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A trial ballon named Condi

He's not a good public speaker. That in and of itself is not proof of intelligence or lack of it.
What does smart matter when your whole worldview is about substituting your imagination for objective reality?
At least it ain't Palin.
She's Palin with darker skin color. Palin was awful, so I would die if she got picked.

I continue to support Rubio. There simply is no better pick. He appeals to: 1. minority voters, 2. Florida voters, 3. Tea Party voters, 4. everyday conservative voters.

Plus, he's got the intangibles. People like Rice, Ryan, Christie - I just don't see anything "Presidential" about them. Rubio, on the other hand, I can definitely see being in the Presidents' chair in the future.

He's the ultimate package in the form of one young senator with a bright future. Unless he has skeletons in his closet, which I highly doubt, I think it would be insanity to not pick him.
I don't understand how anybody could compare Palin to Rice. Rice was what, the president of Stanford University? She was a leading academic. Sarah Palin interviewed high school basketball players in Alaska. The only thing they have in common is that they are both republican women.
She's Palin with darker skin color. Palin was awful, so I would die if she got picked.


I continue to support Rubio. There simply is no better pick. He appeals to: 1. minority voters, 2. Florida voters, 3. Tea Party voters, 4. everyday conservative voters.

Plus, he's got the intangibles. People like Rice, Ryan, Christie - I just don't see anything "Presidential" about them. Rubio, on the other hand, I can definitely see being in the Presidents' chair in the future.

He's the ultimate package in the form of one young senator with a bright future. Unless he has skeletons in his closet, which I highly doubt, I think it would be insanity to not pick him.

Not enough experience. I would love him on the ticket though.

When Goring looked up and saw P51s in the sky above Berlin, he knew the war was over. Likewise when Nobama's people turn on the Spanish channels and see Rubio addressing the audience in their native tongue they will feel the same.
I don't understand how anybody could compare Palin to Rice. Rice was what, the president of Stanford University? She was a leading academic. Sarah Palin interviewed high school basketball players in Alaska. The only thing they have in common is that they are both republican women.
I'd rather not have a Republican woman who praises the Chinese government for what it has done to its country. Sorry, but I don't think they're very deserving at the moment.

Not enough experience. I would love him on the ticket though.

When Goring looked up and saw P51s in the sky above Berlin, he knew the war was over. Likewise when Nobama's people turn on the Spanish channels and see Rubio addressing the audience in their native tongue they will feel the same.

Incidentally, Obama also addresses Latinos in their native language.

Link to video.
She's pro-choice. I don't see this happening. The base would go crazy. I find it more plausible that Team Romney is just including her so they won't get criticized for only considering white males. There was actually some criticism over this earlier when a Republican official familiar with their VP selection process described the ideal candidate as an "incredibly boring white guy". Talking up Condi Rice counters that perception, but I think it would be better if they had chosen someone a little more believable.
Silly people. A liberal like Rice will never be picked. She's pro-choice, as stated above, which completely disqualifies her.
I think it would be an exceptionally smart pick. There is really no way anybody can credibly call Condi stupid. It would make Bush attacks fairly easy, but I don't think Condi caught nearly as much blame for what went wrong there as most other cabinet officials during that era.

I would be surprised if she agreed though, and I can see how it might make libertarian type people very uneasy.
Only jerks call her stupid. Thank you for being sensible, as usual.
You don't have to agree with her, but she's not stupid. She can think circles around most of the people who would call her stupid, anyhow.

Regarding her as a pick... I continue with that below.

I think she's an incredibly intelligent person and an asset to our nation.

Romney will never pick her as a running mate though. For one, both have a history of more liberal politics. Romney will likely feel that he needs someone more to the right of himself in order to appeal to his base.
She's obviously intelligent. She's got the credentials and resume to prove it, it wasn't a fluke.

However, she does bring in foreign policy experience, where Romnus is lacking... it's just not necessarily the type I want...
I don't like neo-cons.

Indeed. I don't understand how Rice is perceived as being so intelligent by so many. Even Rumsfeld and Cheney thought she was completely incompetent, and she had direct involvement in the Iraq War / torture debacles. She has been a lackey at the Hoover Institution since leaving public life which has always been a dubious neocon think tank even before it fell out of favor with the Republicans.
Which is it Formy? Is she an architect of terrible lies and villany? Or is she not so smart and quite incompetent?
Can't be both... Are you siding with Rummy and Cheney? Hahahahahaa... this post shows how ridiculous you are, ready to jump on anything to (as you think) help along whatever your idea of the moment is...
She's pro-choice. <snip>
That, in itself, sinks the ship. Heck, that would sink the Presidential ship if Romney decided to pick her.
When Goring looked up and saw P51s in the sky above Berlin, he knew the war was over. Likewise when Nobama's people turn on the Spanish channels and see Rubio addressing the audience in their native tongue they will feel the same.
(Ignoring the terrible analogy ...)

So Hispanic political interests are all about having a candidate that can speak their language? You really have a quite disgusting opinion of them. "Yeah, they don't care about our policies, just give them a cookie once in a while". :rolleyes:
(Ignoring the terrible analogy ...)

So Hispanic political interests are all about having a candidate that can speak their language? You really have a quite disgusting opinion of them. "Yeah, they don't care about our policies, just give them a cookie once in a while". :rolleyes:

Why so serious?
I don't understand how anybody could compare Palin to Rice. Rice was what, the president of Stanford University? She was a leading academic. Sarah Palin interviewed high school basketball players in Alaska. The only thing they have in common is that they are both republican women.
Rice wasn't president of Stanford. She was provost for six years which apparently makes her an honorary bean counter in this particular case.

And calling her a "leading academic" brings dispute to the entire notion of the phrase. Again, the Hoover Institution is a joke. Even Margaret Thatcher is an honorary fellow.

But one thing is clear Condi Rice is certainly smart enough to not be so incredibly incompetent during the time she was appointed to such important positions in the GWB administration. The mere fact that Cheney and Rumsfeld both thought she was less competent than themselves speaks volumes.
Silly people. A liberal like Rice will never be picked. She's pro-choice, as stated above, which completely disqualifies her.

Romney is pro-choice. At least whenever it suits him. I can't see any daylight between Romney or Rice on the issue. They are both fine with the idea of continuing the American tradition of slaughtering the innocent.

Okay let me read the tea leaves for this ticket using the science of anagram interpretation.

Revealing anagrams for RomneyRice are:

Creme Irony- The right swaps one of our semi-blacks for one of theirs.

Money Crier - thats self-evident

Cry Emir One - sounds like another MidEast invasion

Ornery Mice - using combat drones disguised as ordinary rodents (IER-improvised explosive rodents)

Cry Mine Roe -Roe v. Wade will not be repealed during the reign of this baby killing duo, leaving my people crying

Rice Ye Mr No - Is Condi Rice a reincarnation of the Evil Dr. No? Condi Rice discovered on the PBS series Finding Your Roots that she is of 51% African, 40% European and 9% Native American or Asian genetic descent, while her mtDNA is traced back to the Tikar people of Cameroon.

An individual of Chinese-German cultural heritage, the novel's Dr. No was born in Peking to a German Methodist missionary and a Chinese girl, but was raised by his aunt. Condoleezza, derives from the music-related term, con dolcezza, which in Italian means, "with sweetness". Pretty scary stuff.

Coy Mine Err- Drill baby drill!

Crime Ye Nor - Reduced crime rates, law and order, expansion of the police state

Crony Ere Mi - Cronyism will permeate the regime, er, administration

My Nicer Ore - return to the gold standard or maybe a platinum standard?

If you think these anagrams are icy omens then I hesitate to tell you that another anagram of RomneyRice is..... Err Icy Omen.
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