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Goals and Invasion plans for Mongolian War

robboo said:
We could wait till the next TC as that is what I prefer in order to give this poll a full three days and not switch DPs between the critical first few turns of the war.
I agree. BTW Who would be the DP at the start of the war?
Whomp will be ..if I understand the order.
Nevermind. Nothing to see here. Please move along. [hides anti-war protest sign]
donsig..wait till we screw up and get someone killed first.
Why aren't we attacking Karakorum? This is the best target for the attack. It's big and wealthy, and it's realy close to our borders.

I have a competitive war plan, which I have called operation "Jungle War".
1) Strengths:
Egyptian Empire: We have 10 Axemans, 3 spearmens, 8 archers, 3 worriors and 2 warchariots. And we are building 2 axes, 1 archer and 1 spear ( I don't know why, since our enemy doesn't have horses... ).

The Defences: There is no risk of barbs to appear on the N, so in BW and MG we should leave 1 warrior in each and an archer in our capital ( to make our northern citisens feel safe ). 2 archers in TU, 1 archer in C5 and 1archer in A.

The Attackers: All axes, spears and chariots should be used during the attack. There is no reason to leave those offensive units somewhere behind the front line. The same goes to swords if we build them.

Mongolian Empire: 15-22 archers and warriors at unknown locations ( cities probably ). No access to coper, iron nor horses!

2) Goals: Capturing Old Sarai, Karakorum and Turfan.
Old Sarai - it's very close, it's weakly guarded.
Karakorum - it's close, it's the mongolian capitol ( losing it will cut down their morale ) and it's theirs main production center.
Turfan - by capturing this city, we will split their empire in half, which will ultimatley bring them to their destruction in the future ( at the time we desire to do so ).

3) Strategy: We should create three armies; Army "Group West", Army "Group East" and fast army "Chariot Raid".
Army "Group West" - 6 axes, 1 spears and 2 archers. This army will march on Karakorum. They will start from our broder west of Abydos, and advance using the cover given by the forests near Karakorum, then cross the river and attack the city. After securing the city ( archers ), units able to fight might go deeper into Mongolian territory, engage enemy counter attack and then pillage improwments near Bashbalik.

Army "Group East" - 6 axes, 2 spear and 1 archer. This army will engage the Old Sarai. After taking over and securing Old Sarai ( archer and units used during the attack left to heal ) this army will contiune march on Turfan which will take 4t. The army will attack from the hill NE of the city. After capturing Old Sarai we could claim for peace and ransom.

Army "Chariot Raid" - 2 war chariots ( or 3 if we manage to build one more ). This army will break through enemy territory near unknown city south of City5 and reach the iron deposit south of it. This groups task it to prevent Mongolians from getting acces to iron, also pillaging improvments near that iron deposit.

Whole operation should take something about 6-9 turns, and will end at the moment when Turfan will be captured.

4) Possible casualties:
- 1 axe during the assault on Old Sarai
- 2-4 axes during the assault on Karakorum
- 1-3 axes during the assault on Turfan
- 1-2 chariots during fights near unknown city south of City5
The only problem( beside having to reposition a whole bunch of troops) is that the eastern most city then still has access to the lands to the east for expanison. My plan that I presented caps their expansion and leaves them only 2 cities without any chance at iron, copper or horse unless they take a city from someone or trade for the resource.

With my plan they will never have access to the iron, that in your plan, only prevents them from having during the war.

Short of completely removing all mongolian cities, my plan effectively removes them from the game until they can trade for resources or plant a colony on another continent.......they become our unhappy lap dogs till then.

In addition all units will be used except for the spears in order to give our cities some defense( incidentally we built the spears before we knew who had the horse resource.)
Hmm, very true Rob. Right now I'm looking for a way to incorporate Karakorum into your attack plan. Even though I heavily favor rob's plan, mainly because it caps their expansion, I do see taking Karakorum as a good idea. It will also effectivley make the Mongols accept a cease-fire or peace treaty faster. If we took Karakorum, I'm pretty sure if we asked for the cease-fire they would take it without any thought.

Edit* I also think that Rihiter's plan splits our army up too much. Let's say our Western front proves highly sucessful, but our Eastern front fails, and Karakorum attack prevails, but we lose many units. Then our Eastern border, will have a pretty big job of defending itself, until you either negotaite a cease-fire (which at that point you will need Karakorum to do) or you pull your Western front back to the East, which A will take to long before half of our East is pillaged, and B, try to think of one of HItler's three mistakes in World War II. He pulled his army, off a front, to help fight the other, and soon Berlin fell.
Also....with my plan every thing could end up in Turfan ready to go into the other 2 cities if our economy and people desire.

After I look at the save..and talk to the censor and SoS we will probably poll for final approval of my plan. As SoW...I am going with my plan as I like my better and its my job on the line( so to speak)..blasted term limits.
The poll to approve the plan as presented by robboo is located here.

-- Ravensfire, Censor
ice2k4 said:
Then our Eastern border, will have a pretty big job of defending itself

Eeemm... Defend from what? Archers? Don't be silly. Look at the power graph. We have more troops then Mongolia ( precisely more axes, warchariots and spears then they have archers and wariors ). Even if we lose 4 units during the assault at Karakorum, we will still have 2 axes, 2 archers and a spear to defend that region. That is even more then we need, remember they have only archers which are weak offensive unit.

Rob, why do you want to cape their expansion completely? Remember that every city they will build after the war will be some day ours, which will save us much effort on buiding our own setlers ( and workers ).
robboo said:
Short of completely removing all mongolian cities, my plan effectively removes them from the game until they can trade for resources or plant a colony on another continent.......they become our unhappy lap dogs till then.
I don's see any reason to keep a lap dog alive, if we can have any profit from it.

I don't see any denger in spliting our forces into two big groups and one fast one with specific assigment. Assume that Mongolia has 20 archers... So there will be something about 3-5 archers in Karakorum, 3-4 in Turfan and there is 1 in Old Sarai. So they would have 13-10 archers left. 4-6 of them will stay in their remining cities, which gives them 9-4 units for counter attack. Even if it will be 9... what can 9 archers do versus at last the same amount of troops with higher strenght? Like I said before there is no denger of their conterattack or something like that. If they will attack us with their archers, they will only make our job easer in the future ( because they will lose those archers, and our units will have more experience ).

Caution is very important in planning war, but there is a very thin line betwen caution and unreasonable fear. We must be confident and strong, if not we shoulden't even start this war. So stop being afraid attacking like a real empire.
Dang it had a long post adn lost it due to power failure...

The settler in the eastern city confirms and validates my plan.

Teh science rate at 60 or 50% tells me that we can not take their entire country.so we should contain them and wait till we are stronger economy-wise to take their last 2 cities. Germany will tame the eastern lands for us.

A wise man always has some defense...a archer can still pillage out of the reach of the archers in the city. In addition archer sare great defenders...just perfect for pillageing raids.
robboo said:
In addition archer are great defenders...just perfect for pillageing raids.

I don't want to offend you, but this doesn't have any sence ;]. They are great defenders in towns, and a little on hills. But nowhere else.
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