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Lord of the Rings Civ Pack Part 1: Rohan

Finally for The Shire, we should have Dunedain Rangers (I don't know much about them, just that they are men that protect the Shire), a tavern mabye?, and something else to do with food, happiness, or mabye some kind of hobbit UU
UA should be something to do with food or happiness.
The leader should be Samwise Gamgee
I don't know about the flag, I couldn't find any Shire/Hobbit symbols.
For cities, their are a ton of them. There's a map of the shire here: http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/The_Shire
The map on it doesn't include Buckland (I don't think) or the South Region of the Shire (or whatever you call their regions) which I think you should include as cities.
Ok well for dwarves we should have a dwarf axethrower (They were lightly armored, but still wore a helmet like all warriors; they used throwing axes, obviously), dwarf guardian (They used axes, swords, and were heavily armored) , and a building to do with mining or smithing. (couldn't think of one).
The UA should be something like '+1 production from mines and double sources of iron, gold, silver, gems, and coal.' (everything that was in middle-earth, incase I forgot anything)
The Leader should be Dain II, Ironfoot.
Flag could be the Durin's Crown (Crown with 7 stars around it, as seen on the gate to Moria)
For Cities, they settled in Belegost, The Blue Mountains, Glittering Caves, Grey Mountains, Iron Hills, Lonely Mountains, Khazad-dum, Nogrod, and Orocarni.

Here's what I had planned:
UA: Mines give 1 extra culture, production and gold. Maybe I should bump it up to 2 of each?
Leader: Dain II Ironfoot
Icon: What you said
UU: I think maybe a Hammer Thrower (used quite often though not as much as axes) which could replace a crossbowman (Dwarves were never big on archery) and have a better melee strength.
UU2: Axe Warrior/Guardian/Berserker - Powerful Longswordsman, bonus on defense (all that mithril armour)
UB: Mithril Refinery? Because one thing I forgot to mention is that I plan on adding a new luxury resource - mithril - that had been scheduled to come out with Rohan. The Refinery could replace the forge and work like it only with 2 differences:
  • It requires Mithril nearby instead of Iron
  • Instead of the production bonus for units (it would keep the extra production from mithril), it would give all units built in that city something like 15% extra strength on defense

I have the city list sorted, I'll PM it to you if you really want to see it.
For Mordor we should have an Orc Warrior, a Troll of some kind (My idea for them is to replace a catapult, but have only 1 range (if its a cave or mountain troll), or just be very hard to kill and start with Cover 2 promotion (If attack troll)), and a Nazgul.
UA should be something like 'all units 25% cheaper'
The leader should be Sauron (obviously) I can't decide if I'd like him directly or the eye better.
Flag should be the Eye (also obviously)
For cities, I have no clue (Probably just parts of Mordor).

As I did above...

Leader: Sauron (Duh)
Icon: Red Eye (Same applies)
UA: 'The Call of Mordor' -50% unhappiness from population, chance to take a barbarian
UU: Nazgul - Knight - More powerful than the knight with a 'Black Breath' promotion something like the Maori Warrior's one
UU: I actually really like the of a siege weapon Troll. It could replace a trebuchet, with higher melee combat strength (significantly higher) but only be a melee siege weapon.
UU/B: I had the idea of some kind of watch tower that replaces a Courthouse but gives a production bonus and has a lower maintenance. Also, once one of us learns how to reskin units properly, I thought we could reskin most of the early units of Mordor and Isengard, and maybe Udun and Angmar, to be Orcs. it would take a while, but it would be worth it

As for cities, I actually found a surprising number. Barad-dur will be the capital, and Minas Morgul is another obvious one
Finally for The Shire, we should have Dunedain Rangers (I don't know much about them, just that they are men that protect the Shire), a tavern mabye?, and something else to do with food, happiness, or mabye some kind of hobbit UU
UA should be something to do with food or happiness.
The leader should be Samwise Gamgee
I don't know about the flag, I couldn't find any Shire/Hobbit symbols.
For cities, their are a ton of them. There's a map of the shire here: http://lotr.wikia.com/wiki/The_Shire
The map on it doesn't include Buckland (I don't think) or the South Region of the Shire (or whatever you call their regions) which I think you should include as cities.

Leader: Sam, definitely. He was elected mayor of the Shire 6 times in a row for God's sake... (or was it 7?)
Icon: No idea. Anyone? Maybe some kind of crop or a hoe or a scythe or something...
UA: I had planned +2 food and +2 gold from plantations, and 1 extra happiness for each luxury resource (if that's even possible without DLL access)
I have the cities sorted, I've got a decent list of 25 or so
UU: I had doubts about the Dunedain Rangers until I read the LOTR wiki article about the defense of the Shire. It says '...many of the current hobbits of the Shire have grown so accustomed to this that they have forgotten their protectors altogether.' It seems as though I had as well. The only thing is that I had them planned as an Arnorian unique unit, but Arnor had an extensive military and I should have no trouble finding something else.
UB: Tavern/Inn/Pub - Replaces monastery, but is cheaper to build and requires wine or the other new resource I plan: Pipeweed. Also it will grant 2 happiness.
The third unique: I need ideas. I thought about the Shirriffs - the only official form of defense the Shire had, but again the wiki corrected me: 'The only thing that differentiated a Shirriffs from any other Hobbit was a feather they were given to wear in their hats. The Shirriffs carried no arms or armament of any sort'
Sorry to keep you reading so long, but I ought to explain a bit about the resources.

Mithril: Like Gold, only with one extra gold in the base yield. It will be improved by a mine and be rarer than even gold. It will probably use Silver's in game graphics, though I'll look into changing that.

Pipeweed: Similar to Cotton or Silk in terms of yield. Improved by a plantation. Reasonably common. I'll post the yields later for both these resources.
Ok I like pretty much everything you said, just a few things:
If mithril is going to be rare, I think the Mithril Refinery should be much better.
For Mordor, I think they should have some bonus to building units, whether it be via UA or UB.
For Sauron, we still haven't decided if it should be the ACTUAL Sauron, or the eye.
And for the troll, I think it should replace a catapult simply because Mordor had a lot of trebuchets.
For the Shire, the UA should be possible because there is already a social policy that adds 1 happiness per luxury.
And another idea for the symbol, mabye one of there houses in the hill (don't know what those are called either)
I think the Tavern (or whatever we're gonna call it) should require wine, give +2 happiness, as well as +1 for pipeweed (or per source if possible).
I have no clue for the 3rd UU/B, I'll look into it later.
Is Mithril going to be a strategic or a luxury resource?
And last but not least, while we're adding resources, why not add corn?
I checked that out, and none of the units really look like LoTR units, I figured our best bet was to convert civ 4 LoTR units, but there aren't that many of those either (except mabye in the Arda mod).
Mordor ideas...




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It looks fantastic!

Just 3 things:
-The leader icon for Sauron looks kinda weird, and we might change the leader to the eye, but for now he's good. Just mabye not an open mask.
-We might change the Hobbits second UU, but for now thats good too. I like the civ icon :D
-I LOVE the dwarven one, except I (and TheLittleOne) wanted the civ icon to be Durin's Crown, as seen here: http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Durin's_Crown It's the crown surround by the 7 stars in the picture. The axe does look REALLY good though, I just want to see if Durin's Crown looks better.

And one more thing, I like how you made the leaders icons go out of the circle. Just for consistency, could you do the same for the other 3?
EDIT: I just saw you already did it to Sauroman so could you do it to Aragorn and Theoden?
If mithril is going to be rare, I think the Mithril Refinery should be much better.
For Mordor, I think they should have some bonus to building units, whether it be via UA or UB.
For Sauron, we still haven't decided if it should be the ACTUAL Sauron, or the eye.
And for the troll, I think it should replace a catapult simply because Mordor had a lot of trebuchets.
For the Shire, the UA should be possible because there is already a social policy that adds 1 happiness per luxury.
And another idea for the symbol, mabye one of there houses in the hill (don't know what those are called either)
I think the Tavern (or whatever we're gonna call it) should require wine, give +2 happiness, as well as +1 for pipeweed (or per source if possible).
I have no clue for the 3rd UU/B, I'll look into it later.
Is Mithril going to be a strategic or a luxury resource?
And last but not least, while we're adding resources, why not add corn?

1. Change it to something like +4 production per mithril then? Or +3 production and +15% when building land units
2. It might surprise you to know that you can't make it so that units are cheaper. I could make them cheaper in the capital by giving them a free building that you couldn't build anywhere else and had that ability
3. I think actual Sauron, although it would have been cool opening the diplo screen and being greeted by a huge fiery eye
4. I think Trolls are just too powerful to be on the level of catapults
5. I don't think it is, I can't see any tags in CIV5_Traits that would do it
6. Semprini just made a good icon so that's fine
7. If it needed wine, it would be too hard to build to be useful
8. The Hobbitry-in-arms looks god
9. Luxury
10. As a bonus resource like wheat or bananas? Yeah, good idea
I checked that out, and none of the units really look like LoTR units, I figured our best bet was to convert civ 4 LoTR units, but there aren't that many of those either (except mabye in the Arda mod).

There are LOADS of nif files in the archive of the Arda mod. They need cleaning up but they should work fine and look good
For the hobbits, are you sure you wanna do the dunedain? They were men of Gondorian stock, not hobbits, and patrolled the area's just outside the hobbits borders, not actually inside them.

Granted, I don't know what they'd be replaced by, but I feel like the hobbits should be a civ that is made to avoid war as much as possible (as they were in the books), so a cheep military unit (like the hobbitry in arms) is useful, but maybe an uber worker would work instead, since the hobbits are so in-tune with the earth, if you will. Or a UI similar to terrence farms, that gives bonuses since the hobbits were such good farmers. It just seems weird for a civilization so anti-war to have a unit that was made for it.
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