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[OOC: Nah, I'll just follow you guys, and when fighting, I'll use Death and Mind for attack, Dimensional for Moving, and you can request enchantments, which I'll try to do.]

Tsanal tries to enchant Mryddyns clothes.

"I'm going to the library, I'll be there if you need me."
[Kjaaly: if you are still here, tell whether you want to be inactive, played by DM or backup]
[all others who know they will be away for some time any time please answer that question beforehand]

is that my uncle's opinion, or DM Decree?

It is your uncle's opinion certainly but any religion is against those who are against it, more or less
(meaning that they don't like anti-CotD people)
I was more wondering about the sentence that my cult is simply about worshipping the dragons so I don't get bashed up when they take the power. :(
The idea of the CotD is that the people worship dragons and want them to get the power so they would be rewarded. So they believe that they will one day come to power. Thus they keep worshipping them because they don't want the dragons to be angry for them *when* they get the power.

Was this unclear enough?
Though since it is a cult, it isn't centralized, and beliefs and practices can vary between areas. If you want your Kuriotate branch to be more peaceful, that's fine, but everyone you run into won't neccessarily agree. Please feel free to embellish details, though in general most CotD cults will be as zxcvbnm described.
Tsanal succeeded in enchanting Mryddyn's clothes to stick, however his items won't stick when polymorphing.
"hmh... maybe I should go to the manor too, and atleast try to sneak in and look around?"
"Do you mind if i come with you Mipe? Ill be able to go in as a cat. Cats can be just as quite and stealthy as any spy or theif. ill have to get you to hold onto my belongings though (seed belt and gloves). and if theres trouble i can turn into my normal form and you can pass me my equipment. or if theres no time into my bear form."

if Mipe agrees, ill polymorph into my cat form and follow him to Corvanes manor. when were there, ill jump up onto the wall (i assume there is a wall surrounding the manor) and watch the guards for a bit, then ill go back to Mipe and draw a map into the sand with my claw so he knows where the guards are. he can then climb in and we can both sneak to one of the areas without a strong guard presence.

(my cat form has got pitch black fur like my hair and its eyes are the same as mine, but with feline pupils, i forgot to mention that all animals i turn into have the same eyes and hair/fur/feather colour as i have)
ooc: just thought id let everyone know that i wont have access to a computer between the 6th and 15th of December because im going on holiday to Tasmania. So can a DM please take control of all of Mryddyn's actions between that time? if not, can another player? Thanks :)
I hope i dont miss too much whilst im gone :(
We'll say the cat is able to slip in unnoticed and reconoiter.
The manor is three stories, two main and a single room on the third floor, with a balcony facing the park, the opposite side of the front gate. There is an archer on the balcony, two uniformed guards by the outer gate, and two more who circle around the yard.

The first floor has, from the front door in, a parlour, where you were before, servants quarters to the left of that, dining room and kitchen on the right.

Stairs in the parlour lead to the second floor hall, which is sparsely decorated. There is a library and three bedrooms on this floor, with a staircase leading to the 3rd floor master bedroom/study.

Inside there is only two servants, plus Corvanes, the elf, and a bodyguard.
Mipe memories the pattern of guards, goes near the one guard (if they are together, you can skip this) and tries to climb the wall up and kill the guard with my knife.
Spoiler :
is this kind of what Corvanes Manor looks like? (i wanted to make a map based on your description, its easyer for me to plan this way.)

Once Inside, Mryddyn, who is still in Cat form pauses to listen for any noises that indicate where the people in the house are, his hearing is now enchanced as is his sense of smell because of the cats sharp senses, so he should be able to identiry the locations easier than normal.

Assuming i climbed in through a window to the Parlour: i will climb the stairs to the library if i dont hear anyone near by. ill keep to the shadows and under furniture, particularly chairs and tables etc. ill keep an ear out for any movement and if i hear anything i'll bolt to the nearest hiding place where ill be out of sight. if they become agressive however ill post what my actions are later :p
Mipe sneaks to the guards.
When he draws his dagger his arm feels suddenly much faster and more accurate.

He keeps to the wall and slices the guard's throat open noiselessly, and runs away quickly.

Mryddyn the Cat climbs up but someone appears and he rushes to a hiding place.
Unfortunately a guard heard a scratch and looks what caused it.
"Just a stray cat"

A bit later an alarm is called for some reason and he can hear some faint shouts from the parlour:
"A cat?! Just a cat?! His enemies are more cunning than we can imagine, everything must be kept away from here! Even if it is just a cat it must be killed!"
Nikis: We'll say the cat is able to slip in unnoticed and reconoiter.

zxcvbnm: Mryddyn the Cat climbs up but someone appears and he rushes to a hiding place.
Unfortunately a guard heard a scratch and looks what caused it.
"Just a stray cat"

A bit later an alarm is called for some reason and he can hear some faint shouts from the parlour:
"A cat?! Just a cat?! His enemies are more cunning than we can imagine, everything must be kept away from here! Even if it is just a cat it must be killed!"

Sorry zxcvbnm, but did the guard spot me after i got inside or before? because Nikis said the guards were outside only, and he said i got in fine but...

(if im attacked by a guard regardless, i will pounce at his face in my cat form and immediately change into my Bear form in mid air and ravage him :evil: preferably with a few nice strong swipes at his throught. i may have trouble controlling the bears instincts and reactions to being attacked though so mipe may want to steer clear of me for a bit ;))
[ Where am I? ]
You went in but caused a small noise when giong upstairs.
The guard noticed you but didn't care and you managed to slip upstairs easily
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