Sum: Hanny has Landed and he has a settler lost in our continent with an axe. Khan lost 3 more Cities. I sent a worker astray instead of improving Sugarcane. We are learning MC since Khan became embolden once he got Feud. But nothing will change the final out come. Bringing units back.
0500 AD (Turn 200) Mm Cap to grow in 7 and build Lib in 3. Switch Yayuoi to Outpost. Switch Iron SHeep to Market. Compass in 8. Khan is ready to give 270g, 3 gpt, Medit and Mono for peace. Move Units toward future Gem-ville.
IBT: Thucydides say we are only culturally better than Khan. Grrrr.
0515 AD (Turn 201) Upps and Eldo revolt. Grrrr x 2

. We are at the door step of Chehalis. Switch and rush Lib in Che. Mm Cap to grow in 5. Collosus is built far away. Send Chariots to recon Ning-H to find a Barb sword.

. Moving units South. Fortified all the units in cities and protecting tiles to get the benefit. Set units to heal and promote an axe as a medic.
IBT: Barb Sword attack and the Chariot survive.
0530 AD (Turn 202) Chehalis fall to a Cat and a sword. Get 1 worker????

If we kept it it would have cost us 4 gpt more. So switching Cap to a Settler. Moves units to take Samarqand.
0545 AD (Turn 203) Samarquand is history lost a Cat. No workers??? Rush settler. Move troops to New Sarai.
0560 AD (Turn 204) Kahn just got Longbows. Cap: Settler>Lib. Moved units to begin Bombard Coastal city. Move 2 units to aid the chariot by Ning-h. Gathering near New Sarai which has 3 LB archer and a Settler.
0575 AD (Turn 205) Cap: Lib>Trireme. Rush outpost in Upps but the rioting continued. Start bombarding Beshbalic.
0590 AD (turn 206) Start bombarding New Sarai which has been attacked by Barb swords???. hence promoted.
IBT: Barb sword kill Spear. Ning-H had a cat and 2 Lbows.
0605 AD (Turn 207) Founded HaithaGems as planned. Start moving the Trireme south. Cont Bombardment. Rush Market in ElDo. No more riots.
0620 AD (Turn 208) Meet Hani and he will trade Mono and Monarchy plus 30g for Lit and CoL. We are about to learn Compass. I will hold for the moment To talk to the team.
Cont. After looking at the trades, we trade Col for Monarchy. We loose less than getting Mono and Monarchy. This way next turn we have more expensive tech to combine with Lit to may be get more. Moving Axe from Cap to ElDo and Axe from eldo to HaithaGems per Hawks observation.
IBT: Barb galley attack our Trireme and die.
0635 AD (Turn 209) Learn Compass and start Metal Casting. Yayuoi completes Outpost and start Trireme. Healing Trireme for 5 turns. Hanibal has a Galley in Beshbalic. Not a good sign. All Hanibal want to give us is Mono plus 30g for either or both Lit and Compass. Humm. After much haggeling he gave us Calander and 30g. We need calander now. Hanny landed an Axe and a settler.
0650 AD (Turn 210) Beshbalic is history and no losses. Moving the unused axes and spear to Barb city. Split the New Sarai team to two tiles. Accidentally moved a worker past the sugar to hill. Please build the plantation. Fortified Axe at HaithaGems. Upps: Cat>Cat. Hannies Axe and the Settler is out of sight.
Thrallia - skipped until he reports back
Htadus - just played
Sam- UP
Jenarie- on deck