elder scrolls mod development thread

Cause the Orcs can only conquer cities... I personally think it's a bit too much though, I'd rather say double (or triple) cost for settler in that case.

BTW, about that Orcish leader, you'll probably have it by the end of July if that's okay. I'm currently not anywhere near my old computer where blender still works, so can't really do anything ATM.
I don't know why, but when I take Orc ciz, I can't do settler!!!

Do you know why?


Thanks for playing!! :)
Yeah Orcs can only conquer... I intend to write describtions for civilizations, because some of them have very different game style from vanilla.
It may be too harsh for orcs, though I need paeople to play this and provide some feedback :)

BTW, about that Orcish leader, you'll probably have it by the end of July if that's okay. I'm currently not anywhere near my old computer where blender still works, so can't really do anything ATM.

That's fine :) I have a lot of exams this month so I'm not really here meanwhile

First Thing I want to write: Sorry if you have some difficulty to understand me, English is not my first language.

I try your Elder Scroll Mod 3 times. One time with orcs, one with Dumners and one with Argorians. I like it, but I think it could be better. But, I appreciate to found a guy who like elders scrolls for does a mod on civ4. Thank a lot. Now, if I could, I will like do some commentary. I separate my commentary in many sections.

A) Technology
1- I have no many commentaries about Technology. Jungle life : I don’t understand. It is probably a bug, but I don’t see Jungle life anywhere on tree technology. I don’t see Jungle tribe and jungle town, except on civilopédia. It does not work. It is a bug? Am I alone?
2- Green Pact has negative agriculture. It is normal?

B) Unit
1- In my playing time, I see a major bug with Orc nation: I can’t do settler. I correct that bug manually.
2- I don’t know how explain my idea in English, but like civ5 (I don’t really like civ5), why do you not create a long range fire for mage, marksman and catapult?
3- Khajiit don’t have really beautiful units. The others ones have beautiful unit, but no Khajiit. Why?
4- It is possible to create barbarian unit for each region on the map? It is a little weird to beat a black guy barbarian with my argorian soldier when I never meat one redguard soldier again. Some idea for barbarian.
Nordic Region: Draugr, bears and rats
Imperial Region: Bandits, wolves and rats
Dark elf : Some flying creature do I don’t remember the name.
(I will come back on single civ special unit)

C) Building
1-You add Alchemist shop and enchanting Altar. I suggest you a weapon and armor shop. Add a technology who come with a weapon and armor shop. This shop could be added a weapon bonus or a productivity rate or cash bonus. Something like that.
2-Numidium: This is a great idea, but can you change the picture? A special ship, it is not really fantastic medieval.
3- In the same way, can you add a building like Apostolique Palace or ONU. It could be great if you add a diplomatic victory.

D) Jungle
1- Why argorian have jungle disease. This is a non sense. I will be come back on this point.

E) Fitting out
1- I never be able to create a jungle tribe. Am I alone?

F) Specialists
1- Some specialists look like a modern people. It is possible to correct that?

G) Civilization
1- About single special unit. I am sure if some people read my text, a debate can be start with what I will say right now. If we talk about Elder Scrool stereotype, RedGuard and Orc are the best warriors. If you not sure, check up your Morrowing and Oblivion play game guide. About redguard : ‘’The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel’’ and about orc : ‘’the finest front-line troops in the Empire’’. Where Am I going with that? The best Redguard and orc warrior have a too big difference between them.

H) Heroes
1- Please, put a real character, real heroes on diplomatic screen. It is not immersive to see an aztheque remplace an argorian. I don’t care about animation; I will like real orc, argorian, khajiit on my diplomatic screen. Please 

I) Commercial society
1- Do you create commercial society for the mod? Because I did not see it.

J) About the rest
1- I know some people don’t be agreed with me, but I think the map is too huge for only 10 nations. Maybe a big map, but not a huge one.
2- I suggest you to create another scenario where the city of each race are already there.
3- Please, change color of the nation. By example, I don’t see the color of my city territories with argonian because the color is too pale on jungle. Redguard and Imperial have a similar red color. Exist so many other colors. No?

I will post again !
Cause the Orcs can only conquer cities... I personally think it's a bit too much though, I'd rather say double (or triple) cost for settler in that case.

BTW, about that Orcish leader, you'll probably have it by the end of July if that's okay. I'm currently not anywhere near my old computer where blender still works, so can't really do anything ATM.

Ok. I change it. I'm playing a game right now with orc and I can do settler now. But, I understand why Orcs can only conquer cities. In the Elder Scrolls, orcs have a only real city.
Good job and I hope you will do a new version soon!

By the way, the last version it is Elder scrolls mod - alpha version 0.16 (42.92 MB)?
H) Heroes
1- Please, put a real character, real heroes on diplomatic screen. It is not immersive to see an aztheque remplace an argorian. I don’t care about animation; I will like real orc, argorian, khajiit on my diplomatic screen. Please 
Do you actually know how much work that corresponds? I have an Orc in the works ATM (which won't be too hard as they kind-of resemble the Humans) but creating a cat or a lizard lh... that requires hours and hours of work.

Same goes for Barbarians special to regions. Barbarians in civ4 appear in pre-defined terrain for the animals, and random for other barbs, but making this territory based will be a challange.

The reason Khajits don't have kjahit-looking units is because there are no cat looking units on the forums as we know about.

Also, about flag-graphics. No, the two red colours are not looking too alike (same goes for Nordic Blue and Breton Blue). It may seem so when they are apart, but when you put them together you'll see that one of them is quite much darker than the other. And borders are usually not seen well in Jungle at all... solution, cut it. That's how you end up seeing them in normal civgames anyway. If there is one colour that actually could be edited, it's the Orcish one, but that's still the colour used by Khmer in RFC (as Imperial is the Russian colour in RFC and Nords the American, all different enough to see that they are not the same as the other colours), and Rhye does a good job at colour, that I can guarantee.
Do you actually know how much work that corresponds? I have an Orc in the works ATM (which won't be too hard as they kind-of resemble the Humans) but creating a cat or a lizard lh... that requires hours and hours of work.

Same goes for Barbarians special to regions. Barbarians in civ4 appear in pre-defined terrain for the animals, and random for other barbs, but making this territory based will be a challange.

The reason Khajits don't have kjahit-looking units is because there are no cat looking units on the forums as we know about.

Also, about flag-graphics. No, the two red colours are not looking too alike (same goes for Nordic Blue and Breton Blue). It may seem so when they are apart, but when you put them together you'll see that one of them is quite much darker than the other. And borders are usually not seen well in Jungle at all... solution, cut it. That's how you end up seeing them in normal civgames anyway. If there is one colour that actually could be edited, it's the Orcish one, but that's still the colour used by Khmer in RFC (as Imperial is the Russian colour in RFC and Nords the American, all different enough to see that they are not the same as the other colours), and Rhye does a good job at colour, that I can guarantee.

I’m sorry if I am not respectful and polite when I write. It is a little big difficult to explain my suggestion in English. I am not really learning this language at school, more in English movies and with some people. I am sure it is not the good place to learn the English polite rules. No?

At your first question, my answers is no. I don’t know how much work that corresponds and I want to repeat that you doing a huge great job with this mod. It is long to put a fix picture of a leader? You search on web and you pick up one. It is long too?

Ok for barbarian. But, it is possible to change the looking unit?

Ok for Khajiit. I hope you found something.

About colors. I am not sure. Yes, one red is darker, but when you put them together, I am still having difficulties and I must check the town to know who are who. Blue too. Maybe it is just me. About Argorian color, maybe if he have a darker color could be better for the jungle, no? But I totally understand your point of view.

And....If you want, I can do some feedback about some points of the mod. Am I clear? :p
I hope I write correct.
I did not mean too seam rude in my reply. I simply refrain from using smileys most of the time here on the forums. It's not my mod, it's smortt's. But those two red are actually further away from each other than the Red (England) and Dark Red (Russia) shipped with the vannila game. Same goes for the two blue colours (Blue for America and Dark Blue for France in the original game). Still, if you have a problem seeing who's it is, I suggest mousing over the territory, as the you will see who's it is. Also, your graphics prosessor might be a bit off if that's the case. About argonian colour... the darker, the worse. In jungle, you need something that stands out from the very green surroundings. Now, the current colour does exactly that, but I admit that even then, it can be hard to see. Still, that's a game issue, not something of the mod. Also, you can ask smortt if he'd like to use still-image pictures, but it would seem a bit wierd with some still images, and some moving LH's.
Downloaded the mod and I loved it. I had a lot of fun playing Talos of Atmora and conquering Tamriel with my unstoppable legions of troops :lol:

There are a few things that do require attention. Of course, the Bosmer and Argonians need a fix - that 1,000,000+ GP percentage boost is insane (yes, I know the user can fix it, but it's still the most glaring issue). The Khajiit could use some custom skins like the Argonians have, making them actual catfolk instead of Aztecs and elves, but that could be put on a back burner. I also encountered a bug where building a Warmage made me unable to enter the cityscreen of the city that made it, the graphic never showed up on the map, and for all intents and purposes the unit didn't exist; every time I tried to select it the game would group it with another unit and have said unit move instead. Finally, how does one gain access to/construct the Jungle Tribe improvement?

Minor nitpicks include a want for customized leaderheads/portraits, more leaders (Ulfric Stormcloak, Uriel Septim, Almalexia, etc.), changing certain city properties (Dawnstar has, far as I know, never been even a major city in Skyrim - changing the capital to Solitude or Winterhold would work better; also, Torval is in southwestern Elsweyr, near Valenwood, not near the Cyrodilic border), and customization of barbarian city names - it was odd seeing Illinois and Angle alongside Falkreath and Orcrest. Perhaps name them after locations where anklebiters run the show - bandit camps, Forsworn redoubts, etc. On that note, maybe make barbarians have units like goblins and Forsworn? Lastly, if this mod is meant to encompass the entirety of Tamrielic history, perhaps introduce the Dwemer and Falmer (preferably pre-enslavement) as civilizations?

Again, this is an excellent mod and has great potential. Thank you for bringing this to life.
thanks for comments.
And thank you veBear :)

I'm uploading a newer version (same link) with fixes to the bosmer and argonian GP, and tamrielian barbarian city names.
Khajiit graphics will have to wait. City placement is random, as in vanilla game. Jungle tribes are only for argonians.

I've disappeared, but I'll be back as soon as I'm done with some glaring real life issues.
Thanks for the update smortt, but having tried to play the Argonians, I've found two other issues related to the Jungle Tribe - first, looking at the capabilities of the Argonian Workers, it would seem that they are unable to construct Jungle Tribes (they aren't listed on their Improvement list, like the Tree Community and Forests Camp are for the Bosmer Workers), and the Jungle Life tech allows for construction of the Jungle Town instead of Tribe. I don't know if this would cause an issue for Civ in letting workers build the Jungle Tribe, but just something I've noticed. [EDIT:] Well, bugger, I've hit another problem, with improvements again - the Ashlander Camp. I just started colonizing Vvardenfell with the Dark Elves, and I'm unable to create Ashlander Camps despite having the Great Houses tech, being on Ashland terrain, and being on a Guar resource.

Best of luck in resolving those real life issues!
Hey, just wanted to stop by the thread and let you know that you've done an AMAZING job with this mod, especially for an alpha! I was using the scenario map for Tamriel and just hand-placing civs and starting locations before, but this really nails it in a Civ atmosphere. I find myself hoping you don't get your new computer too quickly, because it would be terrible to see you move on to Civ 5 without a completed version of this mod.

A quick question/suggestion about the Khajiit units: My modding experience with Civ IV is roughly nil despite owning it since release, but I have retextured a couple leaderheads for my own personal use in Rise of Mankind...I don't know if it's similarly easy for units, but since Cat-people models are in short supply, perhaps the current units could be reskinned to just look like the Ohmes/Ohmes-Raht variant of Khajiit? They are essentially humanoid, but Ohmes tattoo their faces with feline designs and Ohmes-Raht are furred and possess tails and ears, but otherwise look human/Elven. That would be an easier stopgap measure for Khajiit graphics rather than trying to find or create custom models.
I love TES and thismod is awesome, I just wanted to say that I think the no-settlers allowed for the orcs is a bit harsh for them, since you wanted feedback about them
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