• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Bug Reports and Solutions

Check out the image in the attackment. There's a tile "Trade Blocked by enemy ship." However, I've going around the island and there's no ship around, and it's only one tile being blocked. I am not sure if this is FT's issue, or one of the mod used in FT. I remember I've seen this being reported in other mod, though I can't think of which mod was it, or if it was ever resolved for that mod.

I've noted those things on a couple of occasions too. I don't know where it comes from, but as you say, it is also reported elsewhere and not only in Fairy Tale. Weird though.
When a blockading ship stops blockading, it's supposed to reduce the blockadecount on all tiles where the ship increased it before. Sometimes the code doesn't reach all tiles, noone knows why.

[COLOR="Green"]				// BBAI NOTES:  There are rare issues where the path finder will return incorrect results
				// for unknown reasons.  Seems to find a suboptimal path sometimes in partially repeatable 
				// circumstances.  The fix below is a hack to address the permanent one or two tile blockades which 
				// would appear randomly, it should cause extra blockade clearing only very rarely.[/COLOR]
just fouind thi is thread for the bugs

Hi there Am In the first scenario and I get the following

Error in Tech Acquirer handler < bound Method

Have rerun from a save and done on 2 techs now - any ideas?

This is a rare fault you're having, it seems. It only appears on some systems, for some reason, but luckily I had it myself, so I've corrected it! Install this file by dragging and dropping it into the Fairy Tale/Assets/Python folder. Overwrite the old one.

The problem has been fixed, but it hasn't been included in an update yet.
Thanks for reporting, Gmcgd. I'm glad it worked, and I will include that patch in the next update as well. I only did some Python the wrong way, and I need to do it properly later on.

Give old Gregory a kick from me too!

EDIT: I was thinking about updating some of the leader portraits. I really should give Gregory a better one, because he looks too nice and wise in the one he has now.
Glad you've gor a subforum for the mod...

Got a new PC with a new CIV installation and now there is not interface at all in this mod for me.
Tried everything from the first post..

What could it be else?
I know this exists on Win7. I've had no problems with Win7 myself, and I really haven't been too much help for others having this problem with it. Version 8 of Fairy Tale works without problems, while V9, for some reason loses the interface on newer machines.

Here's a thread on Strategyinformer that I wrote about the problem trying to solve it though. I never heard from him again, so I hope it got solved. Be sure to have all the latest patches for Fairy Tale. they're all on Fairy Tale's ModDB page.

Please do keep us updated, so we can solve this problem. But I think applying the latest patches should do it.
Yes it is Win 7 (latest updates). Tried with compatibility mode and without.
Tried the python fix from the Strategy Informer thread without any luck.
Fairy tale fix is version 9D now.
Should we try to trace or debug it somehow?

BTW my laptop with intel X3100 integrated video is running fine.
This box is Intel P4 with radeon 4850.
Civilization installed from the same collector's edition followed by patch update.

No BUG/Bull installed
OK. Interface problems is mostly a matter of Python. What we would need now is really your Pythoon error log. Here are the instructions (Written by AlanH on another thread) on how to obtain that.

You can turn on Python error logging. Open the .ini file in TextEdit. It's at:

~/Documents/Civilization IV/CivilizationIV.ini

In the following text:

; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 0

.... change to
LoggingEnabled = 1

Save the file, relaunch Civ4 [and then exit again after having started the game] and then look for the following log file:

~/Documents/Civilization IV/Logs/PythonErr.log

Open that in TextEdit and copy/paste the contents into a post here.
There are shortcuts to the logs folder in the Beyond The Sword installation folder as well under Civ4Logs...

Furthermore. I've read that Windows 7's Security Settings can mess things up. Try fiddling with those. Also, you should run the mod as Administrator. This specific problem with Fairy Tale is related to Windows 7. All people reporting this problem, are running the mod on win7. My girlfriend runs Win7 AND Fairy Tale without problems, but her Security Settings are turned way down, she tells me.

Thanks for your help on this.

So in the pythonErr.log there are messages:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "CvAppInterface", line 69, in preGameStart

File "CvUtil", line 411, in initDynamicFontIcons

File "CvUtil", line 421, in addIconToMap

File "CvUtil", line 123, in convertToStr

UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character u'\u0446' in position 6: ordinal not in range(256)
ERR: Python function preGameStart failed, module CvAppInterface


Also there is a PythonErr2.log file created at the same time.
It finishes with the following strings:

init-ing world builder screen
load_module CvWBPopups
load_module CvCameraControls
load_module CvAdvisorUtils
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PreGameStart'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'BeginActivePlayerTurn'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'SwitchHotSeatPlayer'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'LanguageChanged'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'ResolutionChanged'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'PythonReloaded'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'unitUpgraded'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'unitCaptured'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatWithdrawal'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatRetreat'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatLogCollateral'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'combatLogFlanking'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugEventManager - adding event 'playerRevolution'
12:19:19 DEBUG: BugInit - global context not ready


All Civ installation and language is English
I am not sure if this is intended, but I am reporting anyway.

Scout and Ranger can attack enemy units. However, the next upgrade unit, Mounted Scout, can only defend. I thought that's kind of strange.

Also, Crystallin's Scout has 4 Strength, I thought it's kind of too powerful, especially since Scout can attack as well. In the early game, her Scouts pretty much can attack anything in sight and mostly win. If I were to play this civ, I probably would create small army of Scouts, which is cheaper than spearman, and take over whoever the closest to me quickly before anything more powerful exists :)
Ungin: This error obviously has to do with unknown alphabet characters. This is prolly why it works well on my girlfriend's computer, since it knows the Swedish alphabet. I need to look into it. I don't know if characters in the XML will screw things up, but there are Swedish characters in the XML (city names and civilopedia).

EDIT: This is really beyond my knowledge. I'll post about it on the technical forum and see what they can come up with there. Hang on.

Ono-Neko: Yeah. Those shold not have the ability to attack. I will remove the ability, because it was a mistake to implement it...
Ungin: What I will try to do now is remove all strange characters that your computer might nor recognize from the XML. These characters include the Nordic alphabet å, ä, and ö, and I have a theory that these just screw the game up for you.

I am not sure if it might help, so this is very much experimental, and I am really glad to have you to test this on, as I am unable to recreate the issue over here on my end! :)

Hang on. I will post the file-update in this post when I'm ready taking out the Ö's!

OK, Ungin. Try to implement this fix. Just drag and drop the file into the Mods folder of BtS. This simply takes out all the å, ä, ö characters from the game. I actually think it is the Religion Ragnarök that screws this up. Don't get turned off if it doesn't work, because I think we're on the verge of the solution here anyway.
Strange that fonts can cause such issue. I have US version of OS, and it comes standard with all those characters in every fonts available. I'd imagine usually non-western character usually the issue (at least I received such reports when I work as a tech support), but those derivatives of alphabets normally works on most, if not all, of the computers I know of.
Yeah. It should work as it is and these characters shouldn't create problems... But I really don't know what else to try out now. I've done everything possible, and since I cannot recreate the issue myself, I'm at a loss. :confused:

I know that it appears in Win7 and I know that it has to do with fonts and encoding... I am going to try everything that comes to mind, and I won't give up until it's solved.
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