)

You're welcome :)

1. I'll take a look at it and most likely end up changing the name then.

2. It probably got deleted from the OP at some point when I was updating it. The differences are all based on the starting diplomacy situation.
In the regular version all 1939 Allies & Axis start out permanently at war with one another, and also are permanently at peace with corresponding WWII allies (with a few exceptions like US & Mexico).
In O1 version the permanent peace is removed, so war can be declared on anyone.
In O2 version permanent war is removed, so generally the AI will sue for peace after turn 7.
In O3 version no one starts out at war or with any treaties in place either.
The O (open) versions were all added for fun.

3. I saw that some others had that problem earlier when I first uploaded the mod. After I reuploaded it with the new install instructions I hadn't heard anymore about it, so I assumed it was solved. I need to know exactly what state you're running the mod in to help:
-First just to clarify, is it just the units that are showing up this way? Do leader names work? How about either of the 2 custom buildings that Germany gets? Almost all of the name changes reference to the same large file called "NewText.xml", so that is why I'm asking. It doesn't makes sense to me that only some of the name changes would not be working.
-At the in game mod enable screen what mods do you have enabled when you are planning to setup a new game? Type them out exactly as they appear (ie. "WWII mod part 1/4 (v2)")
You should have 4 enabled parts 1-4 that are all (v2). Also, don't try to run any extra mods along with the WWII scenario mods. That's probably common sense if you're getting a bug, but I figure it's worth mentioning.

-Do you have any old versions of the mod parts sitting there? This is just guesswork by me, but having an old version in the MODS folder along with version 2 may be causing a conflict even if it's not enabled. If so either move it from the folder or delete it.

-Lastly if you are thinking that everything appears to be installed correctly, you might just try to reinstall the mod. Delete the mod you have first if you want to try it. You shouldn't have to redo the part with the Edited_Aim_state files though.

4. That may be possible. I still have hundreds of more units to add in for the major civs though, so it's not something I'll be looking into doing for a while.
3. I saw that some others had that problem earlier when I first uploaded the mod. After I reuploaded it with the new install instructions I hadn't heard anymore about it, so I assumed it was solved. I need to know exactly what state you're running the mod in to help:
-First just to clarify, is it just the units that are showing up this way? Do leader names work? How about either of the 2 custom buildings that Germany gets? Almost all of the name changes reference to the same large file called "NewText.xml", so that is why I'm asking. It doesn't makes sense to me that only some of the name changes would not be working.
-At the in game mod enable screen what mods do you have enabled when you are planning to setup a new game? Type them out exactly as they appear (ie. "WWII mod part 1/4 (v2)")
You should have 4 enabled parts 1-4 that are all (v2). Also, don't try to run any extra mods along with the WWII scenario mods. That's probably common sense if you're getting a bug, but I figure it's worth mentioning.

-Do you have any old versions of the mod parts sitting there? This is just guesswork by me, but having an old version in the MODS folder along with version 2 may be causing a conflict even if it's not enabled. If so either move it from the folder or delete it.

-Lastly if you are thinking that everything appears to be installed correctly, you might just try to reinstall the mod. Delete the mod you have first if you want to try it. You shouldn't have to redo the part with the Edited_Aim_state files though.

The only thing i can say is, that i´ve followed your instructions. No, the building names are correct. But all the new units (graphics) begin with that "TXT" thing. The same for Spain (Citynames, Leadername etc). I´ve only installed your mod.
Oh and this one you wanted from me:

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 1 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 2 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 3 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 4 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign (v.8)
The only thing i can say is, that i´ve followed your instructions. No, the building names are correct. But all the new units (graphics) begin with that "TXT" thing. The same for Spain (Citynames, Leadername etc). I´ve only installed your mod.
Oh and this one you wanted from me:

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 1 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 2 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 3 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign Part 4 of 4 (v.2)

WWII Full Earth Campaign (v.8)

Very good then, as the problem is actually very simple. :cool:

That last mod, "WWII Full Earth Campaign (v.8)", is what is causing the conflict. It's an old version. Only enable parts 1-4 (v.2), and I recommend either moving the (v.8) file to a storage or deleting it entirely. Up to you.
For some reason I always get a message "You have been defeated" when I try to start the game.
I have run the game with your MOD perfectly before but all of a sudden I could not load a saved game, it came up "Runtime error" and CIV was shut down.
Then I deleted WWII in the MOD to be able to re-install it! Now I cannot find it :confused:
I have downloaded your files according to your instructions but it seems like the map is not there... Where can I find it? Can you send it to me or how do I re-install it in the MODS?
Please help! I loved to play your scenario!!!!
For some reason I always get a message "You have been defeated" when I try to start the game.
I have run the game with your MOD perfectly before but all of a sudden I could not load a saved game, it came up "Runtime error" and CIV was shut down.
Then I deleted WWII in the MOD to be able to re-install it! Now I cannot find it :confused:
I have downloaded your files according to your instructions but it seems like the map is not there... Where can I find it? Can you send it to me or how do I re-install it in the MODS?
Please help! I loved to play your scenario!!!!

There was a new Civ5 patch released recently, so perhaps that has led to a problem. Based on what it did, I have no idea how you might get the defeated screen right from the get go though. So, it sounds like an anomaly. Let's just verify you have everything in its correct spot first.

The mod files are still available for download attached at the bottom of the first post in this thread. Part 4 specifically holds all the maps.
I think I'm just restating what the instructions in the first post already say, but I'll do a quick run down on what should work.

To reinstall the mods with a clean slate delete all the old WW2 files in your MODS folder, download and place the mod files into your MODS folder, go in game to the browse mods screen and select install mods, and lastly enable parts 1-4. Make sure no other mods are enable too.

If you're still having a problem after reinstalling then there is probably something that went wrong since the patch. In which case, I'll verify I get the same problem and have to figure out where the issue is.
Hi, now I disabled all other mods and now I can start the game BUT I cannot load the map, it starts up like a normal civ game, meaning with a settler and a warrior...I have all 4 parts downloaded but nothing else. I think I need the actual map but I can't find it when I browse MODS.
I have the same problem as Freekick, I have moved the maps in mod folder 4 to programfiles(x86)/Steam/.../Maps and I can't play it as a scenario, only as a map starting in 4000bc.
Are you guys remembering to select "Load Scenario" in the game setup screen before starting? I left that out of my instructions, because I thought it was common knowledge.
Other than that, I have no idea why that might be happening. I'll be back to my computer later this afternoon and be able to verify the scenario still works ok after the civ5 August patch.
Very good then, as the problem is actually very simple. :cool:

That last mod, "WWII Full Earth Campaign (v.8)", is what is causing the conflict. It's an old version. Only enable parts 1-4 (v.2), and I recommend either moving the (v.8) file to a storage or deleting it entirely. Up to you.

Thanks alot! It worked:)
I have the same problem as Freekick, I have moved the maps in mod folder 4 to programfiles(x86)/Steam/.../Maps and I can't play it as a scenario, only as a map starting in 4000bc.

You don't put them in the maps folder, you leave them in the same mod folder they're in.

i don´t want to sound precocious, but the graphic of the Ju 88 is not a Ju 88. Maybe there aren´t any Ju 88 for Civ V?

No, you're right. At the time I was building the current version the unit graphics were somewhat limited, and I am not the one who makes them. I think I used the he-219 as a substitute. I also recently noticed that it's actually "junkers" with an 's' instead of what I had been using. The Arado-234 is another one that wasn't available, so it uses the he-111. Arado-234 is going to be scratched in the next version in favor of the he-177.

The good thing is that the Ju-88 and hundreds of other units all have been created by Danrell in his latest unit graphic pack for WW2 mods. So that is what I've been working on lately. I'm about 75% of the way through establishing all the unit statistics, which is actually the hardest part. Adding them to the xml is next.
Thank you again, but just a few more things :blush:

Actually i am playing as italy. The Breda BA-65 has no icon on the lower left side. There are just a few red and white squares.

A friend of mine wants to play your scenario too, but he hasn´t got the DLC civs. Is it possible to make a version with civs from other modders? if you don´t want to do it, maybe i could with a few hints;)

Thank you again!
Thank you again, but just a few more things :blush:

Actually i am playing as italy. The Breda BA-65 has no icon on the lower left side. There are just a few red and white squares.

A friend of mine wants to play your scenario too, but he hasn´t got the DLC civs. Is it possible to make a version with civs from other modders? if you don´t want to do it, maybe i could with a few hints;)

Thank you again!

Quickly looking at the code, I don't see why the ba-65 unit icon would be missing while the other fighter-bombers are fine. I'll keep it in mind next time I'm checking for errors in game though.

He should be able to still play as is from what I have heard from others posting ITT. Supposedly the DLC civs will just be auto replaced with a double of a random leader. I haven't tested this myself though, so I don't know if it works.

If you've confirmed that it's unplayable for him, the user Ghandi Khan wrote a solution several pages back that may help. I think it involves changing the map a little bit, so I recommend the world builder section of Kael's modding guide if you need help with it.
Idk if anyone has caught this yet (I didn't feel like reading 10 pages) - the German cruiser Graf Spree was actually called Graf Spee. I liked your mod though, great job :)
He should be able to still play as is from what I have heard from others posting ITT. Supposedly the DLC civs will just be auto replaced with a double of a random leader. I haven't tested this myself though, so I don't know if it works.

He tested it. It is possible. But now there are double leaders. Maybe it is possible to replace them with MOD-leaders. I will look around for a solution.
Idk if anyone has caught this yet (I didn't feel like reading 10 pages) - the German cruiser Graf Spree was actually called Graf Spee. I liked your mod though, great job :)

Added to the list of things to remember to change. I'll be resetting most of the units that start on the map in the next version, so it will definitely be fixed. Thanks.
Attached is a completed unit list/statistics for the next version, and a small picture of the tech sheet. I was going mainly for realism, but attempted to keep things balanced to some degree too.

Notes on the far right column provide some info about new promotions, or changes to existing ones. Formulas for calculating things like ranged attack and moves are typically at the top of the respective column. Generally, moves are based on max fuel range for aircraft and road speed for land units. Some of them I had to fudge a bit for certain units in order to account for extra attributes they don't take into account.
I realize these formulas I used aren't perfect, but it was the best method I could come up with taking into account the challenge of researching/compiling so many units.

It's divided into 4 excel sheets. Land units, aircraft, naval units, and tech changes. It will take a while to add all of this to xml, so there is plenty of time to provide input if you'd like to help out with any corrections you think should be made.


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