• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Fall with Fleme

lymond: It is about finding the extent to which the Tlacotl empire once reached. You'll know when you get there.


To Gaze at the Stars

Spoiler :
The fields surrounding the shrine pulsate with archaic arcane energies, wisps play in the grass and the air stands still as you approach. You see something with striking resemblance to a man, yet taller and more slender with his hands stretched towards the sky, chanting in a language unknown to you.

As you proceed, you recognize the man for an elf. Without turning his attention from the sky, he speaks to you:

Galad en eneli, rana. Falathren?

Attempting to engage in discussion, you introduce yourself as an explorer of the Austrin and wish to gain an audience with the elf.

Fuia-, ebœnnin! Lin nost have not laid foot in this sacred ground since the sixth ammarth en Erebus when the third and last alliance of benn o Bannor, avar o Ljos and the anfang ned Khazadi was forged and hell was once defeated. To much of my naergon, no such alliance was ever forged. Dihena-, it has been too long since I last used Falathren to talk. I will try to talk in your language now.

The Erebus of now is vastly different from that of the old. The three first alliances of the good peoples of Erebus defeated hell in all its forms and there was no descent to hell and therefore no cycle either. The world was serene, but it was also from this serenity that the seed of corruption first took hold. Men grow old, dwarves retire to their riches and elves are by nature drawn to reside within their forest homes. No-one patrolled the farther reaches of the land and old roads and outposts were subject to ruin. The rising of the orcs was among the first signs of the coming darkness. They came from their caves and lived where no human soldier went anymore. They grew in numbers and in strength and their worship of their fire-god opened up ways for the dark pantheon to gain hold where there was none. Aeron cast his shadow on what was actually the ancient home of Ljos, planting the seed of darkness and in the centuries to come, forcing segregation of the elves between Ljos and Svart, summer and winter; night and day. The Ljos, as adept as they were in defending their homeland, were eventually outmatched by the dark elves whose numbers ever grew. The Ljos dwindled in number, fled far east in an attempt to recreate what they lost, but what they’ve had in the cycles beyond those is but an imitation of their former glory. The Svartavar then fell to a similar fate which, to put it short, then led to the rise of the civilization you know as the Tlacotl. The alliance was forever severed.

The civilizations of men fell to their pride. The nature of man is his fall and given limitless power, the dark whispers of ever-increasing that power drove kings and knights alike to the brink of darkness. Men warred among each other for power and their tall towers and mighty castles crumbled. They started worshiping obscure gods of ice, practice the art of necromancy to bolster their ranks and eventually this all stirred an ever-dormant evil beneath Erebus. As the veil was cast on Erebus, darker and darker rituals were made by dark practitioners and those seeking limitless power. First, Bartha-amlug was released on the world. A chromatic dragon, the first of the dragons – the one to which all dragons are descendants. He lived up to his name, Dragon of Doom, and destroyed the last domains of man, clearing way for his master Hyborem. And Hyborem came, to a world already aflame.

The dwarves, being well-defended in their mountain homes decided that this was a battle they could not win and collapsed their own mines in order to be left in their peace. Dwarves have not appeared on Erebus since that last cycle of good peoples and what is left on this earth are their beliefs and their dark cousins causing turmoil.

The last alliance had, however, created an artifact powerful enough to save Erebus should the dark forces ever prevail and in this artefact lies the root of the cycles of Erebus. The Mirror of Heaven stands to commemorate the location where, at the deciding battle of the first alliance, Sabathiel, champion of Basium, slew the dark lord and cast him to the pits whence he came from. The Mirror was created to seal the chasm and channel the will of Lugus and Junil when the world needed them most. It was the mirror that ended the age of ice.

Your coming here, explorer, brings joy to me. To know that there are young tribes in search of truth warms my existence. I can see countless questions brimming within you, but for now I shall answer but one. With that question, I will send you on your way.

Q: None. The stargazer will answer one question you have relating to the game. This opportunity is recurring and whenever there's a hero at the Recluse at the end of a set, you will be allowed to ask one question relating to the game. The answers will be similar to those of an Oracle and will not always bring clarity to your question but you are however free to ask and try to find out things in your mind if you wish.

Now, heed my words.

In Tune with Nature

Spoiler :

You are the first to arrive here in this sacred ground in this cycle, after the great winter, Kardel. For this, you are chosen to become the champion of nature and balance and the responsibilities that come with it. Sever yourself from your past, as you are the chosen of Erebus. The path of nature knows no allegiance.

You are a son of Erebus, sprung from the very ground you tread, young explorer. It is up to you to choose how you tread your path. Should you become a hunter (beastmaster), a druid or a shaman is up to you, but for each path you have to complete a task in order to be anointed.

To become a beastmaster, you are to travel to the icy wastes of the north and track down Karh – the great polar bear and tame him in combat. This is no simple task as it is his habitat and you are at a disadvantage. However, should you defeat him, he is yours to command and you shall become a beastmaster.

If you choose a path of balance, you are to travel to Evermore and contemplate the union the elves have built between themselves and the surrounding forests. You are to assume this same delicate balance and find ways to bring that balance into action – nature takes no sides as it merely works towards natural goals which occur without being influenced. The elves of Evermore will tell you more.

Should you decide to follow the path of the Shaman, you are to take the long spirit journey that comes with the commitment. As storm, earth and fire are your tools, you need to find ways to visit the most sacred places of these elements; The Maelstrom, Mount Kalshekk and finally the Pyre of the Seraphic.

In game terms: You now have a choice of your companion animal based on the animals you’ve tamed – or Boo. All animals have different strengths – as shown in the screenshots. Basically Tigers are fast and have stealth, Lions heal while moving (forgot to add March and Mobility I in the screenie) and after combat, Bears are strong – especially on defense and Boo specializes in hit and run tactics. Choice is yours. The default companion animal is Boo but this can be changed to another – if you choose to pick another animal you should bring that animal unit to Kardel and I will make the necessary changes the next switch.

Furthermore, the naturalist treads his own path. His quests are his own and will interact with your civ and other heroes only if their paths cross. His quests are long and he will develop on that path and become strong.

Upon completing the selected quest, the naturalist becomes one of the selected classes and gains the Hero promotion along with suitable other promos for the class. (Shaman is a caster melee hybrid, Druid is a healer/mage/summoner/shapeshifter hybrid and beastmaster gains access to more powerful animals. The companions you have now are simply that, companions. Kardel now has the promotion Sergeant so he can command the animal unit and this unit cannot leave his side.

Q: Choose your path and follow it

The Lost Shaman

Spoiler :
A young boy comes out of the hut as you approach it, weeping.

Have mercy on me.... I have nothing left... In fact, if you are my end, I welcome it. Our tribe was wiped out by the endless swarms of of undead that rose from their tombs in the desert. No-one but me and the shaman left. Ninitaweka parted with the soul crystal of the tribe to deliver it to the great spirit so our people could rise once more... but this was a fortnight ago and I fear some terror must have befallen him. If you are here not to bring my demise - I urge you to look for the Shaman. If anyone can survive in the desert, it is him. Ultimately, it is not him that I worry for, but the souls of my people. If the crystal falls to the wrong hands, the souls of my people will forever be enslaved, and this cannot happen. The soul altar is north, look for it.

Q: Locate the Shaman (look for map features that would not otherwise be there - no land mark texts so you can't locate them without scouting and actually visiting these locations.) and find out what has happened.

Fizziks versus the Were-Treasurechest

Spoiler :
Well well, All in all this looks like something that would be better done by my cousin Kem Izztriks but I do have a few tricks up my sleeve to deal with issues like this. Elohim healing potions? Check. Amulet that once belonged to a werewolf? Check. Reinforced steel chains? Check.

First, I must melt down the amulet and release whatever eldritch energies lie within it and then infuse that energy with the potions of the Elohim. Add a bit of electric current and you should be as good as new. I'm sorry, but there might be some temporary side-effects but your priest friend can surely help with at least some of them.

Now, how about helping me with the mine issue? I'm really starting to run out of metals here.

Game terms: Lycanthropy is now under control and there's no longer risk of Gryndane going feral. There are numerous side-effects which include temporary blindness, shattered nerve, recovering (which will ultimately lead to +2 attack damage and immortality, btw) and withered. Most side-effects disappear over time and you'll be fine by the end of the next set at any rate.

Update: N'zesh: To Recast a Shadow

Spoiler :
Let me at them! Let me slay these weaklings that taint my ancient homeland and be done with them once and for all. Agruonn speaks to me and tells me that I must do this. From Nezahuac Tower to Z'tlecoana, what remains of my homeland, must be free. For this, I will steel my resolve.


N'zesh gains considerable boosts in power for doing this quest and unless it is completed in the next 2 sets (both locations visited and all units seen traveling slain - without the assistance of Gryndane), his powers revert to their old state. N'zesh gained Hero, Dimensional I, II, Water I, Poisoned Blade.

Q: Clear a path to Nezahuac Tower and Z'tlecoana and report back once the jungles are clear. You may forgo the Tlacotli Sacellum for now. You may use one additional unit to help. (again, not Gryndane)

Update! Let shadow reign! These savages must be purged and the sacred grounds be silent once more. Come, my shadows, come and purge the unfaithful!

-2 Shadows of N'zesh join him in his quest to clean up the mess. One of these shadows will be fortified on Nezahuac Tower upon discovery and the other one at Z'tlecoana.

Previous stuff:

Spoiler :

Spoiler :
Much gratitude, master! We are forever in your debt and will endlessly strive to assist you in your trading endeavors in whatever way we can. I do believe it was per our agreement to establish a trade route between Bayamo and Telyhohn and to construct you a plantation of Silk? Your bidding, my lord.

I added silk and a plantation and there's a route between the cities.

N'zesh: Agruonn's War

Spoiler :
Mazatl scum! I had not prepared for this so soon - my blade has yet to regain it's former sting, my magics yet to find the favor of Agruonn once more. And by his will, we shall make the lesser peoples wage the war for now. I am most pleased that you called the Cualli loyalists to aid already, but we need more to defeat the heathen Mazatl. I must redouble my efforts myself as well.

Q: Bribe another civ against the Mazatl

R: Your choice of Slave Pits / Breeding Pit in Bayamo.


Spoiler :
Lycanthropy eh? Well, what kind of a friend would I be if I did not help you in your predicament. That one can be particularly tricky to deal with - I'm sure your people already fear you. I'm no stranger to people fearing me since my inventions have somewhat of a questionable track record but that is besides the point. I'm sure I can help you - but I need a few items.

I understand you've enlisted the help of the Elohim have you not? Their potions are renown for their healing power and if you could get your hands - or better get my hands on a few of their healing potions and salves I could get started.

Additionally, I'd need something that belonged to a werewolf preceeding you. If you have any items on you that may have belonged to a werewolf before, I will need those as well to combine the essences of both Elohim healing and the spirits of the werewolves themselves - ultimately - at least in theory, this should enable you to keep your Lycanthropy in a way that would make it accessible to you in combat but not have the population fear you changing and going feral on them. Make sense?

Q: Bring the supply cart to Fizziks during the next set. Also, bring an item that has belonged to a Werewolf so that the infusion of the two may be completed and a cure reached.

R: Perhaps a controlled cure to lycanthropy?

If you do not complete this quest during the set, I will flip a coin every set from now on to see whether Gryndane (and the lesser werewolves he's created) turn feral.

Explorer council:

Spoiler :
Well done, Sergeant. Establishing contact and trade with foreign civilizations is our number one priority and you have served us well in doing so. In your honor, a Statue of Valor has been erected in Telyhohn. You are hereby promoted to Master Sergeant. Thank you, once again.

Master Sergeant: Can command up to 2 units simultaneously. Gain 10% of the experience minion units gain, Minions gain +20% experience from combat and are ate +25% strength and +10% magic resistance. Command range is 1, meaning that these effects do not take place unless the minion unit is in the same square or the adjacent one.

Previous quests:

Spoiler :
Of Wolf and Man:

Spoiler :
Our champion, fallen victim to the very curse that befell Foxford. The one people of Telyhohn relied on for protection feral, ridden by a terrible hex. People of Telyhohn are afraid of this new turn of events and the explorer council divided on the proper course of action and look to you to make the ultimate decision. As a safety measure, until the decision has been reached and proper action taken, Gryndane is not allowed to re-enter Austrin territory.

1: Request assistance from the Elohim healers to attempt removing the curse from Gryndane
2: Lycanthropy must not be allowed to spread to our general populace! Champion or not, he must be locked away until we can conclude that he would be of no threat to our people!
3: Look at what happened to Foxford when the situation was left unchecked! He must be disposed of before the man goes Feral and causes our doom!
4: There is potential in this new turn of favorable events. Surely we can utilize the condition to further augment select future soldiers. Now he is a true champion!

Additional information from Lukos Keep:

Spoiler :
It is reported that the howling in the night has ceased since the last raid on Telyhohn. There are no reports of werewolf activity and some scouts are suggesting that perhaps the werewolves abandoned their keep and moved east after their last raid - some are suggesting that their ultimate goal was simply to spread the lycanthropy to an Austrin soldier and in the champion of the people, the bite was felt. What will become of the Austrin?

Gryndane's Dilemma:

Spoiler :
The bite healed well. Almost too well. The wolfman had been monstrous, standing at least three feet taller and its fangs had sunk through the studded leather armor as if it hadn't been there at all, spreading it's infection. The Werewolf had fallen to the spear in it's ravenous assault, however, and the wound had indeed healed in no time.

But now, the people fear me. Where there used to be respect for the Guardian of the people is now whispers and dread. Who can blame them? The werewolves destroyed an entire prosperous village and nothing could have been done to prevent it. What if the disease takes over and I attack my countrymen? My friends? At the very least, there must be a way to control it for the greater good. I must visit Zik Fizziks and see whether there is anything he can invent to control the infection so that I'm not a risk to my people.

Q: Visit Zik Fizziks to see if he can help control the Lycanthropy.

Previous quest:

Spoiler :
It would seem that the presumed Alpha Werewolf was simply a greater werewolf and not the source - or alternatively that it's offspring have gathered to avenge it but either way, the werewolf terror is escalating.

There is howling coming from the eastern hills and it is sightings of rabid werewolves and wolves have been made. Perhaps the emblem of the Lukos family on the Heart Amulet found on the Alpha bears some clue to what might be behind the terrors; Lukos was the governor of Foxford and his citadel overlooks the ruins. Further investigation is in order.

Furthermore, something needs to be done to the ruins of Foxford and the explorer council is offering various approaches to the subject:

Quest: You need to resolve what to do with the ruins of Foxford and you need to do it fast.

1: Bring Brother Tancred to visit and sanctify the ruins to let the spirits of the villagers rest. Furthermore, enlist Tancred's assistance in fighting the unholy beasts

2: Approach the keep and try to establish contact with whoever is in charge of the Werewolf and try to negotiate a treaty of mutual non-aggression.

3: Dispose of the unholy creatures with the only method that works with them, cold steel.

Rewards or results will be posted according to the approach you choose.

What will you do? There are sightings of werewolves roaming in the east and they will surely become more and more aggressive as the situation escalates and they grow stronger.

N'zesh's Bidding:

Spoiler :
Yessss, burn it to the ground! Thissss, my friend, isss but the firsst blow of many to come againssst the falssse gods. Agruonn isss pleaasssed and you are the firsst to receive hisss gift.

R: The warrior becomes a mutated Wyvern Guardian

Now, with your word kept let usss move towardsss common goalss. I grow interesssted in the lycanthropy your champion now hasss - One of the greater giftsss Agruonn ever grantsss hiss followersss and rarely ssseen. Thisss is a very favorable turn of eventss and he musst have pleasssed the Dark Eye to receive ssuch blesssing. I mussst attend to the champion right away, a gift of this magnitude will not be wasssted!

Q: Get N'zesh to meet Gryndane before the end of next set.

Personal quest for N'zesh: Draw Strength

(forgoing the extended s's from now on, actually)

Spoiler :
It has been too long since my blade last tasted blood. I must hone my skills once more and please Agruonn if I am to fight against the champions of Kalshekk and Omorr.

Q: Kill 5 units with N'zesh

R: Gain boost in one of the N'zesh's classes, your choice:

1: Mage
2: Priest
3: Rogue

Previous Quest:

Spoiler :
Hssssss..... Your honor bound you to assssissst me in my quessst againssst thossse falssse godsss and here we are while that vile forge sstill ssstandsss. I urge you, lend me a warrior of your people and let ussss go dessstroy that forge. If you refussse, I will make you regret the day you were born, warmblood.

Q: Dispatch N'zesh and a pillage-capable unit (warrior) to destroy the forge as soon as possible or face the consequences.

Legend of the Stargazer

Spoiler :
One of the oldest items in the reliquary of Telyhohn is a staff in which there are etchings depicting the council of men, elves and dwarves. The meeting in the depiction occurred in a field of dancing spirits, seen over by an ancient, the Stargazer as is etched in the hilt of the staff. The recent discovery of a place resembling that described in the staff has brought new interest to the relicand it would indeed seem that if such a thing exists, the stone circle Messerschmitt spotted is something we need to explore.

Q: Explore the Recluse of the Stargazer

I got Dark Iron, I got all the Dark Iron

Spoiler :
It would seem that the concerns of Zik Fizziks were well placed. The Dark Iron expedition that has sufaced in the discovery of Dun Karagh poses a significant threat and the Elohim have already been subjected to their raiding. These dark dwarves seem to be drawing their powers from the darker gods as there is a Balor spotted guarding their stronghold. A decision must be made.

Q: Resolve the Dark Iron situation in one of the following ways.

1: Dwarves, even more so Dark Iron dwarves, are belligerent and will not listen to reason. If we are to secure the mountain pass their fort stands on, we must destroy it.
2: Live and let live. These dwarves have just as much right to be here as we do - it is merely a matter of perspective.
3. We must attempt to open negotiations with the dwarves to see whether we could reach a peaceful solution to allow Fizziks' to access the mine once again. (If this option is chosen, screenshot when you're next to Dun Karagh or the guarded mine)

Other ongoing quests:

Fizziks versus the Dark Iron

Spoiler :
Zik Fizziks sent another clockwerk to bring a message to Telyhohn for whoever it may concern including the following text:

"Gryndane? I thought we were friends, was I mistaken? My clones left and I have not seen them since and I'm beginning to feel vulnerable here in the edge of the desert. You see, I almost had it all figured out but then you left me at the most inopportune moment - in my folly I did not find it in me to ask you for one more favor, you know?

Anyways, my situation is dire. I've lost contact with Underhome and to make things worse, Dark Iron Dwarves led by Garak Blightanvil have seized control of my only source of copper and I desperately need it back.

I've drawn a sketch that is attached to this message revealing the whereabouts of my mine; It's due west-northwest from my workshop along the mountains, in a valley. Garak's fort, Dun Karagh is nearby and he has posted strong guardsmen at my precious mine.

Now, it has come to my attention that you not only have become a full-fledged guardian but aligned yourself with a Tlacotl? That is fantastic! Surely a pair of powerful heroes like you can help a goblin out.

Q: Destroy the defenders guarding Fizziks' mine.

R: Fizziks' reveals a source of Copper in or near your lands which will be available to you come Bronze Working (your land does not have natural Copper) and you gain control of 2 Fizziks' Braziers guarding the pass. (Fireball defense)

Oh and before I forget; once those clones of mine have completed the road, have them stop by for some "enhancements", I figured how to make them more effective.

Merchants of the Crescent Isles:

Spoiler :
A welcome sight for weary eyes! My name is M'rafaal and I am the leader of what is left of this merchant convoy. We sailed here a few years ago and established a trading post to ensure a connection between the islands and the far east. We were, however, ill prepared for the hardships of this land and being a seafaring folk, had little to fight the lizard raiders with. Our budding settlement destroyed we were forced to skulk in these woods and live off the land and fend off constant attacks. We are but merchants without a home and plead to you, kind sir, help us. Help us re-establish our settlement, protect it for us and we will show you what a little trade can do to a growing empire! Here, we've drawn a map of the lands just south of here.

Q: Establish a city on the ruins or within 1 square of it.

R1: Receive a market in the new city

R2: The merchants have gained a profound knowledge of the flora and fauna having lived off the land for years and are able to spot new resources. Your choice of Ivory/Deer/Silk/Reagents is located nearby and improved.

R3: The merchants will construct a seaworthy ship for you. (Receive Galley with some promos)

Elohim Friendship:

Spoiler :
Word has reached the Elohim that the Austrin are struggling with considerable lizard infestation and they wish to send humanitarian assistance to help those in need. Brother Tancred and a cart of supplies have been dispatched but are waiting for further orders on how to reach Telyhohn.

Q: Make sure Brother Tancred and the Cart of Supplies reach Telyhohn safely. Consider dispatching Gryndane to escort because the way is filled with perils.

R: You gain the supplies the cart carries (potions), the cart itself (can hurry production) and Brother Tancred will offer his services to you as the Elohim liaison. (Conditions revealed when the convoy reaches Telyhohn)

Game terms: A weak convoy needs assistance. Getting this done might help with Elohim relations in the long run and net you a potentially powerful cleric as well as free stuff. If the convoy attempts to cross the distance on its own and perishes, this obviously means you lose the goodies and take a relations hit with the Elohim.

Spoiler spoiler spoiler. Next update will be "fresh" and contain info relevant to that update only. This is 14 pages of text in Word already and it's getting hard to handle :)

Brian up, lymond on deck. Discussion is in place, I think.


  • Falling Deirdra Turn_0138b.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Where from we have this Kardel?
Where is he now?
I would like him to have a lion companion and to follow shaman path
Of course the most epic path would be going with Boo, but then we'd have to rename him, and pretend to be good. I'd go with shaman too.

As regards N'zesssssssssh I believe the places are in the South West, I know the tower is so that's where I'll send him.

I'll also have a gander for Ninitaweka see if I can see him.

As regards general play, let me have a look and get back to you.

Oh, and I'm guessing you stole liberally from the Master in your first section of the write-up, Fleme.

Ok had a look at the game.
I notice we have a settlement ready to be founded, so I'll build a rogue after the warrior in Telynohn, and I think the best next city site would be gems,rice,dyes site 7 tiles due west of the capital. After that the best build would be a library for the science boost. The city is also at the happy cap so I'll hire a few specs to cut growth.

Bayano is monument>Granary, with the two workers bringing the tiles up to speed, food>happy.

The third city will go the same path when founded.

Tech wise it's either code of laws or tracking whichever is most useful, I prefer CoL myself just to get agrostracy in play.

And Gryndane can search for the Shaman methinks.

Will play tomorrow.
I believe that going for CoL is a good idea.
Yeah, I guess I'm liberally stealing from various sources in my quests and in this particular case the source is Tolkien, but I hope it doesn't get in the way of the story of this game? It seemed to fit and I hope it's authentic enough. Obviously I have no knowledge of the elvish language on my own so those are borrowed from other sources. Anyway, the Stargazer will answer one of your questions should you wish it to. You can technically use it to help you on various quests although the responses may or may not be enigmatic.

As for the general stories, I was surprised to see it amount to 14 pages of text in Word already and that is excluding the first half of the game. I'm writing like a madman. Hope I'm still making sense and the stories play out logically - never done this before :)

Jarrema: Kardel is the explorer who ventured to the Recluse of the Stargazer, so that is where him and Boo are posted.

Gryndane will take a few turns to get into actual working order - he has probably half of the negative buffs the game has going on for him right now.
Another thing:
if we bribe another civ against the Mazatl I would prefer breeding pits as a reward - free food is better than free citizens IMHO
Wow thanks for the detailed writing Fleme.


- I propose settling the 2 gold + floodplains site across the desert, since it will make us a ton of money and we are Austrin and can get away with this. And we don't have to clear the jungle.

- Since we're on the way to FoL I think it seems appropriate for Kardel to take the path of the druid, and we might gain another ally this way. I also like the lion companion.

- Gryndane owes Fizziks a favour now, it would be nice to clear the mine out for him if possible.

- CoL sounds good.
Ha....nice Baldur's Gate reference, Fleme

How can we not go with Boo the Hamster?! He will nibble on the ankles of any who dare to cross our path!
Wow !

so many quests my head is spinning.:goodjob:good job fleme

Need to think about them, but I'd focus at our civ growth for one or two sets before putting all of our efforts into quests again.

I need to take the time for that but I wanted to say my relative quietness is not lack of interest.
I'll make the suggested change with the city, my reasoning was mostly it being easier to connect the gems to the cap for the happy limit.
I'll respond to uberfish's question tomorrow morning (t minus 9-10 hours) if that is the one you wish to ask the Stargazer and no other questions come up.
Stargazer on Z'tlecoana:

Spoiler :
Z'tlecoana is one of the two remaining towers that used to surround the homeland of the elves of old. It was known as the Tower of Shrouded Mists and served as a school of dimensional magics. It was the first Ljos bulwark to fall in their feud against their dark cousins and has ever since rifted between reality and the nether with no master to govern it. The lizards then renamed it Z'tlecoana - The Rifting Tower - as a sanctum to Aeron, or as they call Agruonn, and subjected their acolytes to the whims of the rift as their rite of passage. The tower stood at the northeastern corner of the Ljos domain. Be wary, young one, for the tower holds horrors unfathomable to those not adept in the darker arts. Ultimately it was thanks to the rifts of Z'tlecoana that the lizards escaped their demise; It was through the rift that they traversed to the Maelstrom and created their jungle realm anew on the other side.
I'll be holding off until tomorrow, I'd say it was because I was busy earlier on and want to watch the match now, but frankly I'm just lazy as feck tonight.
I'm in favoring of waiting to place our 3rd city until we found FoL in Bayamo. The commerce generation will be substantial once we create the Song of Autumn there. My zwei pfennig.
Ok I've the game played. I stopped at turn 149 when religion came in. I've not revolted or anything said I'd hold off.

Turn 138:
Move Gryndane NE to see if I can spot that missing shaman.
The supplies and Priest (forget his name) go back to Telynohn, their job done
Science to 100%.

IT lizard suicides against N'zessssssssh. I send him and one Shadow towards the Nehzuac tower.
Telynohn Warrior>explorer
Kardel and Boo begin their trewk to Evermore. It'll be a long way.

Settle the bear in Telynohn.
N'zesssssssssh gets Drill1 for Blitz later (I hope).
We scout Cualli lands:
Spoiler :

I get one of the prophet events. I choose:
Spoiler :

Nothing! We ain't evil...yet

Telynohn Explorer>Library.
Gryn explores a Dearh Mana lair (must have been a skelly barrow because I killed one on the mana), gets Courage for his troubles.
Found what appears to be the shaman (a cage, screenshot later)

Gryndane explores skelly barrow, gets a barb bear (and he's smarter than the average bear, he swiped my picanic basket!)

Gretchins finally get back to their master Fizzik:
Spoiler :

Gryndane kills a frostling at a goblin fort.
Find the Nezhuac tower (sorry screenshot is 2 turns later):
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Gryndane kills last defender and explores (but not disbands) the goblin fort gets Spirit guide.

Goblins invade Boromeo, but are no match for our defending shadow, he kills three and the 4th is red-lined for mopping by a warrior.

What we hotly debated over a week ago comes to pass. I read the relevant posts and see the majority went for:
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Messy opens the cage and peeks inside to see:
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You know, you come from nothing - you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!
Always look on the right side of life...

Be honest you thought there was a Groo in there. I know you too well.

Gryndane goes back and re-explores the goblin fort and gets some mantraps (as they say in certain bars "Heus Nautat!")

Gryndane takes out a skelly, explores his bower and gets some Desert Gear. He's becoming a right fashionista.
Kaver is founded at the two gold site. There's a lot of mountains, but it also gets the most floodplains (8 if I counted right).

WoF is in:
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Kaver is the holy city, so I put it on a Granary (I didn't get the choice on founding. Strange).

Bronze working is as a place holder.

N'zessssssssssh clears around the tower:
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I finish up here as there are a few choices to be made:
1) Do we revolt to Leaves now?
2) What do we do with the disciple?
3) Are you thinking what I'm thinking Pinky?


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N'zesh: To Recast a Shadow: Nezahuac Tower

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Yes, Nezahuac Tower; It still stands. I shall leave my shadow here to guard it as I make way to Z'tlecoana in the north.

Important! One of the two Shadows of N'zesh will have to be fortified at Nezahuac. Furthermore, the quest to recast a shadow includes removing barbarian settlements such as Zbolub. And by remove, I do mean raze. Additionally, all Graveyards, Lairs, Ruins etc. must go.

Scout report on the tower based on hawk sightings:

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The tower is clearly of elven design. It seems to be in constant motion as if it was a living thing rather than a construct of mortal hands but at any rate the tower is clearly a work of masterful minds. The tower and its surroundings were clearly overrun by what caused the destruction of the Tlacotl empire but regardless are bristling with life - it is as if the land it self lives around the tower. Lastly, the report deducted from the scout hawk sightings state that there is a console of sorts on the top of the tower - perhaps accessing this would shed more light to the issue.

Q: Explorer council insists that someone else than N'zesh visit Nezahuac Tower and try to find out more about it.

(Optional Q: It is also suggested that you find out more about the tower and its history from the Stargazer)

The Lost Shaman

Spoiler :
Well met, traveler, and thank you. Kewakea sent you? Bless that child. It would seem that age has gotten to this old body of mine, but I never lost faith that the Great Spirit would send for me and for the souls of the Chislev. You have come this far, hero; Will you assist me to reach the Spirit Altar? It is not far from here, just across the desert to the north. (Marked by a node of Spirit Mana)

Q: Decide what to do with the Shaman

1: Escort him to the Altar. If you do, fortify Ninitaweka there. Do note that Ninitaweka is unauthorized to move without escort in the same tile.
2: His woes are not ours. We shall part ways here. (Delete Ninitaweka and his items)
3: The items this old shaman is carrying must have tremendous power. We should slay him and claim them for ourselves. (Delete Ninitaweka, loot one of his items, delete others)

Results posted next switch depending on your choice.

Pirates of the Crescent Isles

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Further investigation at the ruins of Bayamo suggest that the village that stood here was very similar to Foxford. In fact, the items left behind confirm that they were of the same tribe, or at least closely related to each other. There is one very distinct difference here, though. While the buildings and their ruins suggest close relation, the lack of relics or even pottery lead to believe that the destruction of the village was not just a savage raid intent on destruction, but instead a raid of pirates. It would also seem that the ship that is wrecked on the shores has been set aflame during the same time as the village itself has been sacked, which could indicate that the villagers fought back and the pirates were eventually stranded here.

The findings at the ruins triggered an investigation of the "merchants" business and the marshal of Bayamo has found that the merchants have actually been using their silk plantation as a front for a smuggling operation and have been using the newly constructed highway to transport their ill-gotten gains to the edge of the desert in exchange for gold. The marshal suspects that the "merchants" are actually the remains of the pirate bunch and their goods merely those which they stole from the village.

M'rafaal and his bunch are unaware of our knowledge at this point so we have a decision to make.

Q: Decide what to do with M'rafaal and his men.

1: Pirates? They shall feel the full force of Austrin law. Burn the Plantation (keep the silk) and gain a Gallows in Bayamo.
2: Regardless of their shady business, their plantation has been a great boon to our economy and therefore we will not interfere with the matter at all. For all we know, all this evidence might be false and we do not want to shake the balance.
3: There is opportunity to be had in this. We should enlist them in our service and have them act as smugglers under our rule. We should issue a letter of marque to M'rafaal and give him rights to extend their business!

Results posted next switch based on your choice.

Gretchin Improvement

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My precious little ones! What magnificent specimen have you become. But you know what the natural drawback of us Goblins is? We're not really ideal for manual labor so I've figured a way to put our genetic trace in the background, reduce it's effect - albeit reluctantly - in order to make these manual laborers grow stronger and become more skilled. This is done by a simple injection of select giantkin hormones I managed to gather from Ge'err back in the day. The specimen should now be able to learn as they work and I think eventually they'll be able to perform more complex tasks such as terraforming if everything worked out as I planned. I must mention, however, that I'm now officially out of materials and cannot unfortunately help you any further until I gain access to my copper mine.

Kardel: Path of Nature

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The words of the Stargazer linger as Kardel makes his way across the desert. To become a Druid one must be in tune with nature and all its elements. A prolonged meditation brings understanding and balance and as a result, Kardel now understands the danger and beauty of the desert in a more profound way.

Kardel gains Desert Gear
Boo gains Combat I

Elohim Friendship:

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A relief can be seen on Brother Tancreds face as he reaches Telyhohn. The trip was dangerous and he got to do what he set out to do en-route, which was to help with the werewolf situation. Now that the situation itself is under control, there is nothing more for him to do than visit the ruins of Foxford and sanctify them to let the souls of the fallen rest.

Q: Sanctify Ruins of Foxford.

R: Unknown


-You missed healing Withered off Gryndane with Tancred while they were at Fizziks. Gryndane now suffers -20% healing per turn until cured.
-While Gryndane is now able to get Heroic Strength and Defense promotions, you are not supposed to get them in order to keep him from becoming even more powerful than he already is. If those promotions are taken, they will be removed at the next switch and replaced with nothing instead.
-Shadows of N'zesh are to be used for the purpose they were intended to. These are clearing the terrain of Tlacotl and fortifying them on the target locations.
-Do not use Ninitaweka for any purposes other than those specified in the quest.
-lymond up.


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