stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

Of Berenhard, Hero of the Alemanni

The story Berenhard is well known by every Alemanni. He lived in a small village at the bank of the Rhine where he helped his father working at the fields. His family was one of the many poor peasant familys who farmed the fertile lands along the Rhine. Berenhard would probably have become a famer too but an sudden event changed his live forever.

At the age of 16 Berenhard was sent in the forest to hack some lumber. He traveled deep into the forest to find the best lumber. A fresh pine was found and after some strong hacks the tree fell. Berenhard started to chop the tree and two hours later he was done with his work. The work had been very strenous and Berenhard was exhausted. He deceided to rest a minute to gather new strenght and lay down on the soft moss-covered ground. Deafened by the chirping of the birds, he fell asleep.

Two hours later he was aroused by a terrible racket. Voices and the cracking of wood destroyed the silence of the forest. Berenhard guessed what was going on. A hostile germanic tribe had entered the lands of the Alemanni and they were going to wreak havoc among the unsuspecting villages. Someone had to warn them! Berenhard would have to bypass the invaders to reach his village. He hid behind the fallen pine and watched the attackers.

He counted 40 soldiers armed with maces, spears and axes passing his hideout. Accounting to their dialect they were Vandal warriors who wanted to pillage some of the small villages along the Rhine. Their leader was called Godescalc by his minions and he was the son of a chieftain. After the whole band had passed him Berenhard came out of his hideout. He carefully followed them which wasn´t difficult at all, since they were as loud as cattle herd. The warband advanced to his home village and Berenhard became frightened. He needed a plan...


Berenhard was the best slingshoter in his village. Countless hours he had "wasted" his time aiming at sparrows, rabbits and the guard dog of farmer Odovacar to train his aiming. His father had taken his sling several times, but Berenhard had always built a new one. Now he would prove that his talent WAS uselfull! He took an angular stone from the gound and aimed at the neck of the last raider. "Autsch!!!" The angry Vandal turned around and looked for the source of the stone, when the second one hit him right on his nose. "There is something in the woods!", roared the angry men. The others turned around, wondering what was going on. Godescalc gripped the hit men and shouted at him:" How many times did I tell you NOT to drink any beer before a raid you stupid fat cow!?" Then a well-aimed stone hit his left eye.

About 15 minutes later they had penetrated deep into the forest. Berenhard had no problem staying out of range of the angry Vandals, since these had to wear their heavy armors and weapons, which slowed them down. If they held for a pause, Berenhard harrassed them with his slingshot, until they continued their pursit. But now they had reached the deeper parts of the forest. The forest was that thick that they sometimes had to crawl shot distances and the raiders used thier weapons to cut a way through the brushwood. Now the second phase of Berenhards plan had come. He shot some more well-aimed shots at his purusers, sprinted a shot distences and then suddenly he hit the ground and hid behind a fallen pine. Soon his followers jumped above him, without noticing that they had been fooled and continued their wild dash.

After the last Vandal had past hideaway Berenhard jumped over the tree and run back to his village. It would take some time until the Vandals would realize their mistake and he would have enough time to warn the village. After a long run he left the forest and reached his small village. Instead of yelling "Run! Run! The Vandals come!", Berenhard went to his father first, to tell him what he had seen. He didn´t want the whole village to run away in panic and leave the village behind. At first his father wanted to do that, but Berenhard managed to retune him. Immediatly all members of the village were called to the old oak a bit outside the village. Slowly Berenhard and his father told the villager about the danger that was comming to them, to avoid a panic and they told them their plan.

Instead of running away, the people would arm themselves with everything they had and they would fortify the village. Meanwhile a runner was sent to Cieftain Chondomarius to send his soldiers and other runners informed the other villages about the situation and they asked them to send soldiers to aid them. About a 1/2 later the whole village was a small fortress and almost 200 armed peasents were watching the forest. The Vandals had run deep into the woods until they had realized their mistake. But since they were so exhausted from the long run, they deceided to rest a bit. Almost two full hours later they had finaly reached their target. Suspiciously they watched the village and realized that the farmers had blocked the entrances with lumber, wagons and straw bales. But they weren´t cowed. With big noice they stormed towards the village, only to be hit by a murderous hail of stones, arrows and all sorts of projectiles. Two Vandals were hit deadly and they fell to the ground. Several others were wounded and the whole advance was almost halted. But their leader Godescalc wasn´t cowed. "Show these peasents that we are Vandals!" Another volley hit the attackers before they reached the barricades. Now the a wall of spears, pikes and dung forks halted their advance.

The melee was fierce and bloddy. Several times the Vandals managed to enter the village, but Berenhard pushed them back every time. He was like a general and when a barricade was going to breach he ran there and encouraged the peasents to fight harder then before. In the battle about twenty farmers died by the swords of the attackers, but almost ten vandals left their lifes too. But then Godescalc realized that they were not going to win this battle without heavy casulties. "Back to the forest!" But the villagers pused them, being lead by Berenhard. The pursuers killed several Vandals, but most of them would have still reached to forest if something unexpected wouldn´t have happened. Suddenly Chieftain Chondomarius and his hunter companions appeared right out of the forest. They had hunted deer when the messager came to them and they immediatly rushed towards the village. Now the the Vandals were between hammer and anvil. Only few survied the onslaught and those survivors told horrible stories about the brave Alemmani in their hometowns. For several years Alemmania was save from further raids.

Berenhard was distinguished by Chieftain Chondomarius and he was made commander of a small warrior band to push back raiders along the Alemanni border. Later he became a excelent general, who commanded Alemmani armies on their campaigns agaist enemy tribes.
Emperor Han Fei Tzu shisan(13), Son of Heaven at Peking, looked over his vast domains. In the south, lied the lands of Shang and Zhou, Japan had asked for an alliance and Liaotung, and the Choson had accepted, join with the greatest power in asia, or oppose it, it was easy to see the outcome. However, due to the dismal economy which could not yet support trade, the emperor had some reforms under his sleves. Soon Imperial Power will lie all over the world, but it was not yet the rite time... The Emperor knew the hardships of war, his great ancestor, the only mortal to see a god, had led an army which brought Wu to it's knees. He was a member of the Imperial Army, until he's father's recent death. He swore on that day, that China's life style would be equal, if not better then Japan's

-increase economy by building canals to the countryside
-continue wonder
-find weapons effective against massed infantry
-begin economic reforms
-build city near the Shu capital on my side of the river

Economic Reforms
-standarize all money in country to easy to carry copper, gold, and silver coins with a hole in the middle for a string
-all taxes paid directly to the government
-all goods will have a fixed price
orders sent
-grow army once
-have my army attempt to find passes through the mountains, and get through them as fast as possible using chariots
-continue crushing the enemy
-keep working on my wonder

Nation: Saba' (Sheba)
Ruler: King Samah 'Ali
Age: Iron Age
Economy: 6
Army: 200 men
Navy: 10 galleys
h.m.t.: camelry
Religion: Sabaean/Arabic Polytheism
Education: Barbaric
Orders: (rushed)
Convert as many tibes as possible
increase economy through farming
Update 14 - 1700 B.C.

In Khirashma, a great temple dedicated to the art of war is established while the army is grown. With renewed confidence, a large army storms Ecbatana with it's Persian allies. With the help of siege weaponry, and an extensive Assyrian peace network, the Assyrians gain the upper hand. After several seasons of siege, the capital finally falls to Naplash's forces and the Assyrians enter the citadel's walls with their Southern trade partners.

The country is split. The Assyrians who overtook the capital, get to keep Ectabana, while the Persians claim Susa and the Southern lands. The Assyrian empire stretches far and wide now, although it's seperated by the great series of fortifications between Medes and Mesepotamia.

However both kingdoms are plagued by weaknesses. In Assyria the economy crashes to the ground, unable to support army increases and expensive trade routes. Too late to go back, it seems Assyria will need some time before climbing out of this depression. The Persian aren't as unfortunate with their treasury, although it's strained by the war, but they instead find that the Dubai provinces had been neglected of late. A group of Bedouins stormed in and recently took over one of the largest cities in the regions, burning it to the ground before going back to their homes deep in the Arabian desert..

Casualties: 100 Assyrians, 200 Persians, 250 Medes

India is once again at peace. The war between Delhi and Harappa results in a stale mate as the Delhians manage to push back the invaders to pre war boundaries and sign peace there. The Calicutans have made the state of Maurya a thing of the distant path, and turn their attention to expanding elsewhere. In the Ganges delta, the Calicutans make very slow progress as the land is full of marshes and hard to pass through. However with the development of a royal navy, lands are settled across the great Indian oceans. These holdings are very tiny at first, and no cities are built, as the journey itself was long and perilous. There seem to be no barbarian people anywhere near the landing site.

The Japanese kingdom continues to prosper in peace. Not fighting a war against civilized neighbors in hundreds of years, it's soldiers are rather inexperienced, but this they make up in their size. Japan can boast of the largest army in East Asia. It uses this to it's advantage, becoming the leader of a great new alliance. Meanwhile to the South, Japanese sailors discover the Phillipines for the first time in history.

The gods smile upon Portugal. Despite a crisis that would normally take centuries to fix, the Portuguese are somehow able to bring their economy out of depression in a mere century. Strong defenses have assured that the Iberians have taken no part of the Portuguese lands.

In Thrace, a trade route is established with the neighboring Dacia, assuring riches are to be added to the Thracian treasury within a relatively short amount of time. The city of Nacopolis holds off easily with the reinforcements, especially considering that the Germans have been strangely quiet.

In China, great economic reforms have sent the country up from it's slumber. The royal coffins are once again full as the middle kingdom focuses solely on it's domestic policies for the first time in years, and to much success too. TheGreat canals are built by the emperor, connecting major rivers all across the land, while a great city is established near the capital of the Shu kingdom. Coincidentally, it is very near the Zhou capital of Chang'an.

The Almohads, from much study and observation of other cultures, have finally developed iron working. Meanwhile, they send their armies Southward. With few enemies much gruond is covered, but it grows narrower and narrower due to the emergence of the Sarah, which grows closer and closer to the coast.

War continues in Ethiopia. Hardly stopped by the Ethiopes weak defenses, the Egyptians crush King Ezana's armies and capture yet another city for the pharaoh and the glory of the kingdom of the Nile. Ezana meanwhile rushes back to his capital, where he awaits from reinforcements.

Casualties: 50 Egyptians, 100 Aksumians

But from who? Unkbeknownst to the Egyptans, farther South of Aksum the kingdom of Kush has established itself. A twin kingdom to Aksum, the people of Kush are all the same besides being led by different sovereigns. In the Kush' case it's the beutiful Queen Shva who had recently succeeded in uniting all of the Southern Ethiope clans into one strong kingdom. In her lands there live elephants... not undomesticatable like the ones farther South, but ones similar to those in North Africa, who seperated from their cousins when the Sahara first began to turn into a desert. The Kush make great use of this, being the only people asides from the Calicutans who are able to tame these beasts. A large army of Kush elephants and men marches Northward and with King Ezana's permission, sets up camp outside his capital, ready to defend the Ethiopian states from Egyptian invasion.

New leadership arises in Saba. Under the reign of king Samah 'Ali, Saba finds itself more powerful than ever before in it's history. To the North and East lie many barbarian tribes, while to the Northwest are their more civilized cousins of Bakkah and Nabatea. Across the sea, a great conflict rages on, the details of which the Sabans know little .

The Crusaders of the Cross continue their peaceful existance, although the Celts are growing increasingly annoyed of their attempts to convert them. The economy is increased through farming.

In Hatti, the roads are better than anywhere else in the world and the people are happy. Many jump at the opportunity to join the recently increased naval forces, looking for adventure amidst the politically inactive Hittite state. With no wars being fought by their own country, many Hittites have taken up service among Hatti's more warlike neighbors.

Strange times in Russia. On one hand, a great increase in education has made Russia one of the most intellectual kingdoms in the world. Poets, artists, and thinkers from all over the Russian empire have come to Moscow and the tzar's court. On the other, RUssia is increasingly milittaristic. A great offensive is launched into Ukraine, whose Northern provinces fall quickly with much surprise and virtually no bloodshed.

In Alemannia, the chiefatin's goals are a partial success. A very large number of Germanic tribes have answered the call to his proposed plan, but the gathering and orginization among the barbarian forests of Northern Europe has taken some time and the action couldn't be completed. It can however be started now. Meanwhile a new wonder is started in Stuttgart. Also, contact is established with the Crusaders of the Cross.

Minoa continues to assert it's position as the dominant force in the Mediterranean sea. Trade with Egypt is recently started, while work has been begun on a new wonder. Inventors in Rome have come up with the Scutum large shields, which are quickly added to the Minoan army. They see action soon enough... the Minoans push the Libyans and Numidians back further while saving their biggest expansions for Iberia.




Assyria: to Persia [1/3]
Minoa: to Hatti [1/3], to Egypt [1/3]
Thrace: to Dacia [1/3]

OOC: Amenhotep you can't increase both your army and economy, that's one of the most fundemental rules.
The World - 1700 B.C.


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OOC: just wondering, could i build another wonder?

Story later

-increase economy
-begin wonder(Chinese Royal Treasury +4 economy)
-begin trade with Japan, (already agreed)
-build city from capital to new city, use 100 men
-Send 100 men to found 2 new cities in Dubai
-Use same farming techniques to make those cities prosperous
-Create walls with towers from which archers can defend the city from Bedouins around all Dubai cities
-Send 50 men to found new city even farther east
-Increase Economy
-Work on Wonder

Edit: OOC: Sorry, aaminion.:sad:
OOC: Can we change government to more advanced types now, like Divine Monarchy?


Curse of Mesopatamia (From the History of the Middle East)

Thousand-and-Three-Hundred Years of the Assyrian Empire - 1700 BC. It was on the rise, it seemed. It had a mighty and well-trained army, and promising trade with Persia. It reigned the Fertile Crescent. It just finished defeating Medes. But even such a mighty empire was not to avoid what is called the Curse of Mesopatamia.

In 2800 BC, when Babylon was an independant empire controling Central Mesopatamia, that Curse first appeared. Seeking to dominate all, Babylonians grew army greatly, leaving the farms to be overgrown. Economy collapsed. Hunger and starvation came to Babylon. Many were poor. Soldiers were deserting. Eventually, Assyria and Sumeria divided Babylon...

2400 BC, when Sumeria was an independant empire controlling Southern Mesopatamia, the Curse reemerged. The war against Babylon damaged the economy. Starvation, hunger, poverty. The Hebrews migrated across the desert westward. Nobles begun planning a revolt. Eventually, Assyria and Persia divided Sumeria, not encountering much of a fight...

Now, the Curse came to Assyria. Economy collapsed. Hunger, starvation, poverty. Tigur, the leader of Assyrian spy system coming from the Tigurian tribe, the culture of which is lost to us today, plotted takeover in Assyria. He started a rebellion, and claimed the name of Naplash II. Naplash I was assasined. The Assyrians had to succumb to the cunning Tigurian.

But in Khirashma, Sharkhon knew the time was almost right to strike. The great warrior proved himself a cunning politician, as he decided to wait until Naplash II fails to restore Assyria to it's glory. Then, the tides will go against Tigur. For the time, he pretended to be Tigur's ally, and was "granted" the control over Khirashma as a noble. There, he ordered building a warrior temple, to train Khirashmites as warriors physically and spiritually in the newly popular ways of Naradakism, preached by the Khirashmites - a religion based on all the warriors being the chosen of the god Naradak, the Blade-Master and God of Life and Death in his many faces - the other people are the chosen of either his wife, Alanra, or of one of his two sons - Doradris and Eredris. Eventually, it was accepted as the state religion, farther increasing the influence of Sharkhon.

From: Assyria
To: Persia

Dire times are over our empire! Can you please give us economic assistence (1 econ. point)? We will repay this debt to you as soon as we could!

- Grow economy.
- Continue wonder (2/6).
- Change ruler name to Tigur-Naplash II.
- Change religion to Naradakism.
From Persia
To Assyria

We give you one economy point, my good friend!

Onward to victory!
The youngest Emperor on the throne at the age of 15, had rose to power in Toyko. He had seen the life of a military man, he knew that most of his soldiers were inexperienced and couldn't even hold a sword properly!

-start trade with China
-increase economy
-start wonder(Imperial Army Barracks +200 Men, all men are more experienced)
-send merchants to the Philipines to trade

Plumes of sweet smelling smoke spiraled into the cool morning air as the birth rites were recited with incredible accuracy, just as they had for the past several centuries. The child was to be the next king, just as his father is and his father's father was.

To: Bakkah, Nabatea

Brothers to the North! We bring tidings of the South and news of turmoil to the West. We have heard from traders from the Afrik coastal kingdoms that a great war brews between the barbaric tribal peoples from far away. We should ally ourselves against threats of this nature.

King Samah 'Ali of Saba'

Grow Navy 3x.
Grow Army 1x.
Explore across the Red Sea.
From: Assyria
To: Persia

We thank you! Just as our previous ruler was your faithful ally, so will I.
It was a bright day just north to the Axume capital, a new delivery of Elephants just arrived to the Kushian army...

"What?! so many soldeirs? And we have only few Elephats... thats probably because we mount on them too many people..."
"Yes my queen, I belive it is, we should first give each men an elephant, than when we run out of Elephants we could mount more on each elephant. They could even carry 10 people easily... they just won't like it too much"
"Yes advisor, you are correct. The old War-Elephants orders are done for. It is time to reorganize the Kushian army."

The Idea was each men for his elephant, but because after all there should be the 5 main ideals in each army.. Spears, Archers, Swords, Javelines and fast-riders if it's in an open ground like the close battle is.

"Fast riders??"
"Yes my lady, I know Elephants are the last thing to call fast. They are only fast when running, but than we can't control them."
"You found any other idea? Horses are not welcome in the army, not near all the Camels in this deserts."
"Yeah you just found the solution. Camels. We could have some... Great idea my lady."
"Thankyou advisor. Buy Camels from the Axuse markets we shall see how many soon enough."

The organization was long, but the queen had all the time in the world. The Egyptians hearing Kush came with a mighty army understood this will be an hard battle and rested for some time befor contiuing into Axume. To the north of Axume capital the magnifisant Kush army was being organized.

The most important miliatery group in almost every army was the Spears and Swords. Swords on Elephants could never come, so Spears on elephants could. The first army group was the Spear Elephants.
For this order only the smallest, in size not in age, elephants were chosen. They had no beutifull rug on them. Only the rider and his huge and thick Spear. This riders were usualy also the fastest. The elephant had nothing but 1 men on him!
150 Spear Elephants were trained fast.

The next most needed group was Acrhers. It seemed like they were running out of Elephants... This time each elephant had a huge wooden box like structre and a beautifull rug. The rider himself had Javelines. 2 other men were in the box structre using the biggest bows they could to throw their arrows the futhest they could. 3 men on an Elephant.
30 Javelin-Archer Elephants were trained.

"Your majesty, we ran out of Elephants. We will need to wait for the next delivery to continue mount Elehants. We have exactly 180 elephants in the battle. 150 as spears and 30 for the archers. wich is 150 spearmen and 60 archers and 30 Javelines."
"Only 60 Archers? I belive we can have riders that would not fight, and we will have 90 archers am I right?"
"Brilian idea! many people that were in the army joined us for the trade! we could easily get 30 who can ride elephants"

In half an hour 30 men were preapered and raised on their enw elephant, not counting towards the army. Now each elephant had 3 Archers instead of 2. A magnifisant idea it was.

"My queen. There are still 260 men ready to be neither camelry or foot-soldeirs."
"Yes Yes I see we should organize them quicly... Maybe we could do somthing interensting..."

90 camels were bought. Not as well trained as the elephant riders they were mounted and went away from the battle area. They preapered a suprise attack on the Egyptian army. Under the leadership of General Shark.

"Whats shall I do with the rest. Foot soldeirs ofcourse, bit wich and how many..."

170 men were left, waiting to know where to go. 100 soon knew their buisness, as they brought their swords with them the became the swords army of Kush. 100 broad sword men.
70 men were waiting to hear what they shall be.

"We have already 90 archers, but because of the small changes we have no Javelines or leg spears. Wich are better?"
"If we use long enough spears than Spearmen, otherwise Javelines are better against archers..."
"Archers? good than we shall have 70 Javelines."

The Kushian army was preapered in lines.
First line: 150 Spear elephants among them the Sworddmen and Javelines stood, waiting to charge.
The second line was of the Archer elephants, almost half of the Javelines also stood here.

Te lines were actualy cut into several areas around th place where the biggest battle will happan.

The Camels stood behind the hills of a nearby hill. All was ready as the Egyptians came.... It was a day to remember....

to Axume:
We understand we will proove ourselves in battle and than we will be worthy of the Iron smelting ideals.

Create the 2 new cities in the map. Grow economy by massive trading among them.
Orgainze army is in the story. Fight the battle for Axume capital and then begin marching Northward destorying the Egyptian armies on the way.
Recieve, hopfully the tech of iron smelting and iron age.
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