stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that


Sorry about this, but instead of me joining right now, could you reserve my nation for me until midway through next week? It's just that I have a lot of projects due on Monday and Tuesday, and I have alot of track stuff going on this weekend. Thanks.
so... is the update tonite?
Update 13 - 1800 B.C.

Without any great conflicts raging on near their borders, the Chinese turn to more peaceful pursuits. Chinese peasents are taken away from their farms to work on a great new road comissioned by the emperor between Peking and Wu. Traveling time between the two most important cities of the Chinese empire is shortened dramatically, and along the way Chinese workers have developed the wheelbarrow for the first time in history.

Chinese soldiers meanwhile march in all directions. In the North they encounter nothing but traveling Liaotung scouts, although in the far West a great river is found. To the South it's different. The many recently uncovered sub-Chinese tribes had by now united, into two states. The state of Shang from it's capital of Shanghai borders China to the Southeast, while the Zhou in the Southwest govern their lands from the growing city of Chang'an.

The Russian tzar issues a decree that there are to be roads from all the major cities in the Russain crown to Moscow. However, he greatly underestimates the amount of work needed for this. Despite years of work on part of the serfs and some one hundred soldiers keeping watch, the only road completed is one from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Angry over their harsh excpectations fifty Russian soldiers desert. Not that it matters much, Russia still has the largest army in the world, comparable only to the likes of Minoa. Back in Moscow, a further testament to the Tzar's powers is the completion of Ivan's palace. The magnificent structure of stone and wood towers over the city as Russiia's economy skyrockets.

With an improved economy, the Persian march onward in Medea. Now that the Medeans are aware of the attack, the fighting is considerably harder and heavier. Only after several major battles are the Persian able to advance to within sights of the heavily fortified Medean capital of Ectabana.

Casualties: 125 Persians, 100 Medes

Meanwhile, the Assyrians attack as well, with a far greater number of troos than the Persians. However as they came later than the Persians, their way was considerably harder. The Assyrian generals tried to bypass the fortifications imposed by the Medes, but this meant going through very unfavorable terrain. Through conservative, almost cowardly tactics, the Medes were able to take many Assyrian lives. Finally, after a month or two of warfare, Assyrian soldiers finally had gotten past Medes's defenses. The capital of Ectabana is within their sights, however their Persian allies have already gotten there and occupied much of the territory for themselves.

Casualties: 100 Assyrians, 75 Medes

Much celebrations throughout Calicut. The elephants which had until recently been trampling renegaede Mauryan soldiers in the Northern reaches of the Ganges are now decorated in ceremonial armor and bright colors, parading through the streets of Calicut's major cities. Maurya is no longer, merely a small collection of provinces in Calicut's growing empire. With the annexation, Calicut becomes the most dominant power on the Indian subcontinent and their economy rises to reflect this. The war between thier neighbors of Delhi and the Harappans is not going too well for the latter. Without any real leadership the Harappans are slowly but surely being pushed out of Delhi territory. Also of note, throughout India the new religion of Hinduism has taken hold. Within a hundred years it has peacefully become the dominant religion in all the Indian states.

Casualties: 25 Calicutans, 50 Mauryans

The Portuguese empire in Iberia commences it's first great military campaign. Primarily from Oporto, a large portion of the Portuguese forces march forward into the lands of the Iberian tribes known as the Galicians. Located far away from the other more warlike tribes, the Galicians are primarily sheep herders and they fall easily. Portuguese casualties are fairly light, as Galicia falls rapidly. Then, depression strikes. Overspending on the military has given Portugal such a bad economy that not even the partial annexation of Portugal or the development of iron-working can rescue it. Riots are commonplace throughout Iberian cities as the masses beg for an end to the horrific economic decline.

Casualties: 50 Iberians

With the coming of nex kings to the Thracian throne, the country is brought to life. Once recrutiing only fifty men per economy, the armys ranks are swelled by a century every time the King orders it. With the increased production and army, Thrace launches a campaign against the germanic tribes which have recently appeared across the river. The first campaign is succesfull as the germanics certainly weren't excpecting an attack, but as time passes, it soon becomes apparent securing any positions North of the Danube will be most difficult indeed. The moment the city of Nacopolis is established at the bend of the river, Germanic raids start, and the defenders have a hard time pushing them back. Meanwhile, the neighboring Dacians ask for a non-agression pact.

Casualties: 50 Thracians

War again in Egypt! The tired Egyptian armies are ordered to march once again by the Egyptian pharaoh, this time into the neighboring state of Aksum. Egyptian armies are superior technologically, and although tired and farther away from their homes, Aksum's rich Northern provinces are captured quickly. The Egyptian assault however slows down with the rise of the mighty Aksum mountains, which gives the Ethiopes time. Within a year, iron weapons are present in their armies, courtesy of Arabic merchants, and the Ethiopes get ready to take back what land they lost.

Casualties: 50 Egyptians, 125 Ethiopes

The Almohad nation continues to emerge as the leading power in Northwestern Africa. It's lightly clad camel riding warriors have become a trademark of the mountains hills and plains of the land there, especially in their war against the Numidian tribes, who slowly but surely fall to their armies. Back in the cities, a unique culture develops around Moroccan textiles and pottery, as the Moroccan economy continues.

Casualites: 50 Moroccans

As the German clans settle in around their territory, it soon becomes apparent the four most powerful of them. The Franks in the West, the Goths in the North, and the Vandals in the East, are powerful states with hunrdeds of soldiers, warring constantly amongst themselves and the samll neighboring tribes. The last of the big four are the Alemanni, who have by now established a strong kingdom around their city of Stuttgart. Much kinder to their neighbors than the Franks Goths and Vandals, the Alemanni are able to incite several other local tribes to join them over the years.

The Hatti empire continues to grow. An economy is given to their Scythian allies, who are so greatful that they help Hittite expansion against the Slavic tribes North of their lands. With the Scythian aid, the Hittite colony in the region grows into a city as large as any other in the Hittite domains. The Hittites otherwise remain peaceful, despite political changes in all directions.

The Japanese continue pummeling the tiny ainu tribes in the Taiwan region with their mighty armies. The civilian casualties are few, but the barbarian armies are annhialated. More tribes join peacefully in fear of the Japanese katanas than in combat with them. Later, interested by the superior Japanese culture, many join the growing settlement of Taipei in the Northern reaches of Taiwan, which is now a city that compares to the rest inthe Japanese empire. Meanwhile, Japanese education is the best in the world. The most advanced and respected philosophers, artisians, and inventors of the time are present at the emperor's court in Tokyo. The result is the Japanese trieme, developed mere years after the emperor's most recent educational reforms. As a result of the trieme, contact, is established with the Shang Chinese

Minoan horses and chariots are found throughout the mediterranean sea. More of the first than the latter with the invention of the stirurup, but the point is that the Minoans quickly annex large parts of Numidia and Iberia. The struggling barbarians with their bronze age weaponry fall quickly to Minoan blades, while those that are wise join peacefully. Advances in Africa are particularly succesful, as the Minoans divide the barbarian Numidians from their neighboring Libyans. The most controversial Minoan tactics however are the raids on Imperia. Particularly succesful against the tiny unsuspecting state, two economy levels are pillaged from the Imperian treasury and added to the seemingly endless supply of gold in Knossos. Alarmed by their actions, the twin monotheistic kingdom of Judea moves it's capital to Beirut. Haifa, with it's great temple, is still the holiest city in all of Judaism and probably the most important Judean city as well, but Beirut allows the Judean priests and king to avoid danger in the form of possible Minoan attacks. Meanwhile, Imperia imposes heavier fortifications and guards along it's coasts, making future action far less likely to be succesfull. A testament to this is the succesfull sinking of 5 Minoan triemes waiting for their men by a small fleet of Judean galleys.

Casualties: 125 Minoans, 5 Minoan triemes


From Dacia
To Thrace

We would like a pact of non-agression with your great nation...

From Shang
To Japan

We would like a military alliance with your people.


Minoa: to Hatti [3/3]

OOC: I was away on a regatta again which is why the update came later than usual. However it was pretty detailed and full which I hope makes up for that. Enjoy, and give orders when you can.
The World - 1800 B.C.


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OOC: Seriously, I think army growth rate should increase in Classical Age.


The battle with the Medeans has been hard. As both armies pocessed nearly equally advanced technology and Assyrians did not have a big enough numerical advantage, it was a slaughter. Medeans eventually retreated, and started raiding Assyrians wherever they could. However, the One Hundred Khirashmites fought bravely, led by Sharkhon, and eventually the Medeans ceased their ambushes, as the Assyrian and Persian armies approached Ecbatana.

The final battle begun, and Naplash I himself came there...


From: Assyria
To: Persia

We should launch a final, all-out offensive on Ecbatana! After it falls, so will Medes!

- Start wonder - Khirashma Blade Temple (+++army, +education) (1/?) (will be adressed in the next story)
- Grow army.
- All 700 (600 plus newly recruited) men are to storm Ecbatana, hopefully with Persian help. Use rams, catapults, siege towers, whatever we can get there. Take the city at whatever price we have to pay!
- Our new spy system is to try and destabilize the defenders and incite local people and nobles to rebel against Medes. Tell them that those who help us will not only keep their freedom and lands, but will also increase their wealth and lands by being granted certain wealth and lands of those, who resist.
- Start trade with Persia.
Long Live the Emperor of Japan in his court of Tokyo, his domains were vast, and now nations were asking for an alliance with his great power... Being a brilliant person, and analyzing the balance of power in the mainland, the nation of Shang had sufficent military might to conquer the rest of the mainland, however, this would threaten Japan's own interests... So it was decided, Japan would ask for an alliance with China, Liaotung, the fellow Japanese states and the Choson...

From Japan *secret*
To China, Liaotung, Chosen, Hokkaido, Satsuma and Shu(if have contact)
Would you nations like to form a grand allliance between our great nations?

To China
Would u like to start a trade route?

From Shang
We will have to decline ur offer of an alliance.

Japanese Orders *secret*
-start trade route if China says yes
-begin research for a heavily armoured infantry
-finish wonder
-increase economy by encouraging trade between islands
-continue exploring south of Taiwan, with 20 tiremes and 100 men
From Persia
To Assyria

Hail, my good ally! I hear your call! We must storm the city, but we must use very surprising tactics. What do you suggest?

I also must address another subject, My good friend. Who is to get which cities in Medea?

P.S. I think a trade Route is lucrative for both our people. Do you agree?

Persian Orders
-Grow army once
-Send 225 men to help in the final assault against Ectabana
-Grow Economy
-Start Wonder Persian Currency (+3 Economy)
From: Assyria
To: Persia

We will take care of it. But can you please contribute more forces?

We get Ecbatana and the northern half, you get Susa and the southern half. Agreeable?

We agree to trade.

Virjay was delighted at the news. Maurya had fallen, and the country's economy was booming. It seemed that they were the most successful state in India, and they would continue to be that. He had already given orders for expansion outside of India... Orders that would create a power that none could challenge.


Continue Wonder (will be 3/5)

Increase navy x1

Use the 10 galleys and 75 of our men (men loaded onto galleys, of course) to expand as shown
by the lower red arrow on map provided below.

Use 100 more of our men to expand as shown by the upper red arrow.

Use 50 to patrol the Mauryan countryside against any bandits and thugs that will arise from the
collapse of Maurya.

Keep the other 250 in Calicut, but if the country is attacked, all 475 are to report to the invasion
site immediately.


To: Suparaka
From: Calicut

Though our treasury at this time does not have the gold to support it, in two turns would you agree to a trade route?
From Persia
To Assyria

We are sending 100 of our best men as we speak.


Wonderful news! May both our people prosper!
From: Assyria
To: Persia

100 men is barely enough, I am afraid. Could you at least make it 200?
From Persia
To Assyria

Most certainly. We'll even send 25 more.:)
New Rule

Only one wonder per age. The Iron Age is exempt. As many of the classical wonders of the world were built around this time, you will be allowed two wonders in this age. However in all future ages, only one wonder per age will be allowed.


@ Northking - Yes, I forgot.

@ Das - Alright sure, but Classical age won't come for quite a few more turns.


From Liaotung, Choson
To Japan

We happily agree to such a military alliance.

From Hokkaido and Satsuma

We would not agree to a full military alliance, as what interest is it to us to get involved in conflicts on the mainland? We will however agree to a defensive alliance in the case that Japan herself is attacked.

From Shu
To Japan

Sorry but we cannot accept a military alliance, as we fear that you'll use it to your advantage, getting us involved in your own agressive actions. No, rather we would merely agree to a mutual protection pact.

From Suparaka
To Calicut

We would be very greatful for such an agreement with your nation.
The Tale of General Josef the Great

Baltic War, the year 900 of Ivan

A statue in Moscow square, dedicated the General Josef

“I already told you, I have had enough to eat!” the soldier yelled furiously, grabbing the chest-nut brown table by the edge and flinging it against the wall. The poor Baltic women shrieked in fright, leaping backwards and dropping the soup to the floor. The soldier continued to yell furiously, four times coming very close to hitting the woman. She remained cuddled to herself in the corner of the room crying hysterically as he stormed across the room throwing things and cursing.

The door to the small cottage then swung open, and inside came a very tall man, his head nearly touching the wooden roof, whose stone cold features and dark skin stood him apart from the ordinary Russian. The soldier, startled, stopped his tantrum to study the new guest. Realizing quickly that it was General Josef, he quickly got down on one knee and bowed his head. Such was the way a soldier greeted his commanding officer in Russia.

Giving a long and hard stare at the soldier, Josef walked slowly to the corner where the Baltic lady waited, curled up in fright. Taking her army gently, and helping her to her feet, Josef helped wipe the tear from her eyes. His hand brushed across her soft, delicate skin, her blue eyes stared at him confusingly. Then turning around, Josef stared furiously at the soldier who remained in a bent knee fashion. With his left arm, Josef grabbed the throat of the Russian who now began to scream in agony, and lifted him off the ground. Swinging the body around, as if it were nothing more then a sack of flour, Josef pinned the soldier to the wall.

“If you ever act this ungrateful again, I will have you killed!” he yelled, spitting as he talked into the blue face of the soldier. He then let go of the man, and he fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. “I want you out of this lovely woman’s home at once. You are reassigned to the waste corps,” which was of course the squad that picked up after the horses and whatnot that accompanied the army on it’s campaigns and hauled it back to Moscow where it would be used for fertilizer in the fields. “But first, make this woman a fire.” Josef then left the house, and stepped into the cold frost of the morning. He was immediately attacked by the winter, the coldness seeping through his thin deerskin shirt and leather breastplate. He pulled the hood of his coat over his short, brown hair as he stepped down from the home and into the snow, almost covering his whole leather boot. He also pulled the brown leather gloves from his belt and put them on, savoring the small amount of heat the body generated. His sword remained at his side, safely in the hilt, and he began to walk back to the camp, which were only a few minutes away.

The sun had just peaked over the northern hills and created a memorable splash of orange and yellow light that bounced off of the fresh white snow. The town he had come to capture was called Lativia, a beautiful small town that had no significant tactical advantage other then it was a suburb of the Baltic capital. Josef was here only to survey the regiment that was dispatched to the small town, and to make sure they had enough supplies to last the winter. It had come early this year, the winter, and had threatened the stability of the siege. As he reached the small Russian camp, made of weak temporary wooden structures and two watchtowers. It was amid a small rock quarry that made for a good archer defense should they ever encounter any hostility, and a small creek that supplied the town with water in turn supplied the camp, though it was frozen already, and would remain frozen until mid spring, the locals said.

Inside the camp was a center of bustling activity, even more so then normal. Before Josef even got to his quarters, a soldier got his attention. “General!” he yelled, running to take a bent knee in front of Josef. Nodding, Josef allowed the soldier to be at ease. “A message from the King says to gather the army and attack Baltica now! He says the war will be over by spring!” the soldier cried excitedly. Josef recoiled in terror. The King did not know the amount of casualties his army had experienced, this regiment alone had only a fourth of what the King thought it had. And to lead it into battle would surely be suicide.

Arriving at the main headquarters of the camp, Josef read the letter himself. Ripping the thin hide himself and throwing it into the fire, he yelled “Why!” His panel of lieutenants was already assembled in front of him, each waiting for the orders of what to do with his portion of the army. Over the next night, Josef and his panel designed a plan that would make best use of the small numbers in his army. The dark, damp room lay lit only by candlelight, which was replaced every hour to keep optimum light. With maps spread across three tables, and piles of wasted hide of scrubbed plans, the panel and Josef finally came to a conclusion: Josef would have to lead a suicide mission.

The next morning, the army was assembled at the base of the tallest rock, where Josef stood overlooking the hundred men that were prepared for battle. In the distance one could see the smoke and fires from the capital, and can hear the faint yells of army commanders and crash of walls and home collapsing. “We have a mission,” Josef began, “that mission is not to survive, not to live, not to have a family. That mission is to serve our King. It is to serve our country. It is to fight and die for our people. Today we embark on a mission that we cannot survive. But we will serve our King well, and we shall preserve our nation. I hope that each one of you die in battle, and serve our nation to your fullest.” The men of the army grunted and raised their swords in approval of their general and began hour-long hike to the capital city.


They never knew it would be like this. Chaos ran wildly across the open fields, with fire and rock raining from the sky. The red snow sloshed underneath the fresh army, Josef’s eyes were wide with horror. However, he raised his sword, and at the same time two hundred bows armed with arrows pointed upwards, aimed at the rubble of a waist-high stonewall that surrounded the city. Forcing his sword down, the arrows flew into the sky, bringing death from the sun into the lives of those who were kneeling behind the wall. “NOW!” the general yelled as he ran to take the undefended wall, the stampede of hundreds of men behind him. They faced two hundred Baltic who ran to defend the wall. This would surely be the end of his army, and the end of his life. The two armies crashed at the wall with the sound of sword against sword. The battle had begun. Thrusting his sword into the Baltic in front of him, turning around to block a strike at his own neck, and then pushing the foe back with his small shield, Josef brought every lesson in sword fighting back to help him in his struggle for survival. He then caught glimpse of a black armored-knight upon an armored horse, using his sword to swipe the heads off of the Baltic around him. “The King!” he thought, while blocking yet another blow and thrusting his bloodied blade into the soft stomach of a teen boy. Finally grasping the situation, Josef realized that his regiment must be victorious or the King would be ambushed.

“On me, the blues!” he yelled, signaling for his own squad the he himself personally trained. Immediately, first only two, the five, then thirteen men formed around him in a square position. The squad acted gallantly, bravely facing an army nearly twice their size, they held together. The battle was soon over, the blue’s were the only ones left on the field of the Russian regiment. Josef himself had killed nearly thirty Baltics with his blade, and he doubted that any man from his squad killed less. The King soon won his battle, and the last of the Baltic empire fell.

And so this was the true story of General Josef, the most famed general in Russian history. He is most commonly remembered as a titan, twenty feet high, who boldly swings his twelve-foot long sword that kills a hundred men with one swing. Young children want to be him; older men strive to learn from him. He will forever be remembered by the Russian people as perhaps the greatest Russian whoever lived.

Will be PM’d, tell me on AIM if I forget before the day is done.
Kingdom of Kush
Ruler: Queen Shva
Age: Bronze Age
Economy: 4
Army: 200 men
Navy: none
l.m.t.: elephantry
Religion: Ethiopian Polytheism
Education: Barbaric

Askume was fighting a loosing war against Egypt. The lost most of the north. Many tribes to the south saw it as a risk of their own finaly decleared independance and the creation of their Kingdom. Queen shva, their great queen came into power and decleared their creation was made to aid Askum in their war.

The first stabding army Kush ever had was of 200 men. But for years the men were training to ride the mightiest animal in the world. The African Elephant. The huge dark gray beasts lived all across Ethiopia in herds. For years Ethiopians in Kush tried, and mostly succeded in taking the herds under their watching eye and making the Elephant into the main animal in the country. If they weren't eating their meat Elephants most likly would have become to gods of Kush! But Elephant were eaten, as a way to make them more important, every part of them was used and they were grown in huge herds all across Kush and even outside of it all along Ethiopia. But when a man climbed the Elephant the elephant dropped him and killed him. It was very hard to control this beats outside of as herds. But it was possibile thanks to the legends of "Alif and the Black King".

One day a young men names Alif had an idea of how to train the elephants. He took a spear and stuck it into the beast back. The Elephant jumped and tried to hit Alif, but Alif ran away and hide. The Elephant was not much hurt. His back has very strong and tick skin, and the poor little wooden spear did nothing to him physicaly. But the Elephant felt the paine, Alif came infront of him, climbed to his back and removed the Spear that he himself stuck. The Elephant knew who stuck the spear, and kenw who took it out, but he gave more credit to Alif for taking the spear out. Alif rode on the Elephant northward from his village to the capital of Kush, Adis-Abba.

On his way people saw him riding a mighty Elephant and asked him how he does it. He strikly answered his way and several people joined him in his trip to the capital, to teach the way of Elephant riding. But on the way they got to a bigger village. The village people were horored to sea the mighty Elephant and ran from him until seeing his rider. They calmed right after.
He did no understood why she was afraid and asked her:
-"Why are you people afraid of my Elephant? Usualy us Kush people aren't afraid of Elephants?"
The woman near by him answered:
-"We ones had Elephants, 100 Elephants, mighty beautifull beats. But 3 years ago a black Elephant was born, he took control over his herd when he was 2 years and 8 months old. He was the mightiest Elephant you will ever see, and he was black as a burned tree. He saw us ones time killing an Elephant, as regualry, for the meat and skin and attacked us! Togheter with him all the elephants attacked us! They ran after us reaching our old village and burned it to the ground! Killing hundreds of us! We left the village and created this town. But the Elephant king moved with his Elephants after us, troughout many other villages wich he burned down. He was like a human! Hunry for power and land. We created this walled village 3 months ago and people from villages he destoried came to live here. The Elephant king came again with his horde and detroied the walls and than walked out again. This all was a month ago and when we saw your Elephant we tought they came back!"
-"I see. I want to see this mighty Elephant, maybe I could train him to! I would probably become a very rich man if I did!"
-"Many tried to get close to him, but his closest Elephant always defended him. When we tried arrows his elephant stood infront of him and even died for him. No one can get to him without dying."
-"I must try."

Alif walked with a group of 5 men from the village towards the Elephants horde. He saw the black Elephant but unlike his friends he wasn't frightened. The Huge Elephant moved towards Alif slowly. Somhow he knew it was a battle between only them.
Alif took his old Spear and ran towards the mighty beast wich roared to get it's "defeders" out of the way. The Mighty Elephant king tought Alif would run away scared but he kept on running towards the elephant. The Elephant moved his huge body and was seen like he is jumping on 2 legs! Alif barly escaped the legs and made the best jump he ever did. He reached the King Elephant ears and hanged on them. He climbed on the mighty beast as the beast tried to take hom out! The Elephant even tried to use his trunk to caught Alif in it and smash him. But he couldn't! Alif was on his back! Alif took his spear and stucjed it the strongest he could into the Elephant body. The mighty beast skin broke the spear! Alif tried another try, even harder and stuck the Spear into the beast body! The beast, unlike Alif old elephant stopped to move. It fell on his legs begin for mercy. Alif jumped from the Elephant and as the Elephant saw him it was like he didn't beged for mercy, but was only fooling Alif. In one his with the Elephant head Alif was thrown away. Right on a small broken tree. Alif was stuck into the tree right in his leg. The Elephant King got up from the land, looked at the other 5 men who ran away and in a triumph roar he walked to Alif. Using his trunk he pulled Alif out of the wood and put him on his back. Alif took the Spear out.

In the village horor stories were talled that Alif was eaten by the Black Elephant King and when they saw the elephant and his mighty elephant horde riding fast towards the city all tought they were doomed. The Women and children ran off the houses from the village and the men preaperd to fight. But a young girlan towards the Elephant leaving the rest. She looked at him as he stopped in front of her letting Alif be near her legs. The young girl was only 10 years old, but was beautifull as a dymond. her eyes black just as the Elephant King. Alif begun to talk:
-"Take the mighty Black Elephant King, he is yours. With him you could become the queen of all of Kush and even more, Even Elephants will listen to you as long as he is under your control, he or his only son that will soon be born or the next son on this mighty royal family."
As Alif finished talking he died. The Elephant took the little gil on his back and togehter the walked to the village. Seeing the little girl riding on the elephant everyone were amazed! She talled them of what Alif said and the next day she and many of her people took an elephant, jumped on his back and begun to march northward. They stopped near a huge lake, a very fertile land and built the city of Adis-Abba. The young girl was already 17 years old when she was decleared Queen Shva. Queen of the Kingdom of Kush.

Since than the secret of Elephant riding was known to all Ethiopians and they used it much.

The queen preapered her people to march north to Askume and aid them in their time of trouble. She continued to suply her small army but begun to train elephant riders. She herself had always had the biggest and blackest Elephant.

Elite War Elephant

OOC This pic is missing all metal armor and pikes on the tusts. Might add this ones myself later...
The Elephant rider was a small wooden structre on the elephant back. In it sat 2 men. One had a huge wooden spear and the other had a bow. On the Elephant head there was a small colored rug on wich sat the Elephant rider himself. His weopnse was a sword but he ususaly only rode on the Elephant commanding him to where to go and when to attack...
The Elephant was colored by beautifull colorfull rug-like silks wearing. It's head worea mighty metal plat. His tusks wore also somthing. A smallish wooden structre made of spikes that was tied to the tusks. When the Rider commanded the Elephant attacked with his head. Neither by moving fast and sticking his head to the enemy, or by waving his head causing the stick to throw and... stick... enemies infront of him. The Elephant, with the rider command somthimes came up on his 2 back legs and all saw the metal plan on his belly, defending his weak spot, and on the legs. When the Elephant droped back to earth with all his weight he crashed the enemies beneath him. And the no one forgot th trunk. The Elephant had it free, totaly free, even the stick in their wierd design almost didn't distrubed the trunk to do as the Elephant wish. Usualy the Elephants were nice and hel enemies in the trunk throwing them at others but somthimes the Elephant caughed the rider and crashed him... A scary sight to other riders... but it ususaly wasn't seen.
Everything Metalic in the War Elephant was for now made of Bronze... just as soon as Iron will be known how to melt.

Regular War Elephant

OOC This is prety much what I want... maybe longer spears (the elephant in real is bigger...) and It's missing the spikes! Mine is also more breautifull...
Just like the Elite but several changes.
All metalic add-ones are gun.
The beast has only the beautifull silk rug on it and only 2 men. 1 rider and the other one with the spear.
This are MUCh easier to train, create and maintain. They made the bult of the new Kush Army.

As the Queen preaperd her armies to march north and aid their brother in Askume she asked for a small aid,

to Askume:
Our designs for the best war creatures are hard and require a good knowledge of metal working. We heard you know how to use a mighty metal called Iron. Will you share us your knowledge nd let us help you the best we can brother?
We also ofcourse require you to let out armies march Northward to aid you against the Egyptian menace. Soon we will be victorious and will share, as Brothers and Sisters, the fruits of victory.

ORDERS edited ;)
Use 3 economies to grow Men numbers. From next update i'll keep an updated troops types numbers :)
)Keep 1 economy.
Begin wonder: "The Legends of Alif and the great Black Elephant King" gives +3 Men numbers
Marche northward into Askume with 60 Elite Elephant Riders. March across to coasts and create our camp right between that city and Askume capital.
0 Elite Elephant riders and 2 spearmen to expand into real borders of Ethiopia and a bit to Somalia trought means of peace and Ethiopia or black brotherhood.

OOC Ok, got the thing with army, so right now my whole army will be 66 Elite-War-Elephants and 2 regular men with spears... :p
Unless 1 men in elephants means 1 FULL elephant rider? (wich is 3 men...)
Ofourse that army will change it's number and unit types soon.

Map of Kish at start:
Story and Orders edited a bit to add another typre of just regular war elephants, I might bring pics, maybe...

EDIT pics have been added :)
The king walked to his podium, uterly disgraced, and announced to his people that it was entirerly his fault that the economy was in such bad shape. He decided to hault every single production in the nation that didn't need to be done. He also once again apologised to his people for allowing their great country to go into such an economic decline, and he hoped they would frogive them.
-grow economy(very important!!)
-continue wonder(if it won't hurt my economy, if it will then don't continue it)
-use the army to just defend the nation from the Iberians
King Mereus was happy to tell his people that they had succesfully established two cities along the river and fought the barbarians across the river. He also told his people that he hoped to successfully allow the nation to grow

To: Dacia
From: Thrace

we agree to your non-aggression pact and we would also like to establish a trade route with your great nation.

order: (some of these orders will change if Dacia doesn't want to start a trade route)
-establish trade route with Dacia
-grow economy
- use the army to defend Nacopolis from the Germanic tribes (don't increase army size, just use it to defend)
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