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Altar win and Grigori?

Cassiel and the Grigori government do not block people from founding temples or becoming priests. They certainly won't employ any priests to serve in their army in that capacity though, and would never subsidize the building of a temple. It is fine to donate to religious organizations, but not to intimidate others into donating. Offering miracles in exchange for donations would be strongly prosecuted as fraud. If someone prayed for an enemy to be stuck dead by their god and it actually happened he might be convicted of murder. The human sacrifices used in AV rituals are of course very illegal.

Most Grigori fled from oppressive religious communities and have grown disillusioned with the idea of worshiping anything. Some have gone so far as to be militant atheists and to try to intimidate the religious to leave or abandon their faith. Cassiel and the government however view such fanaticism as just as bad as religious fanaticism, and prosecute hate crimes by the non religious against the religious as harshly as those by the religious against the non religious.
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