WnH01 - Little Corporal

Turn 01: I do a Look Around phase. Our cities are domestically fine (although I never use research, seeing it as a bit of "cheat", but we don't need an army now anyway).

Religion - we have only Cuzco with Buddhism. It's not enough to switch to this religion... Although a diplo motif would be great, I would like to play a bit of an isolationist now.

Diplomacy - oho! There is some major decision down there! Let's look what Huayna Capac shall offer us for peace.

Pretty good, eh? However, there is still some unfinished business. I terminate the access to Iron to Huayna Capac. Then, I get his pair of Workers. They tried to run away, but nope. No bonus, sire.

Iron Working reveals Iron near Cuzco and... Paris! We missed Iron by one Settler step! :lol:

After that, peace is achieved. Long live the benevolent Incans... although I probably should raze the city first. Oh well, we still have time to do so.

02: Our wounded Chariot goes to look around the Byzantine territory to update our map. Chariot in Orleans finished.
We have two person stashed in our Civ - a Great General and a Great Scientist.
I would like to avoid the weed, so I let them wait.
I order our soldiers to come back to the city.
Also, something weird occurs. We get a message that: "Shaka proves that the world is round!". This tells me that there are either islands down there, or he pulled off some miracle in maps from huts...

03: Chariot, on its way, pillages some leftover improvements that we won't have a chance on ever using.

04: Some daft guy set Orleans to stagnation when we still have one pop to fill the happy cap, and the food is nearly filled. Orleans grows a pop...

05: In this turn. Meanwhile, we still have our Settler waiting for duty. I am puzzled. Thebes is such a monster city... The most troubling thing is our upkeep. If we expand, we will dig us a much bigger hole... so we must work the gold ASAP... The Settler starts his journey to the spot.

06: Shaka provides us Clams in exchange of Cows. I ask him whether he'd fancy a war against Inca or Egypt. He would accept for Alphabet or Currency. Stalin is untouchable.
Currency hops in. We now are in the green, so we can hop our slider to 10%.

07: A thing that struck into my head. What if we make a quasi gp-farm by building some wonders after expansion? We have marble near Cuzco that takes two culture expands.

08: Lyons builds it's granary, I make it produce Wealth.

09: Err, honestly, I lost count on my turn counting. So in this final turn (110 one) I have settler and worker ready. The other worker goes to cut the jungle and claim the pigs. I cut down tree to rush a Library in Cuzco.

Turns are even again! :woohoo:

01: Winth - JUST PLAYED
02: mystyfly - spam spam spam
03: pigswill - lovely spam
04: Ralph_Jackson - UP
05: Sweetachson - ON DECK and put your hands in the air!
I thought Ralph was going to play...

Diplo is pretty straightforeward now. Adopt buddh and please shaka & friends. Wait for Just to DOW someone and probabely join for diplo.

Hope you razed that city down there before you took peace - can't check, no save :rolleyes:
We can finish his other little city later, with the axe and chariot heading this way.

What exactly did you do with our settler near that gold site?? He is supposed to found a city there, city 5/6, while thebes will be 6/6. Any wonders built? Where are our units?

GS should build an academy in our best science city. GG settled in prod city.
I thought Ralph was going to play...


Luckily I am in the habit of checking threads before I play as I was just about to do my turns!! However I had only examined the save so no harm done.

So I guess this is officially classed as a a re-got-it, :lol: apart from no save to get :rotfl: .

mystyfly, get real, first you want me to make a turnset urgently, then you are going all confused. :rolleyes:

As for the units, I let them go back to our borders. Less maintenance.
The city wasn't razed, I went too hot-head I think. Blunder. :sad:
Settler is staying on the spot, awaiting the orders of someone more experienced. I was not 100% sure.

Ralph - um? I was sure I got it right this time...

Take the Buddhism switch to get Anarchy over and done with
GG Settled in Orleans
Settle Rheims and Start monument

Scientist builds Academy in capital

Don’t like building research when infrastructure needed in long term so switch builds.

25 AD The Alphabet monopoly is broken as HC has researched it but unfortunately no decent trades available. Throughout the set we were only offered up a couple of poor techs for Alphabet / currency et al which was surprising as we usually get good value from these…

75 AD with the peace deal expired we are ready to take donw Cori losing one axe in the process, however this is still enough for 1 WW to kick in…

150 Whip in monument in Rheims, gold is road3ed just need to wait for the border pop…

Meanwhile our scout has been ‘up north’ resolving Shaka’s circumnavigation. This is from the far top left beyond Stalin and shows he probably got it from walking a scout all the way up here!! Note Great Lighthouse BIADL.

200AD we pick up meditation so can start a Buddhist monastery and I feel sad but have to start on Maths Calendar line as we need the happies and I have failed to find a decent tech trade apart from change from Shaka!!

250 AD end of Turns

Here is the Military moving to finish off HC

The other chariot and axe are singles.. He has an Axe, Archer + Quecha so we should be alright..

Here is the tech situation..

I haven’t whipped away war weariness in places as it should disappear soonish when we take down HC but next player may want to apply it.

Maths in 6 Cuzco is chopping in a monastery so we can start spreading Buddhism.


  • WnH01 - Little Corporal AD-0250.CivBeyondSwordSave
    181.4 KB · Views: 76
Sweetacshon I think you're up :bump:
Oh... yeah, right... it was all a bit confusing. Got it.
125 - 250AD
Forgot what happened, as notes I made using alt-E don't seem to be recorded with BUG *sigh*
Shaka cancels cows for clams, so the cows are sold for 2gpt instead. Stalin wants CoL for free, and then mono for 90g. No way.
Justinian has a stack heading somewhere...
Maths is in, and I hate it, but continue onto calendar.

(I notice that log isn't getting comments here)

130 - 375AD
Justinian's stack approaches the city. It is after the first axe attacks (and dies) that I remember that we don't want the city, and that I should just let Justinian do whatever he wants. :smoke: In any case, I continue with the conquest, the Incans are history, and we get a bit of cash for the cost of 2 axes. The consolation there is that the slider goes up a notch.

Paris finishes a market, a few units are made, and buddhism is being spread.

132 - 425
It does strike me that Justinian would be aiming for a weak Ramesses. Maybe it's time to get the gang together.

134 - 475AD
Rice to Just for 3gpt

135 - 500AD
War with Ramesses, Justinian?? Usually I don't do this without consulting the team, but this one seems a no-brainer. (unless I'm the no-brainer :))

OK, I missed this, but Stalin declared on Fred in 375AD.

136 - 520AD
Stuttgart falls to Russia, and Stalin completes the Collosus. What a turn for him!

137 - 540AD
Memphis goes down to Justinian :( He may have lost a sword or 2, and might push on to Thebes, but with a turn or 2 for healing, we should beat him there. Our troops are heading up in dribs and drabs, but is 5 axes, a sword, 2 chariots, anda warrior. Thebes is at 60% with 3 archers (CG2, CG1, C1).
Calendar is in, set to CS (not that I necessarily recommend it), so we can start to bring happies online, but I also recommend continuing a road north toward egypt. A GS is due next turn.
Spoiler :



  • WnH01 - Little Corporal AD-0540.CivBeyondSwordSave
    191.5 KB · Views: 83
Nice turns.
NOW winth is up ;)

I'd say go CS, on the way to maces as well as lib.

We can probabely let just sacrifice his troops on thebes, this one looks thought. I don't know about our army there so we might not be able to take it anyway. Make sure to keep the stack some tiles away from thebes so ramsses doesn't go archer-whipping-crazy.
Extra diplo with just is icing but very welcome.

Glad to see stalin is doing fine military-wise. The longer he stands, the longer the other AIs are busy.

I'll be OOP this weekend but this shouldn't be an issue. Just take your time, winth ;)
:rolleyes: You should skip me, because it would be a double turn. Anyway, I still can't play tomorrow. That means, this SG will make me a disgusting always-late guy, or either we won't end until we hit Duke Nukem Forever on the shelves. A harsh week comes around.

OOP until at least Wednesday. I'm a bit bored of Civilization IV, so I didn't watch the progress at all. :(
OOP until at least Wednesday. I'm a bit bored of Civilization IV, so I didn't watch the progress at all. :(

Dude, why would you start a SG if you were bored of Civ? I suppose if a SG leader can't be bothered keeping an eye on his own game, I can't either.
Sweetacshon said:
Dude, why would you start a SG if you were bored of Civ? I suppose if a SG leader can't be bothered keeping an eye on his own game, I can't either.
100% agree. Winth, you even mentionned more ideas for further ideas. But you, captain, are supposed to tell us when to play (posting rosters) and keep the game running. IMO that doesn't necessarily mean playing yourself (but you should) but post comments at the very least.

Anyway, got it then :rolleyes: I'll play after some COMMENTS either tuesday or wednesday. I'm up in some other games as well as busy with my RL atm.
Yes, I did screw up big time.
I didn't watch the progress from the few last posts only. Some other priorities struck me in the live... but hell, I am responsible for this, so don't let it lie down.

So how the roster now goes? I don't know what's happening to pigswill... As far as it looks like, it seems:
01: Winth
02: mystyfly - played
03: pigswill - up now
04: rj - on deck
05: sweettahsnsonrionrqoianaaa (I hope I didn't misspell your nick again)

(BTW: Due to the fact that my Civ4 computer is occupied mainly by my brother, I play my turnsets mainly on Tuesdays or Thursdays).
13 Turns, 540AD - 800AD

Inherited Turn:
Adjust EP-spending (all were spent on Ramsses)

Stalin wants ABC, he gets it (he's the only one lacking it)
-imagine SS here-

(1) 560AD
Spread Buddhism to Orleans
We get a GS (waiting at Paris, awaiting orders)

Warrior decoy dies, even kills one archer!

(2) 580AD

Scout gets the same fate as the warrior, exposes a CG-2 archer!

(3) 600AD
I see we have calendar and workers building useless roads while we have incense, sugar, silk to connect :rant:

Ramsses gets a GP :yay:

(4) 620AD

Ramsses bulbs Theo! We'll get a double holy city there! :yay:

(5) 640AD

J starts moving his (not really intimidating) stack

(6) 660AD

(7) 680AD
capture & raze Minoan with a axe + sword, no losses, get a worker

(8) 700AD
spread Buddhism @ Rheims

(9) 720AD
Opposing forces near Thebes

J moves on, onto a tile where he'll have to cross a river to attack...
Fred gets Polytheism for free... :rolleyes:

(10) 740AD
Spread Buddhism @ Lyons

(11) 760AD

J suicides his units at the walls + 60%! Now it's my turn!

(12) 780AD
R's last defenders

I need to use all units and barely take the city. We only lose 2 axes in the progress!


Stalin captures Uzbek, a barbarian city and makes peace with Fred (I saw him sacrifice some units from time to time).

(13) 800AD
We enter the medieval era...

... as we discover CS...


A few (...) notes:
- No begging possible this round :(

- Rheims currently has an exceptionally crappy city govenor. Keep it working the gold.

- Next tech(s): I suggest Paper > Philo > Edu > (Chemistry > MS > Steel). That means: I don't think once the AI has improved their numerous cities, we should be able to do the final punch. I'm talking about going for Grens (and Cannons) directly, via Lib. We should try to get a high-beaker tech from lib and bulb our way throught Philo, Edu, (even lib?? I don't think so but possible, we need to skip machinery to do it), Chemistry. We're very short on GS so we'll need to accelerate that.

- I tried to grow as much as possible, you should continue this way. I also made some notes on city specialisation (like I've just seen ph do it :D). Feel free to disagree, but discuss please.

- Paris is building the MoM. I like it as we'll be making a lot of civic changes (SPI is the warriors best friend...) and we should consider switching into war-civics (theo, slavery, nat) during GA, however this is normal so anarchy won't kill us. I mainly started the MoM because Paris had few better options and we have marble. Stop building more units atm. If you do, build them in Orleans, where we have a MI. I'm for finish the MoM rather than wait for some AI to build it and get the cash.

- We should get some ressource trades going and sell our overflow calendar ressis, once we get them connected. Not only for money but also for Diplo.

- Speaking of diplo: The two religious buddies, J-man and shaka will be busy fighting fred and stalin (conf and hindu).

- We should spread Judaism (shrine). I spread buddhism to all our cities, except Thebes. There are two missionaries on the way thought. Hope they'll succeed (Thebes is double holy, remember...).

- Nat wonders, me thinks: IW in Orleans, Ox in Paris, NE + (moai/WS) in Thebes.

- We don't really have too many workers. Cuzco needs some improvement, Orleans chain-irrigated grassland farms, and once lyons border pop, it'll also need irrigation. The pair of workers down near Rheims are pretty much done however.

- Civics: Pac, HR, CS, Buero

- Try to get as much out of CoL and currency as possible, picking up useful techs (construction, monarchy).

- If we want to finish it asap, we should burn the GS on Philo, adopt Pac + buero + HR + CS and run as many scientists at thebes as possible while researching paper. Don't hesitate to run a low slider to accumulate some gold.

Again sorry for the delay. But at least I've written a proper report with lots of points to discuss... :goodjob:

Spoiler :

I've got the game.

Pause for thought......

If we want Great Scientists then our spare food will go on running specialists not growth.

With only six cities we will certainly need to specialise. On the other hand we should be able to micro-manage six cities more easily than a large sprawling empire.

Feels like we're going into a peaceful consolidation phase.
pigswill said:
If we want Great Scientists then our spare food will go on running specialists not growth.
Once in CS, Thebes will easily outproduce the other cities in GPP, no use running many in other cities. Also we have no real good food city other than thebes.

I think we should bulb philo soonish, before we spread buddhism in thebes so there is a chance of tao being founded there (you can wait some turns for thebes to grow), IIRC we already have 2 religions/city everywhere else.
Played 10 turns up to 1000ad. No doubt very badly.

Didn't wait for Thebes to grow. Bulbed Philosophy: Taoism in Cuzco!

820ad. Jo drops by:

Sure thing, Dude.

Justinian joins in:

Is this a silly hat competition? Anything you say bud.

Oh dear, Fred's annoyed with us and he has a very silly hat :eek:.

Give CoL to Shaka for monarchy and 5:goodjob: gold.
Sell CoL to Jo 'Cool' Stalin for 340 gold.
The others already have CoL so no more deals there.

Paris builds MoM.
Fred builds a Chicken Pizza.
Anarchy breaks out :cry:.

And dies down again. Bureaucracy and HR are the flavours of the day.
Poor Justinian: he's the only one what doesn't have currency. Now he does (and we get monotheism and 230 gold).

What's this? Our Buddhist brethren are at war! Shaka declares on Justinian.

Justinian maintains his sang froid and casually builds the Pyramids.

Now Shaka's left out. Sell him mono for 110 gold.

Justinian asks us if we want to play soldiers. We say "no, we are a peace loving nation".

We discover Paper. Let's learn aesthetics and then we can practice Origami while researching lit for HE, NE and maybe (tho unlikely) Glib.


zzz zzz

All our cities have been growing. All troops recalled inside our borders. No new troops built and our power rating is falling behind. Maybe build some swords to replace our garrison warriors?

Spread Buddhism in Justin's Memphis but not in Thebes (BM failed). Another BM on its way there. Some JMs built to spread the word (maybe in HRE and Zulu lands) and swell Solomon Temple's coffers.

Techwise I'm thinking that we research everything except education (we're well ahead in the liberalism race). At some point switch to caste and pacifism and rush out a couple of GS to bulb education directly.

We're doing well for GNP and research, so so for production but our power really should be improved.
All our cities have been growing. All troops recalled inside our borders. No new troops built and our power rating is falling behind. Maybe build some swords to replace our garrison warriors?
Why would we need to replace our garrison warriors?
Why would we need a higher power graph atm?

Spread Buddhism in Justin's Memphis but not in Thebes (BM failed). Another BM on its way there. Some JMs built to spread the word (maybe in HRE and Zulu lands) and swell Solomon Temple's coffers.
Both BM failed? :(
Agree to continue spreading judaism

820ad. Jo drops by:
Do you check F4 when an AI comes by with a demand? You can see that Fred is very unpopular and cancelling when Stalin asked would've been wise (or at least cancel ourselves so we still can "talk" to him).

Good point researching lit, must've forgotten about that. We should either build NW in thebes or run as many scientists as possible. Why didn't you switch to CS? And why no religious civic? I don't think OR is that useful (we have pretty hammer-rich cities) but Pac would be nice. We'll need to start another revolution next set I think.

Who's up?
I think I am up so this is my got it --no stealing it this time :rotfl:

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