Round 5: 525 BC to 450 AD (39 Turns)
I thought about what you all said and decided that, despite the novelty of pursuing a cultural victory, this wasn't really the time or place to do it. It was going to be an uphill battle the whole way since I would be challenged to pop enough Great Artists to win in a timely manner. I was worried that I'd be so far behind and not close enough to winning come later in the game that I'd be too easy a war target and completely helpless should I be declared on. Therefore, I decided to use the advice many of you recommended -- use my Great Lighthouse and my organized trait to rapidly expand along the coast. My tech path would be one that would hopefully allow us to get a few wonders while also stabilizing our economy such that an ALC-worthy Oromo attack would be possible.
I began the round by making some early civic changes. Monarchy would allow us to grow our cities, and while I planned to be whipping heavily it didn't cost any extra anarchy to switch into it. Slavery was my main reason for the anarchy since my cities were at that point where whipping was going to be quite useful. I'm sure I over-whipped as at the end of the round my cities are almost all smaller than I wish they were, but I'll get it right eventually.
Just a few turns into the round, we met our next neighbor -- the Virgin Queen.
My experiences of Elizabeth have been mostly positive. She will declare at pleased, but I find that she rarely does. If you guys have any diplo advice to offer either about Elizabeth, or the next leader I'd love to hear it.
As expected, I popped a Great Merchant in the capital. I'm a fan of these guys, but wasn't sure what was best with him in this case. He would have bulbed Metal Casting, which I was very nearly finished (it was my first tech of this round). And I wasn't sure I wanted to settle him. I decided in the end to use him as a completely overqualified scout and have him explore Pacal's continent. He eventually conducted a trade mission in London earning us 1100 gold. This allowed us to run the slider at 100% the entire round.
After finishing Metal Casting I started a forge in the capital, where I was planning to build the Colossus. The tech trade screen at this time showed that nobody could trade except Elizabeth who wanted Metal Casting, and would trade Alphabet, Iron Working, and some lesser techs. I wanted both of these techs, but wanted the Colossus more, so I decided to do no tech trading. I decided that I would self-research Aesthetics.
Not only do we get to here Sid Meier speak, but we can also start building quite a few wonders. The builder in me was pleased and off I went.
In the meantime, I sent my settler over to Pacal and Elizabeth's continent. The land wasn't great, but I wanted a foothold on the continent, since I like having a city on a continent on which I plan to wage war,

. It was a close call, but I was able to settle this city just in time.
After Aesthetics came in, I decided to go all in and research Literature. The Great Library is such a super awesome wonder, I love to get it. And with marble, I'd feel like a knuckle-head not going for it. After Aesthetics though, I wasn't quite sure what to research, my choices were. Meditation, Monotheism, Code of Laws, Drama, Feudalism, Mathematics, Alphabet, Archery, Horseback Riding, Iron Working, and Machinery. I decided on ... Machinery. Alright, I'll explain myself. I wanted Code of Laws, Mathematics, Alphabet, Archery, and Iron Working and I knew I could trade for all of those with Aesthetics in a few turns and Metal Casting now. Meditation, Monotheism, Drama, and Horseback Riding I was just ignoring for the time being. They weren't super important at the time. So it came down to Feudalism and Machinery. I'm gunning for gun powder (pun intended,

). I never tech Feudalism so I guess I just followed that pattern. To be honest, I wasn't quite sure what to do here, but am very interested to hear what you would have done.
I met my next neighbor.
Yay, our first leader who is safe once we get him to pleased. For some reason, I'm more worried about him than the others, but again, I'm no expert on diplomacy and would love to hear your thoughts.
And now for one of my favorite wonder video soundtracks. Duuuuh duuuh duh duuuuh ... you know what I mean.
I probably could have tech traded earlier, but 1) better safe than sorry and 2) I forgot.
Here's a little micro-managing. I wasn't sure if this was best, or if it would have been better to whip something cheap in front and let the overflow go into the library. But I did it this way and then whipped the Great Library in later. Notice the two citizens.
While this Great Library was being constructed I continued to run the slider at 100% and research in quick succession Mathematics, Currency and Civil Service. I ended the round here and am eagerly awaiting your thoughts on what I should research next.
And to finish the write-up on a super exciting note. Check out the trade routes city. Notice that there are three units on the tile. They are, my settler, Pacal's settler, and Pacal's chariot. Luckily there's not a "you keep settling all my city sites when I'm one damned turn from settling them myself" negative diplo modifier.
Other notable events of the round were that I missed the Parthenon but got a nice 200 gold for it. I also have a Great Merchant that I just popped, again in my capital. I'm not sure what to do with him, so let me know what you think.
Alright. That's the end of the round. I'd love to hear your thoughts on my tech path, my decisions, etc etc. You don't have very much to go on at the moment, so I'll post a State of the World shortly.