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New NESes, ideas, development, etc

While I realise most of those who frequent this thread would be uninterested, as it is not serious enough for them, I am considering bringing another ZPNES to the table. Present day earth would be the start, with most of the big nations represented (Risk scale "big"). Players would also be free to play as Aliens/Zombies/Mermaids etc.. each with their own lives to live. Stats/Maps would be little if insignificant. Heck, individuals can update the map as they please. A fun-ridiculus NES, a PURE nes.

I would do that.
@flyingchicken I am most intrigued by that image!

@Abaddon I like the sound of that, just make sure there is enough structure to make the game viable so it doesn't degenerate into complete randomness like my ZPNES :)

@Everyone I just got the game DEFCON and I find myself thinking about how that could be made into a board-game style NES...

Air Defence
Laser Array

Stealth Fighters
Supersonic Bombers
Stealth Bombers
Airborne EW

Special Forces

Marine Flotilla
Screen Flotilla
Missile Flotilla
Hunter-Killer Sub
Missile Sub
If its made by Daftpanzer, I'll join. S*d exams.

You can't keep stealing our lives like this, revive NESLives damin!"
Thlayli also pines for Nesse. Just putting that out there as well.
Thlayli also pines for Nesse. Just putting that out there as well.

Talking of Nesse, Daftpanzer actually gave me permission to continue it if I wanted. However, I have largely decided not to start a NES over the summer, and if I did, I wouldn't do this because I can see the amazingly unreplicable quality of the updates: I would never want to revive and ruin it.

But I too greatly desire the continuation of either Nesse or DaftNES 3.
Alright, I realise I have a responsibility to do something about all my unfinished projects. I still like the idea of a DEFCON NES in general, though, anyone think it could work?

the amazingly unreplicable quality of the updates

I also spent an unsustainable amount of time (recurring theme :blush:). I think its more important just to be able to update regularly...
I also spent an unsustainable amount of time (recurring theme :blush:). I think its more important just to be able to update regularly...

You could certainly ease the workload by reconfiguring the rules and stats, like for DaftNES3, you could have simply left summary for each country out, and put next to the tech stats which got a random boost simply "(UP)", and then remove it next turn should it not go up again.:)
Doesn't even need to do that, any player should know if their stats have changed, they just look at last turns stats.

For example:

Hulukap: Abaddon

Turn0: emerges into the light of history
Turn3: Engineering up. 3 armies trained in Maltik (one later dies). Fail to recruit Maltik barbs, but partially bribe Zakat tribes with 0.5e. Big war against Holuc is partially successful. EVENT: Military UP, Economics UP, Enlightenment DOWN. Learn WRITING, BRONZE WORKING. DISASTER: Disease strikes Maltik!
Turn4: workers on coffee beans in Zakat, and on giant groundbirds in Maltik (bananas full, need infra or econ lvl 3). Holuc slaves are released. EVENT: new fine stone quarry resource. Engineering UP. GREAT EVENT: Great City GET! DISASTER: corrupt lords build themselves a corrupt palace in Maltik, one city and one unit rebel to join corrupt army. Power DOWN.
Turn5: build Cities in Zakat and Chiru, train more warriors in Chiru and Maltik, more stone workers in Maltik. EVENT: free temple in Lani. Learn THE WHEEL.

WARNING: Infrastructure too low, overcrowding in Maltik.
WARNING: Organisation too low, corruption growing fast!
WARNING: Culture + Power all too low, escalating chance of separatists / rebels

Available Funds: 12.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 5e tax, 0.5e slaves, 8e resource, 1e gift from Chwinqua, 1e gift from Holuc, 0.5e gift from Onaqui, 2e trade, 1.5e religion
Losses: 5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)

Civilization Level: 2
Culture: 2 (1 Agrian)
Enlightenment: 2
Power: 1
Military: 2
Organisation: 1
Infrastructure: 2
Economics: 2
Engineering: 3


Could turn into:

Hulukap: Abaddon
Available Funds: 12.5e(!)
End of last turn: 0.5e
Income: 5e tax, 0.5e slaves, 8e resource, 1e gift from Chwinqua, 1e gift from Holuc, 0.5e gift from Onaqui, 2e trade, 1.5e religion
Losses: 5e corruption
Upkeep: 2.5e (5 units)
Civilization Level: 2 , Culture: 2 (1 Agrian) , Enlightenment: 2 , Power: 1 , Military: 2 , Organisation: 1 , Infrastructure: 2 , Economics: 2 , Engineering: 3
For my NES, set to be launched in a few weeks at the most, I have recently discovered it is appropriate the Black Death will strike a few years later, like the early 1350's. Would people like it better if I pushed the start date back to 1375 instead of 1360 so you don't have to deal with the immediate consequences of the plague?

You might want to try using excel for your stats instead of your current system. A lot of things can be made to work automatically through formulae and ultimately stat sheets are easier to update and understand then the forum based list style.

In smaller NESes, each player can have their own stat sheet which has the advantage that players can't see each others stats which provides a good opportunity for espionage/paranoia. In NESes with many players you would probably want to have all players' stats in one sheet though to save time and hassle.
@ Yui: I've not read the rest of the thread, so don't know what you are planning. I assume you mean push the start date FORWARD, not back?

An no, dealing with the plage would be a pain, lets skip to the fun aftermath.

Also, why not restrict this world to europe? No offence, but your other nes have stuggled on the world scale...
For my NES, set to be launched in a few weeks at the most, I have recently discovered it is appropriate the Black Death will strike a few years later, like the early 1350's. Would people like it better if I pushed the start date back to 1375 instead of 1360 so you don't have to deal with the immediate consequences of the plague?

Death and chaos and.... more death are always needed in a NES. I say keep it as is.:)
Also, why not restrict this world to europe? No offence, but your other nes have stuggled on the world scale...

The 2008 NES posted a very, very, very, very, unique set of challenges different from any other NES. Without a dedicated stats program, I realized it was basically impossible. Restricting the map to Europe in 1360 or 1375 would be impossible and incredibly unrealistic considering the growing globalization of the world.
I meant as playable nations.. keeps things a lot simpler.
(Lol, temporary my ass, I even started posting... I might be so back.)

@Daftpanzer - I'd play any boardgame-style NES you make. DEFCON, I have no idea what it is, but it reminds me of your One Thousand And One Ways To Die, which was just so awesome, so I'd be happy to jump in aswell. Always.

Although, your old Fantasy Empires idea tingles me more.

(Still remember, if you need time for RL, still spend energy on that rather on us.)
@Yui the question isn't whether we can deal with the Black Death but can you? Since, obviously most of us can't.
Well, sorry for the late reply Masada, but perhaps not. Although as per our recent discussions perhaps there won't even be a black death, but I'm not sure...

Ok, ok, here's some sample stats both to serve as a teaser and to hopefully get some constructive critiscism. Obviously they are derivative of DaNES but I don't think that should be a problem ;). Oh and super-florins aren't a real thing, obviously, but just serve as a 10 florin unit to ease things for both mod and player.

Nation Name: United Kingdom of Norway-Scotland
Government Type: feudal semi-elective monarchy
Ruler: King Magnus IX
Centralization: 30%
Income: 12,000 Mega Florins
Treasury: 25,000 Mega Florins
Army: 5000 Infantry, 1000 Cavalry
Army Quality: 4
Navy: 8 Cogs, 40 Galleys
Naval Quality: 7
Royal House (2/5)
Scottish Lords (5/2)
Clergy (4/4)
Icelanders (3/3)
Victory Points: 0
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