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Patch 12i for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v12 file of Planetfall. It does not break savegames from the previous patch. Problems might arise if someone has already built Nanoreplicators though.

This is a bugfix patch. It also adds the following gameplay changes:

1. Morgan can hurry units for real.
2. The Nanoreplicator gets an Engineer specialist slot.



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Thanks! is still having DB errors on file downloads - wonder what's going on over there?
Patches are usually small enough to put in the CivFanatics download database. Check out how every single RoM patch goes there.
Patch 12j for Planetfall, the Alpha Centauri total conversion mod for Civ4 BtS, has been released. This patch needs to be applied on top of the main v12 file of Planetfall. It breaks savegames from the previous patch.


1. Datalinks text by Pickly.
2. New Hovertank graphics by Lord Tirian.
3. New Scout Patrol graphics by asioasioasio.
4. Updated flag graphics by Lord Tirian.
5. The Hovertank now requires Needlejet instead of Psionics.
6. The Longevity Vaccine now requires Retroviral Engineering instead of Cloning.
7. The Planetary Datalinks have been added as a project. They give the builder any tech known by three other teams.
8. Citizens' Defense Force secret project added: gives +25% defense in all bases and +50% domestic great general points.
9. Telepathic Matrix secret project added: removes anarchy for switching civics or religions.
10. A Naval Fortress special ability for Bunkers has been added. It increases range by 2, but decreases attack strength against land terrain by 75%.



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The link for the main file still goes to WPC...not sure if it is worth changing, but it might confuse people trying Planetfall the first time (moreover the main file is already loaded up on the replacement host)
10. A Naval Fortress special ability for Bunkers has been added. It increases range by 2, but decreases attack strength against land terrain by 75%.

Hopefully this will assist in the fight against the fecund marine life forms.
2. New Hovertank graphics by Lord Tirian.
Oops... huh, weird coincidence, one of the things I'm working on right now was a hovertank model (just this time, I wanted to keep it a lot closer to the actual SMAC model).
The link for the main file still goes to WPC...not sure if it is worth changing, but it might confuse people trying Planetfall the first time (moreover the main file is already loaded up on the replacement host)
Well, WPC is up and running again (download-wise)... depends on whether you want people to download stuff from Moddb or WPC. I think Moddb has a moderating queue, making WPC *faster* for patches (best thing would be simply providing both links as they get available, so people can choose).

Cheers, LT.
Oops... huh, weird coincidence, one of the things I'm working on right now was a hovertank model (just this time, I wanted to keep it a lot closer to the actual SMAC model).

Such a model could always be used for Gravships or for the Progenitors.

I have trouble imagining the SMAC Hovertank model as something that could work without antigrav though. In that sense I kinda prefer the now new hovertank model, as that looks more similar to the dropship (also enabled with needlejet) in terms of propulsion system.
Phew, it is alright. I found and downloaded the update on Strategy Informer! :)

Season's Greetings, everyone.
I like this mod, but I have some feedback.

I think the mind worms unit needs to look more like it does on Alpha Centauri.
Were you planning on including the SMAX leaders/techs?
Instead of the "You will go down in history as..." maybe you could do "the people hae compiled your quotes into a book. The book is titled..." like it is in SMAC.
Are you going to include the "unit workshop" or social engineering concepts? Social Engineering should replace civics.

Overall, a very good mod but unit animations needs work. I've been wanting a more modern version of Alpha Centauri and I think this one's a winner. ;)
Were you planning on including the SMAX leaders/techs?.

For the leaders...probably next patch/version, the design of the leaders is currently discussed here:

Many of the SMAX techs have already found a more direct or indirect way in Planetfall, so there is no general plan to add more, but always the option of adding one, if it benefits gameplay.

Are you going to include the "unit workshop" or social engineering concepts? Social Engineering should replace civics.

No. A Unit Workshop was tried in a very early version, but the AIs just cannot be brought to use it. The same applies to a "true" SE model like in SMAC, but here I think the Planetfall civics are already very close content-wise (except the Future choices, but an addition of them was never completely ruled out - Maniac just said, they he does not see a use in adding them, if intersting ideas for them are missing)

It is imporant to keep in mind that Planetfall is not a 1:1 conversion of SMAC - just a Civ4 mod strongly inspired by it, without giving away all the nice Civ4 improvements.
Just a couple of suggestions. But once again thanks for the new patch, Maniac, though I am happily in the middle of a game with an earlier patch at the moment.

No, Maniac, I shan't argue over Psi defence again. Unless, you have had a change of mind? ;)

Could the interceptors have a more jet-like sound. For all the world at the moment, they sound like they have the Merlin engines of a WWII bomber!

The Leviathan is badly belied by its appearance as a light scout-car. I think that needs a new image.

Live long and prosper.
Hello, I'm a great fan of SMAC, and I'd like to install this mod on my Mac version of BTS, would it be possible to get a download link to a not-exe version of the mod, like a zipped version ? I'm sure I won't be the only one to try your work on a new engine ! ;)
Could the interceptors have a more jet-like sound. For all the world at the moment, they sound like they have the Merlin engines of a WWII bomber!

I'm not a sound creator. Do you have concrete alternative sound files in mind?

Taneda Santôka;8760634 said:
Hello, I'm a great fan of SMAC, and I'd like to install this mod on my Mac version of BTS, would it be possible to get a download link to a not-exe version of the mod, like a zipped version ? I'm sure I won't be the only one to try your work on a new engine ! ;)

Planetfall uses a DLL, which AFAIK means the mod doesn't work on Mac.
Presumably the jet file would be in the FX program in the original SMAC but I don't which file.
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