A Song of Ice and Fire

Love the books! And I appreciate the effort.

But with all due respect, you need to get "custom" unit graphics for this.

Plus why do the Lannisters have Wildlings as their UU? And why dire wolves for Stark (the only Stark with a Dire wolf is a bastard who lives on the Wall)?

And the always war is highly inaccurate. One of the main components of the books (and what makes them so intriguing) is the political aspect. The treachery and forming and reforming of alliances should be a key aspect of the scenario.

Actually, all of the Stark children have direwolves. One dies in the 1st book, one is driven off shortly after. Another is killed with his master in the 3rd book. (I might forget some, but I am rereading the sereis in preparation for book 5.) Great effort on this and a BtS version would be nice.
I've managed to update the map to work with Beyond the Sword. It includes the nice banners that Black Rose came up with but I haven't yet figured out how to include the pretty wall that he also created. If anyone knows how to do that, I'd appreciate the information.

Most of the XML incorporated into the Warlords version has too many errors and I've not yet learned nearly enough yet to be able to decode where exactly the problems are. If anyone wants to take a stab at it, great. In the mean time I'll continue to slog through it when I have time.

I did make the following changes
All major houses are now handicapped at Noble status; minor houses are Warlord status
Removed the Permanent Alliances from the game options
Put back the Names of the Leaders for the different houses, so the leader of house Stark is Robb Stark (just a personal preference, I prefer real names not titles)


  • Westeros BTS.zip
    78 KB · Views: 469
I took a slightly different cut at creating an Ice and Fire mod and would be interested in what people think. I started with the Westeros map for Beyond the Sword and made the updates listed below. Rather than going for a straight-from-the-book scenario, I created a mod loosely based on the pre-War of the Usurper Westeros.

Here are the changes that I made:

-Added a bunch of cities (mainly in the North). This was so that each of the civilizations would have influence over the regions described in the book. I took the city names from locations described in the book, but not put on the map in the book (ie: Blackhaven), or from landmarks on the map in the book (ie: Sea Dragon Point).
-Added a lot more resources in the South. This was to give those civs advantages similar to the ones described in the book (ie: Gold for the Lannisters, Iron for the Greyjoys, Food for the Tyrells).
-Added the Wall and turned the Night's Watch's cities into forts.

-Playable = Stark, Lannister, Targaryen, Tully, Arryn, Baratheon, Martell, Greyjoy
-Unplayable = The Others, The Night's Watch, The Wildlings

-Created custom units for some civs (Direwolf for Starks, Spearman for Martell, Sellsword for Lannister, Longboat for Greyjoy, Clansman for Arryn, Gardner for Tyrell, Kingsguard for Targaryen)
-Created custom knights with unique names for each civ

-Limited the tech tree to pre-gunpowder techs only
-Made a few small tech name changes (ie: Metal Casting to Valyrian Steel, Polytheism to The Old Gods)

-Changed Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam to be The Old Gods, The Seven, The Lord of the Light, and The Drowned God respectively.

Great People:
-Changed names of great generals to reflect heroes from the books (ie: Prince Aemon the Dragonknight)
-Removed the unique names from the Great Artists and called them Great Bards
-Removed the unique names from the Great Spies and called them Lord Varys's Little Birds
-Removed the unique names from the Great Scientists and called them Maesters
-Removed the unique names from the Great Engineers
-Changes the names of the Great Prophets to reflect characters in the book (ie Melissandre - The Red Lady)

Like I said before, I could use some outside eyes to test this and look for anything I might of missed. I could also use some ideas for further improvements. The next ones on my list are (1) trying to change the leader annimations to better reflect how the leaders are described in the book and (2) trying to adjust the unit colors (ie: make the Kingsguard all white and the RockKnights gold).


  • A Song of Ice and Fire - BTS 2.zip
    268.1 KB · Views: 523

Few suggestions:
- Lengthen the tech research rates. I am able to research through around 70 to 80 turns on normal settings. I tried epic and marathon settings but the increase in unit and building build times prevents you from creating the army large enough for a conquest win.
- Strengthen Other and Wilding units to help counter the enormous advantage the Starks have. Perhaps some Bear and Giant units for the wildlings with additional Swordsmen and Mance as a Knight. Your imagination to creat Wight and Other units.
- Unique Goldcloak units for Targs Pikemen with built in city defense bonuses?
- Ultimate research tech timed to be reached much later with powerful unique units for each kingdom such as 3 dragons for the targs, the red viper for dorne, euron's silence (a naval unit) for greyjoys, etc.
- amphibious assault for all of ironmen melee units (you might have already done that, i have not played the ironmen yet)
- targs kingsguard unit cannot be rebuilt once dead unlike direwolves.

great mod. i would definitely volunteer to test for any future versions.
Thanks for the feedback Wolfknight. Definitely some great ideas and I’ll incorporate them into the next version of the mod.

I have the next rev of the mod almost ready to go. Its got the following additions to it:
• ASOIAF leaderheads for each of the civilizations (ie: a picture of Eddard for the Stark leader instead of Ramesses).
• ASOIAF specific artwork for the main menu and loading screens
• A slightly modified map to better reflect the geographic advantages of the Eyrie and the Vale.
• Specific knights with their own heraldry for each city. For example, knights built at the Dreadfort will be called “Dreadfort Knights” and have shields with a flayed man on it, Horn Hill knights wills have a Striding Huntsman on their shield, etc. If I got it right then this should happen regardless of who owns the city. I also am adjusting the color of their armor where appropriate )ie: Casterly Rock builds knights that are gold and the kingsguard is white).
• Created a “Mountain that rides” unit that is specific to the lannisters and can only be built once. Its approx 25% bigger than other units and stronger.

I’m going to add a few more things (make the ironborn amphibious , add unit names for all the new knights, beef up the wildings / others and make them playable again) then will post it back here for testing and more feedback.

In the meantime, any more ideas or feedback would be appreciated. I’ve learned a decent amount about modding through doing this and could use some more ideas to try out.
So here's my dilemma.....

I have the next version of the mod ready to go. It has a bunch of upgrades and graphic work. The problem is that it has gotten fairly large (100MB). To large in fact to post here (10MB limit).

Any solutions?
Filefront, possibly.
In the meantime, any more ideas or feedback would be appreciated. I’ve learned a decent amount about modding through doing this and could use some more ideas to try out.
I have the next version of the mod ready to go. It has a bunch of upgrades and graphic work. The problem is that it has gotten fairly large (100MB).

the famous Fall from Heaven Mod uses:

Please be sure to post your update somewhere (plenty of free spots on the net - or perhaps consider reducing graphics to 10mb until things get settled more)... downloaded your file above this morning and played for a couple of hours...

the map is too big for me, but what i played was enjoyable and there is some good potential -- if you continue working on your mod, I will create a smaller world map.

A couple things I noticed...
Played Dorne, but hardly any special units were buildable... maybe have the dornish spearman require silver (a metal located in their region)? There was no iron/copper on the map near dorne that i could find.

The iron borne starting position appears extremely weak - hopefully thier special unit will be cheap to ensure them being an actual threat (or perhaps use special buildings for that civ to generate units (axemen and highpowerd galleys) every 5(or 10) turns.
edited to add this --- played iron islands and there is quite a bit of iron in there... I like the idea of the longboat, and would add that a second unit could be a high city attack (or fast moving and low defense) axeman.

Religion is going to be tough for this mod since there is the series of books and the expectations that go with that...

  • the seven (high spreading) based out of kings landing
  • old gods (slow spreading) based in the north somewhere (ideally on the isle of faces in a barbarian/minor civ town that is never taken over or worst case up in winterfell)
  • drowned gods starting with the ironborns starting tech (and MUST have an extremely slow spreading type religion)
  • lord of light (medium spreading - extremely late in the game)

or (perhaps no spreading at all for the old gods and the seven? maybe by using a default theocracy govt?)
assign religion to all the cities individually with old gods focused in the north and the seven in the south and the drowned in the iron isles...

(ps - please consider adding some of the other religions from the books as extremely slow spreading but don't assign them to a technology for the people that might do maps that includes other civs - the god of many faces and more)

spoilers for the books possible at the following link

also keep in mind that there is an anti-technology element within the series (NO SPOILERS for others please) so you may want to tone down/eliminate libraries and universities

Great work so far... looking forward to more stuff from you...

lots of great potential for scenarios specific to a ASOIAF mod... a political game played in the form of culture bombs pre-war (you could even have a ticking timebomb that shatters the kingdom as aerys insanity grows- then boom civil war and the girls civ spawns based off of a tech later in the game)... a domination game with the dragon starting on the other side of the world with an endless stream of others being generated in the north... for longer scenerios having a special kingsguard unit generated by a building that is only in kingslanding might be a solution too.

I think i am going to start working on a small/medium sized world map regardless - you might want to consider starting a mod thread eventually... since this one seems more specific to scenarios


this guy had a pretty good idea on how to use the technology chart as more of a events trigger "timeline" (since technology does not change much in the multi thousand year history of westeroes)
The time line could trigger things like:
marriages between houses (with diplo bonuses)
the insanity of aerys triggering the revolution war
the end of the war with the killing of the prince at ruby ford (civ that reaches this first gets negatives in diplo with dany's civ)
(maybe have this be a period of peace after the elimination of the prince? a Ruby Ford timeline event)
the build up to the lannister coupe
the red wedding (weakens the starks and destroys some cities but creates a barbarian invasion for the civ that completed it - could possibly spawn the dreadfort civ and the freys civ)
wildings buildup to invading the north
the creation of dany' civ emergence overseas
others buildup to invasion
danys' landing (if you don't treat her as a separate civ UU-dragons :) and don't forget the unsullied)
terrain changing "winter is coming"

ps3 - don't forget that the starks do not worship at the seven and like most of the north - they do NOT have a lot of knights... knights are products of the seven (maybe give bonus experience to knights built in cities with "the seven" temples and old god temples could give bonus xp to the Northmen

ps 4 a nice wiki or two

ps5 might be worth adding an anti culture building for cities that are known to be small (the majority of the cities)
Sorry for the long delay between posts. I've been having computer programs over the past few weeks between the holidays and buying a new house, I haven't had a ton of time to work on this.

I have a week or two free over Xmas and will be getting back into it then. Hopefully will post something shortly.

Craterus - Great comments. I'll try to work them into the Mod that I have working, but probably won't get many in. I've been focusing on mostly graphics because one of my favorite parts of Martin's books is the heraldry and imagry. I am trying to bring all that into the mod.
Craterus - Great comments. I'll try to work them into the Mod that I have working, but probably won't get many in. I've been focusing on mostly graphics because one of my favorite parts of Martin's books is the heraldry and imagry. I am trying to bring all that into the mod.
Post your graphics mod asap please!! If your graphics pack sets the bar, maybe someone else can pick up one of the other parts (like re-vamping tech tree).

working on a small world map for play testing - beta out soon (will work on a larger standard world map afterwards)

FYI - I am having nightwatch cities built into the wall to allow for the eventual downfall... special building for nightwatch should be walls (+1000%)... also might be cool to have jails produce extremely weak nightwatch units (their power to be amplified by the wall) around the seven kingdoms (maybe once every 15-20 turns so we can see them march up the kings road) - not 100% sure if a building owned by one civ can produce a unit owned by another -- if so have palaces produce an elite nightwatch unit every 40-50 turns --- another option is to have nightwatch units created anytime a city is taken (to simulate the victors allowing the losers "to take the black")

Neutrality of the nightwatch might be simulated in the game by making it so that all of their modifiers with the seven kingdoms make the other civs love them (or have them love you) no matter what answer is given (unless they get involved in a war then huge negatives all around)

I am attempting to track down the section on the forums that has the blank tech tree that allows you to start from scratch... that would probably make life a lot easier.
(recommend that ocean traveling vessels be removed or put at a late game tech to avoid contacts)

If your graphics mod turns into a full blown mod... maybe use the revdcm mod as a base? (or maybe we can import your graphics into a rev mod - with up to 50civs we could then make individual civs for each of the nine cities) - when it was looking like you weren't coming back - I was thinking about using the fall from heaven mod as a base since there are likely alot of fantasy units in there (dragons and various knights)
Ok, so finally here it is:


I had to rebuild most of the mod because I was experiencing some problems withit crashing. The custom units are in there (direwolves, The Mountain That Rides, Kingsguard), as well as custom knights and triremes with heraldry and colors for each city (ie: Tarly's for Horn Hill, Bolton's for The Dreadfort). I did this by putting a custom building in each city that each unit depends on (ie: Horn Hill has a permanent building called "House Tarly" that allows you to create Tarly Knights).

I also replaced some of the main menu art (make sure your options are set to "Beyond the Sword"), the movies associated with religions, and leaderheads with artwork fond online (mainly AMOK).

I still have a bunch of functional changes to make (like adding units names, customizing religions and leaders to reflect their description in the books, and adding the others), but this is a good starting point.

Let me know what you think.

I haven't had time to
One last thing, the unit artwork is pretty rough (I'm still learning GIMP and is no means an artist, but the framework is there to improve it). I also need to update the knight_horse colors for most of the civs (have only done Arryn, Tully, and Targ to date). Its more time consuming than difficult and I will work through it over Xmas break.
downloaded the mod... it looks like it has some promise... not playable at the moment (tried stark and it went straight to strike mode - big negatives) - not playable is not the right choice of words... actually it is playable but might need to tweak some map stuff that comes with the mod...

tried to convert it to my smaller map and after several hours only had a little bit of luck by deleting all the extra civs in my map ... but was crashing (most likely something left over from the deletions - made it so that whenever i dragged the cursor over my character on the scoreboard the game crashed...) are you using a special dll?

Good luck - looking forward to whatever you are able to come up with... I will go see if I can learn how to merge mods so that i can play the extra civs in my map.
• Specific knights with their own heraldry for each city. For example, knights built at the Dreadfort will be called “Dreadfort Knights”

The northmen don't have a lot of knights... one option is to have their horses move faster and be a little less offensive (a lower number for their unit but maybe with an automatic defense promotion?)

Possibly make having the religion = the seven as a prereq for building knights (or maybe being able to build the building for houses that use knights)?

Horse Archers as a supporting unit should still require horse resource... or possibly even replaced with an even weaker horse unit that does not use archery... (I don't recall alot of archery from horse back in the novels - perhaps for dothraki only?)

Knights/Northmen should be much more defensive than horse archers (which are auto death on defense)

couple of suggestions.. (which turned in to many more after a few days of thinking about it and editing stuff in)

while play testing my map had low numbers of knights show up... since this is pretty much a scenario about medieval war can we assume that all places have the resources for a basic horse unit?

perhaps save horses and iron to produce knights that are faster or more powerful?

Maybe have 3 or 4 versions of horse units (minimum - maybe more?)
1 10/2 Basic non-resource needing warrior on a horse
2 12/2 Basic hedgeknight - if you have gold or silver resource (or maybe a castle?)
2 14/2 Basic copper resource needing warrior on a horse (needs a house building as do the others that follow)
3 14/3 horse resource needing = fast horse
4 16/2 iron resource needing = powerful horse
5 16/3 iron and horse resource = fast/powerful horse

maybe have the lesser houses build the basic horse unit and have all the featured houses from the books build the better units when they have resources and the basic when they don't?

also - gold and silver could be optional metal sources (to buy swords or horse units - maybe call them sellsword/hedge knights?)

and second suggestion
the "house" buildings seem to be listed as world wonders... maybe have them be civ specific national wonders instead? That way they would be limited to two houses per city? (not sure if they would transfer on city change of ownership though... maybe limit the wonders to 3 per city?) <--- probably not a good idea if they would be typically placed by hand anyways... probably not worth the time to change them

edited to add an additional suggestion/inquirys to the masses for a solution...
workers seem to spam roads - not a lot of roads in this world
resources need roads to attach them for trade...

can anyone think of a way to have the improvements for the tile get you the recourse without the road? (i suppose one option would be to disallow the extra movement of the road... and maybe make the railroad into a "road" instead?)

if this can be done then we could have all workers except the ones produced at kings landing not be able to produce roads

also - a possible diplomatic victory --- turn the UN or Apostolic Palace into "the iron throne" have a non spreadable westeros "religion" that allows members to vote on a king to end the war (or maybe just use the seven religion as a proxy?)

and my last additional also... :)

corporations could equal sellsword companies :) not sure if we can get corporations to produce units but it might be worth a try

also - i made a mistake above... the mod that you posted works fine... I am currently updating my map to your mod and will post it shortly so that people can play quicker (smaller maps let you get to fighting faster). Currently testing it (stacks of doom galore - but no knights yet due to my resource allocation scheme that demands trade amongst houses).

Really enjoying the mod now... thanks for posting an early version... my map will be up shortly and it will be posted in the thread listed in my signature.

ps - special request - in your next release could you put a generic non-westerous civ in there (unique unit would be powerful spearman - unsullied)? my map is using civs from other parts of the world but i have to fake it out by putting them in as wildlings or tullys etc... i will see if i can figure out some leader traits for the other civs if you like...
I have posted my 5 king scenario that uses bigE's mod... check it out at the link in my signature and let me know what you think (i will update it again when more updates come from bigE)

a future version of this map will have tyrell and the dreadfort start off as vassals... (once i figure it out)

edit - i am continuing to play test my map and i am seeing some civs produce everyunit at maximum experience level - not sure if it is something i did in my scenario map by mistake or not... curious if anyone else is seeing this

edit 2 - FINALLY got to see some knights in action - they look great! Not sure if it is possible for each house to support only one knight (and then use generic knights for the rest of the army) - but even unlimited it still looks cool... we may need to pump up the power of horse units due to the prevalence of macemen and swordmen (the knights in my game are having a hard time against foot soldiers - i am going to update my recommendations in my previous post
hey bigE!

pm me before you do your final release - I am working on some stuff that might be useful to this mod (adjusting road movement to allow connections but no movement bonus - and using railroads to simulate "road" movement for the kings road)

also attempting to create a spreading ice feature = to simulate winter coming!

also attempting to make an "Iron Throne" Wonder/building that has to be rebuilt each time kingslanding is taken over (to create a delay before elections can take place on change of power... not sure how to make it stick to kings landing at this point though - maybe require holycity of the seven?)

might attempt to work on an "other" unit that creates duplicates of itself when it defeats the enemy
I've just tried out the mod and I love the potential there. I am a big ASoIaF fan and I'd like to contribute some to the mod. Actually, I was thinking about making a Westeros mod myself, but I found this one and I believe it's a very good starting point.

The most important thing that in my opinion needs to be changed is the technology tree, so I'm going to start with redesigning it. I will keep you informed :)
A couple of questions:
What (where, I mean which... just the most recent?) is the Big E mod mentioned in the one scenario description?

I know this is king of a dumb question, but for the life of me I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong... I have shortcuts from my desktop to load mods and normally can just copy one and adjust the target mod but for some reason this one isn't working.
Target: "C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Civ4BeyondSword.exe" mod=\A Song of Ice and Fire
Start in: "C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\"

Edit for new information: When I try to load either of the mods it says that the mod folder is mods\A Song of Ice and Fire\\ ... is the two slashes normal? How do I fix that?

I still can't figure it out... I tried also d/ling the Big E's scenario from post #63 and I can't select a nation and just up and get defeated the first turn. I'm not having any luck with this.

I guess a better question would be to ask if anyone is still working on this?
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