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What difficulty do you prefer to play on?

I find emperor to be balanced about the best. I play that and immortal from time to time.

Deity i have beaten a few times, but i find its more about abusing AI loopholes then actually playing the game most of the time. You basically have to exploit flaws in the game AI to win more often the not, rather then having an actual competition between yourself and the AI.
I play exclusively on Emperor. It's just difficult enough that when I win a game, it feels appropriately hard-fought, which I appreciate.
Emperor, pretty much for the same reasons as everyone else. It's challenging without limiting me to one or two viable strategies. I've won on Immortal before but it was kind of a drag.
Emperor. That's about as far in the hole I'm willing to start a game because I'm a big fan of the early eras and at any higher level, I don't get to participate very much in those eras. I'm just a passenger until I get revved up.
I think Immortal is the most fun but still a pushover when it comes to war. When you bump it up to Diety the AI plays way too unrealistically for it to be fun. I wish the AI could actually play better as opposed to blatant cheating.
I started at Prince and now play King, where I'm starting to get comfortable. When I get ambitious, I'll try Emperor.
I also find Emperor to be the most enjoyable. It's not too easy and not too tryhard, with frustrating AI advantages. I would prefer higher difficulties only if the AI is better by the way it works, not by a head start.
Like many others here, I also play Emperor. I like the fact that AI will give me some sense of competition - some early rushes, some wonders build - but that I also get a fair share of wonders and, most importantly, that it allows me to use various sub-optimal strategies just for fun and still have a go at it. I would wish AI was a bit better at managing their game from Industrial era and onwards where they simply seem to stall completely, which makes late game a bit of a drag, but compared to how frustrating early game is for me on Immortal, Emperor still is the level that fits me best.
These 3:
Deity - can be challenging
Immortal - it seems that this is the best level, AI has enough gold :)
Emperor - just to try something new, grab an extra wonder or fool around :D I wish they had more gold though
OK, I only have G+K, not BNW. There must be some key tactic I'm missing, because I'm still struggling at Prince. In each of my last 3 games, an AI on the other landmass has run away and I can't seem to catch up. Perhaps I'm not building a big enough army to take him down. Perhaps I'm expanding too fast, and keep crashing my economy so I fall behind in science.

I was able to win consistently on Warlord, and consistently with Vanilla before I upgraded.
Deity. BNW is the first game in the civ series I've ever been able to win the top difficulty. I still only win about 1/3 of the time, but I love the challenge. Immortal is still hard, probably 2/3 success. Emperoris if I need a guaranteed win.

Also been playing 6 month long 8 player GMR games with friends. That's a whole different type of difficulty.
I play on deity but unlike some posters on here, that win every time on deity. I lose about 40% on the time to an early rush or some catastrophic event in game.
King is the level I'm most comfortable at. I won on Emperor a couple times, and even had a good game going as Babylon on Immortal once, but never played that one out.
I don't like to suffer in my games, so keep it at King. :p

I like King myself it just fits me I guess. I haven't tried Emperor for quite awhile now. Although, I'd like to try Diety just to see how many turns I can last. Probably not too many. :lol:
I think Immortal is the most fun but still a pushover when it comes to war. When you bump it up to Diety the AI plays way too unrealistically for it to be fun. I wish the AI could actually play better as opposed to blatant cheating.

This post sums up my thoughts.

I like to actually warmonger in the early game, even though it really is hard to justify that it is helping in any way (but it is fun!). And Deity AI's pumping out muskets before you can even get pikes isn't fun. So it is like rush rush rush to Renaissance and then the AI stalls out and the game plays like Immortal. Too much sacrifice in the fun department for little to no gain in challenge.
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