Futuristic Mod With Mythological, Feudal Japanese Undertones

Can attack land units, sea units, air units and space units.

88% Complete


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Can attack Land, Sea and space units effectively.
88% complete


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Can attack air and space units only
88% complete


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possibly a mutant and cyborg UU
will have a -1 hp bonus
92% complete


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Cyborg and robotic UU, will have a -1 hp bonus.
100% complete


I hid this guy here for about 11 days before posting an announcement at the units page :D

Anyways, I am releasing this unit because all 11 of these units you see previewed here are near enough to completion for me to move on to the next set of units, some static leaderheads, and some superfuturistic buildings. This is my way of celebrating. I have gotten really tired, and it has been so long since I have made any models.... I can't wait to get started on some fresh units :D

I have been spending alot of time playing MP though......

Have fun kids. The link is to the full and complete slasher unit!

Allthough I may add an attack 3 and different victory after the mod is complete.


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may also be called Neophalanx. May have a 1 hp bonus. Possible human and clone UU.

100% complete


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I made this with a big gun sstrapped down to the back, but to be used it would have to be unpacked and set up.... any suggestions for this units role? Right now it looks to be little more than a recon unit.
Because I dont know what animations I need to do with this one, it's status is unknown.
status unknown


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Used either as energy diverters/providers/focusers or as High intensity beam weapons.
Will have a -4 hp bonus.

50% complete

This may be an MP unit only, due to the fact the AI doesn't know how to throw fighters out first before bombers, (to draw interceptors).


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I plan on hopefully making around 2 dozen more units:
6-10 more mechas/RAVS, 4-6 more tanks/vehicles, 2 or 3 starships, 4-6 naval units, 2 or 3 more starfighters, a couple of artillery, and more infantry units.

But I am not going to start those until all these are at least 75% complete (that is basically death, default, run, attack, sounds and civilopedia text).

Here is a break down on units:
Specialty:, like slashers, sniper, omega weapon etc, basically special force type units will have a -1 hp penalty.

RAV's:all terrain as road, perhaps other mobility features, Blitz.

Mechas:only 1 MP, but have a 1 HP bonus.

fighters vs bombers:no stealth, instead bombers/starships will have a 60% interception rate, whilst fighter/interceptor types will have a 25% interception rate.
Aircraft vs. SpacecraftDifference is space craft will always have unlimited range, in all actions, bombard, recon, Interception and airdrop. Starships will have large carrying capacity, extra HP's, extra defense, heavy bombard.

UU's:Each nation will get a UU. Many different racial "UU's" will also be available. These will be available to all nations of that culture group (and usually two or three of the culture groups).
In other words, slasher is available to all nations of Cyborg and Robotic culture, but the Crawler is available only to the Civ known as "The Level".
Also, racial UU's may be strong and weak, meaning the cyborg slasher will cost 10 shields less than a robot slasher.
The counterbalance could be no population cost for robot infantry, 1 for cyborg infantry, and two for the rest, with terrain food values sitting higher, but I have not play tested this concept yet.

Infantry:may cost a population point, but be cheaper. Not too sure on this yet.

tanks:<wheeled>will be the first to implement new weapons. This means plasma tank technology will come before plasma riflemen.

artillery:non-missile artillery wepons will have a max range of 1. Except perhaps large stationary plasma cannon. These will not have any form of lethal bombardment.
Missile artillery weapons may have a range of up to three, and may or may not have lethal bombardment.
Cool idea...but why the Fedual Japanese undertones? Not complaining, just curious.

Anyway, I'm pretty good at writing, so I'll volunteer any services I can. Civilopedia stuff, maybe.
Basically, for now, there will be emporers, samauri, Shogun and daimyo as opposed to Kings, knights and generals. It is mostly labels... and I am still debating whether I'd like to put in a technomagical side.
My civ II mod I never finished was supposed to be a final fantasy'ish mix of magic and technology... and I was hoping to make this similar..... however I am not sure if there is going to be a text editor in PTW, which is where alot of the "magic" would reside.

So to sum up my answer..... I love ninjas.
:ninja: :ninja: :cool: :ninja: :ninja:
Looks good, and I love the unit previews -- esp. the Vacuum Fighter.
strike bomber and vacuum fighter are great tell me when ther done there cool looking
ok here you say you wany more mech units
heres some mech unit ideas
ok laugh if you want i did
laser mech
flying mech
flamethrowing mech
laser cannon mech(artillery)

i want your units when your done they look great good luck
heres some mech unit ideas
ok laugh if you want i did
laser mech
flying mech
flamethrowing mech
laser cannon mech(artillery)

Actually I plan on making an artillery quad legged mecha.
I gotta finish these first though. Then I can have some fun, I see these units as essential, but not very fun to create, they also happen to be the more difficult (animating human figures). The robotic animations and tanks should be considerably easier, and more fun :)

I also have been toying with the idea of upgrading mecha and RAVs, to have the same bodies, but different attack animations.
I haven't tested whether the ai will use it correctly yet, but here is how it works

1) Max rate of 5

2) 4 extra "forbidden palaces" (allowed only under confederacy)
these are all named like Confederat Courthouse, Confederate Senate, etc...., these each have a unique bonus too, but I havent decided whether or not it will be small wonder type bonus or city improvement bonus.

3)rampant corruption (to simulate no real power of a central government to exert taxes or policy)

4)Free units
2 for town
3 for city
4 for metropolis
after that upkeep cost of 2
This is to simulate the idea of each state having it's own defense, but no real central army.

5)High war weariness.
This is to simulate no state really wanting to die for another's cause.

6)No hurrying production, no drafting, no police... also to simulate no real central authority.

7)standard trade bonus and worker rate of 3, this is to simulate the localization of wealth.

8) stronger than democracy in most modifiers due to tolerance, but 0% chance of assimilation, also due to the tolerance. (by tolerance I mean the ability of people to rule themselves locally)

9)Diplomats are veteran, from working amongst the various states.

Of course this all hinges on whether the Ai would no where to place the various capitals.... which I don't think it can.... , but anyways, tell me what you think!


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Also in my mod I'd like fascism... which I simply consider rule through fear.

1) The only real disadvantage is it's forced labor rush, and gets the standard tile penalty, to simulate fear driven laborers.

2) other than that it is quite efficient, I have corruption as minimal (when it's rule by fear, he who gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar gets his head cut off :p)

3)free units: 3 for town, 6 for city, 12 for metropolis.

4)no war weariness, 3 drafts, 6 mp

6)rate cap of 5 also, to discourage high technological innovation, the real object of this govt is mobilization for war.

7) I forgot to add the diplomats are a little untrustworthy, and hard to compromise with: conscript. The spies, are from the "Father" of all police states, and are elite.
Good for the fascist civ too, since money cant be spent on improvements,

Only prob is that tile penalty, which is really no small hit.


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