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Fantasy/Mythology Mods in Civ5

so, I've been looking for a developed fantasy mod that's similar to the civ 2 test of time fantasy version (which I loved, and that was the only thing I ever played in civ 2 test of time)

So far I've been disappointed, Faerune wasn't really much to talk about really, I feel it isn't developed very much. And Ea is still in alpha... any recommendations, or is what I'm looking for non-existent?
you'll have to look at other games, check out Fallen Enchantress since Kael is lead designer for it. Warlock: Master of the Arcane is also pretty sweet.
Do any of you modders have an interest in porting FFH2 to Civ5? I don't know if there are any special 'useage' rules that would keep you from doing so. I understand, of course, that you would more or less be writing the code from scratch.
IIRC, once CiV 5 went out, the basic rule that came out from the main team : Kael and co, (or from the modmoders : Sephi (MoM), and Valkrionn(RifE), and Ahwaric (Orbis) ) was :
-we won't do it (RL in force / other modmods in progress ...Etc)
-if someone wants to do it : no issues, just give credit.

my 0.2.
Pretty much what Calavente said. To elaborate slightly: There's nothing really preventing anyone from doing so (though Kael asked that the name be changed), but without Kael it feels wrong to port FfH.

Plus, working within someone else's world becomes limiting VERY quickly. The RifE team planned to work on an original mod.. but then life hit me like a ton of bricks, and the mod is on hiatus (at best). I still really want to come back to it... but I work 40+ hours a week on top of a full class schedule. Not much time for hobbies.
The RifE team planned to work on an original mod.. but then life hit me like a ton of bricks, and the mod is on hiatus (at best).
[optimism]well, doesn't matter. I don't have c5 yet... they'll get an alpha before I get c5[/optimism]
best luck and courage.
(oh, and hopefully it's 40+hours because your life project becomes interesting and progress quickly in the good direction and not 40+hours of something needed but boring or because your thesis (you are doing one no?) is going awfully fast in a bad direction without working as you want :D)
Hi people,

I came here a while ago and found Faerun's mod thanks to your list, and I greatly enjoyed it.
It also made me want to make my own mod. It has been uploaded about a month ago and, even though it still is in the alpha stage, I'm updating it weekly and it's already more or less playable.
If you would try it, http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=143475920 it is called "Land of Aramwyen".
By the way, I'm recruiting (especialy 3D artists).
See you around people ;)
None of these mods will ever replace FFH, of course. There's no way any of us will ever match Kael's detailed and compelling lore. But who knows what will develop over time? I always think it would have been cool to play FFH1 back when it had Washington as a leader.
you know what ? : it was a blast even at that time :D not as overwhelming as the current FFH and modmods.. but it was still a wonderfully hooking experience :D

(maybe I still have the install for it, I'll have to check!)
I've tried Eà for the first time yesterday, some 100 turns, and you're definitely up to something here. very enjoyable. keep up the good work :D
It's a lot of fun working on these, but such a huge effort. Would not be possible without feedback and morale support from the forum here.

In other super good news for Civ5 fantasy mods:

Spoiler :
Finally! I've been waiting for this for, what?, 2 yrs now? Thanks to Deliverator for that conversion, and working through some Civ5-specific 3D issues that have made this so hard to do. Hopefully the dam has been broken now and there will be a flood of these units (and good mods that use them).
That is great news indeed! If only there is an easier way to convert Civ4 units to Civ5, I'd be happy to convert my reskins for you, Pazyryk. I tried once some time ago but failed :cry:

Great job with Ea, I am a regular lurker in your thread! :)
Deliverator explains it pretty well in this thread (or at least it sounds well-explained to a non-expert like me). I guess it's easier to throw a Civ4 unit skin on an existing Civ5 unit rather than do a "conversion" in the strict sense. The limit before was that no one could back-convert Civ5 gr2 files into something that could be worked on. But that has apparently been solved now.

He mentioned earlier in that that he would write a separate tutorial based on his conversion of a fantasy unit. So seZereth's stone ogre was what he decided to do first. Hopefully the tutorial (and more FFH conversions) will follow shortly.
Hey I realize this is your thread so you get first billing and all but really, as far as the state of fantasy mods right now Faerun is the only one that feels relatively complete and playable. He just posted a major relase last week and two bug fixes this week, it's a whole new game. Anyways, I am keeping my eye on Ea too but I prefer to wait for a more complete game with some balance in it. Keep up the great work guys, there are a lot more fans of these mods than are posting here. :goodjob:
I reordered the OP list. Faerun is definitely the most "complete" fantasy mod right now. (Mine has more posts but only because I talk too much. ;))
Wow, I had the most difficult time finding the "sign up" button for some reason >_>
Anyway, I've been playing the Civilizations of Warcraft conversion for civ 5 a LOT lately, I dunno if you wanna include it in the list but here's the link if you do and if you haven't already seen it.
Firaxis should just hire Kael to make a FFH mod for Civ 5 as a DLC/mini-expansion. Everyone would buy it. They make money and we get a professional fantasy mod.
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