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Sid the Science Kid

Excellent job, V!!!

Here's my thoughts:

1) Yep, as I mention earlier, Seattle is a drag and should be liberated. We can move the troops there to the front

2) We need gold to upgrade Archers. Trade CoL to Napster for 110g. Trade Mono to Fred for 30 or beg for it if we've not done so.

3) I don't see MC as urgent. We could put a turn into it, but I would run binary with CS as a placeholder. We can trade for MC soon I expect once Colossus is built.

4) I think it will be some time for CS. I also don't want to lose 2 turns switching civics and religion (we need to keep war going and build gold asap). Our diplo is fine, so I'd prefer a Civic switch now and run a GA with the next GP pop to switch to Religion/OR later.

So....I would switch to Rep/Vass currently. It will buff up our new LBs and Cats while providing some savings on all our units.

5) Good to see a Bud Mona queued up in Phillly. We will want to whip that pronto

6) Definitely attack Sully next. However, we can look to start up a new army in the core to take on Zara in the near future. LBs/Cats will be strong for some time even against LBs and our production base is quite solid now.

Also, keep an eye on Napster before Sully attack since they are in same religion. Hopefully, the CoL trade will get us to please which will allow a beg before war.

Let's also look to acquire Aesths/Lit at some point. I want NE in Boston or Wash soon. We should look to get a Lib in Boston soon so we can start running some scientists there as well, especially before the GA. We can whip a couple of LBs into it.

oh...let's look to crank a settler out for that Fish city SW of the barb city. It has some production and we have GLH. Probably build it in Fish city.

HE is a bit in the future, but we should have marble soon. NY is okay - wish it had more food. Boston would not be bad once it overcomes the culture.

I would definitely build more cats that LBs. We have plenty of archers to upgrade, but will always need lots of cats.

Trade Silk to Nap for GPT, it is more important at this stage

edit: hmmm...on second view, looks like Nappy is far from Pleased. Our Power may be a deterrent
well I put like 2 turns of 0% slider (aka 20 beakers) into MC...was mostly placeholder. was deciding between CS and the run towards Engs.
Those few turns could make MC cheaper so that is a plus imo

I hope you meant the SE fish from barbs, catched my eyes too, there is still unsettled the clams south from cap...I think could be useful for health, which starts to be a bit bigger problem then happy

not really sure with the switch. it's 1T of anarchy...I would maybe put out those 2 LB's with whips before switching, should provide some firepower in 5 turns after DoW next turn as 2nd wave.
Vassalage would make our troops rank 2 out the gate that's definitely great.

Are we sure to go after Zara? What is our gameplan? We could do Diplo game...we still didn't do any in the past (or right now can't remember)... Be it UN or Religious.
Would be nice for a change to make good friends that will follow us into win. nappy as archenemy of everyone and nice budh block of vicky, zara and us, freddy being fuller.

If we succeed against sully (taking 5 cities in next 15-20 turns) it's probably game over.

not much against building cats, but don't forget that even if we have the same number of archers as cats, it still means we field more cats then archers, just because of the MP duty... the real army in the field is more like 23 cats and 16 archers.

we need some mop up units even if the war is really fun this way. AI's start to get cats, you saw it when taking Philly if I had 1 more mop up unit I wouldn't risk whipping philly for another archer (which didn't happen due to AI being AI)

My military production was basically rotating cat-archer-cat-archer... we could throw a cat here and there more, but i would do it balanced.
ha...yep...my other SW

Switch now so the new LBs get the Vass bonus.

I'm fine with Diplo, but it's kinda fun fighting this way. Like you said, once we take out Silly, then this game should be a cakewalk and over long before Mass Media.
So in short:

1) Gather army to invade the Ottomen
2) Get lots of shinies
3) Gift Seattle for diplo
4) Get another trade deal from Nappie to not get declared on
5) Finish 2 longbows and switch to rep/vas
6) Conquer barb city
7) Settle maybe another city somewhere I have to find out yet (SW fish)
8) Get a workboat for clam
you should INVADE Ottoman not only gather army, army is already in place (the first wave) in Chicago, you should DoW T3 latest

L made a mistake with description of the place, it's actually south east from barb city on the coast (~5 tiles)

those clams are not in cultural so build settler for that spot too and WB too of course.

Don't forget to switch flood plain cottages back to capital to quicker growth (we can grow in 1T if you switch back) to maximize the library+academy combo, we have now big happy cap, abuse it.

Maybe switch to rep+vass before finishing LB's. It delays them 1T (which could be big deal), but I like L's though having them rank 2 out the gate.
I'm happy with the plan + vran's input.

(The stack's in lymond-ville, not Chicago).

Would like to use our Great General in some manner or other ... merge into :culture: "... these little town blues, are melting away ..."?

Quietly hoping for a Market build in Cherokee - even go so far to suggest a partial whip of the capital for it! :eek:
market at this point would be most probably 5-pop whip...nasty...

market is good thing to build in capital, but maybe after the OR+bud switch to make it less painful and do it like 3-pop whip max.

agree that we should use GG somehow...

ah sorry for that...it is indeed in Atlanta, should be easy to spot though.


and pretty disappointed no one catched "flawless victory"...
^^^ oh, I caught it ;) ...meant to play off it in my response but forgot

Nowz the perfect time for the Rep/Vass switch since we are in heal mode. I'd like to upgrade at least 2 Vet Archers to LBs as well before attack

What's this about a GG? Did we pop a second one? Big Apple merge sounds good or we can make a Super 'Roid Archer

edit: On second thought, GG merge may be better long term. We'll like get another GG during the Otto engagement. I would not rule out Boston as a good HE city too. Then Wash could be NE.

Oh...yep...major infra can probably wait until the OR switch later. We'll likely need to keep units flowing and do some wealth building. I agree that market in Cap will be a priority then.
vranasm - congratulations on the flawless victory! :)

On the Market whip - when it's sensible - sorry, I didn't mean whip on the next turn with 0:hammers: in the bin, and 'sure' - leveraging Organised Religion is even better.

Best of luck Killroyan!
I missed the pun in "flawless victory". Care to explain?

I hope I have some time tonight to play.
I missed the pun in "flawless victory". Care to explain?

I hope I have some time tonight to play.

I hope that I am right, but there was a game back in the day called Mortal Combat, not sure with number and when you won without a scratch it announced flawless victory ;-).

Felt apropriate.

Played a bit with my brother...Liked that 4-handed girl...Shiva was it? and subzero...and ... then someone made a film based on the game too ;-)
Ok here we go. I load up the game and see in what formidable shape we are. Arnold would be proud of us. I press enter and the first thing I want is:

The barb city is ours. It has a corn hidden in the fog, so this is actually a very good city and comes with a free worker. Good start.

I then switch the floodplain to our capital so it can grow. I dial up Nappy and trade incense for silk and get open borders. I trade mono to Fred for 40 gold and CoL to Nappy for..... 40 gold. Damn. Should have traded it straight away. I revolt to Rep/Vas as decided by the team.

I upgrade 3 archers to Longbow with our money and gear up for war. I liberate Seattle and as a gift I beg 3 gpt from Vicky which she gladly gives. Redirect the army back to New York as the second invasion force to the Ottoman. The GG is on his way to New York to be settled as it will be a splendid HE city.

At turn 5 I invade the Ottomen. Used 1 turn to get closer to Edirne so sorry Vran for being 1 turn late.

Our invasion force is strong!!!!! They watch Hans and Frans fitness video a lot (I am Hans and I am Franz and we are here to pump you up!). Defense is pretty light in Edirne but there is a catapult.

I whip the monastery in Philly and press enter. After that I trade CoL to Zara for 280 gold and stone to Nappy for 9 gpt. Then for the attack. At the loss of 1 catapult (no flawless victory darn) we get this:

SHINIES!!! They are mine, mine, mine, all mine!!! (Daffy Duck impersonation, including spit :p). I crank up the slider to get CS quickly in. When I press enter the war horns sound. Nappy declares on us. What the.... I gave you laws and you give me war?

Oh well. Our scouting warrior is now trapped in Ottomen and French country. I decide to pillage Nappies marble and a town for a total of 30 gold. Take that. I send our main army on their way to Istanbul. I got our secondary army ready to strike Bursa and the small army from the barb city is on its way to the most northern Ottomen city.

New York finishes his barracks and is shaping up.

Our secondary army got a flawless victory at bursa and we now own the statue of Zeus:

We are however getting some we do not want to fight our brothers in faith angriness in our capital. The whip for the market can come sooner then we expect it :p The defenses are pretty good in Istanbul:

But after 1 round of attacking (again no flawless victory) there are only 2 archers left for the next player to play around with. The Ottomen do have longbows now though.

I left the most fun for the next player as I have no more time. Istanbull is ripe for the picking. Gaziantep in the north is stripped of his defenses and can be attacked next turn. Samsun is the target of our secondary army and can be conquered in two turns. That would leave Suleiman with only 2 cities left which we should conquer pretty quickly.

WE HAVE A GREAT SCIENTIST IN OUR CAPITAL!!! Do not forget this. I left it unmoved as we can either decide to settle it for roughly 13 beakers (at 39 beakers per turn not that bad) or we can start a golden age and switch to Bureau which I didn't do yet. Onwards to the next player. Have fun :)


  • Sid the Science Kid AD-0540.CivBeyondSwordSave
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@Vranasm: I was already thinking about the game. Good to see my memory still works properly ;)
looks very good.

The Nappy dow was a bit unfortunate, but as I read it he was bribed with Philo.

I think this is one of games were we could lose Lib race, but no heavy feelings about it ;-)

we could still bulb the philo and shop it around so no other AI declares. Freddy and Zara could be brought in.

We could get aesth and MC from philo for sure.

That northern army is a bit too weak to take Gaizanthep, so would wait for some reinforcement there.

I would wipe Sully completely and hope for making peace with Nappy.


next player should watch out for MP in Boston, there is none yet.

I would whip granary in the barb city
and washington should imo switch into military instead of library

that fish in the east looks like under Freddy influence not sure i want to battle him

shop around cottages in cap again since the unhappy now and we waste 1 cottage

aaah and gold city should get farms not cottages on those greens now we have CS
Nice job, Killroyan!

Got it.

A plan could be as follows:
- Take Istanbul, Ankara and Samsun from the Otto's and sign peace (or capitulate?) for a lot of his techs, with theology including.
- Use the GS for a golden age and switch to bureau now and theo+buddhism when we extort theo.
- With that, build units in bud cities and wealth in the rest.
- Then heal and move on to France.
- I'm tempted for a deal with Germany where he declares on Nappy and gives MC for CS and 130 gold. I think the only tech we're interested in (besides theo) is engineering. I wouldn't bother much about aesthetics/literature and the epics. Game may be over in practical terms (that is when Nappy is neutered) before HE or NE really contribute.
- Assuming we stay in rep whip some libs in food rich cities (fish city, boston, washington) and hire scientists.
Yep, absolutely run the GA. I'd consider a temp switch to Caste and starve out some more GPs in cities like Boston, Wash or Fish City. We are pretty good on units at the moment and continue slow building them for 5 or so turns.

I'm a little confused by all the cottages. Some of these cities should be chain irrigated like Gold City and Boston. Waste of worker turns.. Fish City can eventually get chain irritated via Gold city chain up from Rice City.

We really should have made that CoL trade with Nap on the first turn as I suggested. That's a whole LB..

I'd also like to see some MP in Boston. Warrior in 1 turn.

We can switch to Theo on the backend of the GA, if we acquire. I'm fine with vassalling Otto. It will provide a buffer to Nappy and Isolate him. Take Bul, of course, and that SW city.

Damn...I meant to recommend that we build a road in the jungle north of Atlanta before attack.
Firstly, nice work Killroyan. :)

I'm happy to support the strategy.

I'm acutely aware that we should get 47:gold: per turn out of the Kashi Vishwanath when Istanbul is taken and subdued, but our economic position is 'borderline', and having the bulk of our cities 'building wealth' without Courthouses while we're in Slavery just seems like an opportunity lost. It'll just get worse as we capture French cities. I am aware for non-Organised leaders Courthouses are pretty pricey, but whipping is extraordinarily cost-effective in mid-sided cities, which is where many of ours are at. As such, I'd put forward that we selectively start looking for whip opportunities for Courthouses.
ah...yes that golden age...yes it is better use ;-)

would be probably better to time it when Ottos cities come out of revolt though.

one problem with Ottos cities is they lack budh so no effect of OR for them... I would look into it too.

I would build CH's in cities with maintenance >5gpt. If the maintenance is lower the payback has too long curve.
So our old core will build wealth while we fix eco with CH's in borders and then we can slowly go back with CH's towards core. That way we are not bleeding totally, but still progressing to 0 gpt above 0% slider.

I consider OR and spread budh as mandatory for this infra expansion.

Oh well everyone wants our first vassal...so be it. I am not fan of it, but whatever.
We should aim towards trebs and finish with LB's+trebs if the diplogame plan wasn't accepted :-(.
I'm quite happy to go with AP Diplo or Domination. I actually lean toward Diplomatic. :)

All of our cities have maintenance > 5:gold: ... New York's > 11:gold: per turn iirc.
About the chain irrigation, CS is only in for 1 turn so no chance getting to work on that yet. I have workers near Boston making chain irrigation to the corn though.

About the economy. The market is coming along in our capital. But with 2 angries already and 2 unhealthy I would whip it somewhere. When Edirne is getting out of revolt then we need a border pop first and then start on a market asap.

About the courthouses, yes we want them. I just build up a lot of longbows first so we can push on. We do want at least 7 CHs for the forbidden palace (Istanbul looks good for that).

About the Giazantep. 2 cats, a longbow and an archer should be more then enough to take it unless it gets an extra longbow there. If I recall correctly is has only 2 archers as defense.
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