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National Wonder Elimination Thread

Circus Maximus 12
Hermitage 13
Ironworks 24
National College 40
National Epic 14
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 12

NIA is better than Hermitage for all VC's except Cultural.
Circus Maximus 12
Hermitage 13
Ironworks 24
National College 40
National Epic 14
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 12

NIA is better than Hermitage for all VC's except Cultural.
More social policies are good for any type of victory. You don't have to build the Utopia Project to benefit from all the social policy goodness.
Circus Maximus 12
Hermitage 13
Ironworks 24
National College 41 (+1)
National Epic 14
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 10 (-2)

National College FTW!
National Intelligence Agency comes too late and at too high of a cost. Having to build two late game buildings in every city is difficult.
When the city is producing 10 culture, the hermitage will only increase that to 15. That's not enough of an increase to warrant the dozen or so turns to build it.
Circus Maximus 12
Hermitage 13
Ironworks 24
National College 42 - (can't without it)
National Epic 14
Oxford University 22 - (only 1 tech)
National Intelligence Agency 10
When the city is producing 10 culture, the hermitage will only increase that to 15. That's not enough of an increase to warrant the dozen or so turns to build it.
...but if the city is producing 50 :c5culture: it will become 75 :c5culture:. If you put Hermitage in your highest :c5culture: city, it will generally be 50+ and not 10. Especially if you are running artists to maximize the benefit from Korea's UA ;)

You will almost always build Opera Houses to get :c5culture: for border expansion and social policies. You may not need to build Constabularies and Police Stations in every city.

There is also the benefit. Hermitage might mean that you get 1-2 extra social policies...or that you get the benefit from the social policies much earlier. National Intelligence Agency will prevent enemies from stealing 1-2 outdated technologies. Sure it is annoying to see that the AI has stolen Astronomy or Archaeology from your capital, but does preventing said technology theft really benefit you as much as getting the extra social policies (say +2 :) per luxury or double effect from great person tile improvements)?
Circus Maximus 12
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 24
National College 42
National Epic 14
Oxford University 22
National Intelligence Agency 8

Hermitage is a game changer when you have the Religion, The UA and the wonder itself.

NIA is just hard to put up specially when you need to make a high production cost building to have the chance to build it , with other bldgs. more important than this one
Circus Maximus 10
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 42
National Epic 14
Oxford University 22
National Intelligence Agency 8

National College seems an obvious winner, but of the rest, Ironworks is often fairly crucial. You can really pump out a lot of units quite easily once you've got that in place.

By the time you actually need Circus Maximus, it's often prohibitively costly to build. Sure, it's useful in those situations, but you need to put a lot of hammers into it.
This is all messed up. You added the Heroic Epic back in after it was eliminated only to vote it down....

Ooops sorry it was quite late :) then what is 'national epic' if not heroic epic misnamed ?

Circus Maximus 8
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 42
National Epic 14
Oxford University 22
National Intelligence Agency 9

I like the extra spy , circus sometimes helps but since I can't downvote this national epic without prior knowledge of its function :)
Circus Maximus 6
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 42
National Epic 14
Oxford University 23
National Intelligence Agency 9

CM : I will unlikely build coliseum everywhere.

OU : I will likely build universities everywhere.
Circus Maximus 6
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 42
National Epic 12
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 9

Anything that helps me produce more science...especially a free tech, is worth it to me.
I never build the national epic, so I can't really say its good if I never find a need to build it.
Circus Maximus 6
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 43
National Epic 12
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 7
Circus Maximus 4
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 43
National Epic 12
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 8

I rarely need CM even when I play on Deity.
Even though NIA requires 2 buildings to build it, it's still cheaper than Hermitage which requires 3 buildings.
Even though NIA requires 2 buildings to build it, it's still cheaper than Hermitage which requires 3 buildings.
I'm assuming cheap means gold maintenance here.

Anyways hermitage is only useful if I'm going for culture, there's no other point of making it.

Then again I also never build police stations, and constabularies are an utter waste in satellite cities since they are seldom spied upon.

Circus Maximus 4
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 44
National Epic 12
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 6

Would be funny to see NC reach as highest as possible. Aside from a wide/ics civ, who wouldn't be building any of these national wonders anyways, there's absolutely NO reason to not build it.

Kind of surprised heroic epic left earlier than maximus, but i realize I still build it more often than heroic epic.

While I have never build the NIA once. It has nice benefits but like I said, there's absolutely no reason for satellite cities to even build the constabulary, nevertheless a police station. Would be nice if they did something else.
Keep in mind, one you've built a national wonder, you can sell its prerequisite buildings.

Even though I don't play multiplayer, you can bet if I did, I'd drop spies in those satellite cities. I'm pretty sure the AI will go for one of the other cities if it has a higher potential than the capital.
Can we declare National College the winner and concentrate on the other National Wonders? I feel obliged to vote for it if it is on the list because it is the only National Wonder which is important to build ASAP in every game. The others are more interesting to discuss because different play styles require different types of focus.
Circus Maximus 5
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 44
National Epic 12
Oxford University 24
National Intelligence Agency 4

Circus Maximus - useful like luxury
National Intelligence Agency - requires a lot of buildings and give not always helpful spy
Circus Maximus 5
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 44
National Epic 12
Oxford University 25
National Intelligence Agency 2


Spies are good for cs. More than anything else.
Circus Maximus 5
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 25
National College 45 (+1)
National Epic 12
Oxford University 25
National Intelligence Agency 0 (-2)

Gonna agree NIA is kinda lackluster. You can just level up most of your spies through tech steals or stationing them in your own capital for espionage watch.

But the NC is an essential component to science boosting, maaaaaaaaybe unless you are Mayans going ICS.
Circus Maximus 3
Hermitage 14
Ironworks 26
National College 45
National Epic 12
Oxford University 25

More production is always good. Happiness isn't that hard to come by.

There's no point in even having National College in the list since it's going to take the #1 slot. That's why I haven't been voting on it. It would be far better for everyone to only vote on the others until it's down to just NC and whatever 2nd place is.
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