AND2 and SVN Bug Reports - A New Dawn 2 ONLY

I use offline updater and I think it works ok.I'm in rev1035

That message appears some times when updating but it shouldn't cause any problem. Probably it will be gone in your next game session. I recall it happening to me a few weeks ago but I've been able to play on without issues.
What settings would I look for? I didn't change anything. Was part way through a saved game.

Isn't it Advisors Pop-Ups under Options, Game tab? (BTS settings)
I can't seem to build the statue of Liberty.

I have Steel,iron, coastal city, I've researched democracy, I'm in the Liberal civic, and I've tried it with both Democracy and Republic, neither of which allowed its building.

It hasn't been built as yet, and hasn't been built and destroyed, as have the Hindu holy city, its temple and the Great Library.

From reading the Civopedia, it says you need to be in both Democracy and Republic at the same time with Liberal. This is IMPOSSIBLE.

Yes you need the Democracy TECH, but then be in Democracy the civic with Liberal.

Maybe its only me, if so, I don't know what I've done. No other civics EXCLUDE building the Statue of liberty.


I also have a problem with the Piracy promotion, if you set your blockade up 3 tiles off the coast, it'll show the blockade as reaching the coast, but you don't receive any funds, with no coastal tiles accessible.

When set up 2 tiles off the coast, it again only shows up to the coast, but you receive funds for blockading, even if the city isn't fully covered by the blockade, i.e. has a free coastal tile accessible from the city.

I have the Piracy promotion,etc. Its only for 3 tiles away, 2 or 1 from coast both work, 3, which is the blockade limit, won't work.

*Edit 2*

Submarines DON'T have a separate naming convention, they only can be named through the default naming convention. They AREN'T a part of Diesel, etc (haven't got as far as Nuclear)

Solution - Add a separate naming convention for Submarines, or include them in the various classes of shipping, diesel, nuclear, fusion etc. :please:!!!


  • IPEX-731BA5DD06 AD-1825-Summer - 27 to go on United
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I can't seem to build the statue of Liberty.

I have Steel,iron, coastal city, I've researched democracy, I'm in the Liberal civic, and I've tried it with both Democracy and Republic, neither of which allowed its building.

It hasn't been built as yet, and hasn't been built and destroyed, as have the Hindu holy city, its temple and the Great Library.

From reading the Civopedia, it says you need to be in both Democracy and Republic at the same time with Liberal. This is IMPOSSIBLE.

Yes you need the Democracy TECH, but then be in Democracy the civic with Liberal.

Maybe its only me, if so, I don't know what I've done. No other civics EXCLUDE building the Statue of liberty.

Statue of Liberty is still bugged. I haven't fixed it yet. (You have to be in both Republic AND Democracy to build it, which you can't do.)
when I load the sav and click next turn I get CTD after ~ 50 sec processing
minidump and sav attached
SVN 1035

45°38'N-13°47'E;14440644 said:
No they don't, especially if you use the installer the proper way. .
I use installer, and always the files I modified (minimuim UserSettings\CustomDomAdv\CustomDomAdv.txt and checker\languagesDefine.xml, so fr I see all xml) get overwritten, and when I compare, the installer downloads the full package each time, says my network download log and the timestamp of the files. (i.e. currently files all have "modified" 08.09.2016 16:06 what is date/time of last svn update I made)

moves a little over the map and made a recalculation, and it processed next turn fine after relocation of country borders overlay (or such)


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maybe not only an UTF8-Problem, as by that wrong/invalid/empty chars get shown in game and when do a sav an try to reload:

There are several of such wrong chars, but this is the most problematic one:
Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\LEADERS.xml (2 hits)
Line 2341: <English>Suppiluliuma</English>
Line 2342: <German>&#352;uppiluliuma</German>

Same in other xml files

Looks for me as someone with Czech or French (?) keyboard typed the xml files w/o changing his keyboard charset

UTF8 in game cannot handle such, it converts the char as an unknown char => ?

the first char of Suppiluliuma in German does not exist in German language and by that is shown in game as ? and when store a sav as another invalid char, and when load the sav as two empty fields.

I made some times ago a total scan of all xml for such wrong chars and corrected them, but with the next svn update all got overwritten again and so lost.
You need to scan all xml for special characters (special in German version) and replace them by the English notation.

with quick search I found two just now:

F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\LEADERS.xml (2 hits)
Line 2341: <English>Suppiluliuma</English>
Line 2342: <German>&#352;uppiluliuma</German>

F:\Civ_4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Rise of Mankind - A New Dawn\Assets\XML\Text\RELIGIONS.xml (6 hits)
Line 1315: <English>Shinto</English>
Line 1316: <French>Shintoïsme </French>
Line 1317: <Finnish>shintolainen</Finnish>
Line 1320: <German>Shint&#333;</German>

for german charset look here:

don't find what is causing the wrong chars in naming/showing the sav files.
seems that there is used a ÿ = U+00FF instead an ü = U+00FC somewhere.


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i tlooks like the AI research processsing is frozen The AI civs need more than 1,000 years for their next research target, while I ned ~ 50 - 70 for my future tech.
OK, I'm wide before, but that should be not a reason that the research for the AI civs need more and more years for any research.
The result of this is, that I rise up for centuries while the civ AIs not even come one more research up.


  • Bismarck n. Chr.-1974-Winter.7z
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Electric Railroad's don't replace highway's as default in the cities once you research Electronics.

Also highway's replace Railroads as the default in cities, even when you over build a railroad in the city, next turn its a Highway.

*Edit 1 Food processing plants show a negative figure, instead of the correct Positive figure.

Cities continue to grow when they have more then 1 unhappy, and you have don't grow into unhappiness checked.

Solutions : Change Food processing plant to Positive action, not Negative. Unhappy cities, change to a > or < or = as the case maybe not just = too.

*Edit 2 - I've just noticed a problem with 3 things.

1) When you research Seismology you discover Geothermal energy and Methane ice, but its 19 Techs away in the next era BEFORE you can build a Geothermal Factory. Super-strong Alloys is 37 Techs away in Next era. Don't you think they are a both too far way for use/discovery ratio.
2)I can research Synthetic fibers WITHOUT having to research combined Arms (Paratroopers/Marines). To build Modern Paratroops and Modern Marines Actually they were Modern infantry, need composites for Modern marines (haven't checked as yet, 6 turns, then report)
Report - I can build Modern Paratroopers, but NOT modern Marines/any marines, Composites :blush:.
3) Build Industry is listed twice,

Spoiler :

the 2nd one should refer to Industrial complex. As well, Industry is available with Assembly line, but isn't listed on the tech.

*Edit 2

Unit naming for fighters, causes a python error to come up

Spoiler :

Actually, this is only for Early fighters, for Early Bombers I put in a string for naming, and it worked fine
New to A New Dawn. It really looks amazing.

I've tried to play a custom game jumping to different technology era. It results in odd calendar (AD 7889), and the flasks needed for researching a technology is astronomical (like 1,000,000 to research next one).

I'm using v 1035. It happens to any custom game with different technology era chosen. An example save is attached. Thanks for looking into this.


  • Tiberius III
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New to A New Dawn. It really looks amazing.

I've tried to play a custom game jumping to different technology era. It results in odd calendar (AD 7889), and the flasks needed for researching a technology is astronomical (like 1,000,000 to research next one).

I'm using v 1035. It happens to any custom game with different technology era chosen. An example save is attached. Thanks for looking into this.

Mod is not designed for Advanced Start yet; if you don't want odd results, you must always start in Ancient Era. I'll fix it eventually to start in every available era but it's low on priority list right now.
[EDIT: The following error report is no longer relevant.]

I just did a fresh installation of BTS on a new laptop and updated to 3.19. Installed AND and updated to latest version. BTS runs fine. Each time I load AND (whether at game startup or through the Advanced>>Load a Mod feature) I get the following two errors and CTD:

Error! ArtInfo: 'CITY_BILLBOARDS' was not found
Error! ArtInfo: 'ERROR' was not found

[EDIT: I removed the mod and reinstalled, and the two errors no longer recurred.]
SVN 1035

More on the fighters naming error, I now realize that it's looking for a unit termed 'fighters', but they don't EXIST. They have been changed to Early fighters and Early jets.

Solution : Fairly much as before, change the naming to Early fights/Jets and not 'Fighters', Probably stands true for all fighter class of aircraft. :rolleyes:

I do it because it easy :goodjob:


Had a look in Civ4Unitinfos.xml and fighters are defined, but not called in unit naming.

They upgrade to early jets, fighters are still in civopedia, but I built early fighters, then upgraded them to early jets.

Beyond me... either a mid upgrade of fighters is missing, or its something else???

AH HA- Bi plane doesn't have an upgrade!!!!! I never built any, so I never say it. Yes stats at Early jet and moves upwards from there in unit upgrades. Bi plane is orphaned, so is fighter.

*Edit* Nuclear plant doesn't say it replaces the coal plant, it only says it replaces the oil plant, when in actual fact it does replace the coal plant.
SVN 1036 Strategic Bombers.

Not so much a bug report, as a game play/query

Strategic Bombers/Bombers can be based upon a Super carrier/carrier. They take up 1 cargo slot each, no fighter slots ok, fine with that.

BUT should we be allowed to base Big A-ed Bombers on Carriers, even if Super carriers.

History : in WW2, the Americans, based B34's?? on carriers, made a once off raid on japan and then crashed/landed in China. they couldn't land again, is it real, or just a fantasy game?? Game play or Exploitation.

*Edit* Bombers, don't automatically upgrade to Strategic bombers, in your production queue. The queue will hold bombers as a continued build, but in options to build, you can choose both, a bomber will upgrade to a strategic bomber.

Solution - Enable the upgrade to strategic bombers. :cringe:
Hi All,

I'm currently making a scenario for AND and I'm looking for someone who can help me to modify a 3D mesh of an existing leaderhead. I have contacted the creator, but he hasn't answered (despite he was active several times after I write private message to him) so I don't want to pester him/anyone.
I tried to manage this with various 3D animator softwares like Blender or Python, even with Nifscope too, but I found myself in massive trouble and confusion after several days because my 3D modelling/animating experience is none and there is a lot of compatibility or (maybe) patch/version/OS :)confused:) issues - whatever it may be - so please don't leave me with some links of 3D tutorials. My part is graphic design, can change or modify unit or leadehead skins, backgrounds, flags, map design, etc. but 3D - unfortunately no way.

Can you please give me some advice where can I find the right place/person regarding this? Or do you know anyone who can
help me? (My 'issue' is not a big deal for 3D animators.) For further infos can continue in private, not here.

(P.s: AND is the best mode ever! I was very happy when I found it with the fact you keep it always updated. It is like a brilliant! :goodjob::crazyeye:
Thank you :king: guys!!)

Kind regards,
SVN 1035 - Helicopter on transports.

Ok not a bug report, more a game play report.

How realistic is it to load up to 8 Helicopters on to a 8 cargo space Transport, or any transport ship of its era not upgraded, and then allow them to move 4 spaces from said transport.

2 solutions/ suggestions.

1) Disable movement from a transport, and make them take up 2 cargo spaces, if not more, 3 maybe. Same as a movement unit, uses up its movement disembarking from a transport, so should a helicopter.

2) Disable Helicopters on any transport ship totally. They should only be allowed upon the Air craft carrier branch of shipping, or if transported as cargo, take up 2 or 3 cargo slots, and disable movement from disembarkation.

While at it, All non 1 movement units, should take up 2 cargo slots.

*Helicopter on Aircraft carriers, can't land them, can't still load them in port.

Unit naming of Stealth, doesn't have a combat type, there are stealth Aircraft, under aircraft, and Stealth Destroyers under the nuclear category.

This would have to be removed for the naming conventions under bug.

*Edit Bug - Strike mode (ground forces v's Air strike mode Fighter aircraft)

Both use the Hot key S, with Ground strike taking priority, for Fighter aircraft.

Solution - Change the Hot key for Air strike mode to an A, for Fighter aircraft only. Now you can hot key strike the fighters/bombers in the cities, as well as having them in intercept (I)

*Edit 2 AI and artillery/(siege) and fighters/Bombers - The AI will send in the siege to soften up, AFTER its launched its city attacks/ field attacks, and not 1st to bombard. They bombard 2ND.

Solution - Change the AI attack sequence to Prioritize Bombarding of defences/defenders/Units 1st.

*Edit 3 - Missiles intercepting fighters.

If a missile intercepts a fighter, it should be destroyed, and not damaged, to be reused again. Either they can't intercept, or they do and are consumed. Currently they can intercept, and sustain some damage, but are usable again??? say WHAAAA!!!

*Edit 4 - Attacking with Tanks.

When attacking with tanks, it keep the current unit selected until all its movement points are used up, or its destroyed. UNLIKE pillaging stacks of 2 or more movement, they will swap to the unit with the most movement points/experience 1st, and keep changing till you stop pillaging or run out of movement points.

I don't know if this is in the basic civ model, or can be modded for change, but ideally it should work the same as the pillaging model.

*Edit 5 - Pillaging stacks.

When you pillage a VILLAGE with a stack of 4 or more, it will only pillage in a group up to 3 times, then you have to reselect the group to pillage the cottage.

Solution - Enable pillaging up to 4 units, or is it set at Max movement of 3??? if so set at 4 ;)
Version 1036, but it was present at 1031 too (I upgraded from 1031 to 1036).

Gigantic map, everything was fine until renaissance. It was taking up to 1:30 minutes for AI to take their turn which was quite acceptable. But right now AI turns never finish, music stops playing, clock stops, there's no error or anything and it can stay like that for 10 minutes and nothing changes. The only way to stop this is stop civ iv process in system manager. Reloading the save sometimes help, sometimes not. After reloading I sometimes can play few next turns as before, with up to 1:30 AI turns (sometimes faster, sometimes a bit slower) and after such few turns - I again have that "never ending AI turn" problem. And right now even reloading the save isn't helping. There's a lot of logs in my logs folder, which one may contain the info about the cause?
SVN 1036

Statue of Liberty requires Republic & Democracy & Liberal to build.

I have Democracy & Liberal (and the steel, copper, & all techs required) and cannot build it. Switched to Republic & Liberal and still couldn't build it. Since Republic & Democracy are both in the Government civics branch, it's impossible to have both (and appears to be impossible to build).


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