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TerraForm -- a map editor for CIV dos


zip includes:

goldberg_test folder

(autosave savegames)

terraformed folder (using version 1.0.33)
('original' first changed to ocean,
after that drawn a 7-island-continents map)


original folder
(savegame files created by game after 1 move)



  • goldberg_test.zip
    412.2 KB · Views: 375
next test
another map generated with civ.exe 474.01, 7 tribes, empereor level, aztecs
redrawn with
terraform version 1.0.35

in the 'northern sea'
near 'pole' line
are up to 3 greek ships 'captured' (in the open sea)
movin' the same way since some 100 virtual years (first seen at ~ 500 AD)
it might be some bug by the civDOS game itself?

zip includes:

1035test folder

(autosave savegames)

terraformed folder (using version 1.0.35)
('original' first changed to ocean,
after that drawn a 7-island-continents map)


original folder
(...savegame files created by 474.01 civ.exe after 1 move)



  • 1035test.zip
    420.9 KB · Views: 349
Note there is a battleship in Thebes even though it isn't adjacent to water. There is a byte that tells the city if it is next to water or not, editing the map does not change that. You can try this by building your city next to water at 3980 bc, edit the map to remove the water from around the city, you will still have the ability to build ships. It works vice versa, if you build the city un-adjacent to water, then draw water with Terra Form, you still won't be able to build ships.

Files attached


  • civwaleed.zip
    146.3 KB · Views: 236
your PM folder is FULL. :sad:

i post the message here.
i was out of time the last days
but i was able to play
the WARLORD version 'til 1750.

interesting there:
the russian "double city"
(moscow + another one in the south of moscow)

i zip those files with winrar and send it now.

I'd like to help out, I have some version of CivDos (haven't played it in who knows how long) and Windows 98. Unfortunely, I can't download the Map Editor.

(As a side note, I haven't been on here for ages....)
i made 3 or 4 different maps that caused 'game halt/stop/blackDOSscreens' -
always maps were i made it hard for the AI tribes
to contact other AI civs/tribes (island/'mountain barricades' in the sea)
or meet 'my tribe'.

maybe there's a limit were the game must have possible contact(s) of AI tribes to each other(s) ?
i don't know.

the game did stop/blackDOSscreen in all cases in between 0AD - 1000 AD.

the version didn't matter:
it did stop/blackDOSscreen with 474.01 as well as 474.05.
Zwelgje said:
Was the GOTM made with this editor as well? It would explain why some seaside cities weren't able to produce ships. ;)
I don't know if that explains it, but some times things return and bite you in the posterior. In doing test for the city build bug I commented out the code to check if a city built by TerraForm was on the sea side. As I see it only 4 cities in the March 2006 GOTM were affected Boston, Uruk, Sparta, Athens. If and when the next version of TerraForm is released I'll try not to over look this bit.

GoldBerg said:
...'game halt/stop/blackDOSscreens' ...-
Can you reproduce this bug? If you could send me any of the map & sve files that lead to this bug. Obviously this is a very serious bug. At this point I can only guess, some sort of corruption of the map file but a sve file corruption seems more likely. The game seem very forgiving it the map tile is legal. E-mail me I am looking forward to seeing this anomaly.
Zwelgje said:
Was the GOTM made with this editor as well? It would explain why some seaside cities weren't able to produce ships. ... ...
the first GOTM (Earth2) was made with an older, 'full seaside bug version' of TF...

Dack said:
... ...
Can you reproduce this bug? If you could send me any of the map & sve files that lead to this bug.
i will send all game/scenario connected files,
if i find the 'old' files
or if i cause the bug again.
(i did burn some CD's with files and forget to archive them properly so the files are not on my HD's at the moment and it's hard to find the ones with that error...)

Dack said:
... ...
some sort of corruption of the map file but a sve file corruption seems more likely. The game seem very forgiving it the map tile is legal. E-mail me I am looking forward to seeing this anomaly.
i guess savegame corruption as well,
but i guess i NEVER (in ~1000 games)
had such a bug
with 'normal' game-created maps -
anyway if i savegame 10.000times within a game...

all errorous maps/savegames did happen with maps
were the civs/tribes have problems
to connect to each other with units
(blockaded by sea | mountain | sea barriers)
and every tribe is alone on its island...
GoldBerg said:
i guess savegame corruption as well,
but i guess i NEVER (in ~1000 games)
had such a bug
with 'normal' game-created maps -
anyway if i savegame 10.000times within a game...

I was not implying that the game corrupted any files, just that something is the SVE file might not be right. Everything is speculation until I have look at the files that you have produced. Can you recreate this bug easily? Who knows maybe the games logic can't handle certain situations.
where is the latest TERRAFORM version
download link? :confused:
GoldBerg said:
where is the latest TERRAFORM version
download link? :confused:

where is Dack?

users start asking me for keys. :cry: :sad:
Dack said:
... ...
Can you recreate this bug easily?
i will try this.
i tried always to produce nearly similar conditions (every tribe with it's own big island)
Dack said:
... ...
Who knows maybe the games logic can't handle certain situations.
i guess something like that.
as far as i remember it did happen with a 474.05 - generated map (i kept the tribes start locations/first city untouched),
modified the map with the latest TF version 'those days',
played after that with 474.01,
after the error occured i did go back
to the latest save game on drive
played it again with version 474.05 (from that savegame),
...the error MAY did happen some turn* later...
don't know exactly... :sad:
the big Q:
where is Dack?

upon a time,
we had a CivDOS MAP Editor (made by mr. dack)
that had its errors, but did work.

there's NO terraform program DownLoad location anymore,
no keys anymore...
and silence fills the heavens...


what a D#*3 _ F§$%&#* _ S$%& ...
(no-no-no - that's NO 'reg key' - although it looks like it)


as i wrote
Sep 23, 2005, 06:08 AM

GoldBerg said:
... ...
release a key-free version
OR leave (at minimum)
a copy of a key-free-version ...
to Civilization Fanatics Forum
or another site / person / service of your choice
(just for security reasons) -
... ...
if 'something happens' and you are not able to generate & send keys
this great civ.1.dos - pushing editing tool is - LOST ... :sad:
Dack, please awaken. You are our only hope.
It's true, you know.
Tenochtitlan said:
Dack, please awaken. You are our only hope.

Yeah, I've been waiting for a few months now to use the Terraform Editor. However, doesn't it still work even without a key?
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