Cultural Capital Mod

Congratz for this mod Sir. I find it one of the best mods created. Why? ...because :

1. Offers a new gameplay mechanic. Mechanics are harder to script.
2. Encourages culture.
3. It has a new race to be excited for
4. I find it balanced, not powerfull but good enough if you win it.
5. The design is great
6. Plenty of options to choose for the reward
7. Did not find bugs, works great.
8. Works easy with all other mods, very important!

I hope Civ 6 introduces your idea, as cultural capitals does in fact exit in the world/europe. If not, I hope you make the mod again for the new game in the future.

I've seen just about everybody uses this mod in combo with others.

This is a great mod, but using it for the first time right now I find one minor gripe(or maybe, I don't properly know how to use it yet).

To monitor the current state of the Culture Committee, I have to click on the little meter on the top that shows the committee's current state. Left-click and right-click show different features. OK, I get that. Useful.

Problem is that as I progress into later eras, I uncover more strategic resources to display their amounts of on the top bar. Due to the fact that this meter is located at the right end, by the time I uncover Oil the resources manage to completely push the bar under the turn/time display. And so far, I haven't found any way to access the committee or look at the themes except by clicking on said meter.

Now I have no idea what's going on with the committee/elections, and I can't plan which themes to pick when I get to win. Also, this means I can't even bribe them even if I'm swimming in gold. This is... irritating.

The rest of the mod is functioning beautifully, but losing access to information I had early in the game isn't nice. Is there some way to check the committee apart from clicking on that meter? It would be great if someone were to code/add a choice on the 'Additional Information' tab that shows themes, the committee, etc. Or if all fails, at least change some code to move the meter to the left of the strategic resource display instead of its current position of right side so it's always visible; the strategic resources can be monitored closely via mouse-over anyway.
I asked whoward on how to resolve the issue I mentioned in the above post, and he kindly provided me with a few lines of code:

function OnAdditionalInformationDropdownGatherEntries(additionalEntries)
    table.insert(additionalEntries, {text=Locale.ConvertTextKey("TXT_KEY_CC_TITLE")..": Themes", call=CCWorld_ShowPopup})
    table.insert(additionalEntries, {text=Locale.ConvertTextKey("TXT_KEY_CC_TITLE")..": Overview", call=CCWorld_ShowOverview})

Edit the file CC.lua by copy/pasting this onto the very end of the file, then you'll have two new entries in the Additional Information tab on the upper-right corner that takes you to both options available either by left- or right-clicking the meter.

Thanks to whoward for providing a solution! :)
The mod is awesome but i have idea for the creator of the mod. You can choose which city is going participate and if you choose the same as the one of the last race you get the penalty points. So the game could be more diverse and by adding new themes would be perfect. :)
TODO List and Ideas for next version(s):

Spoiler :

  • Important
    - Balance
  • Nice To Have
    - Quests/Awards for impressive achievements throughout the game
  • Ideas
    - CC of Enlightenment: Gain a free priest.
    - CC of Counter-Espionage: Receive a new Agent.

Hi I won in the Cultural capital twice, the first time I decided to get a memorial and then I wanted think Tank. To get it I have to adapt cultural capital of philosophy, when I did that the Think Tank came in Krakow and not in the capital (Warsaw)? Why?
I have also tried another themes and they all came in Krakow?
Is this a bug?
if not Can you explain what is happening here?
another thin when I entered the modern and information eras and got aluminum and uranium cultural capitals panel hides , Is there a way to see it since I actually have the cultural committee in my capital

I'm not sure if the mod dev is still active here, but I love this mod.

So, when loading the mods (starting a game), I get these errors in the lua log file:

[1139.531] File Error: lua/CCWorldViewUI.lua
[1139.531] Runtime Error: Error loading lua/CCWorldViewUI.lua.
[1139.531] File Error: lua/CCPopup.lua
[1139.531] Runtime Error: Error loading lua/CCPopup.lua.
[1139.531] File Error: lua/CCNotifications.lua
[1139.531] Runtime Error: Error loading lua/CCNotifications.lua.
[1139.546] File Error: lua/CCOverview.lua
[1139.546] Runtime Error: Error loading lua/CCOverview.lua.

It took me quite a while to figure out which mod this was, since my stopwatch somehow ended before these errors kicked in.

Anyway, I quickly checked the mod's folders and files to see if they are simply missing, but realized they are named with an x after the CC part.

I was wondering if this is intentional for some reason? I was about to remove the x, but got the feeling that maybe they are there for a reason. I'd like to know if it's safe to remove the x or if it's better not to.
Here to express my love for this mod. Hope someone continue updating this and maybe, make it compatible with the current Vox Populi too.
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