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A trial ballon named Condi

British PM in charge for 11 years is a..joke?

The mere fact that Cheney and Rumsfeld both thought she was less competent than themselves speaks volumes.
No, it doesn't say anything meaningful at all.

They were both notorious for being egotistical... everyone is less competent to them in their opinion.
It's an interesting pick to throw out there if you want to play identity politics. I.e. if you think the presidential race is a tic tac to match where you counteract Obama being black and his appeal to women with... *drum roll*... a black woman! Ta-da!
A University Provost is hardly any degree of experience in managing the world's largest economy.

Neither's running a private equity firm, but that hasn't stopped the Romney campaign from trying to milk that stuff.
That, in itself, sinks the ship. Heck, that would sink the Presidential ship if Romney decided to pick her.

Given the huge influence vice presidents have had over abortion policy in the past few decades, I understand your concern.
Ermm, if running private firms or universities with multi-million pound budgets isn't enough to justify running for President, what is? What job do you need to prepare? Social worker? :p
Personally, I think "Secretary of a department" is a pretty good idea.
Ermm, if running private firms or universities with multi-million pound budgets isn't enough to justify running for President, what is? What job do you need to prepare? Social worker? :p

Well. State governors haven't often proven to be good presidents. But it's much closer. Cabinet secretaries have been some of the best presidents. Senators are a mixed bag. So are vice presidents. There is no one background that can stand out and say "that's the best preparation" based on the outcome of past presidents who have had similar backgrounds. But business executive really has to be acknowledged in not bringing anything at all to the table.
Has there ever been a president who was a CEO of a firm before office?
Well, to be fair, GHW Bush had also been a business executive. But in his case, a successful one. GW was pretty much a failure as a business exec. However, both those persons then went on to government careers before becoming president. GW as governor of Texas, GHW as a Congressman, CIA Director, and then Vice President. Romney, of course, was a 1 term governor of Massachusetts. Where if he had not left on his own, may well have lost reelection had he tried for it. But Romney downplays that part of his career. He didn't actually accomplish a lot while in office, and much of what he did accomplish are things that the Republican base mistrusts him for.

Now if you go back before FDR, you get somewhat more variety of professions for people who became president. But political positions and the Army are still dominant. The Army much more so then than now. As only Eisenhower had no civilian government experience before becoming president in the postwar era.
It's an interesting pick to throw out there if you want to play identity politics. I.e. if you think the presidential race is a tic tac to match where you counteract Obama being black and his appeal to women with... *drum roll*... a black woman! Ta-da!
It is hardly the first time the Republican Party has deliberately done so. I just wonder why they decided to use someone who clearly has so many skeletons in her closet. Don't they have any other prominent women, white or black for that matter, who haven't already shown they were clearly unfit to assume the presidency?
It is hardly the first time the Republican Party has deliberately done so. I just wonder why they decided to use someone who clearly has so many skeletons in her closet. Don't they have any other prominent women, white or black for that matter, who haven't already shown they were clearly unfit to assume the presidency?
Right... because, according to you, she has no qualifications... unlike, oh, say, Obama, who really had, no qualifications.
Repubs pull the race card? Or dems do?
I'd say the dems do it way more often... hands down.
How the heck has this reached any farther? She's pro-choice, i.e. not viable in today's Republican climate. Enough said and that's that.
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