Turn 0(400BC): Rush Pyramids for 2 pop.
IBT: Nothing
Turn 1(385BC): Pyramids complete, Nidaros starts Spear. El Dorado Spear>Library. Informed Gandhi has techs to trade...that means he knows Alphabet...Now we can see his tech progress. Revolt to Representation. 1 turn now will cost less than 1 turn later
IBT: Nothing
Turn 2(370BC): Revolt over, Nidaros now has happy cap of 10

Forest chopped for IronSheep
IBT: Nothing
Turn 3(355BC): Find my first Keshik. Other than that, he's all archers...we cannot allow him to hook up the iron outside of Ning-hsia
IBT: Warrior killed by barb archer, N near barb city. I had him fortified in woods with combat 2...darn RNG
Turn 4(340BC): Nidaros Spear>Spear
IBT: Great Lighthouse BIAFAL
Turn 5(325BC): Gandhi has galleys, he's got one on our Western Shore. Uppsala Axe>Axe. Iron hooked up. Swords will commence once the Spear and Axe in Nidaros/Uppsala are complete
IBT: Archer dies attacking our Axe in IronSheep
Turn 6(310BC): Cottage started in Nidaros. Workers start filtering down from IronSheep to cottage around Nidaros/Uppsala
IBT: Nothing
Turn 7(295BC): Construction>Alpha Nidaros Spear>Rax Library Rushed in El Dorado
IBT: Archer dies attacking our Axe in IronSheep. Confuscianism founded in a far away land
Turn 8(280BC): El Dorado Library>Catapult: grows to size 4
IBT: Gandhi converts to Confuscianism and adopts Org Rel. I think he's building the Great Library himself...I suppose that's kinda a good thing?
Turn 9(265BC): IronSheep grows to size 2
IBT: Nothing
Turn 10(250BC): Nidaros Rax>Sword
Summary: We've got the Pyramids, Representation, and a high happy cap for us to grow our cities up if we desire. Rep actually gives us +3 happy for the top 5 cities

Alphabet due in 10 turns, then we can find out if Gandhi knows Literature yet...if he does, it may be worth ignoring it and just heading to Optics.
El Dorado grows next turn, then we'll have quite a powerhouse there. El Do, Nidaros, Uppsala all can build 1 sword/cat/axe in less than 8 turns(El Do is 4 turns, Nidaros is 3 turns, Uppsala is 7/8 turns) and all have Rax. I think we can safely begin transporting our troops down toward Khan and just leave them there until he's about to hook up his iron, or until it looks like he may get Feudalism(watch for him to research Monarchy)
Cottages have been begun near El Dorado, Nidaros, and a jungle on Sugar is being cleared near Uppsala for either a cottage or farm.
Chariot is at Ning-Hsia making sure Khan doesn't connect the only source or metal he has access to.
Our score actually barely went up as well thanks to the 5 whipped pop I had...I felt it was best to get the library finished ASAP, and since El Do regrew the next turn, we barely lost any research time.
Side note: From the graphs, it appears Real Ms. Beyond built the Pyramids around the same time period as we did.
I would propose that in our next turnset, after we've built say 2 Swords in Nidaros, or perhaps after it grows once more, we begin producing more workers...we desperately need to get cottages down, mines down, and perhaps build another city S of El Dorado...either on the river, or near the river, clearing the jungle and setting up a GP farm there.