stMinionNES2: Because it's tight like that

Oh no, here we go again... First aaminion updates drunk, now he updates high, lol.
Finish the war off.
Build a road to Kiev.
Increase education.
Expand into central europe (the white space)
forgive me for late orders.
Update 17 - 1400 B.C.

In an effort to bolster their state's treasury, the Chinese emperors decide to work on a grand treasury. Hundreds of economists work with abacuses day and night to achieve the emperor's goal. A small expedition of 300 men marches North into Tartar territory. Many Chinese feel this is a waste of time as the Tartars are taken care of easily, and a small city is set up at the bank of the river running through their country. Meanwhile, the Chinese emperor is thought to have gone crazy when he asked his troops to learn how to shoot arrows while riding a horse. All Chinese soldiers know how to do this, even if not as well as the Tartars who spend o all their lives perfecting it into a fine art.

Meanwhile, a new dynasty arises in Shang. They mount major expansions in all directions, and even establish a new city; Hong Kong. The little outpost quickly grows into a large commercial port, prompting the new emperor to permit major funding into making the ports there the best in the world. Money is also spent on education.

Continunig along in Asia, the Japanese experience a fairly prosperous century. Hokkaido has neared completion of it's invasion of the Northern lands, but the Japanese have also finished off the Filipinos at a small cost. The barbaric people retreat into the jungles, and although making up the majority of the population are not seen from very much. Administration of the inner regions of the island however, is troublesome due to their reluctance. Many reccomend transporting Japanese to populate the area.

Casualties: 50 Japanese

The situation in Persia develops into a large conflict. Hundreds of Persians and Assyrians seek to repel the wave of Bactrians. Trying to force them into major battles, they succeed as long as the Bactrians play according to their rules. Soon however, the Bactrians split their armies into traditional clans. The tired Persian and Assyrian armies, far away from home, grow tired hunting down each individual group, while these go about pillaging towns and cities they come upon. In general, the Bactrians have been deterred from going any farther Eastward than they have, but they are advancing South rapidly.

Casualties: 100 Assyrians ,50 Persians

Meanwhile, allied efforts to push Bedouins out of Dubai have only been moderatly succesfull. Also, a road is completed between Ashur and Nineveh.

Farther West in Africa, the Almohads prosper quietly without expanding. Their economy increases and their great wonder is completed, helping them out greatly. The Almohads are now a significant civilization and have impacted the tribes of people living around them enough that these have settled down as well, though not under the Almohad flag. At the end of this century however, Almohad traders notice a large build-up of Minoan forces on their Northern borders. The mediterraneans regularly drill in their newly established forts, and man their watchtowers day and night.

After their loss against Thrace and whitering away of their confederatin, the Alamanni begin to slowly rebild. The economy is grown, and diplomatic ties are re-established with the neighboring Germanic clans. But most important of all, iron-forges have appeared all over Alamannia as the Alamanni quickly find themselves militaristically vastloy superrior to all other Germans despite their depleted army.

In Iberia, further gains are made against the barbaric tribes of the region by the Portuguese. Ahead of the Portuguese soldiers lies the Iberian heartland, claimed by Minoa. Despite this, many council leaders urge the Portuguese king to attack anyways.

In Thrace, confidence in the King booms after the succesfull stand against the Germanics. The army is increased and the foritfication projects continued under the eye of royal watchmen. Only a few very minor Germanic raids on Nicopolis occur during the century, and they are easily withstood. Meanwhile in Dacia, the country falls into turmoil. With the death of the most recent king, various little factions struggle for power. King Mereus's advisors see an opportunity.

In Calicut, diplomats gather at King Virjay's palace bringing replies from the neigboring Dravidian states. Half are uninterested in any alliance, although Sinhala and Hoysalas join. All Calicutan troops are gathered on Calicut's Western borders. Meanwhile, the Aryans completely overrun all of the Harappan empire on the Calicutan side of the Indus. Also, in the East, the sub-chinese barbarians have been sighted not far from Calicutan holdings.

In Russia, the war against Ukraine is finished. Kiev is made the provincial capital and a road is built to the area. The tired Russian armies turn to the unexplored areas of the West, where as a consequence only small gains are made. In their expeditions there however, the Russians find thousands upon thousands of Slavs, who speak a language very similar to theirs. They are far more primitive, and although they don't follow Russian rule fully they do accept it.

Casualties: 150 Ukranians, 100 Russians

The war in Africa continues. The Egyptians and Minoans attempt to use their navy to supply their troops, but this is rather difficult considering how far down the Nile the fighting is. So a month or so passes for everything to get into place, when the attack finally begins.

The entire Egyptian army and an almost equally large Minoan force push South against hte Ku****e enemy. Upon coming close to the Aksumite capital, the allies witnessed a bizzare strategy employed by the enemy in the form of a newly built man-made lkae. As the allies would later learn, the Ethiopes hoped that a variety of wild animals would be forced into a stampede from a lake a few kilometers to the West to this lake, running over allied troops. But that is hardly what happens, as the Kush-ites (excpectadly) foil the timing, and the plan falls apart. The allies move forward and soon notice that although there are new fortifications around the Aksumian capital, there are only 125 ethiopes altogether defending it! Their confidence vastly increased, the allies launch several all out attacks on the stronghold. The battle would last for several days, but would finally end with an allied victory. The Aksumite king was executed, and the entire land of Aksum was claimed by Egypt. Farther South lay Kush, which was not claimed by either as it was too far away, although rumors held that it too was defenseless.

Alas, things didn't remain so good for the allies so long. The strange absence of 600 Kush-ite troops was soon explained as a massive Ethiope armies inexplicably appeared from the coast and raided the Northern Egyptian-captured Ethiope city. Overwhelming the city's small defenses, the city and surrounding country are captured. Just as the allies found Kush defenseless to their South, the Kush-ites find Egypt completely defenseless to their North. With the area secured, Minoan and Egyptian supply lines are completely cut. The world wonders what is next in this peculiar situation.

Casualties: 75 Ku****es, 50 Aksumites, 100 Egyptians, 50 Minoans


From Delhi
To Calicut

No, we do not trust you. You are merely seeking to gain power for yourself.

From Suparaka
To Calicut

No, the Aryans are of little concern to us.

From Hoysalas and Sinhala

We agree and join your coalition.


Assyria: to Persia [1/3]
China: to Japan [3/3]
Japan: to China [3/3]
Minoa: to Hatti [1/3], to Egypt [1/3]
Thrace: to Dacia [1/3]


Xen, no what if orders please. That means no orders like "Keep attacking X but if Y attacks withdraw from X, but if Z attacks, don't withdraw from X". If another nation attacks you'll have to go with the flow of the game. More challening.
The World - 1400 B.C.


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Grow Army x2
Attack with full force on Bactrian on all fronts. Use same tactics in southern area to push them back and make them tired.
Set up supply lines so troops don't wear down.

to Assyria
from Persia

Any ideas? All I can think of is War of Attrition initially, the conquer em.:undecide:
To: Kush
From: Minoa

Axum has fallen. you will follow soon.

*addendum*-unless you can of course offer the proper conditions to end the war.
To: Dacian sub kingdoms
From: Minoa

Minoa suggest thet, if your nation cannot resum control of itself, that your peoples join your long standing allies of thrace and Minoa, as it is assured that your epople will be treated kindlly, and as equals in our lands, given our peopls historic friendship
Most advanced

1. Russia
2. Minoa
3. Calicut

Largest population

1. China
2. Minoa
3. Egypt


1. Nabatea
2. Minoa
3. Assyria

Most seafaring

1. Japan
2. Minoa
3. Phoenicia

Most powerful

1. Minoa
2. Russia
3. Japan
All nation who do not post a story longer than one paragraph this turn will be penalized.
its not cuz of story thing its just i cant find much to do with my nation so i have to quit
will write story over the weeked ;).
same here- more then lieklly will be tonight though
OOC: Is it just me or did the stats for several NPC countries - including Bactria - have disappeared?


Tigur-Naplash II's gamble worked out.

Not only did he get a war for the nobles and their warriors to satisfy themselves with, he got a war that was unlikely to end soon. The previous wars were very easy and brief, and soon after these the rulers who didn't die yet were overthrown anyway. Here, the nobles were way too busy. Thus, Tigur would stay at power for longer.

Furthermore, the Warrior Temple of Khirashma was approaching completion, and Tigur hoped it would bring many skilled warriors into the army. While a war was needed, it was supposed to be a victorious one, and these Bactrians were a serious foe with good tactics.

With most nobles away, Tigur was free to fearlessly rule his empire. And to prepare the Tigurites for a battle that is in the long run inevitable...


From: Assyria
To: Persia

You saw their tactics - they have divided themselves into many small groups. We should do the same - divide most of our armies into smaller groups and search for the enemy. The rest - possibly some of your troops, as they are fighting on their ground that they know better then we do - will guard the cities. With numbers on our side, we should, hopefully, defeat the enemy.

- Transform Khirashmites into a force that can fight both mounted (on horses) and dismounted.
- Grow economy.
- Continue wonder (5/6).
- Try to come up with advanced signal fires for better communication between our forces.
- Split 400 men (all Khirashmite type warriors) into 16 groups of 25 men each. 10 of these groups are to search for the enemies, analogically divided, in the southern theatre. Other 6 are to search for the enemies elsewhere, on the western theatre. All groups are to advance so each has two "neighboring" groups on the move nearby, close enough to see the signals. Once enemy is encountered, try to give some sort of a signal, so the nearby groups rush to assitance.
With most nobles away, Tigur was free to fearlessly rule his empire. And to prepare the Tigurites for a battle that is in the long run inevitable...

OOC: I'm worried about this part.:undecide: You're not planning to invade Persia, are you?;)

@aaminion00 - Do I have contact with any nation west of Assyria? How do I gain contact? I'd like to speak with Minoa...
The Shang Emperor sat in his capital city, and liked what he saw. Before he ascended to the throne, the country had been in disray, expansion had been very slow. This wouldn't do as to keep being strong a country had to keep expanding. To further this goal the army was to be enlarged and to keep expanding. The port of Hong Kong, built was turn was complete, so the Emperor ordered a road built from the captial to the new main port of Shang.

Relations with China to north were cordial and the Shang emperor truly hoped their two great nations could proposer and co exist. Relations would strengthed in several years with a trade route so both countries could proposer.

Closer to home, the Emperor ordered the distrubtion of 1/5 of the state lands to any peasant family that wanted the land in return for a promise to work it for atleast 5 years. He hoped that the Shang would be a country of strong yeo man farmers exporting only raw goods.

Grow Army
distrubtion of 1/5 of the state lands to any peasant family that wanted the land in return for a promise to work it for atleast 5 years.
100 men build road from captial to hong kong
New recruits expand SE
300 men expand West
200 men expand SW
The Glorious Minoan empire, the grand jewel of the earth, solid as stone, beutiful as marble.

Simply put, the state of Minoa was the single greatest state to have existed- rarelly exceeded in the sciences, and never exceeded in terms fo culture, and perhaps more important, Militaryilly, the cultural life of Minoa blossomed- the most beutiful city in the world, even the travlers from the distant philosophical north, the mysterious east, and the dangerous south coudl claim to have seen a more stunning sight then a major Minoan city- and they held the capital, Knossos with utter awe- royal processions built of marble, with all the street made of fine flagstone fitted togetger, official buildings and tembles made of fine marble, or in Lybia, with sandstone, as it was far more common (though Charcedon, and Kyrenica use marble), fine building and construction techniques topped off the fine materials, for even common building, all being made of either stone, or brick with a plaster coating to make it more attractive to the eye- people could be seen picnicing and frolicing around the many monuments, parks, hedge mazes and gazebos of the city, and crytal clear water flowed through canals, with white marble bridges crossing over the gaps- and monthlly, one could find the many festivals, dedicated ot he gods and goddess of Minoa, or art festivals, with the many artisans, be it the Mycanean sculptures who made such realisitic- yet also idealisti sculpture, the Etruscan-Roman artists who stressed total realism- even the physical defects in thier subject form, the Knossic artists them selves who went for a styleized perfection, showing idyllic sceensof life, there was no paralael to the culture andbeuty of the minoan empire.

Indeed, culturally, Minoa had dominated a huge par tof the world- form the portugese and almohads in the west, to the egyptians and hittites in the east- even lands far east andnorth of them owed many things to Minoan culture- and in the empire itself, Minaon culture had often blended- often at the want of Minoans themsleves to preserve at least part of a native culture-, and led to an "electirc" feeling through out th eempire as far as culture went-and yet through all this, even the Romans hailed themselves as fully Minoan in nationality- for Minoan was a nationality now- not a simple ethicity, and the pride Minoan citizens felt was hard for other natiosn to contemplate- after all, how could antion extend thier own name to 'conqoured' peoples? It was not the Minoan way to subjegate, or to enslave, but to have others join,. in fairnes and equality- for the greater good of all- and it won graet accliam anfd loyalty from the people, after all, Minoa was the greastes thing that had even happend for th epeoples of the empire- and the prosperity it brought was geatlly appreciated...

But it was not only in culutr and beuty in which the mighty Minians reigned suprem- no nation had, nor would surpass th eMinoan military- the single most experince army in the world, its technology, and experince had led it, and Minoa to be the Victors in every war.

Th eMinoan army was a complex machine- it had been created to be flexible- to not rely on any single tactic for success, but to be able to multi task- so that if one, or even multiple parts failed, the remainder could still be victorious- the most adanvaced military in the world, stocked with triremes, ballistae, and a multitude of weapons and armour for any situation, and the most skilled teacticians in the world, Minoa was the best of the best- and was going to make sure it stayed that way.

This Minoan Chariot is ceremonial, as war chariots have at least two men in them, one dirver, and one highlly trianed soldire (of which inly the soldire counts as offical military personal, despite the requirments for drivers to be proficient fighters themselves) it dose show of the highlly effective for of armour on the troops- with a leather cape to block arrows, a type of plate, with leather armour, and often light chainmail under neathe it (to serve as further protecion and padding), and able to fight with the full assortment of the wide range of weapons, and a mighty and attractivelly detailed and crested helmet, the chariot man in the picture shows clearlly just what an opponent must face when combating the minoan empire's forces
To: Delhi
From: Calicut

Then you will let us pass through your territory to fight the Aryans.
China, center of the Civilized World with Powerful Japan to the West, and Sh'ang to the South, Shu to the North, and the former Liaotung to the North.

The Cities of the Han People, unrivaled, Japan may have money, power, and wealth, but they do not posess the brillance of the Chinese. Many ppls have been influenced by the Chinese Culture and way of life. That had started the wars of unification. First with the Wuwei, then the Wu, then finally the Liaotung. The later Emperors decided that peace would be greater then war and immeaditely went on to improve the nations economy and infrastructure. The Shang to the South, had come to China asking for a treaty of Friendship. The Chinese would easily give friendship for trade, if the Shang were willing to trade...

To Shang
From China
Wat about a trade route?

Chinese ORders *secret*
Start Trade route with Shang if they agree
increase economy
continue wonder
have a road built to Ulaanbaatar with 100 men
Have 250 men attack the Tartars acoss the river, have another 50 men guard the north
From Delhi
To Calicut

Set one foot in our land and we will fight you before we turn to the Aryans!
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