Here is my current setup. Please tell me if any option is unbalanced, ahistorical or just strange.
Despotism: default
Hereditary Rule (Monarchy, L): +3 happiness from Palace, +1 happiness from Courthouse
Aristocracy (Feudalism, L): +2 happiness in largest cities, +2 science/specialist
One Party State (Fascism, H): +3 happiness from Barracks & Jail
Presidency (Constitution, M): +50% commerce
Parliament (Democracy, M): +50% war weariness, +75% commerce
Mainly a dilemma between stability and science/culture. The "freer" government forms require peace, a large culture budget and/or plenty of luxuries.
Informal: default
Slavery (Bronze Working, M): can population-rush, +25% food, -25% commerce
Unhappiness from population-rushing is increased, so Slavery is only practical together with oppressive (happiness-providing) civics like Hereditary Rule and Warrior Class.
Privilege Society (Currency, L): +1 prod from Farm, +1 happiness from Forest & Jungle
The happiness from Forests/Jungles in a Privilege Society comes from upper-class hunting privileges. Because of hunting, many forests in western Europe survived the medieval colonization, to the joy of present-day environmentalists.
Labor Market (Liberalism, N): +1 hammer from mine/workshop/lumbermill
Differs from the Privilege society because any person can apply for any job. Lack of worker rights makes work hard and dangerous, and unemployment is a threat. Think sweatshops.
Labor Rights (Communism, H): +3 health, +2 happiness from Forge, Factory & Supermarket
The choice depends on what kind of infrastructure you have. An agricultural empire will benefit from Privilege Society. A society with plenty of industrial will love Labor Market. A society with large population will need Labor Rights.
Barter: default - no cottage growth
Chartering (Currency, L): can gold-rush
Mercantilism (Banking, L): no foreign trade, unlimited Merchants
Free Market (Economics, L): +100% cottage growth, can gold-rush
State Property (Communism, H): +100% worker rate, unlimited Engineers
State Property is great for building up your infrastructure when entering the industrial age. (Railroads are made more expensive and give commercial bonuses to Towns, Factory Farms are introduced as an upgrade to Farms. The high upkeep cost is due to all the bureaucrats needed. State Property is not only thought as modelling communist dictatorship like the Soviet Union and North Korea, but any goverment with great influence over industry, like the USA during the New Deal or labour-ruled European states.) The Unlimited Engineers models the ability of a socialist state to abolish unemployment by assigning people to public works. (A citizen specialist can be regarded as unemployed)
Environmentalism (Biology, H): +3 health, +1 happiness from Forest & Jungle, +1 food from Windmill
I have thought of implementing auto-upgrade for other terrain improvements than cottages, to model private enterprise.
Paganism: default
Leader Cult (Monotheism, H): no State Rel, no foreign religions spread, +2 happiness from Colosseum & Broadcast Tower, -50% war weariness
Preferred symbol: A gigantic bronze statue. The Leader Cult models as different societies as monotheistic Egypt, imperial Rome and 20th century's fascist and communist states. A good choice if you have no world religion of your own.
Theocracy (Priesthood, M): no foreign religions spread, +2 happiness from State Rel, Missionaries without Monastery, unlimited Priests
Choose this if you have founded a religion.
Sanctioned Religion (Divine Right, M): +50% culture, Missionaries without Monastery
Preferred symbol: A coronation - hands placing a crown on a bowing head. Models a religious authority and a civil one giving each other legitimity, as in Catholicism.
Reformed Religion (Printing Press, N): +25% building & unit production with State Rel
Preferred symbol: A stack of printed books. Models a state-controlled church with little economic resources, preaching spartan ideals, as in England and Scandinavia.
Free Religion (Liberalism, N): no State Rel, +1 happiness for each religion, +20% science
Militia: default
Warrior Class (Archery, L): +1 happiness for each military unit, 10 free units
Warrior Class is the choice for stability.
Professional Army (Civil Service, N): +3 experience points, +1 gold/unit
Conscription (Nationalism, H): can draft 5 units/turn, lower unit upkeep cost
In great late-game wars, conscription will be needed for survival.
Self Defense Force (Constitution, L): +100% war weariness, +1 gold/unit +1 trade route
City States: default
Nomadism (Horseback Riding, M): 30 free units, units produced with food, -1 food from Farm, -50% science & culture, -50% worker rate, no war weariness
This civic might be hard to balance. The aim is to make a "raider" civilization like the Huns or Mongolia which doesn't build great cities (but occasionally conquers them). A Nomadic civilization would win many wars but "lose the peace".
Vassalage (Feudalism, L): -50% unit upkeep
Centralization (Civil Service, H): +50% prod & commerce from capital
Nation State (Nationalism, H): medium upkeep, -50% war weariness, +100% Great People with State Rel
Federation (Constitution, L): no upkeep due to distance, -50% upkeep due to number of cities, +25% culture
Small? Choose Centralization or Nation State. Large? Choose Vassalage or Federation.
Tribal Family: default
Preferred symbol: A campfire
Polygamy (Agriculture, N): +30% food, -30% commerce, +20% unit prod
Preferred symbol: Woman in a burqha
Patriarchy (Code of Laws, N): +20% food, -10% commerce
Preferred symbol: A male symbol
Equal Rights (Liberalism, N): +100% Great People
Preferred symbol: A balance scale
Birth Control (Medicine, M): medium upkeep, +100% Great People, +2 happiness from Hospital, units produced with food
Preferred symbol: A packed condom
This choice will mainly depend on your size. A leader with room left for expansion will want increased birth rates.