"Don't Cry for me Argentina!"

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Also I second EQandcivfanatic. I think in this time it might be beneficial for the remnants of NES to merge with IOT. I would be in favour of a sub-forum merge.

Oh, definitely, but we should really wait a week or two for the mess to settle down before we bring the issue up officially.
Join my NES first. Blow stuff up. There's maths and numbers.
"NESing is about cultures, IOTs are about wars"

Not my words but I think that about sums it up.

IoTs seem to be evolving more depth, however.

I say go for the merge and see what comes out of the melting pot!
I dunno about that statement, to me it always seems like NESers just build up cultures as something to do between wars, with the exception of Lord Iggy, who's awesome.
War is the continuation of politics by other means, just as politics is the continuation of war by other means.

The merging of both IOT and NES will illuminate this philosophy.
"NESing is about cultures, IOTs are about wars"

Not my words but I think that about sums it up.

IoTs seem to be evolving more depth, however.

I say go for the merge and see what comes out of the melting pot!

IOTs are remarkably similar to Paradox games in terms of "things to do other than war," but I'm pretty sure most people reading this thread like Pdox.
War is the continuation of politics by other means, just as politics is the continuation of war by other means.
Neorealist scum.
There's so much more to IOTs than war

In XIV right up until the last few turns some of the worlds most powerful nations became so through economic and diplomatic means. There was probably always some war on in the background but more often that not other things took precedence.

Similarly SonIOTs had economic conflict driving their centre and war was often only due to economic demands.

Some IOTs exist even out of national perspective - Sonspiracy, CivO's games, and all the others.

Simply saying IOT is a risk style game about war is simply not apt enough any more.
There's so much more to IOTs than war

In XIV right up until the last few turns some of the worlds most powerful nations became so through economic and diplomatic means. There was probably always some war on in the background but more often that not other things took precedence.

Japan is the exception. :D
There's so much more to IOTs than war

In XIV right up until the last few turns some of the worlds most powerful nations became so through economic and diplomatic means. There was probably always some war on in the background but more often that not other things took precedence.

Similarly SonIOTs had economic conflict driving their centre and war was often only due to economic demands.

Some IOTs exist even out of national perspective - Sonspiracy, CivO's games, and all the others.

Simply saying IOT is a risk style game about war is simply not apt enough any more.

Please excuse my ignorance of IoT, I'm also quite ignorant of recent NES'es :)

If that's the case, there really is no actual difference between IoT and NES - perhaps the only difference was the player culture, and it seems most of those players will now be focused on The Frontier forums instead of CFC.
perhaps the only difference was the player culture.

Pretty much. The first IOT mechanics were about the military and basic economic rules because that stuff was the most heavily powergamed early on. I wouldn't be surprised if going through the history of rulesets in NES we find out that the way GMs GM and rulesets are set up are in response to problems in previous iterations too.
Pretty much. The first IOT mechanics were about the military and basic economic rules because that stuff was the most heavily powergamed early on. I wouldn't be surprised if going through the history of rulesets in NES we find out that the way GMs GM and rulesets are set up are in response to problems in previous iterations too.

Speaking as someone who was there, that's exactly what happened.
I'm cool with a forum merge as long as the subforum name doesn't include NES (everyone just thinks for some reason there is a subforum for old nintendo games) or IOT (I don't think a single person who is active in IOT visits OT often, if there is they are very much in the minority).
Single Game Threads AKA the Frontier name?

World Play?


Never Ending Imperiums?

Never Ending Stories OffTopicum?

Imperial Ending OffTopicums?

Advance Forum Games?

Mega Tales?


Well, the name they've established at the Promised Land is Single Thread Games. That kind of fits. I like the ring of WorldBuilding Games. WBGs isn't a bad acronym.
World Building Games is probably my favourite suggested, as it keeps the definition of the games wide, but still gives an idea of what the games are.
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